
Spiritual Contract: The Path of Alder and Eon

In a world where magic and technology intertwine, humans live in symbiosis with mystical spirits, establishing contracts that define the course of their lives. This universe, governed by both ancient magical traditions and contemporary innovations, is a place of endless possibilities and formidable challenges. Alder Halloran, a young man marked by doubt and uncertainty, receives a mysterious badge that propels him toward an unknown destiny. Accompanied by Eón, an enigmatic spirit with his own agenda, Alder must navigate through a world where the boundaries between the spiritual and the human blur, facing challenges that test his courage and his ability to change his own fate. As he explores the most remote corners of this vibrant and complex world, Alder discovers that each choice has profound resonances, both for himself and for the countless beings that populate this place full of magic and mystery.

DreamTech · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Specialty classes part 2

It was Tuesday, just starting in the afternoon, when Alder and Lucas left the classroom. After a quick lunch, they hurried to their next academic commitment. The air at the academy was filled with a mix of energy and the typical buzz of the beginning of the week as students adjusted their routines to the demands of the new semester.

Lucas, with his characteristic humor, did not miss the opportunity to rib Alder with a light-hearted yet truthful comment from the previous day: "I hope you don't fall asleep or attract attention in this class, huh?" Alder could only smile in resignation, nodding as he adjusted his backpack over his shoulder.

The path to the Department of Magical Creature Studies took them through the vibrant and diverse life of the Gryphon Academy campus. They passed through meticulously maintained gardens and ancient buildings whose stones seemed to whisper centuries of wisdom and magical discoveries.

They soon found themselves in front of the majestic building of the magical creatures department, a towering structure that surpassed the runic research building in size and architectural detail. This building was adorned with statues of mythological creatures and stained glass windows that captured sunlight, casting colorful reflections on the cobblestone path.

As they entered the auditorium, they realized it was nearly at full capacity, a clear indicator of the class's popularity. Students from various years crowded in, full of anticipation for the session about to begin. Alder and Lucas, luckily, found two seats together just in time, located at the back but with an adequate view of the stage.

As they settled in, the lights began to dim, signaling the start of the class. The stage in front was equipped with what appeared to be covered cages and various specialized instruments, promising a session that was both educational and exciting. Alder, taking a deep breath and settling into his seat, mentally prepared not to miss a detail of what he was sure would be a fascinating class on magical creatures.

The auditorium of Gryphon Academy was abuzz with the murmur of hundreds of students gathered for the Department of Magical Creature Studies class. The constant hum of conversations was abruptly replaced by an expectant silence as Professor Elara Thornewood entered. A woman of stunning beauty with long blonde hair and green eyes, her slender figure contrasted with her energetic character and passion for magical creatures. Her enchanting smile, known to calm the fiercest beasts, radiated a calm authority that immediately captured everyone's attention. Her entrance was no less spectacular than that of her colleague, Professor Lynwood, accompanied by a procession of student helpers that added an air of ceremony to the event.

Once positioned at the podium, Professor Thornewood began with a courteous greeting and a clear introduction. "Good afternoon, young apprentices and future masters of the magical. Today we will delve into the complex and fascinating world of magical creatures, beings that exist thanks to the ether that permeates our world and other realms."

"Magical creatures are divided into several groups to facilitate their study. We'll start with spiritual beasts, inhabitants of the spiritual plane. Although their origin and complete nature still elude us, we know that in their native plane they exist in an almost infantile state, and although they can perceive our world, they need to form a contract with a human to fully manifest in our plane. Intriguingly, these creatures seem to choose exclusively two-year-old human children as companions, which means that all of you were chosen in your infancy by your spirit companion."

The professor paused to let her words settle, then continued: "These beasts are nourished by the ether that our souls absorb and grow alongside us, granting us unique abilities. However, communication with them is indirect, as they cannot speak and only convey their thoughts and emotions through the bond of the soul, which we must learn to interpret and strengthen."

