

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

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16 Chs

Chapter 8( Dragon heart)

"I'm sorry Ella I wasn't able to help you...but don't worry we will take good care of your grandchild."TRYFING flew over Ella's body and muttered in a low voice.

"Jen take the egg !!"

"Hmm, O-Okay!!" without wasting time I went to Ella's body and take the glowing egg from her belly.

"What should we do now Jen?" Sister Nina asked.

"Hmm, let TRYFING handle this!! ".

"Ella, I hope you went to where our lord is.!!".TRYFING stands next to Ella's body.

Even though I can't see his experience but I know TRYFING is really sad right now.

But I can't do anything except watch from the side.

"Jen let's give her a rightful funeral."


After that, we buried Ella ...and pay our utmost respect to her.

"TRYFING don't you think that those who hurt Ella are nearby to find her?".

"Yeah, they must be looking for her to see if she is a life or not."

"We must get out of here..but first, let's do what Ella wishes for."

Before burying Ella...TRYFING took her heart from her body and give it to me.

"It will hurt badly ...you will feel intense pain in the process so are ready to do that."

"I-I-I'm ready...!!

"Okay then let's first find an isolated place where no one can disturb us....and we can't stay here too long ...they might catch us..so let's get moving."

When TRYFING said that I took the egg that I put next to Ella's grave. I Want the egg to be next to Ella's for the very last time cause if we leave I don't know when we will return to this place and I think Ella also wants to be next to her grandchild even though she dies.

"Now let's get moving!!" after picking up the egg I climb on my brother jasper's back.

"Brothers!!".I called for silhouette figures.

"SCATTER!! And find an isolated place."

And after a brief moment, we found a cave that was a mile far away from where are we now. And went straight there.


"Hmm, damn I don't wanna go there it reminds me of the cave I was sealed for years in the dark forest."

"Hehe~ but we have to go if we wanna do that ritual."

"Y-yeah...but I don't wanna go."

"Almighty legendary sword is sacred of a mere cave huh!?".

"Don't make fun of me. Damnit!!".

"Then go in...I won't say anything!!".

"Do you think I won't go ...just see!!".


"What the!? Why is there so much mana here...and this cave is so deep too."When we went inside I was shocked.

"Looks like this cave is a good place for the ritual."

"Jen let's start without wasting any time."



"Hmm, what do you guys mumbling about?"

"Oh, it's nothing, Jen!! You do the ritual we will go explore this cave.!!"


After I said that brother jasper and sister Nina went deep inside the cave.

"Okay then go sit in the middle ".


"Now concentrate!! Like I said before it will hurt like hell but if you can endure it...then you can gain lots of strength ...but if you can't endure it then your life will be in danger so don't lose your concentration and focus."


After sitting in the middle TRYFING draw a circle around me while enchanting. When TRYFING was done with the circle. The circle around me glows.

"It will not take much time so no matter what just endure the pain."


"Now close your eyes and focus on your mana flow."

I closed my eyes and followed every instruction from TRYFING.

"Let's start!!."

TRYFING aging started to enchant while looking at the "Dragon heart" and shortly Ella's heart flew to midair and from the heart, a pitch-black smoke came and went straight toward Jen.

*Ahhhhhhhhhhh* when the black smoke went toward Jen ...the black smoke grab every part of Jen's body...and started to break and regenerate Jen's bone.



"N-No I can't lose focus....if I lose then my life will be in danger...I can't let that happen I can't die here... I have to find my mother's killer and make them pay for what they have done to my mother....so I have to live and endure this pain."

"Jen...Jen, can you hear my voice?"

"Who are you !?".

"It's me Ella so you can hear my voice huh!! That's good."

"Where are we, Ella?".

"We are in a spiritual world...but forget about that now".I can't see Ella but I can hear her voice clearly.

"Look, Jen if you want to save yourself and the people who are closes to you then you have to endure it ."

"I know it hurts so much but you have to do this to save TRYFING and my GRANDCHILD ".

"The people who killed me are strong people lot more strong than you can imagine....they will come after TRYFING and my GRANDCHILD and not only them your and your brother and sister's life will be in danger too."

"So you have to obtain the dragon heart to be strong....but only the dragon heart is not enough for you to be strong...but don't worry dragon heart will help you to grow strong so ....just endure the pain".

"But why will they come after us?".

"I can't say that now....and I can't stay longer in this spiritual world for too long ...so TRYFING will tell you about this soon."

"Looks like my time has come I have to go now."

"I will like to you serve you in another life too... I'm happy that you have my heart now...we will never be apart now MY LORD".

"What!? "

"Farewell My lord!!".

"No, wait what do you mean by lord".

"You will find out soon enough!!".

"Ella no wait!!"


"The ritual is complete Jen congratulation you have obtained the dragon heart."

"TRYFING I meet Ella in the spiritual world."

"Oh, you did!! what did she say to you."

"She said that our life will be in danger but most importantly she called me LORD!!"


"So she finds out huh!!" TRYFING muttered.

"Why did she call me lord TRYFING??."

"Hmm, don't know !! Maybe it's because you are now the owner of the dragon heart ...so that's why she called you lord I guess."

"Forgive me Jen but I can't tell you the truth just now....but you will find out eventually in the future ....until then I can't tell you." TRYFING thoughts.

"Hmm but I don't think that the reason.. TRYFING".

"No, what I said is true so don't waste your time thinking about that."

"Even though you obtain the dragon heart it is not completely settled down inside you so you better take some rest".

"Hmm, okay if you say so."


"Thanks!! He is just a 12-year-old kid...and simple-minded so I don't have to tell him everything now ".

"But you will know everything just wait patiently My LORD".