A man in transmigrated into the Senator Thalron Veridian. While simultaneously being the King of Thyferra. Watch as he fights for his homeplanet and form factions in the Senate, while at the same time preparing for the Clone Wars.
The Sullust System, above Sullust
The gravity shifted as Cronau Radiation was released throughout the entire system, notifying every Military-grade sensor of the massive incoming fleet.
In a defense position above the factory planet of Sullust, there were multiple ships.
The Formation above the planet was formed into 3 Lines, the 3 lines were noticeable from the surface but specifics could not be seen.
The 3rd line, or the one closest to the planet consisted of 15 Carrack-Class Light Cruiser, 10 CR90 Corvettes and 30 DP20 Corellian Gunships.
The second line held a lot more weight and power, a line of 30 Munificents and 5 Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruisers.
The second line was formed into two levels, 15 Munificent-Class Star Frigates on the bottom, and 15 Munificent's on the top.
In the middle, there was also a sub-formation of Dreadnaughts, 3 in the first level and 2 in the second level above the first.
They have slightly bent the line coming into a ')' sidewards, as in a way to surround the jump point.
Meanwhile, the 1st Line was the one with the heaviest weight.
It comprises of two different ships.
Lucrehulk-Class Core Battleships and
Providence-Class Dreadnaught.
These two were the heaviest Battleships in the Confederacy of Independent Systems, both in weight and blaster output.
This formation was more standard, forming a straight line.
The 2 levels of the previous 2nd Attack Line was spread enough for all of the ships to be able to ship in between the levels.
Which the CIS Leadership had done, forming their 1st Line a bit forward but undoubtedly between the 2nd Line.
The 2 Providence-Class Battleships were precisely in between the Dreadnaughts.
While the Lucrehulks were split into two units of 6 Lucrehulks, each unit was placed on either side of the Providence.
The dual of Providence-Class Battleships were put slightly in front of the Lucrehulks.
Straight Infront of the CIS Defensive Formation, the newly arrived opponent fleet had initiated a formation.
Focusing on the 2 Imperators and 4 Valiant's the enemy fleet formed up with them in the forward Heavy Line.
However, the Heavy Line was supported by a small sub-heavy line.
Not quite the second line but not enough to fully compare to the opposite Heavy Line of the CIS.
This includes 8 Gladiator-Class Star Destroyers, they would be officially a part of the Heavy Line but they worked to support the Heavy Line.
Following that was the 2nd Line, or Attack Line.
This line was composed of predominantly of the Carrack-Class Light Cruiser, an entire 50 of them spread out.
The ship possessing most firepower was the Munificent-Class Star Frigate, which numbered 5.
Additionally, the Second Line also includes the Republic used Acclamator-Class Assault Ships, 12 of them in total.
They possessed good firepower, but still less than the Munificent.
Lastly, there were also 20 Cumulus-Class Corvettes.
The 3rd support line included 2 massive Lucrehulks-Class Battleships as a focused trooper and Starfighter carriers.
The Starfighters were supported by 40 DP20 Corellian Gunships.
Furthermore, 15 CR-90 Corvette's were spread throughout the line.
The remaining 25 Carrack-Class Light Frigates were also found there.
The formation of the Veridian Fleet was equally standard as the CIS counterpart.
2 Imperator-Class Star Destroyers formed the middle of the formation and also formed up at the point of the formation.
Supported by 4 Valiant-Class Star Destroyers, one on either side of the Imperators, slightly behind the Imperators.
The 8 Gladiators were formed behind the Valiant's.
With 2 of them in the escort position of each of the 4 Valiants.
Elevated slightly behind and slightly above the Valiant's.
Being on each side of the Valiant Bridges the Gladiators loomed under the protection of the Valiant, slightly covered but all the weapons unhindered.
The second line meanwhile was formed upon the wing of the Valiant's.
The 12 Acclamators spread into two units of 6, each put on the sides of the Valiant Wings.
They continued the formation in a perfect line, forming on the sides of each Valiant Wing.
For anyone not military trained they would look to be beside each other.
The 5 Munificents were formed behind the Imperator-Class Star Destroyers.
They too formed a small wing, looming over the bridges of the Imperator but on line with the furthest forward Acclamator.
Lastly, the 20 Cumulus-Class Corvettes were formed in a line under the 2nd formation, being almost completely hidden by the 1st Heavy Wedge and the 2nd Attack Line continued wedge.
Meanwhile, the 50 Carracks were formed around the ships.
The Carracks were also spread into two units, the Acclamator Assigned and the Munificent Assigned.
The Acclamators got 36 Carracks assigned to them, 3 for each.
Meanwhile, the Munificent's got 14.
The Carracks placement was distributed upon the command of the chief Acclamator but the most repeated formation included 1 Carrack on the port side and one on the Starboard side.
And another formed either underneath on the Ventral side or above the Acclamator.
Meanwhile, the Munificents had 3 assigned to each, the general formation was the precise same as the Acclamators.
But the furthermost Munificent only got 2, who were placed on Starboard and Port sides.
Then the Lucrehulks were formed directly on line with the 2 Imperators, behind them and completely shielded from enemy fighters.
The DP20s, Carracks, and CR-90's were spread around them, not specifically in any formation but upon the discretion of the independent Captain of each ship.
And with that, a battle between the two opposite fleets began.
Onboard the 'Invincible', flagship of the 1st Veridian Fleet, Bridge.
I found myself upon the HoloPod of the Bridge again.
Trench stood at the front, looking out the window and dishing out commands left and right.
I had given Trench command of this Battle.
I knew it wouldn't quite work out if I would be going around nitpicking on every Battle.
