

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

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Chapter 15 ( Black Market arc-part 1)

"Who is that guy just now?" He stopped that kid's attack easily". After the fight ended, everyone went to their tables and started talking about the guys who stopped my attack.

"Yeah, who was that guy?" "I still can't believe what I saw."

"I heard he is new here and he comes from the central continent!"

"What central continent?" 

"So that is why he is that strong!"


"Hmmm!! "Ma'am, what are they talking about? I asked the young lady who just brings meat for my brother and sister. 

"Before I said that... call me by my name! "

"But I don't know your name!"

"It's Mira..."

"Oh, your name is Mira, then you can also call me by my name... and my name is Jen!"

"Okay, then I will call you Jen!"

"So for your question! "The man who stopped the fight between you and Bronn is not from around here; he is from the central continent."

"You may not know this, but the people from the Central continent are strong; they are stronger than people from other continents."

"Even kids like you from the central continent can put up a good fight with the royal knight from our continent."

"Hmm, so they are that strong, huh?!" I give a glazed look to the man who stopped my attack. He is sitting at the corner of the hall and eating his dinner.


[Brother, don't you tell me you want to go to the central continent now?]

[Who knows brother Jesper? Maybe it's our fate to go there.]

*Sigh* Brother Jesper and sister Nina looked at each other and sighed.

[TRYFING: What do you think about that guy??]

[Jen, don't provoke that guy. He will eat you alive. So don't start fighting with him unless it is necessary.]

[So you are saying I can't win against him in the fight?]

[Yeah, you can't... but only for now; maybe after 1 or 2 years, you can win against him]

[Hmm, 1 or 2 years? That's a long period.]

[Yeah, so you can guess how strong he is by this]

"Anyway, Jen, your dinner is also ready; should I bring it to your room or here?"

"Oh, please bring it here!!"

"Okay if you say so!" After saying that, Mira left us alone.

There's a group that's watching me from where they are. And every time I look at them, they will look in different directions.

"Hmm, are they scared of me or do they want something from me?!" I can't put my fingers on it.

"Jen, here's your dinner." After a while, Mira brings me dinner to my table.

"Oh, thank you, Mira!"

"Hehe~you're welcome."

"Oh and Mira "I have questions regarding that man."

"Hmm, yeah, go on, I'm listing."

"If that man is from the central continent, then why is he here on the northern continent?"

"Well, I only heard that he came here on a mission, but I don't know what the mission is about."

"Oh, is that so? "Thank you for the info, Mira!"

"Hehe, it's fine, you don't have to thank me!"

"Okay, Jen, I'm busy right now, so let's talk later!"

"Oh yeah, sorry for taking your time!"

"Nah, Nah it's fine!" Okay, then I will take my leave. Enjoy your dinner."


After Mira left us alone again, I looked at my dinner. This was my first time seeing lots of variety of food on one plate, and it was the first time eating food that normal people used to eat. I always eat animal meat in the forest, and I don't even know the names of the foods that are on my plates. but I'm excited to eat it.

When I put the food in my mouth and chew it, I feel like I'm in heaven. It was so delicious that my body froze for a sec because of the delicious taste, and after that, I gulp everything in an instant.

"Damn, that was the best meal I ever had in my life." 

"Hmm, I wonder what that little girl Eve is doing right now?

"Is she having a nice life?" "Did she eat something delicious just like I'm eating it right now?!"

[Hmm, if you are that worried about her, then why don't you send a shadow after her? Now you can shear a vision with the shadows; what they see, you will see too.]

[Yeah, that's a good idea. TRYFING ]

[So do you know the location of that man who takes Eve with him?]

[Yeah, I know the royal guard told me that he is from a neighboring kingdom.]

[So why don't you send a shadow to that kingdom?]


[But first, let's go outside. Don't use shadows in front of everyone because it is a trump card of ours.]

[And if you use a shadow in front of everyone, then they will get scared.]

[Yeah, you are right. Let's go outside then.]

[Brother Jasper and sister Nina, come with me for a sec.]

[okay, Jen!!]

After that, we went outside the inn; it was already night, so there were not a lot of people on the street.

"Okay, then come out, brother," I said, and a silhouette figure appeared from my shadow.

"Go to the neighboring kingdom and search for the little girl named Eve that we met this morning."

When I said that, the silhouetted figure nodded its head and vanished into the darkness.

[Don't worry, Jen, you will find out if she is doing okay or not.]

[I hope she is the alright sister.]

[That man said he will take care of the little girl so she will be okay]

[Yeah, but I don't know why I'm feeling uneasy right now.]


In a faraway place from where Jen was... there was a mansion in the middle of the woods.


*DAM*  someone tossed into the wall

*wah*wah* wah*  A little girl cried.

"Please don't... don't hit me... it hurts."

"Shut up, you damn beast."

"How dare you talk back to me?"

A man who is wearing a hat and nice clothes is hitting someone on the ground.

"You little witch, you're going to be sold at the black market, so you better behave yourself... otherwise, you will get hurt a lot more than this."

"Brother..please save me...I'm scared ... I don't wanna be a slave ...Please brother JEN save me."

The one who is getting beaten by a hat man is none other than the little girl that Jen worries about.

-to be continued