
She Always Knew

Within the intricate web of Eliza Ruskin's life, a question echoes-did Liya always know the truth? As the painful aftermath of their breakup haunts her, Eliza grapples with the mysteries of their past. Why didn't Liya share what she knew? What unseen forces led to their separation? Eliza, a talented detective from a prestigious family, found love and pain for the first time in the arms of Liya Chasen, a renowned artist in the entertainment industry. In Eliza's monotonous life, Liya was the exception-a miraculous and incomprehensible force that defied logic. Their connection was absurd, insane, and yet, an integral part of their existence. Liya, a closed-off soul, faced rejection from a world that failed to understand her. Her solace lay in her passion for photography, a refuge from a desolate life. When fate brought Eliza and Liya together, it sparked a transformative journey, creating profound changes that neither could escape. As they grappled with the pain of separation, their connection endured, a testament to the enduring power of an inexplicable bond. While their love was simultaneously the most beautiful and painful aspect of their lives, they parted ways uncertain of their future happiness. Little did they know, destiny had intertwined their fates, and they were the missing pieces meant to complete each other's lives.

Alencica · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: You Abandoned Me.

" Sis... "" Liya, I am back. Can we meet for lunch? Are you free then?"" ...Yes."" I will be waiting at the entrance of your workplace. I'll see you at 14:00 then."" Okay... "Liya hung up the phone and was in a daze. She didn't talk to her sister for almost eight years. They had no contact at all. She occasionally thought that it would be good to have someone like an elder sister around for her when she felt sad and lonely. When the world discriminated against her, she hoped that there would be someone to support her. Someone to hide her behind their back and protect her.The assistant called out to her and she came back to her senses. Taking one last sip of her coffee, she went to work.Liya held the camera with her slender yet strong hands. She gave a few orders and clicked the photos. She was currently taking single portraits of the members. Seeing that, the other staff were relieved and thought that Liya was going easy on them.Liya made sure to bring the best out of the photos. Luke only arrived after 10. Liya finished taking the portraits of other members until 10:30 while Luke was getting ready. Then they started taking group photoshoots.Liya carefully guided every model from the way they should look to the way they should stand. She saw that everyone was in their best condition before clicking the camera while giving instructions along the way." Now, we will be changing to a more fierce look. Look at the camera as if it has killed the most precious person to you. Show that hatred along with the pain in your eyes. Look as if you're looking at the person who took it your everything away from you."' Click, Click, Click'" Good. Take a five-minute break to calm yourself. Then we'll go with the sexy look."After the break, they had different temperaments. Everyone kept trying their best. The models were working hard." No, it's not enough. You look like you are in love. You have to look sexy, not lovely. Look at the camera as if it's the person you desire the most. Maybe your lover or a girlfriend. Look at it as if you're looking at them. As if you're trying to seduce them.Open up your top two buttons. Show the earring on your ear. Look slightly upward with an arrogant look. Have eyes full of desire. Now look sideways. Keep changing positions. Lean on the other person with your hand. Make sexy gestures. Keep going on."While she gave instructions, Liya kept clicking the photos. At around 12:45 pm, they were finally done with the photoshoot. Meanwhile, Luke's single portraits were still pending. So Liya quickly took them and they were done around 1:20 pm. Liya dismissed everyone. Luke still acted arrogantly and was under the assumption that Liya had succumbed to his background like most people.Liya perfectly ignored him and did her job. After that, she checked over the photos and said. " They are okay. I'll pick out the best ones after the lunch break. Marry, bring it over by then. We'll submit it as soon as possible and be done with it."" Sure. Anything else?"" No. That's all. I'll be eating out with an acquaintance so suit yourself and have a good meal. It was hard work today."" Hmm."" Then I'll be off. Bye."" Bye."Liya quickly wrapped things up and went to her office. After picking up her stuff, she walked into the elevator and went up to the first floor. She went outside the entrance and finally saw her sister among the people. She couldn't really recognise her at first. She looked so different from before.Just then, Katharine also turned around to look at the entrance and their eyes collided. She was a bit surprised before a gentle smile spread on her face." Liya, your here!"" Yeah... "" Let's go. I'll treat you to lunch."" I've to pick up my car from the parking."" You don't have to. Come along with me. My car's here."" Oh."They sat in her dark blue Volkswagen Virtus. It was a pretty decent car. They went to a nearby restaurant and sat in a secluded corner with privacy. Katharine asked her." Do you still like the same dishes as before?"" What? Yeah... "" Okay."Then Katharine ordered her favourite dishes and soup. After the waiter went away, they finally had time to talk. Liya looked at her seriously and asked." When did you come back?"" It's been a while. I heard that you don't go back to our place anymore."" Yeah." Liya clenched her hands secretly." ...I heard what happened Liya. How have you been after that?"Liya looked up startled. Seeing the look in her sister's eye, she knew that she already knows everything." Fine." She clenched her hands tighter and looked down at the teacup.Katharine didn't say anything for a while. She looked at her sister who was avoiding her gaze. She couldn't believe how mature Liya has become." Liya."" Huh?" Liya looked up at her. Katharine said seriously." Don't worry. I support you. I will always be on your side."After that, both of them went silent. Suddenly, Liya smirked." I don't need it, Sis. Not anymore."Katharine's pupils dilated and she asked in a low voice." Do you hate me Liya? For not being there with you?"" I don't hate you, Sis. I just resent you. You know I never needed you my whole life. There was only one time, only one time that I really needed you to be by my side, but you abandoned me and stayed away hiding in north America. That's when I knew what I meant to you."