
Star Wars: Sex Stories

A bunch of short sex stories set in the star wars universe. (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) Chapters release once a week Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review. let me know if there are any specific smut stories you might want in the review.

Mad_man13 · Película
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70 Chs

Spaceport Whore: Chapter 5 - Epilogue

Borsk Fey'lya paused the hologram projector, taken the night before from a secret camera - ostensibly a legal necessity to record proceedings in case of a malpractice claim - within one of the new Coruscant Health Administration mobile medifloaters. He leaned back in his chair, raising a finger to his golden-furred chin.


So, his suspicions, slowly developed over the past years, had finally born fruit. As he knew they would, if given enough time. He was a master of figuring out a sentient's tells, no matter what species or age or gender. Mon Mothma's was her subtle, overriding maternalism, the cloaked authoritarianism that she so deeply struggled to keep suppressed. Ackbar's was his quiet loathing of civilian authority despite all the Republic stood for. And Leia's...well, he had just seen what her deepest personality flaw was.

A lesser politician would be tempted to use this information right away, to bring it directly to Leia's attentions for the purposed of immediate blackmail. And that was precisely why they would be a lesser politician. It had taken years for Borsk to slowly uncover Leia's secret. He could wait decades more to use it. It was all about the exact right timing. A reveal now could only hurt him in the long run; there was nothing he needed to gain at the moment, and time after revelation would only dull its impact and give her time to overcome it. And with no immediate elections Leia would be facing, there was no chance it could cause a permanent public backlash that would stick.

No, Borsk reflected, he would wait. He had been in the cold this long, and it was time to go back out into it - until his own run for higher office, or a potential council coup by Leia against him, or even more vitally, some political development he couldn't even foresee at the moment. For the moment, he would pull his surveillance of Leia away completely, and allow her to lose any suspicions of discovery if she had, in fact, developed them. He would continue to conventionally maneuver against the Leia-Ackbar council faction in the way that he was so successfully exploiting at the present. And he would wait.

For, if there was anyone who was a master of the long game, it was Borsk Fey'lya.

But for the moment...For the moment, he set the hologram to play from the start, and once more relaxed in his office, watching the slutty antics of a common Coruscant street whore named Viqi.


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