
Slytherin devil

Vicente young bored university student, on an ordinary or unusual day happened and he had an opportunity to live a different life one with magic. demonic magic English is not my native language, this is my first time suggestions are welcome.

_Arthas_ · Derivados de obras
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61 Chs

Chapter 18 Tour

A man march across the street, walking rhythmically, walking through the people going about their daily business in the great center of wizarding commerce, Diagon Alley.

He was clearly happy, this is a classic place after all.

But unfortunately for Vincent it was already the beginning of the night, and most of the stores seemed to want to close for the day, even the cycle of these people's lives is very diurnal, it starts early and ends early.

Vincente observed and felt everything through his spy, his way of describing what he felt was incredible, it was like entering a new world.

Traveling from the future to 1978 was already a shock, a disorienting feeling, without all the technology that would light up the streets of the future, cell phones, modern cars, and the blessed net.

But entering Diagon Alley was definitely shocking.

Once in his life he participated in some festivals, the ones where you wear period clothes and try old foods, sing old songs, they were fun but didn't convey fidelity.

But this one, it was very real, and authentic.

If you look closely, you could see the marks of time, marks left by the people who lived there, aged painting, classic art, all integrated into the environment.

The buildings were a show apart, some dating back centuries, others newly built, and all followed a unique architecture, which should not match, but somehow fit perfectly, as if here was a bug in time, architecture from the age of castles, some reminiscent of Rome, others modern from the Middle Ages.

Other marks that were left by the centuries could be seen through objects, it was fun to see such relics used in the daily lives of these people, such as chairs, cutlery, hats and capes, everything very old.

The lighting, was done by lanterns and candle, it was interesting to watch the candles burning through the lanterns glasses, not even a small sign of wax.

These candles are pretty cool.

But the most striking thing here was undoubtedly the presence of magic, it was present everywhere, it was used all the time.

Levitating, Illuminating, magical objects, people in the streets, everything had magic.

He saw a mother healing a little girl's injured knee.

Or owls flying with large loads, something that defies the laws of physics.

Vincent walked like a Tourist, observing and appreciating every bit of that place.

And of course he went through classic places.

First at Madam Malkin's shop, he needed to get a look, her clothes stand out a lot.

Simple pants and shirt, not appropriate for the wizarding world.

thanks to his stay in the magical hospital, he slowly embezzled some gold galleons, those rich gentlemen, didn't notice the little money stolen.

Sometimes some Galleons disappeared, others were replaced by illusory versions, in the short term for the inattentive, it was as if they were real.

A total of 69 galleons were assembled with some effort.

He intended to make those numbers go up exponentially.

Madam Malkin's clothing store was a brick building, its facade was decorated with wood and through the windows could be seen inside.

The internal space did not match the external space, what should have been a 25 square meter room became a gigantic 250 square meter room.

Showcase clothes were presented on mannequins, for women they had beautiful dresses that would please any lady of the Victorian era, other simpler ones,

The highlight were for cloaks and tunics for magicians.

He didn't see Hogwarts uniforms, but it makes sense it wasn't the correct date.

As he surveyed the outfits and enjoyed this classic place, a short, stout lady wearing loud clothes appeared.

Mrs. Malkin "Sir, it's a pleasure to have you here, did you come shopping?" Her tone was strange, between flattering the customer, a little shy, as if afraid of something.

Tom Vegas "Hello madam, Yes as you can see I need new robes, this one doesn't necessarily match the environment" he says while hinting at the robes of the other mages.

Mistress Malkin "Muggle looking..." she babbles, barely audible.

Madam Malkin "Of course sir, I would recommend this robe" She presents a simple black robe.

She was actually quite insightful, it didn't seem like something expensive, and it would definitely serve the purpose.

Tom Vegas "That would be perfect, what's the cost" as he prepared for the stab.

Madam Malkin " 2 gallons sir, this robe is simple and does not have any special fabric, or specific enchantments, but we work with enchantments at the cost of…" she calmly explains the enchantments and functions, but it was just courtesy, she didn't believe the customer could afford such enchantments.

Hearing, about the enchantments, and their specifications he can see that few would be popular, another repair, it doesn't make sense, you spend more gallons because with a simple spell it would solve the problem.

And those aimed at some magical protection, very expensive materials were used, such as Acromântula silk, or dragon skin.

In the end he bought the simple one without enchantment, leaving the shop after a few minutes.

In his interaction with the woman he could see that she had judged him as a Muggle-born or something, and displayed a certain amount of wariness, but was kind enough to oblige.

He continued his visits, Flourishes and Blots, bought some books, again felt that slight annoyance and wariness of the seller.

In a potions shop he was kicked out and cursed at.

Mage "You are not welcome to this place, mud " shouting in a gruff voice.

Tom Vegas "but sir, I can afford it" he replies, he wanted to see how far the seller would go.

Wizard "I don't want sludge Galleons like you, you should know your place" An audience quickly formed, watching and talking about the scene, some supporting the shopkeeper's idea, others sympathizing with the poor man.

The mage lost patience, and cast a spell, Depulso throwing the him a few meters away.

Some spoke up and raised their wands, to the vendor, while others to defend.

Before a fight broke out there, Auror appeared and separated everyone.

In the end, everyone calmed down and the seller entered his shop.

Everything that happened had a purpose, he didn't go to the wizarding world just as a tourist wearing muggle clothes, it's no different here, he was investigating, and worse than he imagined.

The problem was rooted in the population, he could see the clear divide in these people's ideology, Voldemort in the end and just an opportunist, who took advantage of this flaw in the wizarding world.


A/n: Arthas here, guys, I slowed down my writing rhythm, at the beginning of the year I had a lot to do at work, and there was almost no time left for my little hobby, when I calm down I'll be back with a faster posting rhythm

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