As she finished her explanation, Professor Thornewood closed her eyes, concentrating deeply. Before her, the air seemed to vibrate and distort before a swan made of water emerged, growing in size and detail until it materialized into an impressive being four meters tall. The swan, with feathers shifting from crystalline blues to aquatic greens, seemed a creature pulled from a dream.

"Allow me to introduce Miraen," Thornewood announced, her voice full of affection. "My spiritual companion, with an elemental affinity towards water, which allows her to manipulate this element with astonishing precision." Following this, Miraen began to demonstrate her ability, generating streams of water that danced around the stage, forming complex figures and arcs that reflected light with a mystical glow.

The students, awestruck by the display, applauded enthusiastically as Miraen's watery forms multiplied, creating a spectacle of water and light that highlighted the incredible synergy between the professor and her spiritual beast. The auditorium was filled with faces lit by fascination and awe, all captivated by the beauty and power of magic in its purest expression.

Professor Elara Thornewood continued with a practical example that illustrated the symbiotic relationship with her spiritual companion, Miraen. "My ability to manipulate water," she explained while extending her hand, "is a direct gift from Miraen." Upon touching the water, it magically gathered in her palm, forming a small figure that replicated her own image. "Though I can control the water I touch, this demonstration is only a fraction of what our connection truly entails." With a gentle gesture, she released the water, which fell and dissipated into the air.

"The abilities of each spiritual beast can be refined and expanded through practice and a deep mutual understanding," Thornewood continued. "Moreover, it's fascinating to observe that, during their maturation phase, some spiritual beasts can alter their existing abilities or acquire new elemental affinities. The transformation and evolution of these creatures during their growth can be unpredictable and astonishing."

The professor took a pause to ensure her audience was absorbing the information. "However, a particular aspect that deserves our focus are the Spiritual Beasts known as 'kings'. These creatures are exceptional; not only for their intensified power and presence but also for the translucent, golden crown that appears to form around their heads, signaling their regal status."

Just at that moment, as the audience watched, a golden, translucent crown began to materialize around the head of the water swan, Miraen. The crown radiated a soft glow that captivated everyone in the auditorium, reflecting light in sparks that lit up the faces of students and professors alike.

"With a warm smile, Professor Thornewood beckoned her companion back, which then dissolved back into water, leaving behind the impression of its majesty. "That's a small glimpse into what a Spiritual Beast can achieve. Although the phenomenon of spiritual kings is rare and not fully understood, it is believed that certain bloodlines have a more marked predisposition towards this awakening."

"What you have witnessed today is only a fraction of what we will explore throughout the semester," concluded Thornewood, her voice projecting a mix of authority and enthusiasm. "Magical creatures are an immensely rich and varied field of study, and each class will offer us further knowledge and mysteries to uncover."

Continuing with our exploration, we now turn to magical beasts. These creatures are primarily descendants of ancient animals that evolved after the emergence of ether. Although most are native to Earth, some were brought from Altera and others imported from distant worlds, integrating into our terrestrial ecosystem. These beasts, the more powerful they are, tend to be more intelligent, which requires caution during encounters as not all are friendly. The diversity of these creatures is vast; today, the animals we once knew have evolved into magical beasts or have become extinct.

As the professor spoke, a group of students entered, carrying a large cage covered with a blanket. With a dramatic gesture, the professor removed the blanket, revealing the creature contained within. The Draganso, an impressive fusion between a dragon and a goose measuring about four meters tall, was an exceptional beast endowed with two heads: one with the fierce look and horns typical of a dragon, and the other with the soft features and beak of a goose. Its robust body was covered in shiny scales, each reflecting light and highlighting its majesty. Four powerful legs, ending in sharp claws, supported its imposing structure. Although its draconian lineage was evident, its large wings were fully feathered, unfolding with a span that dominated the space with surprising grace. Each movement of its wings stirred the air in the auditorium, demonstrating its power and mystical splendor.

