
Sovereign Of Magic

In the year 2037 After an accident in a construction yard Mike falls into a coma and wakes up to a world of magic and monsters and learns magic while he survives in this new harsh world where only the most talented people have everything and where Mike will be able to create his own magic and enhance others while he only want to live a quiet life [Host migration successful] [Drawing Class..] [Congratulations! You have drawn Magic Sovereign] “…. Am I still dreaming?”

ZR_Primal · Fantasía
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44 Chs

Ep.7 Meeting with the Majestic Beast GuildMaster

The next day Mike was staring down at the four books he had made the previous day and thought to himself as he looked at the card Violet had given him

'I should keep a book and show them what I can do, but then again why would one of the most powerful guilds believe a man who just woken up from a coma that claims to be able to make skills and spells'

Mike grabbed his phone and called the number on the card and before long Violet was heard saying in a cheerful voice

"Hi little Mikey how's it going, you don't mind if I call you Mikey right?"

Mike pulled the phone away for a second to let out a sigh before he put it on speaker and said

"What do you want with me?"

Violet scoffed and said softly as she could

"What do you mean? I just want you to join our guild, as we at the Majestic Beasts are always looking for new hunters to Join us"

Mike was starting to get irritated before he said over the phone to violet

"Lie to me again an I won't even consider offering my services to you anymore"

Mike heard a short pause before he heard Violet laugh and say

"Very good Mr.Grant, yes we want to invite you to our guild but because when I saw you and used my Epic skill called [Inspection] that allows me to view someone's skills and their spells it couldn't work on you and since it can't be used on someone else who has a class rating above my skill"

Mike sighed and said as he looked at the skill books on the table

"So you managed to find out that I have a rare class, good for you. But following me and waiting outside of my home is not okay so I'll warn you once, stay away but if you want to make a deal or something then I will want to speak in person to your GuildMaster"

Mike then heard Violet yell before the phone was taken away

"No sis! I can handle it!"

Mike then heard a new voice say in an anxious tone

"H-Hi Mr.Grant my apologies for my little sister, sometimes she can act like an animal and not understand human decency"

Mike then said as he put the books in a Fanny pack he bought

"You should know I don't like being watched and with you sister just waiting outside my apartment is already more then I can handle so i have a deal for you"

This peaked scarlets interest and said

"What can of deal?"

Mike got up and said before he hung up the phone and left for his shop

"Come to my shop by yourself if you want to know and if you need to know the location ask your sister"

Once the phone hung up scarlet put down the phone and turned to see Violet chained up in chains made of lightning and hanging upside down from the ceiling and said after slapping her with a book labeled 'Common sense' before saying as she left the room while Violet was still chained up

"Stop stalking people, I'll be back tomorrow"

Once Mike reached the door to the shop he had called 'The Wizards Library' and waited outside till eventually he heard women with violet purple hair say

"Good evening Mr.Grant"

Mike shook scarlets hand and said

"Evening, let's talk inside"

Once they were inside Mike sat down in the lounge area that was renovated and said as he placed the spell and skill books on the table

"Okay let's make an agreement, anything we say in my shop or with me present stays hidden"

Scarlet looked at the books and noticed that they were spell and skill books before she asked as she went to touch one of them

"Thats a Lightning Bolt spell book.. but how did you get one? Spells are extremely rare in dungeons and you haven't even entered one?"

Mike moved the book to the side before scarlet could touch it and said

"You agree to keep our conversations private and I'll tell you and even better yet I'll show you how I got these books"

Scarlet sat down and said as she looked at the books then at Mike

"You have a deal, now how did you acquire these books"

Mike stood up and said before he went over to the Magic crafting room

"Follow me and wait till after I show you to ask your questions"

Scarlet stood up and followed Mike into Magic crafting room before the door disappeared and heard Mike say

"<(Elvish, Offensive, charge, knowledge)> Confirm"

Scarlet then saw the mana flow out of mikes hands and form into a spell book labeled

[Lightning bolt]<Common>

Once the lightning spell was made scarlet looked at Mike and was flabbergasted before the doorway opened up again and Mike left the room shorty afterwards with scarlet behind him and as Mike went to grab two water bottles from the vending machine he had installed when he heard scarlet say as she looked at the table with the spell books from before

"You…. You can create spells… and skills….. how is this possible?"

Mike place a water bottle in front of her and said as he sat back down on the sofa across from her

"The answer to your question and this shop are linked to my class that I will not say but I'll only tell you that this is the tip of the iceberg for what I may do or what I will make in the future"

Scarlet leaned back into the sofa and after a few moments of silence asked Mike

"You have gained my attention, so what kind of deal do you want?"

Mike stuck up four fingers and said

"I want four things from you if you want my services in the future. Number 1 you keep your sister and anyone else you have watching me away. Number 2 keep any information about me and what you have witnessed a secret from everyone unless I say. Number 3 If I need to go to a dungeon I expect your help with it and lastly I will need you to buy my stuff even if it's Garbage as I get something valuable when you or someone else buys my books so if you can do that then I'll offer you first pick at any new books I create and I will notify you if I make new books, do we have a deal?"

Scarlet sat in a thinking pose and contemplated the offer Mike gave her and said with a smile

"You have a deal and I'll make sure my sister stays away"

Mike chuckled and said as he shook scarlets hand

"Good and just so you know I have two rules 1. Treat me with respect and I'll treat you like a sibling and 2. I don't like people invading my privacy"