
Slytherin devil

Vicente young bored university student, on an ordinary or unusual day happened and he had an opportunity to live a different life one with magic. demonic magic English is not my native language, this is my first time suggestions are welcome.

_Arthas_ · Derivados de obras
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61 Chs

chapter 15 Class day

In the cold little cell, haunted by an incorporeal black presence, the being observes a Red Grimoire that floats next to him, below a young man suffers.

The prisoner's movement was restrained by something unnatural, he was trying to squirm until bone-cracking sounds, the spasms were so violent that they caused internal damage, from his facial orifices, blood came out, and suppressed murmurs came out of his mouth trying to get attention. His captor's eyes flickered and veins bulged, but he didn't dare look away from the blink.

Vincent in his spectral form doesn't seem to care much for the man. he was looking over his Grimoire.

[Sinner, your soul is in a balance, your demonic and human side are in equilibrium, but if you go in this way, you will enter on a path of no return, the demonic part of your soul will becomes more powerful, while the human side weakens]

"I accept" He needed power, and the common methods took too long, he would go that way even if the price was the corruption of his own soul.

Vincent, felt a reaction from the book, a feeling of joy, as if approving of this decision, a mark appeared in the air it was like one of those amulets, dream catcher, and three hoops were connected, in the center of the hoops symbols, which represented an aspect Vincent's se.

The first hoop is a simple weed branch, representing laziness and bad collections.

The second hoop, a design of a beautiful butterfly, colored with rainbow colors, it represents dreams and fantasies.

The third and final hoop is a triangle, the classic illustration of the impossible triangle, representing illusions and paths.

The look of the amulet as a whole was beautiful, the predominant color was white, and blue feathers adorned the rims.

The symbol came down marking Alex, his skin began to burn and heal, forming a perfect tattoo, completing another pass to the ritual.

Tainting a soul is a terrible act, the first demons would not do such barbarism, even in modern times, demons use underhanded and slow means to do this, guiding them like a shepherd, preparing them, and placing opportunities, so that they corrupt themselves.

The reason for this is because there is a high price to pay, doing directly as Vincent wants, your own soul is corrupted in the process, in addition to other terrible problems, souls belong to an order, and you can't just steal them.

[Sinner, the first part is done, you have marked his soul, in the next step you must corrupt it, and take it out of the natural order, always at the risk of something superior noticing, but with so many souls in this world the chances are low]

This is the biggest risk, but according to the book the chances are very low, there are few beings of order to manage billions of lives, it seems that inefficiency and overload it's not only humans problem, somehow it didn't bother him while his soul were not yet completely corrupted, they would not interfere in the mortal world.

The purpose of the brand is to attach it to the body, not letting the soul free itself from my clutches and go to the beyond, and more importantly, it attaches his soul to me.

' Let's proceed ' deciding, firmly to pursue this path.

The book returned to being a simple pendant, Vincent continued, to the next step,

In Alex's spiritual world, the environment resembles a classroom, but there were no people, just silence, a blank board, seats arranged in rows, Alex was occupying one of the chairs, tied up, looking at the blank board.

Vincent, calmly enters the room, he embodied the form of a tall, slender man, wearing an expensive black Italian suit, his face covered by a silver mask. Your hands wore white gloves with a sophisticated cut, a finely carved wooden staff, resting it against the ground, leaving a noise touching the rhythm of your steps.

Yes, he got the idea of the Death Eaters, after all, masks have a special charm, especially when you're doing something bad.

Vincent " Hello gentlemen, I am Professor C. TenniV. Today we will have a class on the Human Body" He declared as he wrote on the board with a marker.

Vincent "and for that... we clearly need a volunteer... Mr Turnbull" He slams his staff on the floor, levitating Alex, then changing the teacher's desk into a large white table.

"Mr Turnbull, for the first experiment, we are going to study the most important liquid compound for life, but first we need an adjustment here" Channeling his demonic energy, Alex's Soul started to tremble just feeling that energy.

A current generated by Vincent, wrapped around the young man's feet, lifting him upside down with his arms loose, first Alex squirmed, trying to get rid of that situation.

Vincent "I see you are very excited for our experiment, Mr Turnbull, but to begin with we need you to behave yourself" The polite voice of the So-called Professor was terrifying.

