A man in transmigrated into the Senator Thalron Veridian. While simultaneously being the King of Thyferra. Watch as he fights for his homeplanet and form factions in the Senate, while at the same time preparing for the Clone Wars.
Now, the past 2 days our fleet had completely destroyed any Separatist Opposition.
Additionally to that Enarc had already joined the Veridian Monarchy or whatever I'm going to call it.
There were close to zero reasons for one to not join after openly siding with the Separatist and then getting defeated.
The Republic Senate would not give them a break anytime soon, the Senate was noticeably angry at the Confederacy of Independent Systems deserters.
Even in the General Senate, where all was equal, the Separatist Senators were put even beneath them.
Usually the only difference would be two parts.
The Core and the General.
All had Planets and Worlds of different importance but they had one vote and the only difference was their station within the factions.
The same could be said for the General.
But here there were thousands upon thousands of Senators, there were always a bigger fish in the pond and the Factions regarded all planets as equal.
Unless you led a party then you were not above anyone else.
In the Core the lower numbers allowed those with remarkable influence to buy or continue other Core Senators.
But in the General, few would bother spending influence to convince one planet.
And as such, the Separatist Planets had few choices, join Mandalore's Neutrual Party and gain solace in those 2000 members but get even more insulted and looked down-upon by the rest.
Or you could gain an equal station by putting yourself underneath another strong planet.
And there were multiple Kingdoms, even Empires in the Senate, they had planets with their own governance under them.
Mandalore has the large Mandalorian sector with multiple governered planets.
The way it worked was that any planet underneath another would get a position in the Senate as a 'Representative'
And Senators with multiple roles also got a 'Representative' added to them, such as what happened with me.
And a Representative of a leader in a Core Faction, would gain an undoubtably large amount of status.
Even elevating that of Faction Leaders in the General Senate.
The current members of the Veridian House was:
Abregado Rae
Kitel Phard
These were all the current ones, and my plan was the announce the Veridian Kingdoms creation after we take Sullust.
Of course, Thyferra would serve as it's capital, with me as King and potentially Padme as Queen.
We had a total of 23 planets, including Thyferra.
The current ranks distributed to the different planets would be as follows.
Foless - Grand Duke
Fondor - Grand Duke
Wroona - Duke
Yag'Dhul - Duke
Giju - Marquiss
Andara - Marquiss
Bestine - Count
Harrin - Count
Teyr - Count
Enarc - Count
Talaan - Viscount
Kiffu - Viscount
Kiffex - Viscount
Kitel Phard - Viscount
Protobranch - Viscount
Ghorman - Baron
Koorivar - Baron
Abregado Rae - Baron
Botor - Baron
Bardotta- Baron
Deymasoll - Baron
Sanrafsix - Baron
Each world would be able to appoint one Lord to hold said position or I may.
Additionally, although these planets were given a uncertain rank upon arrival, following this every single new arrival would be given one starter rank.
One would then have to work their way up the ranks, and the ways of doing it was as following.
- Creating multiple large talents or one immense one. This could vary from scientific talents, to Military, to Shipbuilding.
- Donating large Military manpower to the Veridian Armies.
- Long-lasting loyalty and devotion shown towards the Veridian Monarchy and Kingdom.
- Noteworthy actions to support the Veridian Kingdom.
These were created for the Veridian Kingdom to grow from these aspiring planets.
The goal of any of those planets would be to strive through the ranks.
The high up in the ranks you got, the more focus and support you got.
One example of this was Fondor.
Over 70% of their yearly revenue came from the Fondor Shipyards.
A buisness made possible entirely due to the contributions of House Veridian and Veridian Corporations.
Over 93% of all their ships contracts come from House Veridian.
They built massive warships for the Veridian Fleets, in fact almost the entirety of their ships came from Fondor.
Including the civillian transports used by the Veridian Corporations to transport Medical Goods and individuals.
The Fondor Shipyards were not on par with legendary shipyards such as Kuat Drive Yards, Sienar, Corellian Engineers and Sienar Fleet Systems.
This was the devestating potential that we could give any planet or company receiving our power.
This was the true power I held, not the power to destroy opponents with my Military Might.
Not the power to cripple a side of any side by refusing them medical supplies.
Not the power to change any Senate Votes.
But the power to create something legendary, within a few years.
To make a seemingly normal planet, gigantic.
Fondor was just an example of what I could do. I could do the precise same with any other planet.
I could make Foless a grand trade hub, competing with the likes of the Trade Federation.
I had trillions of credits to loan out, I could create a Bank, head it in the most desolate planet I could find, and it would still gain immense political power, simply by holding the Bank on it's surface.
I could make any world a major production line for my Medical Supplies.
I could fund the creation of millions of factories, their workers and leaders.
Just the potential open work areas I could create by opening a few factories and shops would be enough for any planet to want to rise through the ranks.
Although, sure the 3 powers I held that was not my 'true power' was extremely important.
This was what allowed me to safely expand my Kingdom and keep it standing.
No planets, and only a few Organisations would dare engage me in open combat, the only ones being counted on one hand.
The Republic, Confederacy of Independsnt Systems, The Trade Federation, and the Core Corporations Alliance.
