
Spiritual Contract: The Path of Alder and Eon

In a world where magic and technology intertwine, humans live in symbiosis with mystical spirits, establishing contracts that define the course of their lives. This universe, governed by both ancient magical traditions and contemporary innovations, is a place of endless possibilities and formidable challenges. Alder Halloran, a young man marked by doubt and uncertainty, receives a mysterious badge that propels him toward an unknown destiny. Accompanied by Eón, an enigmatic spirit with his own agenda, Alder must navigate through a world where the boundaries between the spiritual and the human blur, facing challenges that test his courage and his ability to change his own fate. As he explores the most remote corners of this vibrant and complex world, Alder discovers that each choice has profound resonances, both for himself and for the countless beings that populate this place full of magic and mystery.

DreamTech · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Specialty classes part 1

Alder's first week at Gryphon Academy passed with deceptive calm. Although classes officially started on Tuesday, Alder enjoyed free afternoons during the first week, as specialized department classes would not begin until the following week. However, this did not mean downtime for him; Alder was often found in the building of the Department of Runic Studies, closely collaborating with Oliver on drafting a scientific article.

Alder soon discovered that writing an article under the supervision of someone as meticulous and demanding as Oliver was no easy task. The initial drafts were discarded one after another, forcing him to start over repeatedly. The situation reached such a point that Alder had to spend the entire weekend locked in the workshop, immersed among mountains of books and notes. Even Eón, his spirit companion, actively intervened in the process; his ability to read and transmit information directly to Alder's mind was a resource they seldom used, but now it became indispensable for making progress in the writing of the document.

Meanwhile, life at the academy did not stop. The peculiarity of a first-year student carrying a bright badge, like the one Oliver had awarded to Alder, did not go unnoticed. Rumors about this unusual fact spread quickly, fueling curiosities and whispers among the hallways and rooms of the academy. Additionally, the competition among departments and clubs to recruit new students intensified each day. However, Alder remained oblivious to these movements, focused solely on his work within the isolated workshop of Oliver.

Monday of the second week marked a new beginning for Alder, who was woken from his sleep by Eón's improvised alarm clock. The bags under his eyes were testament to the long nights spent working on the scientific article, but aware of the importance of not being late, he hurried to get ready and leave. The guards at the workshop, now familiar with his constant presence, greeted him with respect; Alder responded with equal courtesy before heading to his classes.

Fortunately, he arrived at the classroom a few minutes before the class started and quickly took his seat. His entrance did not go unnoticed by his classmates, especially Lucas, who sat next to him. "Hello, Alder. I see your fame hasn't diminished since the first week of classes," Lucas joked with a laugh. During the first week, Alder and Lucas had developed a friendship; although Alder was reserved, he found Lucas to be pleasant and easy to get along with.

"Well, I'm not exactly fond of the attention," Alder replied ironically.

"Come on, man, having a bright badge in the first year isn't common. Enjoy the fame," Lucas replied, encouraging him.

During that first week, Alder had learned more about the badge system at the academy. There were two main types: golden and bright. Golden badges were awarded annually by departments to promising students, a sign that those students were being reserved by a specific department. Generally, they were given before the start of classes, and each department could only issue two per year.

Bright badges, on the other hand, were even more exclusive. Each department could only assign one, and it could not be transferred to another student unless its bearer graduated or was stripped of it. Normally, second-year students received these bright badges after third-year students graduated, meaning the bearers were primarily second and third-year students.

The surprise of a first-year student like Alder carrying a bright badge was not only unusual but had also aroused curiosity among students and teachers. Since Oliver had taken over the leadership of the Department of Runic Research, no one had received the bright badge from that department. This led many to wonder what Oliver had seen in Alder to award him such significant recognition so soon. This situation placed Alder under an unwanted spotlight.

As Alder and Lucas exchanged comments about fame and badges, Professor Carter entered the classroom with a radiant smile. Clearly excited, she addressed the students with an energetic tone.

"Very well, I hope you enjoyed the first week of classes," she began, scanning the room full of expectant students. "You might consider it a sort of mini-vacation, because from today, the real classes begin."

She paused to ensure she had everyone's attention before continuing. "Today, we'll start with a bit of history," announced Professor Carter, eliciting a mix of reactions from the students. Some showed enthusiasm while others resigned themselves to the idea of a theoretical lesson. However, the professor's energy seemed sufficient to capture the interest of most.

She paused to ensure she had everyone's attention before continuing. "Today, we'll start with a bit of history," Professor Carter announced, eliciting a mix of reactions from the students. Some showed enthusiasm while others resigned themselves to the idea of a theoretical lesson. However, the professor's energy seemed enough to captivate most.

