

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

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16 Chs

Chapter 6( Training)

"Damn I'm gonna kill you".Elder rage in anger. after his hand was cut off.

When the dust that was created by the explosion settled down elder yelled again.

"Where did that kid go damn it?"The elder didn't find Jen anywhere.


"He is gone, elder."

"What!? Princess, what do you mean by he is gone?" Princess jumped from the tree and landed on the ground where the elder was.

"As I said he is gone ... I didn't see it clearly but... it looks like the ground swallowed him."


"Yeah, I know you won't believe what I said."

"But that's what I saw...the shadow around him took him under the ground...and not only him but the injured magical beast and another magical beast...they all swallowed by the shadow."

"But how can that be? how can a little kid do this kind of things??.

"Hmm, I also don't know how he is capable to do something like that...but he is interesting!!."Princess gave a slight smile.

"Anyways, elder let's go back we have to treat them". Princess pointed at the elves who were injured by Jen and Jasper.

"Hmm, Okay".


Somewhere far from Elder and the Princess.


"What the!? What was that just now?" Jen appears underneath from the ground into the surface.

"TRYFING will you explain what happened just now?"

"I will tell you later ...first, we have to treat Nina"

"oh yeah, where is she?" Black Panther Nina appeared a little far from Jen and the others.

"Sister, A-Are you alright ".

"Did ....i..look alright ...to you huh!?".

"Nah you don't".

"So why the fuck are you asking...that?"

"I-I'm sorry sister."

"It's fine...you foolish brother..."Even though she was injured badly she rubs her cheek against Jen's cheek.

"Thank you, brother ....!!"

"Thank you but why...Anyway, sister it's not time for chit-cheat we have to heal your injuries".

"TRYFING scatter all the shadows in the forest and tell them to find the "YEAST" plant."


"And tell them to bring the "YEAST" plant here if they find it."

"Okay".After that TRYFING ordered his Shadows to find the "YEAST" plant.

And luckily they found five of the "YEAST' plants...After a few minutes.

YEAST is a glowing plant that can heal any injuries if the one who was injured still breathing. It's so rare and hard to find it...lots of people died while searching for that plants..but for Jen, it's easy to find it... it's all because of the shadow's help...they can go anywhere and anytime without worrying about anything...so it was not hard for him to find it.

After shadows bring the "YEAST" plant Jen chews the plant and drop the juice of the plant on Nina's wounds.


"Now you will be fine sis just rest for a while."

"Hmm!! hmm" after shortly Nina fall asleep.

"She falls asleep quite fast!!"

"Well, she is exhausted after all ....so let her rest for a while, Jen." Black Panther jasper says while sitting next to his sister.

"Now TRYFING tell me what happened when we were fighting with the elder."

"Well, it's not that big of a deal ...it happened all because of you Jen."

"What!? What do you mean by that".

"As you know I'm really weak compared to my prime..."

"So I was not able to get us out of there but when you gather all the shadows around us ...then the shadows felt your desire to get out from there."

"Thus without you knowing that shadow moved in own accordingly and they swallowed us under the ground and bring us far from that elder."

"So you were the one who bring us, your desire to get out from there saved us."

"But how can shadows feel my desire??."

"Well, it's simple when you came into contact with them...they will become one with you."

"Even though they are not living creatures...they also have their own free will."

"Thus even if you don't order them to do something they will do it by feeling your desire."

"Oh and don't use them as some kind of tool for you to play ...."

"No, I will never treat them like that ....they are also part of my family."

When the silhouettes figure around Jen heard what Jen said they all gave them a warm hug to Jen... making him giggle.

"TRYFING I have a favor to ask.."

"Yeah go ahead I'm listening."

"After today's fight with that elder, I realized that I'm still too weak...so I wanna be strong that way I won't be overwhelmed by anyone in the future."

"And I don't know how much strong the people who killed my mother were...so I wanna be stronger ...would you please teach me how to be strong ... I don't like to be looked down upon by anyone."

