
Sovereign Of Magic

In the year 2037 After an accident in a construction yard Mike falls into a coma and wakes up to a world of magic and monsters and learns magic while he survives in this new harsh world where only the most talented people have everything and where Mike will be able to create his own magic and enhance others while he only want to live a quiet life [Host migration successful] [Drawing Class..] [Congratulations! You have drawn Magic Sovereign] “…. Am I still dreaming?”

Zanerickards · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Ep.8 Goblin Dungeon Training

Once scarlet had left the shop Mike was going to go back to crafting and trying to make new spells and skills when he noticed a room labeled (Dungeon Training room) and asked the system as he opened it to see it filled with Vr equipment and chairs built into the floors

"What is this room used for?"

The system then replied as Mike started inspecting the equipment

[This room is for testing and training your spells and skills but in similar terms you can simulate a dungeon that you have cleared before and have other hunter's challenge the dungeons you have stored in the system and currently you only have the basic level 5 goblin dungeon to play]

Mike then sat doing in one of the chairs and said as he put the Vr headset on

"Let's give it a test run then"

After loading into the training simulation Mike found himself inside of a cave and said to himself as he grabbed a stone and threw it down the pathway

'Amazing, it feels so real'

Mike then heard footsteps behind him and quickly hid behind and rock and peaked his head to see 3 goblins holding wooden clubs and wearing some torn cloth before Mike took a deep breath and walked outwards can caught the goblin's attention before they all went in unison for an attack on Mike however before they could even reach him, mike casted three [FireBall]'s and heard to system say as the three goblins disappeared in nothing

[Congratulations, Your [FireBall]<Common> has reached level two can has increased its magical power]

Mike started travelling through the cave when he asked the system

"What are some of the benefits to levelling up my spells?"

As Mike easily kept killing goblins who attacked him while he occasionally sat down to recover his Mana he heard the system say as his lightning bolt spell levelled up allowing a reduction of mana for the spells use

[Levelling up your spells can unlock hidden parts to the spell like with your Fireball when it reached level 2 and gained stronger attacking powers or reducing the amount of Mana you need to use it]

Mike kept exploring the cave when he spotted a group of goblins and counted them to see nearly 20 goblins in their group before Mike spotted some natural formed spikes from the cave's ceiling and had a bright idea before Mike picked up a stone on the ground and threw it to the other end of the cave that led to a separate entrance and caught the attention of the goblins and waited till they were underneath the spikes and casted his [Thunderbolt] spell at the ceiling and caused the spikes to fall on and kill 4 goblins at the say time before Mike hid behind a different rock and saw the goblins spreading out in search of Mike

However Mike found a wooden club called a [Goblins Wooden Club] and started to meditate for a few seconds before he casted the [Lesser Strength Boost] skill that he had crafted and killed a goblin with a single swing to the head before Mike started slaughtering the poor goblins who had no sense of direction and any goblin that managed to find Mike was immediately killed from a fireball or a lightning bolt and after almost 5 minutes there was only one goblin that was shaking before Mike said as he casted a fireball 3ft away from it

"The strongest wins"

After the goblins were defeated Mike heard the system say as a small chest appeared in front of Mike

[Congratulations! You have cleared a dungeon, please collect your rewards (Bonus rewards for completing a dungeon alone and for your first completion)]

Mike was quick to see his spoils and opened the chest only to see a single small lime green bottle and quickly burst into anger as he yelled at the system

"What is this?! I bust my butt off for this?! What even is this?! A bottle of poison Hmm?!"

However Mike didn't hear the system say anything and picked up the small bottle before he was shocked beyond measure by what he was holding

[Spell Experience Bottle]{Rare}(consumable)

Grants +20% experience to used spells for 30 minutes

<Duration 30 minutes>

Mike quickly got on all fours and apologized saying

"Thank you! I could get so rich from this!"

The system showed a photo of an item disappearing out side of a dungeon and said

[any and all items found in your training simulations cannot be generated into reality however it's effects will so you may use it on your next training session]

Mike was about to cursed out when he realized it would be better to use it himself as he remembered that he would want to level up his skills before restarted the training Simulation and took the potion when he entered the cave once a again and was about to kill a goblin he found when he thought to himself

'It might be beneficial to level up my [Self-Heal] since I might get into trouble later on'

After some debate Mike lured the lone goblin into a corner of the cave and stood out in the open and braced himself as the goblin started whiling away at Mike while he casted [Self-Heal] till his mana was critical and killed the goblin before he let his mana regenerate and continue to do this for the 30 minutes for the maximum amount of time the experience potion could last before Mike heard a system message say

[Spell [Self-Heal]<Common> has reached max level 5 and can be upgraded to <Uncommon> with the (Upgraded Table)]

[Maximum Mana Capacity has been increased by 35]

As Mike was catching his breath he quickly looked at the skill and his stats before he continued on

[Mike Grant]{Sovereign Of Magic}

[Exp: 38%


[Health] 100/100

[Mana] 48/235






[Magic Crafting Tier 1]

[Elvish language Tier 1]

[Dark elvish language Tier 1]

[Dwarfish language Tier 1]

[Lesser Strength Boost] Lv.1






[Mana Cost] 110

(Heals %25 of the users total health over 10 seconds)

|Can be Upgraded in the Upgrade Table|

Later when Mike finished the training simulation he asked the system as he grabbed a water bottle and a hot towel

"What's an Upgrade Table?"

The system pulled up the exchange page and said as it showed an exchange link to the Upgrade Table that looked like a stone slab with some runes on it

[Once your spells have reached their maximum level you can use the Upgrade Table to make your spells more powerful and have them gain a higher ratings and can have them crafted in the Crafting Room]

Mike was about to close his eyes and rest for a moment when Mike heard his phone ring and answered saying

"Mike Grant Speaking"

Mike then heard Scarlets voice say

"Hi Mr.Grant this is Scarlet"

Mike replied as he started to make a smoothie

"Please just call me mike, so how may I help you?"

Scarlet hastily replied as mike heard some muffled screams in the background

"I will be attending an Auction tonight and I would be delighted if you would join me"

Mike thought about it for a few seconds before he said as he left the shop to go back home

"If you keep your sister away from me then I will join you"

Scarlet replied as if she had won a lottery saying

"Please don't worry, my sister will not be attending so I will send a car to pick you up at 7pm sharp"

Mike let out a sigh of relief and noticed it was 5:57pm currently and said before he hung up and went home to get ready

"I'll be there"

Meanwhile with Scarlet who had put the phone down and turned around to see two bodyguards standing behind Violet as she was playing games on her phone and said to the bodyguards before she left

"Keep her here till I return"

Violet pouted and mumbled as she saw Scarlet leave

"So unfair… I want to go to"