The professor continued, her voice resonating with a tone of wonder and respect. "As you can see, this creature is majestic and powerful. Despite its imposing presence, they are not usually very aggressive." With sure steps, she approached the cage and calmly opened it. The Draganso, which until that moment had been looking intimidatingly at the audience, changed its expression as it saw the professor extend her hand toward it. In a gesture of submission, it bowed both heads and allowed her hand to gently caress its scales.

Professor Thornewood smiled and with surprising agility, mounted the back of the creature. "As you can see, the Draganso has recognized me as its owner," she explained, addressing the students with pride. "Although the bond that forms with a magical beast is different from that established with a spiritual beast, it is possible to create a deep connection."

She paused, allowing the Draganso to take majestic steps across the stage, its presence filling the space with regal grace. "Not all humans can form a bond with a magical beast; it requires having a specific affinity, which often depends on the bloodline of our spiritual beast."

The professor stroked the neck of the Draganso as she continued. "My spiritual beast belongs to the line of swans, and the Draganso shares a line of swan and dragon, which allowed me to be recognized as its owner after a long period of upbringing and mutual care."

The auditorium watched fascinated as the professor and her imposing mount moved elegantly through the space. "Today, many spiritual contractors dedicate themselves to the breeding and taming of magical beasts. It is not an easy task, but imagine the honor and magnificence of being able to guide and care for a group of these majestic creatures."

With each word, the professor's passion for her field was evident, and her ability to interact so naturally with a creature as formidable as the Draganso only added an air of wonder and respect to her presentation. The demonstration not only educated the students on the possibilities of magic and the science of magical creatures but also inspired them to consider the deep and enriching relationships they could form with the magical natural world.

Professor Thornewood, with the help of her students, carefully guided the Draganso back into the cage. The creature lay down peacefully and prepared to sleep, demonstrating a calm and obedient behavior under the professor's supervision. The students, with coordinated and respectful movements, removed the cage from the stage, while the audience's attention was redirected to the next part of the lesson.

"Last, and certainly not least, we will talk a little about the creatures of chaos," announced the professor, adjusting her tone to introduce a darker subject. As she spoke, a screen at the back of the stage lit up, displaying the image of a lush forest. Amidst the green landscape appeared the figure of a creature, a fierce-looking dinosaur whose skin was covered by an ominous black aura that seemed to corrupt its being. The skin of the dinosaur showed signs of putrefaction, with areas decomposing and falling apart.

The creature, mired in a state of madness, ravaged the forest, destroying trees and annihilating other creatures in its path. "These contaminated beasts become irrational and destroy everything in their path. Although the spread of chaos is slow, the trail of black aura they leave gradually extends, contaminating everything around them," explained Thornewood, her voice reflecting the seriousness of the situation.

"It is the duty of every professional contractor to stop these creatures, as they represent an active threat to our world," she continued, capturing the serious attention of the audience. "Although the degree of danger of a contaminated beast is manageable with the right resources, the real problem arises with the beasts of chaos."

The image on the screen changed dramatically. It was no longer a living forest, but a wasteland of death and desolation, with dead trees and rotten plants, all imbued with a darkness that seemed to emanate from the ground itself. In the center of this desolate scene, a creature in the form of a tiger, totally black and with bright red eyes, walked leaving behind a trail of corruption that contaminated the land.

"With respect and a hint of concealed fear in her words, Professor Thornewood concluded her presentation, leaving the students with a deep impression of the seriousness and danger that these fearsome creatures represent. The class ended in reflective silence, with the students processing the magnitude of the threats discussed and the responsibility that comes with confronting them.

After Professor Thornewood's class concluded, Alder quickly said goodbye to Lucas, feeling the urgency to resume the work assigned by his master. Although he had been attending various classes to explore possible specialties, his commitment to the workshop work had not diminished in the slightest.

The next day, Alder and Lucas reunited, this time to attend the introductory class at the Department of Magical Combat. Although the building was not as imposing as the previous day's, it stood out for its enormous stadium, which would serve as

 the stage for the day's class. Along with a constant flow of students, Alder and Lucas found a seat, immersing themselves in an atmosphere that was familiar yet charged with a different energy, typical of the expectation of what was to come.

