
Sovereign Of Magic

In the year 2037 After an accident in a construction yard Mike falls into a coma and wakes up to a world of magic and monsters and learns magic while he survives in this new harsh world where only the most talented people have everything and where Mike will be able to create his own magic and enhance others while he only want to live a quiet life [Host migration successful] [Drawing Class..] [Congratulations! You have drawn Magic Sovereign] “…. Am I still dreaming?”

ZR_Primal · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ep.6 Magic Crafting

The next day Mike woke up to his alarm clock and got out of bed when the system said with an clapping emoji

[Dear host, you will be glad to know that your magic shop has been restored and improved and is ready for you to craft magic]

Mike smiled and said as he started getting dressed

"So with my shop would I be able to use my points that I will earn to upgrade my facilities?"

The System showed a smiling emoji and said as it pulled the exchange page out while highlighting a item called (Level 2 Training room) for 300 points

[Your magic shop is already equipped with Level 1 training rooms and your meditating/Magic crafting room and can be upgraded to increase the effectiveness of your Magic Crafting and this allows higher rating spells and skills to be made or have more facilities added from the Exchange page here]

Mike poured himself a box a cereal and said after sitting down

"Can you explain how I can earn points?"

The system showed a picture of a book being sold with a chart labeled (Book point exchange) and said

[you may earn points from selling your magical books or items to other people and here is the list for how many points you'll earn from selling them]

Mike then saw the list in front of him

+25 points per common or Item book sold

+50 points per uncommon or Item book sold

+250 points per Rare book or Item sold

+500points per Epic book or Item sold

+5,000 points per Legendary book or Item sold

+10,000 points per Mythic Book or Item sold

Mike nearly choked on his food when he saw the points he could earn when before he said

"Guess I'll have to restrain myself from standing out if I want to be left alone"

After eating and getting ready Mike left his apartment to go to the magic shop when he spotted Violet on a motorcycle outside of his apartment and heard her say as soon as she spotted Mike

"Hey little man!"

Mike saw violet waving at him and immediately started running away towards the shop when Violet sighed and started to follow him on her bike till Mike reached his shop and started fumbling the keys as he tried to get into the shop before he heard Violet say as she walked towards Mike from her bike

"Why you running? Come on I won't hurt you I just wanna talk"

Mike managed to get the door open before Violet closed it with her hand and said

"Can we have a chat, my big sis wants to meet you"

Mike only shook his head No before he tried pulling the door open before Violet let go and caused Mike to fall on his back before Mike ran inside and closed the door and locked it again before Violet got back on her bike and make a call to her sis saying as she gave a pouting face

"The little man seems scared of me, but seems like he has a store"

Her sister sighed and said

"If what you told me is true then let me handle it, I'm more of a lady then you to be fair"

Violet just hung up and drove away on her bike

Meanwhile Mike who was breathing heavily from behind the counter suddenly noticed the renovations made from when he was there the previous day and looked around till he saw a room called meditation room/Crafting room and said before he entered it

"Let's make some magic"

However all he found was a white room that you would find in an insane asylum but without the white pads over the walls and floor Before he closed the door and asked the system

"System, how do I craft magic in this room?"

However suddenly the door disappeared and the five rings he saw from the diagram the system showed appeared in front of him as the system said

[This magic shop will respond to your will, so all you need to do it think what you want now please proceed with your first creation and please know that crafting spells will use your own mana and with a Tier 1 Mana Core you have 200 Mana]

Mike looked as the rings kept turning clockwise and took a deep breath before he selected the elvish language and said

"Most hunters need support skills and magic so let's do <(Elvish, Supportive, Purity, Wizard)>"

Once Mike had selected the magic combination a start button with a small text underneath it saying [-85 mana] appeared and Mike pressed it before he felt a little tired as a small book appeared and heard the system say as Mike picked up the book to see it was a [Self Heal]<Common>(Spell)

[Congratulations! You have made a new spell]

Mike saw the book and asked the system

"Are you able to calculate how many times I could make this spell in one day?"

The system showed Mike his status and said

[Host, with your increased Mana regeneration inside the meditation room you will be able to craft 12 books with your current mana regeneration but it is recommended that you explore the magic crafting system]

Mike nodded and began to experiment with the magic crafting and after 8 hours of trial and error Mike had managed to create 2 common spells and a skill with them being a Lightning bolt spell, a paralysis cure spell and a lesser strength skill before Mike noticed that his watch said it was 1 o'clock and got up and went home to go to sleep after locking up but before Mike went to sleep he decided to do some research on the Majestic Beasts Guild as he knew they wouldn't leave him alone