And perhaps a few mercenary forces, but few would still take the job. And if they did they would need major support.
Now, Rush Clovis had yet to create the headquarters of Veridian Weapons Company.
I could either make it apart of the Veridian Corporation and name it Veridian something.
Or I could still keep it within the 'Veridian Corporations' but station it on a planet, let them run it free and keep majority of their contracts with us.
Money is not something I lack, and I will without a doubt spend a lot of it on the Kingdom under creation.
And not personally owning a Company but still retaining major percentage in shares and reduction of prices.
And in return said planet would be immensely loyal, it could create a major trade hub and further improve our political and economical standing.
Foless would likely be my choice, it was a major trade hub already.
Situated on the connection of 3 Hyperlanes, including one major and two minor.
Additionally the two minor hyperlanes lead to 2 different major ones.
Being a connection between 3 Major Hyperlanes, 1 directly and 2 indirectly.
But, I would decide later.
And with that I turned to the object Infront of me.
A map projector.
I was situated within my personal office onboard The 'Invincible' the flagship of the 1st Attack Fleet.
Infront of me was the planet of Sullust and it's following garrison.
The Seperatist Defense was mounted by Admiral Dua Ningo.
The Defense was mounted into to two factions.
The Sullust Home Defense Guard and the Separatist Fleet.
The Sullust Home Defense Gues or SHDG included 5 Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser, 15 Carrack-Class Light Frigates, 10 CR90 Frigates and 30 DP20 Gunships.
Meanwhile the Separatist Fleet consisted of 2 Providence-Class Dreadnaught, 12 Lucrehulk-Class Battleships and 30 Munificent-Class Star Frigates.
A significant fleet.
The Separatist Fleet actually provided a dangerous enemy to face, and with an actual Admiral to defend it could end badly.
In total the fleet numbered;
2 Providence-Class Dreadnaughts.
12 Lucrehulk-Class Battleships
5 Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruisers
30 Munificent-Class Star Frigates.
15 Carrack-Class Light Frigate
10 CR90 Corvettes
30 DP20 Gunships.
Meanwhile the only ally we had was the Judicial Outer-Rim Fleet.
Which consisted of
15 Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruisers.
12 Arquitens-class Light Cruisers.
15 Modified Consular Class Cruisers for warfare.
20 CR90 Corvettes.
Their fleet could likely contest with the Sullust Defense Fleet Guard and 5 Munificent-Class Star Frigates.
Perhaps more.
After looking at the map for a bit I headed out and towards the War Council.
Another problem with Sullust was SoroSuub.
They were a corporation owned by the Commerce Guilds and they had headquarters at Sullust.
They controlled significant parts of the Sullust Government.
I'd need to forcefully expel the SoroSuub Employees and leaders, perhaps use their factories to create my own armory corporation.
Might be something to consider.
As I arrived I found everyone inside.
Admiral Trench, Commander Pellaeon, High General Plo Koon, General Kenobi and Commander Skywalker.
"Alright, let's begin." I said as I sat down at the head of the table.
I pressed a few buttons on a console connected to the table and a map of Sullust appeared.
"Tsk tsk tsk, a sizeable fleet, they have gathered. Tsk tsk tsk." Trench said.
Honestly I'm shocked Yularen managed to work with him to save me, especially as he destroyed him in the Battle of Malastare Narrows, but it seems they have grown a relationship of respect and rivalry.
"Indeed, and they have a fleet of beings as well." Plo Koon said.
"Tsk tsk tsk, my advice is to form the tsk tsk usual formation. And tsk tsk, take advantage of any openings." Trench said, it was a strong choice.
If we would think in straight up duels then it would go similarity for us to win.
1 Imperator - 2 Providence-Class Dreadnaughts
1 Imperator - 5 Lucrehulk-Class Battleships
1 Valiant - 3 Lucrehulks x 2 = 6.
1 Valiant - 9 Munificent's x 2 = 18.
8 Gladiators plus 25 Carracks - 12 Munificent's.
5 Munificent's - 5 Dreadnaughts
Then the remaining 12 Acclamators could easily take the rest, and then the Lucrehulk and Carracks won't need to fight.
But this was in simple power output, strategies, failures, luck, all these could factor in those duels.
Perhaps a Imperator will loose against 2 Providences. Or a Imperator can't take 5 Lucrehulks.
Or perhaps Admiral Dao sends all his fighters to one side or our fighters loose against his.
"Hmm, I and Padawan Skywalker shall join the Starfighter Battle, General Kenobi shall remain for any boarding actions from both sides or assistance." Plo Koon said, as the Jedi in charge.
"Sounds good, you two shall lead the Clone Fighters, Fenn Rao from our sides will lead the elite Royal Wing, specifically the Red Squadron." I told them and they nodded.
"We'll keep our bombers back, they'd be better off kept for later, unless a major opening shows itself, and we'll always have bomber squadrons out of the hangars but waiting back in the Second or Third Lines." I spoke again.
"Tsk tsk tsk, sounds good. They shall fear our grand fleet." Trench said with a smile, a bit creepy not gonna lie.
"And it will be my greatest meal." He said, and with that I was officially freaked out. Like what the fuck.
i = e on (patrion)
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