
Snap 14: The Turnabout of Fate.

My entire life up to this point was pretty normal. Good grades, played enough sports, had a good life. And although this last week or so has been pretty weird, I think what's happening right now is the straw that broke the camel's back.

This person is claiming to a. Be my Grandma and b. That a literal God is my Mom. It was time to ask some actual questions.

"What do you mean? Just how is that possible? A God had a kid with my Dad and that's me, and they then proceeded to forget everything about us? How do you expect me to believe that?"

"I do not, that's why I will show you. Follow me."

So now I had to follow her. It wasn't hard. This void was empty and she was at least 6'3". That's when I looked at her features a bit more. She had a mature, yet young face. Orange hair free flowing, with a black and gold robe. Forget God, she looked more like royalty. But, despite my external doubt, my instincts were agreeing with what she was saying. That it somehow all made sense to me. But the clash between what my body told me and why brain told me was starting to get annoying.

"The walk is rather long. Just because we are in a dream, it does not mean we may so easily do as we please."

She spoke in an archiac way, like an old person would.

"Perhaps while we are still walking, how about some friendly conversation?"

"...About what? If you're a God's mother, shouldn't you be one too? Wouldn't a God be able to know that sorta thing?"

"I suppose I would, if I still were a God. For all intents and purposes, I am dead."

"A God can die?"

"Yes. But unlike humans, we do not have an afterlife. We are left to roam reality, formless, bodyless. Left to be forgotten over the course of time.

"Forgotten? Does that mean..."

"Yes, my own Daughter has little to no memory of me. We Gods live for so long, yet our memories are lacking. I doubt anyone remembers me."

"Are you alone here?"

"Of course not, I can speak to the other forgotten ones, and to my beloved."

"You have a husband?"

"Yes, the father of your mother. He was the God of Time, Chronos. I was the Goddess of Space. Since we ever only had one child, she has to bare the burden of being the Goddess of Space and Time. She has had that position for so long, all alone. When she found her own beloved, we cheered, but she had to lose him. Gods are not allowed to love humans, not directly. They will be cursed if they do so."

"That's why she doesn't recognize me. She just barely remembers she had a son that'd be my age."

"Yes. That is why I had to give you a test and then your abilities."

"That was you?! Wait, you were that old lady?!"

"Why yes. I had to use up much of my power to create a temporary body."

All of it was starting to come together. Vulcan stopped.

"Ah, we are here. Get ready to see the truth of the past."