

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

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16 Chs

Chapter 10 ( Family)

[Jen, don't you say any unnecessary things.]

[Let them talk first. ]Tryfing uses telepathy to talk with me and hide itself with the help of a shadow.


"Hey, kid!! "What are you doing here?" The man wearing a black robe asked.

"Hmm, nothing. I'm just going back home."



"Where are you coming from?"

"Oh, I went to the forest to play."

"Hmm, you went to the forest to play?" "What a brave kid you are."


"But the human domain is so far from here, why are you alone?"

"I'm not all alone; I have them with me." I pointed at my brother Jasper and my sister Nina.

"Those magical beasts... are they yours?"

"Yeah, they are my bro... I mean my pet." 

[Sorry, brothers and sisters, I have to say that.]

[It's fine, Jen, don't worry.] Brother Jasper replied through telepathy.

"Hmm, your pet?" "Are you from a noble family?"

[Jen told them that you're from a noble family].


"Yeah, I'm noble."

"Hmm, is that so?" Anyway, did you see a black thing that was flying around here?"

"Black thing?."

"Yeah, a black dragon. Did you see it anywhere around here?"

"What's a dragon?" Are they talking about Ella? I thought to myself.

"No, I have never seen one around here."

"So you did not see it, huh!"

"Are you telling the truth?" If not, then you will be in trouble, so you better tell us the truth."

"Yeah, I'm telling the truth, I did not see it around anywhere.."

"Hmm, then you may go."

"Oh, thank you, sir."

The man wearing a black robe did not say anything.

"If that is all you want to ask, then I will take my leave."

"Yeah, go!!"

After having been given permission, I hurriedly fled from there.

"Is it only me, or did you guys also feel it?" This time a woman's voice came from the people wearing black robes.

"Yeah, and I also feel it."

"Hmm, the presence of the SHADOW GOD."

"Yeah... but how can that be since he died long ago?"

"Yeah, it's not him or his descent; we are just mistaken."

"Anyway, let's resume our search." the man 

who was asking questions to Jen said...and all of them left.


"Tryfing who are those people just now?"

"And why did you hide yourself from them?"

"Jen, they are the ones who killed Ella!"



"That's why they asked you about the black dragon."

"Hmm, I thought so too. So I was right."

"Yeah, and they are searching for her."

"But she is already dead, so why are those people searching for them?"

"Well, we have a long history with them...I'll tell you about it someday."

"Hmm, why do you always hide things from me—did you not trust me or what..?"

"I'm not hiding anything. You are just not ready to know the truth."

"And I told you that I would tell you someday..."

"Hump!! "You always say that."

"It's not time for this Jen; we have to go to the human kingdom fast."

I don't think they have realized it yet, because Jen is still not fully awakened, so they won't find it now, but we can't hide from them forever. It is our destiny to engage in a fight with them, but before we engage, I have to make Jen strong so no one can crush him. I won't let anyone look down upon my "LORD."


"Now, brother Jasper, let's go fast."


"It will still take us a lot more days to reach the human domain."


(Two days later)

(inside the cave)

"Damnit, where is she? "We search the entire Eastern continent, and still we haven't found her." A man bangs his hand into the wall.

"Yeah, what now?" "I don't think she is on this continent." the black-robed people that meet Jen Two days ago, started talking with each other.

"We have to find her, alive or dead, no matter what."

"Because we need her grandchildren."

"Don't you think she hid her grandchild somewhere and left by herself?"

"Yeah, maybe, but where did she hide?"

"We still don't know if she hides it or if she still has it with her."

"Hmm, what do you guys think about the kid that we met previously? Don't you guys think he's hiding something?"

"Because this entire time we did not encounter anyone except him."

"Well, I don't think so. If he really knows something, then why will he hide when we threaten him?"

"Yeah, and he doesn't even know who we are or why we are searching for the dragon."

"Damn, my head hurts just thinking about this."

"Now, what should we do?"

"Let's go look for her on another continent."

"Fuck, how can that bitch fly while being injured like that?"

"If I find her I'm gonna tron her apart."

After discussing with themselves for a little while, they left the cave. 


At the riverside.


"Can't we take a rest?"

"No, you can't, Jen."

"TRYFING, you are so cruel, how can you do this to me?" I was so tired that I lay on the ground and faced upward to the sky.

"I'm not cruel. I'm just helping you."

"Yeah.. yeah. I know, but I'm your master. You can't do this to me."

"Huh!? "Master my ass!"

"You don't even have an a** TRYFING!"

"Hehe~". Brother Jasper and sister Nina who were sitting on a boulder, giggled when I said those words.

"Shut up, all of you."

"Hehe, don't be embarrassed..."

"I said shut the hell up. It's not time for fooling around."

"And you two, Jasper and Nina, go do some training too, and master that what you guys have been doing."

"Yeah, we heard you loud and clear; you don't have to yell."

"Yeah, brother is right, don't you tell us what to do ass less sword."

"Pfft. Hahaha. That was a good one sister." I laugh so hard, holding my belly.

"Stop joking around and don't laugh at me, bastard."

"Okay!! Okay, let's stop."

"We have to get moving; we will reach the human domain by tomorrow evening."

"And after living there for a few days, we're going to go to the northern continent. Next, I hope I will find some clues about my parents."

"TRYFING, can't you send shadows all around the world?" "As you know, I can't do that because I have a limit to using shadows."

"I can do that!"


"If you can, then why didn't you tell us before you ass less sword?"

"Stop calling me that."


"I did try to search for them, but I never found any clues about your parents. So we have to search for them on every continent."

"Maybe your family's last name is not Nightwalker."

"But that is what is on the necklaces, so how can't that be the last name of my family?"

"Well, I don't, but don't worry, we're going to find your family soon. Just wait patiently."

"I hope we find them soon."

"Now then, don't worry, we're going to help you find them," TRYFING said, as brother Jasper and sister Nina both nodded their heads.

"Thank you, guys!"

"You don't have to thank us. We are also your family." After saying that, sister Nina and brother Jasper climbed down from the boulder and rubbed their cheeks against mine.

- To be continued...