
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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175 Chs


Sarutobi Hiruzen had lived a long life, longer than most Shinobi would dare to dream about.

He had seen the first years of the Konoha, the might wielded by the Senju brothers, each one of the three wars. He had seen all of them and believed that such experiences made him wiser. That they had prepared him for the cold hearted nature of the Shinobi world.

But nothing could have prepared him to see his successor, one of the greatest Shinobi he had ever known, lose his arm against an enemy that looked bored.

"Now then, shall we continue? Or do any of you three need a break?" The one who had somehow managed to cut Minato's arm from afar said with a flat gaze, but Hiruzen could see the spark of mockery in his eyes.

"Chakra strings." He heard Minato say as he held the stump that once had been his arm.

"You use chakra strings that are thin enough that we can not see and then use wind natured nature transformation on it in order to turn the strings into blades. Fast enough that we feel no wind other than the cut." The Yellow Flash explained with gritted teeth and Hiruzen had to stop himself from dropping his jaw.

What Minato had said may have been rather simple in theory, but in practice it should be almost impossible. Making chakra thin enough that it couldn't be seen and use nature transformation at a speed like that where it remains in nature form less than a second? It was almost impossible to do such a thing with all of your attention, let alone in the middle of a battle!

"Heh, guess there is a reason those idiots gave you that cone hat." Uzumaki Nagato laughed, his eyes full of malice.

Then, before they could say anything, he was once more upon them with both of his fist raised high and then brought down upon them. They jumped away but the impact from the young Uzumaki's hit had created a giant crater with him in the middle. How he had managed to learn Tsunade's strength technique, Hiruzen had no idea but he now had a newfound respect for his dumber student for always getting hit by her.

"Nagato-san, please..."

"Too much talking!" And it seemed like he no longer had any interest in talking to them either, instead he was manipulating the the very earth and even the sky in order to attack them with earth rumbling under them, lightning falling down upon them and small tornadoes forming all around them.

It was truly...



As the small natural disaster I had created slowly disappeared, I looked at the fallen forms of the three Konoha shinobi. It was disgraceful.

Guess an artificial version of Juubi's technique couldn't be powerful enough. Unlike Juubi who could simply use it's ridiculous chakra in order to interfere with the nature energy itself, I had to use several justus consecutively in order to do what I just did.

I could probably create a proper cataclysm if I used senjutsu or the power I had gotten from that moron with god complex, but there was no need to go that serious against them. They were weakened enough that I could kill them without causing such a wide scale destruction now. Not to mention weakened enough to mock.

"Come now, can't you guys go any further? Things were just getting exciting." I said with a laugh as I walked towards them, keeping my eyes open for any of Minato's teleportation marks. Even with one arm and more than likely a small case chakra exhaustion, he was the most dangerous man among those three.

"Whelp, might as well take care of this now." I said as my hand turned into a chakra canon and fired toward the third Hokage.

"GAH!" Evaporating his leg, he wouldn't die from blood loss though. The chakra beam was how hot enough that it had cauterized the wound, he just wouldn't be able to move anymore.

"Now then, let's deal with you now." I said with a smile as I walked towards Danzo, who was already getting up with his wounds healing slowly but visibly.

"Quite the regeneration. As expected of somebody with Senju Hashirama's cells. They were the reason Senju Hashirama was so strong after all." I said with a serious gaze before I ended up laughing, my self control wasn't always the best.

"Honestly, are there any remains of that guy anymore? Considering the amount of times you people just desecrate his grave for science projects."

"Be silent." The Darkness of the Shinobi gasped as he tried to keep himself standing, but he couldn't stop himself from shaking fro fatigue.

It was almost comical. This was the monster who had been behind the biggest pain of my life? This pathetic thing was the one who had caused Yahiko and Konan's deaths!? This was the thing that had taken my friends from me!?

And he could barely even stand. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You know, I actually had this whole thing figured out. The one liners I would give before killing you, all the badass moves; things like that." I said but Danzo didn't seem to listen. Instead he tried to punch me with his Senju Hashirama cell arm so I grabbed his wrist, stopping his punch mere inches from my face.

"But you know..." I put all my strength into my grip and teared his hand off of his arm.

"...I don't need any of those things." I grabbed him by the throat and then shoved my other hand through his heart.

"Now then, are there anything else you two want to say? Wanna continue, or will you leave?" I asked with a glare before I felt a spike of chakra from Danzo, then the bastard became a black hole!

"The hell?!" I yelled as I tried to pull my arm out of the void space that just had been Danzo's corpse, but rather than getting out; I was getting pulled even further in.

Reverse Four Symbols Sealing. I couldn't believe that I actually forgot about this shit! Worse, spatial ninjutsu was pretty much the only thing that I wasn't a fucking monster in. Meaning I couldn't get out of the hole.

But... wasn't this enough anyway?

I had avenged Yahiko and Conan after all. I had also dealt with Obito and Black Zetsu, meaning that there was no way of Kaguya getting out of her seal. Without the disturbance of Juubi's reawakening and Kaguya's dimensional rampage, the Otsutsuki would likely leave this world alone for a very long time. There was no reason for me to actually struggle that much.

I could just let go and accept it all with dignity.




As if!

Even if I couldn't get out of the stupid black hole, I had no intention of crossing Sanzu River with no fuss! If I was gonna die, then I might as well left one last present for this shitty land! One last fuck you from me to the world of Shinobi.

So I focused on the palm of my hand out of the black hole and concentrated on the power of gravitational forces I had with the heaven path. A small black dot with white light outlining it formed over my palm, then it grew to the size of a gold ball, to a tennis ball and finally to a basket ball; and I threw it!

"Chibaku Tensei!"