

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

BLACK_HORNS · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter 14 ( A mysterious guy)

"Damn bastard, how can you kill someone?"Bronn yelled in rage.

"Huh!? "You guys were the ones who started it... so why are you yelling?"

"We only wanted to teach you a lesson... because you didn't answer my questions."

"But now you're going to die, kid. How dare you kill my friend?" Bronn unleashed his aura.

[Jen, don't use shadow soldiers to fight in this battle; do it by yourself.]

[Okey!! Tryfing, I understand]

"Go get that bastard," Bronn ordered his friends

After hearing what he said, I tightened the grip on my ice sword. I can now manipulate ice magic in any shape that I want... but even though I can use ice magic, I always use shadows to fight, because whenever I use shadows, I feel really good... it's so comfortable to use shadows...and I don't know why I feel this way about shadows...

But I can't always rely on shadows alone. I have to sharpen my other abilities too, so today I'm going to engage with ice magic to fight in this battle, just like TRYFING said.

"Damn, you kid." One of Bronn's friends came at me while using an aura sword.

(Author note: An aura sword means using a sword that is covered with aura.)


The one who is coming at me with an aura sword swung his sword vertically.

"Too slow." After all these years of training, I can see every movement of him slowly, which means that I'm faster than him. 


And without hesitation, I cut his arm with my ice sword.

"Ahhhh, My. Arm..he-he..cut my arm." The man howled in pain.

(The young lady's POV)

"What's going on? "What was that scream just now? The young lady who gave a Mana contract to Jen heard a scream while preparing meat for Jen's brother and sister. and she hurriedly came outside to see.

"What's happening here?" The young lady asked the people who were watching the fight that was going on.

"Hmmm, Ohh Mira!?" The kid who's with the magical beast is fighting with Bronn and his underlings.


"Yeah, look at yourself."

When the man in front of me moved aside, I saw the customer that I was with earlier. He is holding a sword that looks to be made of ice, and on his face there was blood.

Even though he is surrounded by five people, he looks so dreadful. He is not even scared of them.

"Why don't you guys stop them from fighting...?" 

"Mira, don't be a fool. How can we stop them?" "That kid already cut the head and arm of Bronn's underlings... so how can we stop him... and you know how frightening Bronn is when he gets angry." 

"So what are we gonna do now? If this goes on, a lot of people are going to get hurt."

"We are not doing anything, Mira, and you too, Mira." "Stay right where you are. Don't interfere with other people's business. Just wait here and watch."



A sword-clashing sound stops me from saying anything.

The customer and Bronn clashed with each other.

"Damn you kids, this time I'm going to be your opponent."

"Ohh really!! Then I gladly accept you as my opponent."




The customer and brown both threw themselves far away from each other after the last clash.

(Bronn POV)

Damn, how can a kid be this strong even though I'm using an aura sword? I can't even put a scratch on him.

I have to go all out...I can't underestimate him anymore. He is way too strong. I have to put an end to this.

After that, I bring out a small dagger in my hand and throw it toward the kid, and I also move forward at the same time.


But the kid blocked the dagger with his ice sword, and when he was distracted by the dagger, I swung my sword from down to upward to cut him in half.

But something unexpected happened.

"What the?!!" I was shocked when I saw what happened.

The robe that the boy was wearing stopped my sword.

After seeing that, I moved backward.

"What did I just see?" I can't believe what I see right now.

When I looked at the kid, I saw a grim smile on his face.

"Thank you, brother!"


"What? What the heck is he talking about? "Why is he calling a robe a brother?"

"Well, I know what you are thinking, but even if I told you the truth, you wouldn't believe it, so it's better to not tell you."

"So without wasting any time, let's finish this."

When the kid said that, he dashed toward me. and swung his sword upside down.


"Do you think it will be easy to deal with me, huh?" Kid??." I blocked the sword.

"Even though I'm in my late 30s, that doesn't mean I'm weak."

"Yeah!! "I know you are not weak."

"That's why I'm going to end this now."

After saying that, the kid held his sword grip with both hands and put the sword upside down—the tip of the sword touched the ground.

And he stands like a royal knight. After that, he started to enchant something.

And in a brief moment... lots of magical circles appeared next to the kid.

"What?? "What's he doing?" After seeing that sweat fall from my cheek to the ground... I was afraid of the kid who was in front of me.

And a lot of ice swords appeared from the magic circles.

"Now let's end this."

*Ice burst* 


The ice swords started to spin. And it all went at me.


"No, I don't. "I don't want to die."

"Please, someone, save me from this monster."

when the ice swords all came at me.



Someone came and blocked all the ice swords.

"Damn you, moron, if you can't win against him, then why did you provoke him?"

"If you don't know the strength of your opponent, then don't go around picking fights."

"Yes, yes, I understand. Thank you, kind sir, for saving my life." I kneeled to the person who saved my life.

"It's fine. So get the hell out of here."

[He blocked Jen's attack by creating a simple barrier around him.]

[Yeah, who is this guy?]

"And you kid, just stop it now..you already... killed one person and cut the arm off of another person... so you should stop now."

"Okay!! Fine"After saying that, I went to the corner desk to sit.

"This man is a strong way too. strong"..a slight smile appeared on my face.

"I will like to fight with him"

-to be continued.