"As you know, the history of this world goes back hundreds of millions of years, but that's not important for today's class. We'll focus on the more recent history, mainly on the appearance of dimensional rifts, a phenomenon that emerged over 200 years ago. Although we don't know exactly why they appeared, it's theorized that it was due to nuclear weapon tests after the great war. The energy released during these tests weakened what scientists call the dimensional mantle."

Professor Carter walked around the classroom, gesturing to emphasize her points. "This weakness in the mantle allowed ether, a form of pure and chaotic energy, to enter our world, tearing through the dimensional mantle and connecting us with a new plane known as Altera. This plane is a beautiful and wonderful land, full of resources and that connects hundreds of worlds. However, it is also home to the creatures we know as chaos beasts."

Some students leaned forward, captivated by the narrative, while others exchanged worried glances at the mention of the beasts.

"We won't go into much detail about these beasts in this class, but it's important to know that these life forms are extremely dangerous and were responsible for the chaos experienced on Earth in the past. These creatures invaded our planet, destroying everything in their path and consuming all forms of life, including humans. The human weaponry at that time served only to partially contain them. Had it not been for the discovery that the weakness in the dimensional mantle not only connected us to Altera but also to the spiritual plane, humanity would not exist today."

The intensity of the explanation filled the room with a reflective silence.

"Thanks to that connection with the spiritual plane, humanity was able to gain enough strength to halt the advance of the chaos beasts. Although, unfortunately, we had to pay a great price: the war not only changed the geography of the planet but also forced us to sacrifice one of the two continents that were still standing. Thus was born the continent known as Gaiandor where the Federation currently resides, and the dark continent, which holds these creatures captive and to this day is under strict surveillance by the Federation."

After a lengthy morning covering everything from history to advanced mathematics and sciences, the class finally concluded. Lucas, always attentive, tapped Alder on the shoulder as they gathered their things. "Man, you look exhausted. I've heard around that you lock yourself up in Oliver's workshop until late. That guy sure knows how to squeeze his students," he commented with a mix of humor and concern.

Alder let out a tired laugh, rubbing his eyes. "Yes, it's been an intense week. Oliver gives no respite when it comes to his research."

Once outside the classroom, the two friends decided to head to the cafeteria. It was a vast space that offered a variety of foods to satisfy any palate. After serving themselves a hearty lunch, they began to chat more relaxedly while eating.

Lucas, chewing a mouthful of his sandwich, asked curiously: "So, have you decided which department you want to join?" Alder shook his head, still thoughtful. "The truth is, I'm still not sure. I've been so busy with the workshop that I've barely had time to think about it."

Lucas smiled, encouraging him. "Don't worry, many are in your same situation. In fact, it's common for students to attend the first classes of all departments before deciding. These days, each department presents its classes once a day. After these two introductory weeks, everyone chooses their path. Why don't you do the same? We could go to classes together."

Alder nodded, comforted by the suggestion. "That sounds like a good strategy. Which department are we due for today?"

Lucas laughed, patting him friendly on the back. "Today it's Runic Research, man. Don't tell me that with all the time you spend there, you didn't know?"

Alder blushed slightly, embarrassed by his oversight. "I guess I've been too caught up in the workshop to notice." They both laughed and, after finishing their meal, prepared to attend the next class. Oliver had given them two weeks off to explore other areas, but that meant Alder would have to make up for lost time by working during weekends and some nights. However, the opportunity to explore and learn in such a rich and diverse environment was something he couldn't pass up.

Alder and Lucas made their way to the runic research department, a spacious place but, despite its size, was almost filled to capacity. The students formed a long line that moved slowly, evidencing the popularity of this inaugural class. After what felt like an eternity, they managed to enter the auditorium, an impressive space that could comfortably accommodate hundreds of students.

Once the doors were closed, Alder and Lucas found seats near the center, just in time to see the professor at the podium. It was the same young professor Alder had seen on his first day. He introduced himself with a confident smile, "Good afternoon everyone, I am Professor Nathaniel Lynwood, specialized in runes and their application in defending against chaos beasts."

Lucas leaned towards Alder and whispered, "It's surprising you don't know him, Alder. Professor Lynwood is kind of a celebrity here. Besides being a genius at what he does, he's known for his companion spirit, a royal eagle named Soren. He's one of the few royal spirits at the academy."

Professor Lynwood continued, "Today, along with my second and third-year assistants, I want to give you an overview of what runic research means and its crucial importance to our society. Although it may sometimes seem like a tedious and meticulous field of study, it is essential for our survival and progress."

"Ether, as you know, is vital for maintaining our spirits and, by extension, our safety. However, its influence is a double-edged sword; in high concentrations, it can interfere with our technology and, of course, there's the constant threat of chaos beasts, whose mere presence can disable our most advanced devices."

