
Snap 13: Training in Hell.

Right after we got home, Jupiter did something concerning. She started "inspecting" my body. Before that she asked, but I didn't expect her to do what she did. After I said sure, she pinged away my clothes to who knows where. In my embarrassment, she managed to start touching my muscles. It was certainly... something.

"Not bad for a youngster," she said looking at my back.

"Um, thanks." This was a strange situation.

"Alright, we're done here, put these clothes on."

There was nothing.

"And where might they be?"

"Here." She teleported them into my hands. It was training gear. ...Couldn't you have done that before?

"Winter break starts now, prepare for the most hellish training you can."

That's concerning.

"What do you mean?"

"It MEANS 24/7, 7 days a week, training. Those Demons have 1 month until my seal breaks. We're using all of our time."

"But you're a Time God, aren't you? Can't you just stop time while we train at our own pace? Maybe stop their time?"

"I'm a God of Time, not a Demon of Time. That's the sort of being who could do such a thing. Your space and body manipulation can be used instead. Make use of all you have, and you won't need to stop time."

"So, how do we start?"

"Well, firstly, let me see how proficient you are with that ability of yours. Explain it."

At that point, I didn't know it was the old lady's doing, whoever she was. I tried to explain things the best I could.

"That's not as strange as it sounds. Near death situations lend themselves well to awakening dormant abilities. Consider it the silver lining on Fate's cruel puppet strings. Now, enough talk, show me! I'll attack, so try to dodge."

"Now?! Gimme a sec!" I shouted.


She launched blast after blast. My basic instincts kicked in. I did my best to dodge and weave. One above. Lean in. Next at the feet. Hop over. Watch the shoulder, twist. It was as if I was born for battle. I jumped back and *snap*.

"Oh! Let's see how you utilize being hidden."

She was just able discern my general location. Being a God, her sensory abilities must be great. But she didn't know I could phase through the ground. No magician reveals all his tricks. Just enough to fool his audience into thinking they know it all until...

I dropped down.


Jupiter looked around, confused. My reading would be underground, so it's justified. I used my teleportation to move as fast and as much as I can. With so many quick and overlapping readings, anyone relying on detection skills would be confused.

I took the chance to strike, still invisible. I leapt from the floor, straight for the kill. Tunnel vision took over. All I could see was Red. The prey. At that moment I felt like a predator. No, less. A true beast. My sanity took over at the last moment.

"Hmph" Jupiter said, she saw me. Plan B.

I teleported behind.

"You didn't think I'd guess such an amateur move?"

Whatever sort of time limit I had ran out, I was visible. In that instant, I lept to the side.

"Ho! Nice work. Unlocking your magical abilities has made you faster. While we're doing this, let me teach a bit more."

As she said all that, she kept firing her blasts. I dodged to the best of my ability. As I was running for my life, she started lecturing me.

"Listen. There's 3 qualities that matter when doing your magic. 3 things about Light you need to take into consideration."

As she ended that sentence, she stopped for a while.

"Like what?" I said, panting for air.

"1. The sheer amount of it. Fairly simple. 2. The Purity of your Light."

"What, do I need to be a perfect person to do magic? Then how are you so good at it?"

"Your banter aside, your Purity is merely how much of that Light is pure power. That's something you can improve yourself. 3. Density. How much Light is in a particular area at rest is constant. That is indicative of your strengths and weakness. For example."

She got closer and started taking another good look at me.

"Your strengths are your hands and legs. With a minor strength in the wrists. All clobering and kicking it seems."

I thought being strong was a good thing in this situation.

"What about Purity? You haven't brought that up."

"Yes yes. Your's is... pretty good."

"... that's it? Only 'Pretty good'? Didn't you choose me for a reason?"

"Yes, that reason being is your power and adaptiveness. You can conform to a situation well. A trait that lends itself well to an ever constantly changing situation. You're flexible you can adapt. Plus the amount of Light you have is great, so Purity is no issue here."

Despite complementing me, there was a funny attitude to everything she said here.

"So, how do I start doing attacks and whatnot?"

"You tell me. All of that is up to you. You form the spells. The incantations. Those will pop into your head when the time is right. Your spells and unique techniques are up to you. There's no shortcuts here."


I sat, just thinking. Everything she's been saying makes sense. I can't say she's wrong. But why don't I feel anything. I sat for half an hour, meditating. But I got nothing. It was so frustrating. If the fate of the world is in my hands and I can't step up, what am I even good for?

"Give it time. There's plenty right now. Once you get the basics down everything will be quick."

She patted my head. Despite her attitude, Jupiter was really understanding. Comforting in a way only a mother could know.

...I barely knew or understood that feeling. Of a loving mother comforting their young child in a troubling situation. I may have a great step mother, but that may never replace the love my real mother gave me, if memory served well. I drifted off.

In my dreams there was just me. I was standing in Space. But it wasn't black and scary. It was a warm dark blue. The colour of the sky when it's night and there's no light around to muddy it up. Stars everywhere. The brightness of them wasn't the same all the way around, like in real life. Where even am I?

Thats when I heard a voice.

"So this is what your world looks like."

I turned and saw a woman who looked somewhat like Jupiter. I could tell a similarity. Similar faces. This woman looked mature, but not old. As if she had all the wisdom of age in a youthful package. She was tall, over 6 ft. Orange hair, with black accents, wearing a dress with similar colours. Her hair was long. But flowed like water in a vacuum: slow and wave and bubble-like.

"Who... are you?"

"Ah! How rude of me. I am Vulcan. The mother of Goddess Jupiter. And, by extension, your grandmother."


Hopefully I'll have a consistent schedule.

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