
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
171 Chs


"My lord, I must inform you that I do not believe this course of action is wise."

"Benson, you are making too big of a deal out of this." I rolled my eyes at the aged butler who looked less than pleased with my words.

"My lord, you are the last scion of two different devil pillars, sending out and doing contracts is beneath you." Benson said with a... not glare cause he was too much of a butler to do that, but with a gaze that conveyed that he was not happy with my decision.

Understandable as I was Ludus Bifrons Zepar, the last scion of two devil families from the underworld. I was also a former human who woke up as a baby devil in a anime from my past life with a plot that didn't go beyond 'oh titties'. Not exactly a nice place to live when you realized that this meant that I was in a world with all the mythologies being real with me being a part of a race that was less than appreciated throughout the supernatural world.

Worse, this wasn't the DxD world that I knew of, instead it was some sort of unholy abomination of DxD and My Hero Academia crossover. Making it a world of two anime that I disliked.

And I was also the son of two pillars with my father dead due to an accident in our lands that were filled with monsters and my mother in a coma due to sleeping illness. It's almost like universe was preparing me to be a villain with very good reason to be evil so that the trashy MC could have another power up by poking tits.

"Don't really care, this is a simple way for me to get some contacts in the human world while also keeping an eye for anyone with potential." I said with a sigh.

"Even so, aren't there better ways to do this?" Benson asked once more, practically grasping at straws. Poor guy, he had been serving my family for over two centuries since the day my father picked him up from the streets and had trained himself to be a high class simply to be use to my family, and now he was stuck with a brat who didn't listen to his sagely advice.

"Maybe, but I would like to think this method might get me those who are more… desperate for help, therefore easier to convince." I said with a shrug. It was also because there were several people I knew of an wanted to either get on my side or get under me. If you know what I mean.

Benson looked ready to argue about it more but before he could, I felt the pull of somebody using one of the contracts that had been sent out.

"Would love to stay and argue Benson, but job calls." I said with a wave as I let the magic of the contract teleport me to my client.

Rising from the magic circle the flier created, I spread my arms with a smile.

"Rejoice and, woah!" I leaned away from the flying book sailing through where my head just was.

"Who are you?!" Oh, seems like my dear client didn't know that the whole summoning a devil thing was real. It also seems like I had been summoned by someone I actually knew of.

A rather athletic build with an ass that one could bounce a quarter off and brown hair over a rather round face with rosy cheeks.

"My apologies. My name is Ludus Zepar, miss Uraraka." I said with the most charming smile I could muster as I looked into the frightened eyes of the girl who would have been the love interest of the wimpy main character.


What the fuck?

No, seriously, what the fuck?!

How the hell had a guy, a hot one at that, just came out of a piece of paper?! Sure there was a chance that it was a quirk but if so, why the hell had a hot guy came out of a piece of paper in her house?!

And how the hell did he knew her name?!

"How do you know my name?!"

"Hmm, what a silly question. You were the one to summon me, how wouldn't I know your name?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Summoned?" She asked as she took a step back towards her desk, where there were several items she could throw if the need arises.

"Well yes. Didn't you properly read the pamphlet?" He asked as he picked up the piece of paper he came out of and showed it to her.

'A wish for your deepest wishes!' Was what was written on it. She had found it in the mailbox and thought that it was just some sort of prank. But the symbols on the paper had looked kinda cool so she had took it with her instead of just throwing it in the trash.

She was still a teenager, sue her.

"What does that have to... do..." She trailed off as two black batlike wings sprouted from his lower back and he raised a finger that had a small flame dancing on top of it. It was almost like...

"It has everything to do with it, miss Uraraka. I told you, I am Ludus Zepar. Of the seventy two demon pillars of Solomon." He said and while the logical part of her mind was screaming that this had to be some sort of elaborate trick with a quirk, her body and every other part of her brain screamed that this was real and that resistance was futile.

"What do you want from me?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she fell down on her knees and looked up to him.

"What do I want? Miss Uraraka, the real question is..." He offered his hand to her with a smile. A smile that promised her the deepest desires of her heart.

"...what do you want?"