
So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?

Guy gets struck by lighting for the third time time. But instead of the excruciating pain he expected, he was now no longer where he once was. In a universe so similar yet dissimilar, how is Kain Jackson, now Barry Allen, meant to survive? Oh, and better yet, he doesn't read fictional stories or watch movies often, so he doesn't have dependable meta knowledge! What does fate have in store for our protagonist? ~~~~~~~~~~~ All right. first and foremost no Harem. That's concrete. Hmm, let's see. I'm not adverse to at the very least trying romance. But I've never tried it. No cheats, I barely remember CW's flash's plot, so it's mostly memories and whatever the hell I want it to be. But if you have any recs, or any flash villains you like, let me know and I'll see if I can include them. Mc won't be held back. If he has speed thoughts, he will use it. He will not have one hit wonder feats. If they appear, they'll likely continue to appear. I recently saw a clip where the flash phased a damn explosion and it hurt no one. So that inspired me. And I watched this one guy rant about how bad flash is a year ago, so yeah, I understand the short comings of flash from a fan's point of view, so let me know if you have any ideas. I barely know or care about DC to be honest, I just love The Flash.

WarlordJalen · Película
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5 Chs

Okay, Two Routes

I'm the slowest man alive, and I changed my story direction in chapter two accidentally.

Basically, I planned for Kain to not have Meta knowledge. And somehow he now has it in chap 2. So there's a few things we could do here. I could

A. The Time Crunch Route Finish up the original chapter I wrote up, which has a lot of borderline BS, time shenanigans, along side rushed DC departure. It immediately brings up problems that only the readers and Future Kain knows, but can't be immediately revealed, and is solved later which causes departure from the DC universe.


B. Go the learners route. Aka, this route. Have Barry learn more and more from Harrison, this is a problem since I don't remember their characters well, but it's more solid than accidentally creating someone like Savitar and not knowing that it's not possible for something I wrote to happen. But, this route means we will stay in DC for a long time, potentially derailing the story or forcing the need of a rewrite or a dropped story.

Or you can pick the alternate option.

C. Rewrite-Route. A relatively easier, cop out route in which I take the readers to a distant future of Kain's life where we explore his past through flash backs and dialogue, and perhaps reintroducing the reverse flash or other such villains, or maybe even leaving them all behind in the face of new villains worth more attention alongside a more emotional story

The choice is Yours.



Or C