Using more demonic energy, he incapacitates all of Alex's movements, locking his arms together downwards, while his face is forcibly pointed towards his hands, forcing him to watch them.

Vincent "Usually a Human Being Dies losing about two liters of blood, our first question is how long does this take Mr Turnbull" The professor approaches the victim and slits his wrists with a deep cut, the man felt a great stinging pain, but no he could in no way externalize it, just staring at the blood draining from his body.

The professor took out a pocket watch, walking over to Alex.

Vincent " Shall we make a bet? how many minutes do you believe you will die?" Walking next to the young man he pulls up a chair and waits as if expecting an answer.

After a few seconds of "Oh, sorry Mr Turnbull, I forgot you can't answer" then he releases Alex's mouth letting him speak.

Alex "YOU BITCH, You son of a bitch, I'm going to kill you" his mouth was really creative with profanity.

Vincent "Mr Turnbull cooperate, please" He exclaimed in an altered voice, and again suppressed his speech.

Vincent " if you cooperate with the experiment, and you win the bet, you can leave… would you like to participate?" His voice, spoken in the tone of a friendly professor, seemed to have an opposite effect on Alex, his hatred was such that, for a second, he almost broke the restrictions imposed.

Waiting a few seconds for the victim to calm down, he again frees his mouth.

Alex "FUCK YOU, BREAKDOWN…" as he released his fury and frustration in his curses.

For Vincente, this whole act, made him feel completely, as if torturing Alex's spiritual body, was the purpose of his coming to this world, of course he knew, that he was being influenced by a passive ability, but it was almost irresistible to continue .

After a few minutes, Alex tired of the name-calling, as someone who lived in crime, he understood how it worked and that his torturer liked to see him screaming and suffering, doing his best to contain any reaction.

Vincent " The result of the experiment is… none, a shallow cut in this region would not be enough, it is unlikely that anyone will die, so it takes 5 to 14 minutes for the blood to clot, In your case 6 minutes and 33 seconds, A natural protection of the human body, amazing isn't it? but with some knowledge of pharmacy, you can easily get around this little annoyance, for our science." He explains with eloquence and grace, as he approaches Alex giving an injection.

After a few seconds, under the anticoagulant, the surface layer broke, and the blood flow returned.

Alex started to feel sleepy and weaker and weaker, he could feel that he was going to die, he didn't want to die, he started to feel desperate, abandoning any pride.

Alex "stop it… let me go… I GIVE YOU MONEY… I can get other victims in my place… I'll do anything.." the closer to death, the greater the promises and oaths, the more the Professor continued, quiet, leaving him more and more desperate.

Until a moment when he abandoned all his struggle, his eyes already without hope, just waiting for the end….

But such death never came.

Vincent, seeing Alex's look of confusion, walked over to him, as if to spill a secret.

"You are not going to die, at least not now" in whisper voice

Vincent " Gentlemen, we completed our experiment today with the help of Mr. TurnBull. As our collaborator cannot die, the experiment was a failure, but don't worry, we will have other tests in the next classes" He left, again marking his steps with that wooden cane.

Leaving Alex still hanging, while some drops of blood still fell from his hand, in his ear only the damn noise of the cane, which left him with hatred and frustration.


Hospital St. Mungus

lady Greengrass pov

A few days ago, she saw information in the Daily Prophet that left her in despair, the news of an attack on Yorkshire.

It was there that her only sister, and closest person was, she left immediately with the news, even with her husband trying to prevent it.

Trying... after putting him in his place, she immediately left, and as she expected no trace of Aradia... which made her despair, she wanted to investigate everything that happened here.

Using her contacts, and friends from the Gray faction, she found news that she was in the wizarding hospital, she rushed there as quickly as possible, but was stopped by an Arrogant Auror, Adam McKinnon.

That Auror, forcing her to prove she knew her sister, and subjecting her to such terrible interrogation, she almost blew him up right there.

She would, but after he told her that her sister had fought Death Eaters, and how he'd rescued her from the orphanage, he became more tolerable.

Although that left me with a million questions, what do you mean she used magic, but she let it go, she just wanted to find her sister.

When he found her on the fourth floor, she was worried about her condition, the candle was a mix of emotions, guilt, longing, sadness.

Serafine Greengrass "Sister, I'm going to get you out of here, and get someone to heal you" she says emotionally as she backs away.

Not knowing it, a small shadow began to accompany her.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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