
She Always Knew

Within the intricate web of Eliza Ruskin's life, a question echoes-did Liya always know the truth? As the painful aftermath of their breakup haunts her, Eliza grapples with the mysteries of their past. Why didn't Liya share what she knew? What unseen forces led to their separation? Eliza, a talented detective from a prestigious family, found love and pain for the first time in the arms of Liya Chasen, a renowned artist in the entertainment industry. In Eliza's monotonous life, Liya was the exception-a miraculous and incomprehensible force that defied logic. Their connection was absurd, insane, and yet, an integral part of their existence. Liya, a closed-off soul, faced rejection from a world that failed to understand her. Her solace lay in her passion for photography, a refuge from a desolate life. When fate brought Eliza and Liya together, it sparked a transformative journey, creating profound changes that neither could escape. As they grappled with the pain of separation, their connection endured, a testament to the enduring power of an inexplicable bond. While their love was simultaneously the most beautiful and painful aspect of their lives, they parted ways uncertain of their future happiness. Little did they know, destiny had intertwined their fates, and they were the missing pieces meant to complete each other's lives.

Alencica · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: The Ideal Daughter.

Katharine didn't talk after that. Soon, lunch was served and they ate silently. Liya felt bad for being harsh on Katharine and broke the silence. " So what do you do now? How have you been?"" I've become a forensic doctor. I've also decided to stay back and work here. I've been searching for apartments these days. Other than that, there ain't much."" And what about your life in America? How was it after going there?"" What do you think? It was pretty good at first. I was even happy. I ended up falling in love and that made things go wrong."" Oh... What happened?" Liya realised they were worse than strangers and know nothing about each other despite being sisters." He was a jerk... Well, everyone meets a jerk or two in life so I am past it. It's been a year and a half since I broke up already. I've decided to focus on my career and let life take me along with its waves."" I see... "" Tell me about you too. I can't believe you've grown up so much. I still remember you as a moody teenager."" I wasn't that moody. I think I was quite mature for my age."" Yes, but to me, you were always acting like a child. Wish I could've given you the things you wanted."" ...I never really wanted those things. I just wanted to feel your love." Liya replied back in a low voice.Then again, there was silence before Liya continued." I am a photographer by the way. I am doing well at my job. I earn pretty well so my life has been good."" What about relationships? Have you been in love yet?""Uhm... No, I've never fallen in love until now."" What?! Aren't you almost 25 years old? Are you serious?"" Yeah."" Why?"" Never loved anyone enough to take the first step?" Liya replied half seriously." What? I mean seriously?"" Yes."" Oh Liya. You will never find anyone like this."" Who knows? Anyway, have you found a job already?"" Yeah. For now, I decided to work at a private hospital. Maybe later on, I'll work for the city.""That's good. You've already found a job."" Hmm... By the way, Liya, I've been living at our parent's house since I came back. I wanted to ask... I heard never never visit them... "Liya's expression changed upon hearing about her parents. She looked at Katharine quite seriously and asked." Do you know what they will say if I go back? Sis, you don't have any idea what happened back then. What do you think?! Do you think they'll welcome me with open arms or pretend like it never happened? Let me tell you, the first thing they'll do is tell me to go to a psychiatrist and seek treatment. They'll tell me that I am sick and that I am defying nature. They will tell me how miserable I'll be. They will say all the harshest and cruellest words to me and try everything to convince me that I am wrong! Not because they love me but because I am freaking embarrassment to them!"" ...Sis, you were always the ideal daughter to them. You won't know how it feels to be looked down upon by your own parents. If you had been there at that time, I am sure you wouldn't ask me to come back."" I am sorry Lia. I wish I was there for you. I know I don't deserve to ask for forgiveness but please. At least give me a chance to do something for you cuz that's all that I want. I know how our parents are. When I was young, I enjoyed their praises but Liya, those praises are heavier than they look. They almost suffocated me to death. I just couldn't deal with them anymore so I had to choose that option. It was because I wanted them to be out of my life. I wanted to be able to do everything on my own. I... I wanted to be independent so that I can help you live a better."" Okay let's not talk about that. I don't want to fight with you Sis. I know you had you're reason but I can't let it go yet. My lunchtime's gonna be over soon. I need to go back."" ...Alright. How about some ice cream before we go back?"" Well, let's get a cornetto then."" Okay."After that, Katharine dropped Liya at her office. They made plans to meet again. Liya went back and finished her work. Just like that, the day went by.