

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

BLACK_HORNS · Fantasía
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16 Chs


(Next Moring)

We spent our night in the isolated cave. Even though I did the dragon heart ritual yesterday, I still didn't feel anything change in my body.

"I'm trying to figure out why I can't feel anything in my body. It does not look like my body has changed."

"Hmm, it's because Ella's heart didn't settle down in your body quite yet. It will take a few days for the heart to know your body."

"Is that so?"

"And when it did, you would feel the change. Your strength will increase drastically."

"Okay!! "Oh, and do I have two hearts now?"

"Don't be a fool." You don't have two hearts. Your heart has become a dragon's heart.

"And you can't see it, but around your heart, there is a mana barrier that protects your heart from any internal injury."

"Hehe, I don't know that."


"Anyway, we won't do any training until Ella's heart settles down... but don't stop observing the mana around you, even if you are not doing anything."

"It will also help Ella's heart when you gather mana inside your body, so don't stop doing it.

"Alright!! I understand."

"Damn, I'm quite worn out." "I can't even move my body now."

"Hmm, oh, brother Jasper and sister Nina, you came back." When I heard someone's mumbling voice, I turned my head and saw my brother and sister coming back from their exploration.

"Yeah, we are back." "How did the ritual go?"

"It went quite well, sister, and I successfully obtained the dragon's heart."

"Is that so?" Then that's good.

"But why did you two take so much time to explore the cave?"

"Hmm, it was quite deeper than we expected, so we went further to explore more, so that is why it took us this long to return."

"Oh, and when we reach the end of the cave, we find a small pond... but it's not a simple pond, it's a healing pond that will heal any injuries."

"What!?" "Does that kind of pond exist?"

"Yeah, it does, Jen, "TRYFING said.

"And it will be good if we go there for a rest, and it also helps you to gather mana lots faster."

"Then let's go there." After that, we all went deep inside the cave.


"Damn, what a beautiful place!" I was dazed when I saw the pond. It was so beautiful. A few small, bright blue orbs are hovering around the pond, which shows the beauty of the place, and lots of plants are around it.

"Now Jen get inside the pond."

"Hmm, O-Okey". Tryfing snapped me out of my daze.

and I went inside the pond. When I entered the pond, my body was touched by the warm and gentle water of the pond. It was so relaxing.

"Jen put Ella's grandchild also in the water; it will help the baby be healthy."

"Okay, TRYFING, "AsTryfing said I put the egg in the water. When I did that, the egg started to glow brightly.

"TRYFING what's going on." I covered my eye with my hand because I couldn't see clearly because of the bright light.

"Don't worry. It's nothing. The egg is just observing the mana from the water.

"Hmmm". I did not say anything but hum.

And shortly, my brother and sister also joined us in the water.


After we are done with the healing pond, we get out of the water.

"So what's now, Jen?" Sister Nina asked.

"We will go to the human domain now." "So let's wrap up everything."


And after drying ourselves off, we started to head out of the cave...

"Jen made sure to not let go of the egg and always kept it with you."

"Alright!!" I covered the egg with the help of the shadow and kept it with me.

"Now let's get moving." I hopped on my brother's back while holding TRYFING in my hand.


(A day ago)

"I can't see her anywhere." "It looks like she is not here." A man wearing a black robe that covered his entire face spoke. And the man was not alone; he had his 12 companions, including him.

"Hmm, then where did she go?"

"That's a question. "Where is she?" "Since she was so severely injured by the spears, I don't think she is alive." The people wearing black robes started to talk with each other.

"If she is not alive, where is her body?"

"It must be somewhere around here..." So let's search this entire place; we can't leave until we are sure if Ella has died or not. If she is still alive, we must kill her, no matter what.

"Yeah, let's search around."


(Present time)

"TRYFING, you still did not tell us about the people who killed Ella."

"And why does she tell you that they will come after you and us?"

"Look, Jen, the people who killed Ella are not simple people. They are a lot stronger than you can imagine."

"So you have to be strong and not you." Jasper and Nina, you guys also have to be strong. "I know what you both are doing this day, but only that is not going to be enough to deal with them."

"Hmm, what are you talking about?" Tryfing. What are brothers and sisters doing these days?

"You will find that out soon."

"But first, you guys have to be strong." "Jen is strong, but he can't face them alone... so, Jasper and Nina, you have to be strong and help him if we ever encounter them."

"And Jen, you have to master all the magical elements... and be better at controlling the shadow."

"If you grow strong, the shadow that you gather from your surroundings will also be strong."

"We have to be prepared for everything because the one with whom we are going to fight is none other than...!? "

"Hey, you kid who is riding on a magical beast... stop right there."

"Hmm, who are those people...?" When I looked up, I saw people floating in the air, wearing black robes that covered their entire faces.


"What happened TRYFING." I did not understand what happened to Tryfing because I had never seen TRYFING trembling like that.

"Jen..be..careful..they are. TWELVE ZODIACS." TRYFING muttered in a low voice.
