

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

BLACK_HORNS · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter 7 ( Ella: The black dragon)

(Two years later)


"Damn I'm out of breath."

"That's it for today you may take some rest now."

"It's been two years since you started training and you have improved quite a lot ....well not much but still, it's good progress...now you can gather mana every time even when you are sleeping, eating, or walking."

"Y-Yeah and I can feel my body has changed drastically it's all thanks to you TRYFING."

"HAHAHA...yeah, it's all because of me ...you better be grateful to me."

I still did not tell him that I send shadows all around the world for me to teach him. But to my surprise ...I did not think that he will grow this much only in two years.

" So what's now ?? What will you gonna do brother ...we have been in this forest for two years...will we continue our journey now or not".

"Yeah, sister we gonna resume our journey now."

"We can't always sit here and do some training we have to move now...I have to find my family's whereabouts....and we have to find ####### for TRYFING too."

"TRYFING has told me what it wants from me in the future and I was shocked when I heard that...so we have to move now."Jen's thoughts.

"So let's warp up and let's get moving everyone".

"Okay!!" Everyone agreed with Jen.

Well, I don't have clothing since I was a baby ...and I always use shadows to be my clothes...and today again I used shadows to be my robe.


"I want to wear some clothes that people wear...I wanna taste good food that people normally eat...I want to try everything that people do in their daily life...so I better find the human domain as soon as possible."

Well, we can go to the human domain right now by using shadows...but I don't wanna do that. I want to see every scenery that this world has to offer...I wanna enjoy myself while searching for my family household.

"So are you ready to move Jen?"

"Yeah brother I'm ready....let's go."Brother Jasper snap me from my thoughts.


We already know where the human domain is... causes we already sent a shadow soldier to find the human kingdom.

It will take us one week to get there while riding on my brother.

In our LATINEYA world, there are Five continents...EAST, WAST, NORTH, SOUTH, and CENTRAL continent. and right now we are on the EAST continent I searched the whole EAST continent to find my family's whereabouts with the help of shadows but I didn't find any family who has the "NIGHTWALKER" last name...

So I think my mother isn't from the EAST continent...and now I have to search for them in another continent ...it will take lots of time to find them.


"what the!? What was that loud sound."

"Look up ahead Jen something fell from the sky."

"Brother go up ahead fast".


"What an intense aura!?".

"Even though I'm using all mana to cover my body... its pressure is far strong... and we are not that close to where the loud noise came from."

"What's going on!?".

"Jen be careful.. up ahead of us there is a strong Predator".


When we get closer to the place where the loud noise came from I was shocked when I see the sight in Fort of me... I was speechless.

"A-A DRAGON!?". Even though I have never seen a dragon before...but I know what they look likes...

"It's injured." I climbed down from my brother's back...and saw lots of big spares that pierced through the dragon's body...

"Who-Who are you people". The dragon spoke.


"Don't worry we are not here to harm you we are just passing by....and when we heard a loud explosion we came here to see what going on....then we found you".

"Ella is that you??."

"What the!? TRYFING??".Ella a Black DRAGON' with a deep red eyes...was shocked after seeing TRYFING.

"Do you guys know each other?" I was even shocked when TRYFING called the DRAGON.

"Yeah, we know each other she is my and the God of shadow companion."


"So you are still alive huh!?".

"Yeah but...when did your sealed broke."

"This boy was the one who freed me from the sealed."

"What a human broke the sealed of gods??".

"Yeah but forget about that now .....what happened to you why are you injured this badly."

"TRYFING listen carefully The ######## are back...and they are hunting everyone."

"What!? But how can that be??."

"I also don't know how but you have to be careful TRYFING...cause they will also come to find you."

"No, I can't let that destruction happen again."

"What are you guys talking about!?".

"Jen, I will tell you everything later.... let's heal her first with YEAST plant"


"No, don't waste your time it can't be healed by the YEAST plant and it's already too late for me I can't make it."

"But I have a favor to ask?".

"Yeah go on I'm listing."

"If what TRYFING said was true that you are the one who freed him then you are the only one that I can trust."

"Would you please take care of my grandchild??". When the dragon named ELLA removes her wings I saw an egg on her belly.

"An egg??"

"Yeah, sadly this egg's mother I mean my daughter died by that bastard's hand."

" I managed to run away with this egg but in that process, I was also hurt badly ...and I don't think I can make it.....so would you take care of it."

"Y-Yeah I can do that ".

"And in return, I will give you my DRAGON HEART."

"ELLA are you out of your mind!?".

"No TRYFING I'm serious if you are with this boy then that means I can trust him with this and not only that I can feel our Lord's energy inside him too."

"So boy you will do it right!?". I said yes earlier but I still don't know what's going on so I look at TRYFING.

*Sigh* TRYFING sighed.

"Okay, Ella if that's what you want then we will do that, "TRYFING answered instead of me.

"Thank you TRYFING now I can leave without worrying about my grandchild."

"And you know right how to give my heart this boy!?

"Yeah, I know."

"That's good...please take good care of it ....Jen".

And then slowly the DRAGON ELLA closed her eyes.

- To be continued