
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
171 Chs


It's been almost five months. Five months since I had found myself in this godforsaken world of corrupt governments, bloodthirsty criminals and petty assholes with IQ numbers lower than their foot number who could send out soldiers whose powers are akin to nuclear weapons to wipe out cities simply because they felt like it.

The world of One Piece.

I still remembered the day I had woken up in this world. I had went to sleep after a fruitful day where I had to stop myself from strangling the human shaped baboons I had to call my coworkers.

Before that I had filled out a character sheet for a waifu catalog story, not because I had any intention to write that kind of a story but because modeling the characters like that was kinda fun. Then I went to sleep with resignation that tomorrow would be same as any other day.

It wasn't.

Holy hell it wasn't because instead of waking up to another boring day of dealing with his coworkers, he woke up to the world of One Piece. Worse, he woke up in a part of One Piece where an absolute monster was living along with an army of monster subordinates.

The land of Wano.

I wasn't prideful enough to deny that I spent almost a whole day in panic after seeing a face that definitely didn't belong to me, even if it was a pretty handsome face.

After I had managed to calm down, I started to make plans. My first plan had been to run away from Wano because honestly, fuck Beast Pirates. You had to be a special kind of psycho in order to work for a man like Kaido, unless your name is King.

But then I thought, then what?

Would I just spend the rest of my life just running away from anyone with power? Live in fear? Fuck that!

I had power, just because I was new didn't mean that I should be a fucking wuss. I had, thanks to my waifu catalog sheet, the powers of Hanma Yuujiro. Sure that wasn't exactly that impressive in a world like One Piece where people could just rearrange the landscape with their bare hands, but when it was combined with a Monkey D. Garp template and a storm shroud?

I could be strong!

The courage I gained from the possible power I could wield was very valuable. Cause I had the biggest scare of my life when Kaido flew over Wano, drunk, not a week after I first woke up. Which was also the moment I realized that choices have consequences.

As in the action of buying Universal Calibration had the consequence of Wano having an empress instead of an emperor ruling it.

The sight of a female Kaido that was drunkenly smashing buildings gave me the hardest why boner of my life.

It also had the consequence of a much older Tama living in Wano but that was far less mind blowing than a female Kaido.

"Kenji." I was roused from my thoughts by the voice of the first person I had 'captured' in this world. Honestly, there were no tricks involved. I just told her that I could make her strong and with time, get rid of Orochi.

"Hiyori." And revenge is a very good motivator when it comes to selling your soul.

"We are ready."


"Thank you all for coming." I said as I sat down in our little hideout. It wasn't anything fancy, just a basement big enough that we could sit comfortably without hitting our heads on the ceiling.

"There was no way we could have ignored the summons from Hiyori-sama." Nekomamushi, one of the two leaders of the mink tribe and a cat mink, said as he leaned back in his chair while giving stink eye to the other mink lead sitting away from him.

"The idiot cat says the truth, none who have followed Oden-sama would have ignored Hiyori-sama." Inuarashi, the said other leader of the minks and a dog mink, nodded with his hat shadowing his eyes while he glared back at Nekomamushi.

"Who you calling an idiot, you kibble breath?!"

"You already know who, you flea bag!"

"Enough!" Finally, Hiyori seemed to have had enough of their bickering and let a small wave of her khaki was over the room. Courtesy of Kozuki Oden template.

"I care not for whatever feud you two have! If it will get in the way of avenging my father, I will cut you both down! Here and now!" The green haired samurai said with a glare on her beautiful face, making both cat and dog bow down in shame.

"Please forgive us, Hiyori-sama!"

"This will not happen again!" The leaders of the minks said with their head low, hopefully they won't bicker again. They were far too useful to be wasted by their meaningless feud.

"Nice to see that you two can actually listen these days." Ashura Doji, also a vassal of Kozuki Oden and nowadays a bandit, said with a laugh before turning towards Hiyori.

"But I must ask, Hiyori-sama, are you truly sure about this attack? What about your mother's prophecy?" The bandit asked with a frown, not seemingly liking the thought of going against the last words of his late lord's wife.

"I do not care for prophecies, Ashura. I want the man who had my father murdered while hiding behind Kaido like a coward dead. And the Fire Festival will be our best chance to do it." The daughter of Oden said with a glare on her face.

"I... understand, my lady. But still, why did you say that taking the enemies prisoner is better than killing them?" Ashura said with a frown on his face.

"Because simply defeating Kaido or killing Orochi won't save Wano." I finally spoke up, gathering the eyes of everyone in the room on me.

"The outside world is controlled by a government founded by the ancient enemies of Kozuki clan, enemies who have destroyed a whole island and massacred its people in order to hide the knowledge of Poneglyphs. Without Kozuki Oden, the only thing protecting Wano from their interference is the presence of Kaido." All the eyes were now looking wary, the knowledge that the enemies were much more than the Beast Pirates settling in.

"If we can defeat Kaido, I have a way to control her. After years of oppression, she will be leashed and guard Wano like a dog." I said with a glare and the men listening were now cheering, their hatred of Kaido making my plan much more enticing. Though the vassals of the late Daimyou of Kuri were still wary.

"Even if what you said is true? Are you sure that you can actually defeat that demon woman?" Inuarashi asked with a tilt of his head while I smiled.

"Do not worry." I said as I felt the power of my other template going through my body.

"She can't stop me."

No one can stop the Juggernaut after all.