The auditorium listened attentively, some nodding while others frantically took notes.

"This is where runes come into play," explained Lynwood, gesturing enthusiastically. "They provide an alternative, a means to forge new defenses and tools that do not rely solely on ether. Although we have made progress, we are still lagging behind the capabilities we could achieve."

He concluded his introduction with a passionate call, "I invite all of you, the future pillars of our society, to dive into this field. Learn, innovate, and eventually lead in expanding our runic defenses. This is not just education; it's a mission to secure our future in a world that continues to challenge us."

As Professor Lynwood continued to break down the principles of runes and his assistants conducted practical demonstrations, the atmosphere in the classroom charged with energy and expectation. The runes lit up and fluctuated, generating various effects that captured the attention of most students. However, for Alder, who was already familiar with many of these concepts and weighed down by accumulated fatigue, the lecture hall became a soporific place.

His eyelids grew heavier with each passing minute, and Professor Lynwood's words turned into a distant hum, barely audible over the murmur of his own exhaustion. Gradually, Alder's head began to tilt forward until finally, his forehead found an involuntary rest on the cold, hard desk in front of him.

Lucas, sitting next to Alder, noticed almost immediately when his new friend succumbed to sleep. With a playful smile and a whisper of complicity to the nearest classmates, he decided not to wake him. He knew well how hard Alder had been working, and a little rest during a class probably wouldn't hurt.

Meanwhile, the rune demonstrations continued, lighting up the classroom with sporadic flashes of light and energy that, ironically, only served to deepen Alder's much-needed sleep.

Professor Lynwood, with a satisfied smile from the impressive demonstration, continued his presentation, adding a palpable air of excitement to the auditorium. He pulled out a device shaped like a watch, whose intricate runic matrix baffled even the most advanced students. As he put it on, he began to demonstrate its functionality, focusing mainly on defensive matrices. The demonstration, filled with flashes of light and energy barriers that emerged upon activating the runes, captured everyone's attention, triggering a wave of enthusiastic applause.

Pleased with the reaction, the professor scanned the audience, his gaze stopping when he noticed a student with his head buried in his desk. If it weren't for the attentive little owl on his shoulder, he might have gone unnoticed. Recognizing the spirit and recalling his interest in the young student favored by Professor Oliver, he decided to address the situation.

"Thank you for those applause," he began, smiling, but his tone shifted to a more serious one. "I'm pleased that many of you are interested. However, it seems not everyone shares the same enthusiasm," he said, his gaze fixed on Alder. "Isn't that right, Mr... Alder?"

The silence abruptly fell in the auditorium, and the curious gazes of the students turned in the direction indicated by the professor. Surprise and expectation filled the room as everyone tried to identify the student being pointed out.

Eón, feeling the attention and knowing how exhausted Alder was, spoke up. "I suppose we're sorry," he replied with a slightly defensive tone. "Alder hasn't been sleeping well these past few days. Although it might not seem like he's paying attention, I can assure you that the class has been captured and will be reviewed later."

The response from Eón surprised everyone, from the students to Professor Lynwood. The ability of a spirit to communicate so clearly was rare and noteworthy. The professor, intrigued, decided to further probe.

The class was silent, with all eyes fixed on Eón and Professor Lynwood. The latter, with a theatrical gesture, began to draw random runes on the massive white board that dominated the stage. The lines were fluid and confident, forming ancient symbols quickly and efficiently. "Let's see what you can do with these," said Lynwood, challenging yet clearly intrigued.

Eón, not missing a beat, flew up to the stage. In an instant, his shape changed, transforming into a floating glove. With almost magical grace, he took the marker and approached the board. He began to move with precision, his movements quick yet deliberate, combining the runes drawn by Lynwood into new configurations.

The audience watched, captivated by the demonstration. Eón, with palpable concentration, worked meticulously. "These are the combinations I've identified," he began, his voice projecting clearly throughout the auditorium. He proceeded to explain each new matrix he had created. "For example, this combination here could be used for an efficient HVAC system—capable of cooling or heating an environment as needed."

He continued, pointing to another matrix. "This combination allows for controlling humidity and maintaining a sterilized environment, ideal for hospitals or laboratories. And these other two matrices can be used for more specific tasks, like heating plastic or metal very locally, though their energy efficiency is debatable compared to more traditional technologies."

Each explanation from Eón was precise and detailed, showing not only his understanding of the runes but also how they could be practically applied in various contexts. After finishing his demonstration, Eón transformed back into his owl form and flew back to his seat next to Alder, who remained asleep and unaware of his spirit companion's impressive presentation.