Professor Marcus Alvingham's entrance was as theatrical as it was instructive, a tall and robust man whose presence dominated the stadium. His dark hair was styled practically, and his intense gaze and precise movements reflected years of experience on the battlefield. Behind him, a retinue of advanced students followed his steps, all with serious and committed expressions.

Once everyone was in place, Professor Alvingham began with a firm and authoritative tone that resonated throughout the stadium: "Welcome to the class of Magical Combat. I know the stadium is full, and many of you, first-year students, have come with preconceived ideas about what it means to fight. However, let me start by telling you that magical combat is not for everyone. While many would like to be on the front lines, there are numerous essential roles you can fill."

His voice, laden with gravity and responsibility, captured everyone's attention: "Magical combat is a specialty designed to forge humanity's swords and shields. Today we live in relative peace, but we do not know when the siege we have created might break. It is our job to strengthen this siege and prevent our society from being devastated by the countless dangers lurking in this era.

Professor Marcus Alvingham stood upright and firm before the crowd of students gathered in the stadium, his deep and resonant voice rising with gravity and conviction, capturing the attention of every individual in the audience.

"The art of magical combat," he announced, "is a specialty that is honed not only with knowledge and skill but also with an unwavering will to prevail. We prepare not only to face adversity but to triumph over it. Every day we live in peace is a day we owe to those who tirelessly defend our siege against the dangers of this new era."

His penetrating gaze swept the crowd, searching each face for any sign of doubt or insecurity and transforming it into determination. With a strategic pause that allowed his words to sink in, he continued, "Bear in mind, if you are not willing to surpass yourself day after day, specializing in magical combat may not be the path for you."

The students leaned forward, engrossed in the professor's speech, which was more than a welcome; it was a challenge.

Marcus continued with a voice that echoed the essence of combat. "The style of fighting is as individual as the person. Some of you will prefer to train your spiritual beasts to fight by your side, while others will hone their skills to become warriors themselves on the battlefield. And there are those who will opt to strengthen their support techniques or tame magical beasts for combat. The essential thing is the effectiveness and discipline you apply to your training. Only through diligence and tireless effort can you achieve mastery in whatever discipline you choose."

Marcus raised his hand, gesturing toward some mannequins aligned in the distance, like soldiers of a motionless army. His gesture was a cue for the advanced magic combat students who were waiting for their turn to impress.

"Watch closely," Marcus instructed, his voice rising above the expectant murmurs of the audience. "Here you will witness the power of the bond between the sorcerer and their spiritual beast, a synergy of soul and brute force."

A student with an imposing stature stepped forward, his presence nearly as commanding as Marcus himself. With palpable concentration, he invoked his spiritual beast, and the air around him charged with an electrifying anticipation. Suddenly, with an explosion of light and sound, a creature of wild majesty appeared from nowhere, a lion-like beast with a mane bristling with sparks and eyes that flashed like trapped lightning. With a roar that resonated like thunder, the spiritual beast rose to four meters tall, its claws sending electrical sparks in all directions.

The student, now channeling all his ether toward the creature, directed each movement with precision that spoke of years of practice and discipline. With his guidance, the spiritual beast unleashed a wave of lightning bolts, each striking a mannequin with devastating force. The straw and fabric figures exploded into flames and debris, the display of power as awe-inspiring as it was terrifying.

Marcus narrated each action, his tone matching the intensity of the demonstration. "What you see is the essence of magical combat in its purest form. The warrior has chosen to concentrate all the strength of his soul in his companion spirit, maximizing its offensive potential. It's a path of great dedication, as it requires a strong bond and precise control of ether."

As the stadium watched, spellbound, the explosions of light and sound were a constant reminder of the danger and beauty inherent in magical combat. The spiritual beast, at the end of the demonstration, seemed more intense, its lightning bolts dancing around its body in an electric rainbow, before gradually dissipating and reducing in size until the creature merged back with its summoner.