Sometimes it was best to leave it to the Admirals.
The Bombers were already released and I could the see the miniature figures of the Clone Bomber Squadrons, each squadron representing one small figure.
I also saw the H6 Bomber Squadrons.
All hangars were cleared and the pilots had already entered their ships.
Admiral Dua Ningo.
A competent Admiral, but Trench was smarter.
Trench main skills lied in his capability to multi-function.
His 6 arms and 8 eyes, living with him in his entire life allowed him to multi-task a lot more efficiently.
Thus his brain could run through different scenarios while commanding the Battle.
He could pinpoint the best decision of each ship while thinking of the general battle.
Which was also why he had 8 communicators officers serving Admiral Trench at the bridge.
As we approached the Lucrehulks they launched their fighters.
"Trench, their precise launch force number 7200, a total force of 500 Vulture Squadrons, 3 Fighter Fleets." I told him, looking at the precise numbers.
This was also one of the bonuses of the Immobilizer 418 Cruiser.
A single Fighter Fleet included 200 Squadrons or 2 400 individual fighters. They launched 3 of them.
Our total number came out to 273 Squadrons, excluding the bomber ones. But this was both Veridian and Clone Fighters.
To be more precise, 1 Fighter Fleet, one Attack Wedge, and 2 Wings.
A single Attack Wedge included a standard of 62 Squadrons or 744 Fighters, but could be more.
Each Wing composed of 6 Squadrons or 72 Fighters, a sizeable attack in it's own sense.
"Tsk tsk tsk, launch both of the Clone Attack Wedges, including Plo Koon and Anakin Skywalker, tsk tsk tsk." Trench told a communications officer.
"Order them to defend the main cruiser, no attacks are to be tsk tsk launched." He told a second.
"Form the tsk tsk DP20 Gunships right behind the Heavy Line, order them to take cover until we tsk tsk need it." He told a third.
"Order VSD-1 through 4 to open fire on the Lucrehulks." He told a fourth.
"Order 'The Resilience' to focus fire on the 2 Lucrehulks in closest proximity to the Providences" Trench told a fifth. Talking about the second ISD.
"Gunners, open fire on Providence-Class Dreadnaught at in sector 11.02.-12" He told the gunners in the pits of the bridge.
"Order the Gladiators to focus fire on the Dreadnaughts of the CIS Defense Fleets." He told a sixth communications officer.
"Munificent 1 through 4 are to focus their Class-2 Heavy Turbolasers upon the Lucrehulks, have the medium and light laser and turbolasers focus on starfighers." Trench told the seventh communications officer.
That's when the 1st one returned.
"Munificent 05 is to focus ion cannons upon Providence in sector 11.02.-01" He told him.
He ordered fire upon the Providence currently not receiving primary fire from the Imperator-Class Star Destroyer 'Invincible'
"Order the Acclamators to launch a wave of Assault Concussion Missiles upon Munificent 1 through 12 on the upper level of the second CIS line." Trench said.
Each of the Acclamators had 4 Heavy Launch Tubes, the Assault Concussion Missiles were missiles designed to be used in ship to ship combat. The 4 of them would deal heavy damage to the Munificent's shields.
"Additionally, order the Acclamators to pick their designed targets and focus on them until ordered otherwise." Trench shouted at the communications officer already working on the first order.
He nodded and Trench turned back to the battle.
The 3rd had now returned.
"Order the Cumulus-Class Corsairs to levitate up to upper position of 15.02.30. Order focus fire of the 14 ventral laser cannons towards the Starfighters. " Trench told him.
The current highest ship laid on sector 13, meaning the Cumulus cruisers were to levitate slightly above them and angle their ventral hull to face the incoming fighter swarm.
They would then use their manually manned light laser turrets to aim upon the fighter wave.
The Light Laser Turrets provided little damage, but had one of the best speeds on a laser.
Although the power output would be lower, the unshielded Vultures would not last a single shot from them.
And like that Trench continued to manually change every small part of the battle field, his mind running a thousand thoughts per second.
Admiral Dua on the other hand had maintained a still position.
A few of his Munificent moved forward or backwards depending on their level of damage, but otherwise remained still.
The Acclamator Missile Wave of 48 did quite well, with 34 of them hitting due to the Clones immaculate training. Only severely experienced veteran gunners, whom have experienced war could match the non-veteran gunners of the Clones.
Their genetic modifying to make them learn faster and easier was truly a life-hack, and I could not reproduce it.
Unless I began modifying my gunners as well, that might be something to look at.
After all the Death Troopers became undefeated in 1v1 unless faced with a Jedi or a natural beast, although they did loose their ability to speak basic.
But most Admirals and Officers getting Death Troopers assigned to them knew how to talk to them.
Don't know if it was a speech method designed and learnt by Empire high command only or the result of the downsides of genetic modifying, but if they lost their basic then no thank you.
And I never saw someone other than Death Troopers speak that language so others could likely not speak it, perhaps a designed flaw or a undesigned flaw.
Either way, like this the battle ensued.
The Clones, under the leadership of Plo Koon and Anakin in the field, and supported by Obi-Wan Kenobi on the ISD 'Resilience' held on quite well, the current odds were 1 clone for every 3 Vulture.
But I knew this was only the starting wave, all the clones and Trench knew that as well.
But the Clones were clearly winning, and they had reinforcements available, so it would work out.
Meanwhile, after 8 minutes no ships had been lost on our side.
2 Munificent's had been shot down but similarly 1 Gladiator was forced to retreat due to its shield breaking and ion cannons hitting them.
But we were slowly winning, and everyone knew it.
i = e on (patrion)
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