

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

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Chapter 13( Mana Contract)

After searching for a while, we finally found an inn. This is the first time I have ever seen an inn. When we entered the inn, we were greeted by a young girl.

"Hii there!! "How may I help you?"

"I need a room for myself, so do you have one?"

"Yes, we do!" "You are a lucky customer because we have only one room left. All the other rooms are already reserved."

"Hmm, is that so? Then we came at the right time.

"Yeah!! But, customer, is this magical beast yours?

"Yeah!! "They are mine, why?"


"What a magical beast?"

"Yeah, that kid said it was his magical beast." We are not the only ones that are present in the inn. There are lots of people in the inn. And they all had weapons on their side.

"How did a kid obtain a magical beast? Is he from some high noble family?"

"Yeah!! Maybe there is no way a kid could have caught them by himself.

I know magical beasts are rare to see or even catch, but is this that big of a deal why everyone acts this way whenever they see my brother and sister?

"Dear customer, "I am sorry to say this, but we don't allow a magical beast in our inn."

"Hmm, so do guys have someplace for them to stay?"

"Yeah, we have a stable, but that place is only for horses, so I don't think your magical beast can stay there."

"Don't worry, I will take full responsibility if anything happens to the horses that reside in the stable."

"Okay if you say so... but you have to sign the mana contract for that... because if you don't take responsibility then our inn will be in trouble... I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

"Mana contract? "What is a mana contract?"

"Hmm, you don't know about the mana contract?"

"Yeah, I don't!"

"Don't worry, before you sign the mana contract, I will explain it to you."

"A mana contract is a contract that you sign by using your mana, and the contract can be made by multiple parties. If you break the rule that is written in the contract, your heart will stop working and it will explode. So now you understand what a mana contract is?"

"Hmm, is the mana contract that dangerous?"

"Yeah, it is..and no matter how strong the person who signs the contract is, he or she will die if they break the rule written in the mana contract."

"So are you sure you want to sign the contract and take responsibility?"

"Yeah, I'm sure!" Well, there is nothing for me to be afraid of because I know my brother and sister won't hurt any other animals that reside in the stable.

"Okay then, please wait for a moment, and I will prepare the mana contract."

"Yeah sure!!"

[Brother and sister, you heard that right?]

[Yeah, we heard, don't worry, your heart isn't going to explode hehe~.]

After a brief moment of waiting, the young lady came back.

"Dear customer, the mana contract is ready, so you can sign it now."

"Okay, so how do I sign it?"

"It's simple. You just have to sign it by releasing your mana in your finger."

"Hmm, okay". I followed the instructions that the young lady gave, and black mana came out of my finger... and then I signed the contract.

"Here it's done," I tell the young lady as I hand over the contract.

"Hmm, what's wrong?" When I was giving the mana contract to the young lady, I saw her eyes were wide open. 

"Y-your mana, why is it black?" "I never saw someone's mana that pitch-black."

"Hmm, sorry, I can't say that."

"Ahh!! "It's fine, I was the one who asked you that so I'm sorry."

"No, don't be!" Anyway, is the contract done now?

"Yeah, it's done; the inn owner already signed the contract too, so the contract was made between you two... so be careful and don't break the contract rules, okay?"

"Yeah!! Okay."

"So how much will it cost for one room?"

"Oh, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about that."

"It will cost you six silver coins for one night. And for your magical beast, it is free. They can stay in the stable without any cost."

"Okay, then here are your six silver coins."

"Thank you, and here is your room key. Your room number is 7; you will find your room on the second floor."

"And did you like to eat dinner here or in your room?"

"Hmm, in my room."

"Okay, I will bring your dinner to your room when it is ready."


"Oh, and do you guys have something for my magical beast? "

"Well, we have meat, so is it okay to give them meat?"


"Okay, then wait here for a sec, and I will bring some meat for them."

"Okay, I will wait here!"

"Yeah, sure! " And after that, the young lady left while giving a sweet smile. 

"Hey, kid!!"

"Hmm!" When I was about to sit at the desk that was in the corner of the big dining hall, someone called me.

"Are you talking about me?" A group of people came to me.

"Huh!! "Is there anyone younger than you here?" A man in his late 30s who had long black hair and was wearing robes that covered his full body asked me.

I looked around and did not see anyone younger than me. All the people that were present here are adults.

"No, there is no one younger than me."

"So now you understand who did I call!"

"Oh, so you did call from me, huh!?"

Damn, is this kid a fool or what?

"Anyway, I have a question for you."

"Yeah, go on, I'm listening."

"That magical beast that's sitting next to you..are they really yours?"

"Yes, they are. Why do you ask?"

"Hmm, how did you get them?"

"I can't tell you that!"

"Is that so? "I don't want to hurt a kid, so you better spill it out." The man raised his voice.

"What are you going to do if I don't say anything?" I narrowed my eyes.

"So you won't say it unless we use force."

[Does this guy have a death wish or what?]

[Yeah, I think he has a death wish. hehe]

[both of you shut up]

[damn you ass, less sword, don't order us around]

[Do you want to die, Nina? How many times have I said don't call me that?]

[All of you stop arguing with each other. We have to deal with them first.]

[Okay, Jen, so what will you do to them?]

[If they point their sword at me, I'm going to behead them on the spot.]

[Hehe, I know you're going to say that, brother.]

"Damn, this kid is ignoring me."

"I'm going to fucking kill him! How dare he ignore me!"




The black man with long hair unleashed his sword at me, but I dodged it by moving underground with the help of shadow.

"What?? "Where did that kid go?"

"Hey, you!! "Are you looking for me?"

"What the?? "How did he get behind us?"

"Bronn, how did he dodge your swing when you used Aura at that attack?"

"I also don't know how he did that. He just vanished in the blink of an eye."

"Oh my, so you can use the sword aura, huh?"

"This will be an interesting fight. You guys were the ones who started it first, so don't hold back. Otherwise, you guys are going to lose your head."

"Damn kid, don't look down at us."

One of the Bronn henchmen came at me while unsheathing his sword.

"Ahhhhhhh, I'm going to kill you."

"Huh!? "Do you think you guys have the strength to do that?"


"What the!?" Everyone present in the inn was horrified when they saw a head rolling in the air.

*Ice sword* 

To be continued...