

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

BLACK_HORNS · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter 11( Beast man)

(2 days later)

"We finally arrived. So this is how the human domain looks?"


Jen and the others finally reach the human domain. In front of them was a very big wall that covered the entire human domain.

And in the center of the wall, there was a gigantic gate, where Jen and others were standing to enter. And the guards who were checking people before entering.

(Sister Nina's POV)

When we arrived at the human domain, my brother Jen was so excited more than anyone..but for me and my brother Jasper, it was a different thing. We are not excited or happy cause we hate humans because of humans. My other siblings are not alive today..they killed my siblings when we were just a cub.

But Jen is different, even though he is also a human, we don't hate him one bit... I loved him more than anyone. Not only me, but my brother Jasper and my mother also feel the same way as I do.

We are just helping Jen because we don't want him to get hurt... I won't allow anyone to hurt him. If someone tries to even touch his hair, I'm going to make them pay. I don't care who they may be... I'm going to kill every single one of them... And for that to happen, I have to get stronger than anyone.

"Hmm? Sister, what are you doing? You're not coming." Jen snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Ahh, I'm coming..."

"Don't worry sisters, no one can take Jen from us!" 

"Even if he finds his family, he will come back to the "Dark Forest" to us because we are the only family he has."

As I thought, brother Jasper also feels the same way as I do—he also doesn't want to separate from Jen.

"Even if he finds his family's whereabouts, he surely comes back to us, so don't you worry, sister."

"Yeah, he will come back." 

"Brother, we have to get strong as Tryfing said... he will be in danger if those black robe people came back... they are strong... I guess you have also felt their intense aura."

"Yeah!! I felt it too; they are not a bunch of weaklings... they are monsters".

"So we have to protect Jen at any cost."


"Hey, you two, what are you guys doing over there? Come fast, we are entering the human kingdom," Jen called out for us.

And we walked toward him.

"Hmm, are these magical beasts yours?"

Looking at us, a human who was wearing armor and holding his sword on his wrist asked Jen.

"Yeah, they are mine.!"

"A 12-year-old kid having a magical beast, huh? "It is not common to see them... even the high-ranking nobles can't have them... only a handful of nobles can."

"How did you get them, kid?"

"Is it that big of a deal to have a magical beast?"

"Hmm, kid, you don't have any idea how hard it is to get them. People lose their lives to get even a baby magical beast."

"Is that so?"

"So now you understand how lucky you are to have us," brother Jasper said in an arrogant voice to Jen.

"Yeah..yeah..you don't have to be so proud, full brother."

(Author note: Jen, TRYFING, Jasper, and Nina all talking through telepathy so other people can't hear them.)

"So kid, tell me how did you get them?" the armored man again asked Jen.

"Hmm, it was a gift my mother gave me."

"Oh, so you're from a high noble family?"

"You can do that."

The armored man and Jen talked about us for a while. And finally, let us enter the human domain.



"God damn!!". After entering the human domain, Jen's eyes light up more.


"Look how many people are there, and what are those?" 

"They are selling goods; it's called a market."

"Hmm,  market?".

"Yeah, people buy and sell various things with money."

"What is money?"

"Money is..." Tryfing started to explain about money, the market, and other things that Jen needs to know...

"Oh, you know lots of things TRYFING."

"Huh!! "Who do you think I'm?"

"I'm legendary, Almighty..."

"And Ass less sword."

"You punk, how many times have I told you that... don't call me that?"

"Okay!! Okay, chill."

"Anyway, TRYFING, if we don't have money, then what will we do now?"

"Well, if you want, we can steal it with the help of a shadow." 

"Hehe, then let's steal it."

"Damn you!!"


"Why did you hit me, sister?"

"You can't steal things from others. That is not a good thing to do."

"Hmm, your sister is right, Jen, we can't steal it."

"Oh, is that so, then what should we do?... "I want to eat what other people eat, and I want to sleep in the warm bed that you talk about, so how can we make money?"

"Well, stealing is not a good thing, but..."

"If it's from humans, then we can do it."

*!?* Jen was shocked when I said that...

"Hehe~!!". After hearing my words, we all had devilish smiles.

"Then let's do it."

"But let's go somewhere where people can't see us." When Tryfing said that, we all went inside the small ally.


(Jen's Pov)



"What the!?" When we entered the alley, I heard a loud scream.

"Damn you, bitch, how dare you try to steal our food?"

When I looked at where the scream was coming from, I saw people hitting someone.

While the others are kicking, the one who's on the ground screams in pain.

"I-I.I'm sorry..please don't hit me..it hurts."

"Yeah, I bet it hurts."

"Looks like we meet our first victim, guys."

"What do you mean, Jen?"

"Just you wait and see, sister."


"Wait, Jen..."

"It's already late, sister. Those guys are done for."



"What the!?" 

Jen appeared out of nowhere and sent a man flying into a wall who was hitting someone.

"Who are you?"

I did not say anything as I just walked toward the person who was on the ground bleeding.

"Are you okay...?" I gave my hand to the person on the ground.

"What a kid?" I was shocked when I saw that the person who was on the ground was just a kid.

"Are you all right?" Can you stand up?

I offered my hand to the kid on the ground.

"Yeah, I. I'm ..fine." And the kid grabs my hand and with the support of my hand, the kid gets up.

"Hmm. A beast man race?"

-to be continued