"This specialization is not for the indecisive," Marcus concluded, as applause erupted around the stadium. "It takes courage and an unwavering commitment to walk this path. But for those who choose it, the rewards are immeasurable. You will have the power to change the course of battles and, perhaps, the fate of our society."

Marcus nodded towards the next volunteer, a young man with an intense gaze who stepped onto the stage with an air of unshakeable confidence. With a firm and measured gesture, he invoked his spiritual beast, and from the earth, roots and stones rose, intertwining to form the figure of a medium-sized boar, but with an imposing presence. Its skin seemed to be made of solid mud, and its tusks, as long as swords, were of pure crystalline rock.

Simultaneously, the student began to chant a deep, earthy melody, and the earth around him responded. Dust particles rose, swirling and merging to form a stone armor that covered his body, not limiting his mobility but rather defining his contours with the solidity of rock.

With a wave of his hand, the boar charged at the mannequins, its tusks tearing through the targets with brutal precision. At the same time, the student advanced, each step leaving an impressed footprint in the ground, his punches miniature earthquakes resonating in the hearts of the watchers.

Marcus narrated the scene with a tone of admiration. "What we witness now is true synergy between a sorcerer and their spiritual beast. The union of their efforts does not seek spectacle but efficiency. This is the art of magical combat focused on endurance and brute strength."

As the beast and its summoner moved, each impact against the mannequins was calculated and devastating. A rock bolt, thrown by the beast, struck a distant target while the student concentrated his strength into a punch that shattered another mannequin.

"Spectacularity is not always synonymous with strength," continued Marcus, as the student and the boar completed their war dance. "True power lies in the ability to endure and persist, in the strength to withstand assault and still continue the fight."

The exercise concluded with impeccable coordination; both, sorcerer and beast, stopped at the same time, as if an invisible force had signaled them to cease. The earth armor crumbled from the student's body, returning to the ground from which it had arisen, while the rock boar dissipated into a whirl of dust and small stones, returning to the spiritual plane.

The applause that followed was an acknowledgment not just of the power and skill demonstrated but also of the deep connection and perfect harmony between the mage and beast. "Remember, students," Marcus concluded with one last look at the audience, "greatness in magical combat is measured as much by the thunderclaps as by the constancy of the mountain."

The last student standing, a young woman with a calm demeanor, lifted her hands, and in a

 whisper that echoed with the stillness of the auditorium, her spirit materialized in the form of an elegant umbrella. Grasping it gracefully, she opened the umbrella and closed her eyes, immersing herself in an ethereal melody. At her call, clouds gathered above the center of the stadium, and with the delicacy of a poem, rain began to fall.

The student's soft melody intensified, and with a choreography of her hands, blades of crystalline water formed among the raindrops, shooting precisely towards the mannequins. Aquatic shapes danced in the air, transforming into liquid sculptures that told a story of lethal beauty.

Despite the rain, Marcus's firm voice filled every corner of the stadium, "Witness the uniqueness of what you see. An unusual spiritual beast, taking the shape of an object that enhances its contractor's abilities." With each word, the water stirred and obeyed the summoner, the rain now an extension of her will.

"Beauty combined with lethality," Marcus continued, as the water blades turned into a whirlwind of surgical precision, leaving the mannequins in a state of artistic disintegration. "Remember, there is no spirit without value. Each one possesses unique qualities that must be discovered and fully exploited."

Alder watched, captivated by the beauty of the demonstration. The rain did not touch the stands, protected by the stadium's wide roof, but the scene unfolding before his eyes was enough to make him feel the freshness and power of the controlled storm. Marcus's lesson resonated with him; every spirit, no matter its form, was a powerful entity in itself, waiting for the opportunity to be understood and unleash its potential.

The demonstration culminated with a final chord of the song and a gentle closing of the umbrella, as the clouds dispersed as quickly as they had appeared. The student bowed, the umbrella once again inert in her hand, and the stadium erupted in applause. Marcus nodded in satisfaction, his eyes scanning the crowd, pausing for a moment on Alder, who returned the gaze with a new understanding and renewed respect for the vast world of magical combat.