Professor Lynwood, visibly impressed and perhaps a bit bewildered by Eón's extensive knowledge, nodded respectfully. "It seems you really paid attention to the class," he commented, trying to maintain his composure in the face of the spirit's revealing performance. This not only demonstrated Eón's exceptionality but also reaffirmed Alder's peculiarity as a student, favored by the mysterious Professor Oliver.

After Eón's presentation, the atmosphere in the auditorium was charged with a mix of surprise and curiosity. Professor Lynwood, regaining his professional composure, nodded respectfully at the spirit's demonstration. "Impressive exposition," he acknowledged, looking at Eón with newfound appreciation. "But, as in all science, what we claim must be verified."

Turning to his assistants, who were equally astonished, he signaled them. "Let's verify these claims," he announced, addressing the more advanced students who accompanied him on the podium. Diligently, the assistants began to prepare the necessary materials to perform live tests on the runic combinations proposed by Eón.

One by one, the runes were activated in front of the entire class. Each application that Eón had described was successfully demonstrated: the rune that cooled and heated a specific area worked exactly as predicted; the rune that controlled humidity and sterility operated flawlessly, showing its potential for critical environments like medical facilities or scientific laboratories.

The effect on the audience was immediate and palpable. Applause erupted in the auditorium, especially from those students who deeply understood the difficulty of what they had just witnessed. Even some professors present could not hide their admiration.

Professor Lynwood nodded, pleased with the audience's response. However, his expression changed when he remembered Alder, still deep in sleep. "You have more than demonstrated that you paid attention to the presentation," he said, addressing Eón, "but I cannot say the same for your contractor."

At that moment, Eón, catching the professor's hint, transformed into an alarm clock that began to ring loudly. Alder startled awake with the noise. With his eyes still half-closed and disoriented, he looked around before realizing the situation.

"What's happening, Eón?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. Noticing all the stares fixed on him, including that of Professor Lynwood, he stood up hastily. "I'm sorry, professor," he apologized with a voice still hoarse from sleep. "I was exhausted. I hope you can forgive me for falling asleep, and also for my companion's somewhat abrupt behavior."

Professor Lynwood, with a look that oscillated between severity and slight amusement at the peculiar situation, nodded. "I understand that fatigue can affect us, especially with the challenges faced by new students in these first weeks. However, I hope this does not happen again, especially in classes where attention is crucial."

Professor Lynwood, with a look that oscillated between severity and slight amusement at the peculiar situation, nodded. "I understand that fatigue can affect us, especially with the challenges faced by new students in these first weeks. However, I hope this does not happen again, especially in classes where attention is crucial."

"While your companion has indicated that you will understand the classes later, and I have no doubt that he comprehended them, it's not the same as being taught by someone who has not dedicated themselves to the art of teaching. If you have any questions later, and your little friend is unable to answer them, the fault will only be yours for having slept in class."

Alder listened quietly to the scolding, while Eón, clearly annoyed, responded: "There's no need for him to explain anything; he knows the same as I do. After all, we share memories and perception, so even though he was asleep, all I need is for me to listen to understand."

The professor, puzzled by the claim, asked, "Is that true what your spirit alleges, student Alder?" Alder, who disliked attracting attention and was holding Eón with both hands, one trying to close his beak and the other hiding him, responded with some reluctance: "Well, I suppose so, but I promise not to fall asleep in classes again."

Professor Lynwood, though puzzled by the claim, nodded understandingly. Recognizing that it was not appropriate to probe too deeply into the unique abilities of a spirit, he decided to let Alder be. With reassuring words, he resumed the pace of the class.

Meanwhile, Alder returned to his seat, still feeling the curious glances on him. Eón, with a slight snort of discontent, cast one last look of resentment towards the professor. Lucas, next to Alder, could not contain a light laugh and commented teasingly, "It seems fame really runs in your veins, Alder. You don't even need to be awake to attract attention!"

Alder, though embarrassed, couldn't help but smile at Lucas's comment, grateful for his ability to lighten the moment. With a sigh of relief, he prepared to focus on the class again, with the firm intention of not falling asleep again and wasting this learning opportunity at Gryphon Academy.

The class finally concluded without further incidents. Alder, glancing at the room's clock, was surprised to find that night had fallen. He said goodbye to Lucas, who was heading to other commitments, reflecting on how the day had been entirely consumed by the presentation at the Department of Runic Research. With a sigh, Alder decided to return to Oliver's workshop.

Despite the fatigue, the urgency to advance in his work and the curiosity to learn more about the runes motivated him. The walk to the workshop became a moment of reflection on the unusual experiences of the day, anticipating the hours of study and experimentation that still awaited him that night.