"Hmm, don't worry I will make you strong as the "God of shadow " was in his prime."

"What ?? I can be that strong??"

"Yes!! But you have a long way to go...you can't be like him in only one day or one year...you have to take small, small steps first."

"Anyways, rest well for today I bet you were worn out by today's fight with the elder...so take rest for today...I will start your training tomorrow".



(Next morning).

"oh, you woke up ..did you have a good sleep?"

"Hmmm, yeah". Well after spending 10 years of my life in the dark forest... I don't have any problem with sleeping on the ground.

"Where is sister!?"

"Don't worry, she is fine ...Nina and Jasper went for a hunt".


"So why don't you fresh yourself ...after that, we will start your training."


After refreshing myself.TRYFING started my training.

"I will teach you everything that this world has to offer ..so embrace yourself ..it will gonna be one hella of training."

"What!? do you know other stuff too?"

"Huh!! Who do you think I'm huh?? I'm Almighty's legendary sword...the God Himself once wielded me....don't treat me as some kind of ordinary sword."

"Well, I don't know shit about other stuff...I scattered shadows all around the world...so I can learn and teach him...about magic and other stuff...I'm just bragging to him ." TRYFING muttered.

"Anyway, let's start your training.."

"First, we will focus on your mana flow as we do before in the dark forest ...so sit down in a cross-leg position...and concentrate on your mana flow...and gather them little by little in the center of your body."

"Okay!!" well have done it before so it's not hard for me to do.

"I can teach him how to control shadows even better than he controls now ...and how to wield a sword."

"That is the only thing that I can teach him without relying on the shadow....but he has other elements of magic too...so I don't how to teach him that...and his psychical strength is also not good ...thus for that parts, I will rely on the shadow." TRYFING thoughts.



"Damnit!! I thought it .....will be easy but ...it was hard than before."

"Looks like you gather only 10% more mana than before...it will get a lot harder from now on."

"Now this time try to gather mana from your surrounding to inside your body...but you have to do this every time... I mean you have to try to gather it when you are sleeping, eating walking, And when you are doing other training..you can't stop doing it until I say."

Well, I saw this kind of training in the Elf kingdom through the shadow just now.

"But how will I do that ??"

"Just like you have done a few minutes ago when you were gathering mana inside you into the canter of your body....but this time you have to focus on the outside of your body and try to gather it."


And like TRYFING said I followed his instruction and tried to focus on my surroundings.

"Oh, I can feel the mana around me ... let's try to gather it".

When I tried to gather it ..little by little mana around me started to move ...and came around me.

"Hmm!! This kid is good at this ...even though it's his first time trying it...even the kids of elves that are training at their kingdom can't even move a single, mana around them ".


"Damn I'm out of breath".

"You did good you gather at least 2% of mana from your surrounding...well it's not much but it's still good on your first try."

"Today is your first day trying that so I will allow you to take a rest ....so while you resting listen to the other training that you have to do...I made a schedule for you."

"O-okay alright!!".

"After this, you have to train your body I mean your psychical strength .... Your body is the most important thing ....if you didn't train your body you will run out of breath. When you were on the battlefield...so your psychical strength is the most important thing."

"And after that, you will have to train on how to wield a sword perfectly ....you wield a sword very well but that is not enough..."

"And after that magic ...for that, you have to train mainly in mana flow..."

"That is all you have to do for now."


"Brother!!" when I was listening to TRYFING I heard someone yelling and when I turned back I saw...

"Oh, brother Jasper and sister Nina".

"You guys came back oh and you bring us dinner huh!!" I saw a deer in my sister's mouth.

"Yeah, I bet you are hungry why don't we eat first."

I looked at TRYFING "Hmm, yeah we can do that". And TRYFING permitted me to eat.

Then we cooked deer on fire...I told my shadows brother to bring fire ...cause I can't use fire magic.

And they brought it from... well who knows from where they brought but they just brought it.

After that, we had a nice dinner.

-to be continued.....