

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

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Chapter 12( Rescuing the beast girl)

"Hmm, a beast mankind?"

"You okay??" I asked the beast man girl, who has two white ears and hair... and deep blue eyes just like mine.


"Good then. You just wait here."

"Brother and sister, come here," I called my brother and sister through telepathy.

And use my teleportation ability... with the help of the portal, my brother and sister came at us.

"What do you want, Jen?" brother Jasper asked.

"Hmm, I want you guys to protect this little girl... will you guys do it for me?"

"Yeah, we can do that; don't worry, we will look after her."

"Don't be afraid; they are my brother and sister, so stay with them for a sec, okay?" I said to a girl who was scared of seeing my brother and sister and hid behind me while holding tightly to my hand.

"Umm!! "Hmm," the little girl just nodded her head.

"Good!! I will come back... "I will make them pay for what they have done to you, so be at ease." I patted the little girl's head and turned my head to the people who were hitting the girl.

"Now you guys come at me."

When I said that, the remaining five people came running at me.

"You should have minded your own damn business."

"Now you will get hurt for no reason." The remaining five people come at me at once.

*Wind arrow* 


A young man created a bow and arrow with wind magic and shot toward me.



"Damn kid, you died in vain. You shouldn't have interfered."

"What the!?". When the dust that was created by the explosion settled down, a young man who had shot an arrow was shocked.

The silhouetted figure stopped the arrow with its hand.

"What is that thing?!"

"Oh, he is my brother."

"What's your brother!?..but it looks more like a ghost than a brother."

"Well, you can call them whatever you like..but for me, they are my brothers."


I summoned four more shadow brothers.

"Now go, brothers," I ordered the shadows.


"N-No. Don't come near us. Go away. Noo."

The remaining five people scream. "They are afraid of my shadow brothers."

"Noo.." while they are screaming, my shadow brother got behind them and grabbed their necks.

"Ack. Please don't kill us. Please we are sorry. We won't hurt anyone. From now on, please don't..."

"Do it, brothers.."




Silhouette figures break the necks of the people.

"Let's see what they have got." I checked their bodies.

"Hmm, only 10 gold coins and 5 silver coins..damn, these guys are poor," TRYFING said.

"Will it be enough for us, TRYFING?"

"It's not much, but we can stay at the inn and you can eat good meals."

"Ohh really?? "Then I sleep in a bed that you talk about?"

"Yeah, you can!"

"Hehe, it's our lucky day!"

"Brothers, throw them out." I created the portal, and the silhouette figure throws the bodies outside of the portal.

"Let's go to the inn!"

"Hmm, little girl, what's your name, and how old are you?" I bent down and asked the beast-man girl.

"My-my..name...EVE and I'm three years old!!"

"Oh, your name is Eve." Where are your parents now?

"I don't have"

"Hmm, you don't have!"

"Umm!! Hmm!!"

"What should we do now, Jen?"

"If she doesn't have a family, then she will come with us, sister!"

"But you can't, Jen... do you forget how hard our life is going to be?"

"I'm. Sorry to say this, but we can't take her with us... if we take her with us, her life will be in danger."

"Yeah, you are right to TRYFING... we can't take her with us."

"But we can't leave her here, either. So what should we do?"

"Hmm, why don't you take her to the royal guards? They will figure something out."

"Okay, let's do that, huh?"

"What happens" when I stand up, the little girl grabbed my hand again.

"Don't...don't leave me!" 

"It's okay!" "Don't worry, we're going to take you to the nice people who will take you to the nice place for you to stay... and give you good meals to eat."

"So don't worry!" After that, I picked up the girl in my arm.

"Then let's go, okay!"

"Umm!! Hmm!!".


"Hmm, you found this kid in the alley?" A royal guard asked.

"Yeah, and she said she doesn't have parents."

"So that's why I brought her to you guys."

"Okay!! "We will take care of her."



A man in his late 30s coughs behind us.

"Sorry to eavesdrop on your conversation but if guys want, then I can take her with me!"

"Who are you?" I asked the man who is wearing a hat and nice clothes.

"Oh, sorry for my rudeness, my name is Carter Lionheart... and I'm a noble."

"Is that so? "But sir lionheart, why do you want this girl?" the royal guard asked.

"Hmm, well, I don't have a kid and I want a successor for my family, so that's why I want to adopt her."

"But sir, she is a beastman kind..so how can she be a beneficiary of your family?"

"Don't worry. For me, race doesn't matter. She can be my heir."

"But sir...!?"

"Don't worry, sir, it's fine. "

"Okay, sir, if you say so... but let me ask for their permission too, because they are the ones who found her."

"Yeah!! Yeah, please ask them!

"You heard it right. So what do you want?"

"Well, if he is fine with it, then okay!" I put the little girl down on the ground.

"Eve, this man wants to adopt you as his daughter, so... will you go with this man... If you go with him, you don't have to live in the alley and steal food from other people; you will live a good life.

"N-No, brother, I don't want to... please take me with you."

"Eve, I'd love to take you with me, but I can't do that. Sorry!"

"No, brother, please take me with you. Wah..wah..wah," the little girl started to Cry.

"Don't cry ever... this uncle's going to take good care of you more than me, so please don't cry... okay, why don't we make a promise?"


"Yeah, a promise..."I will come to visit you often if you be a good girl and go to this uncle, I will bring lots of fun things for you, okay?"

"I don't want anything." "I just want you."

"Hehe~Okay, I will come to visit you, promise!"

"Then I will go with this uncle... so please come to visit me, okay."

"Okay, I promise!"

"Sir, will you please take good care of her?" I asked the nobleman.

"Yeah, I will don't worry!!"

"Okay, it looks like everything is settled down. Sir Lionheart, why don't you sign here?"

"Hmm, what's this? "

"Oh, it's just for formality... you are going to adopt her, so... and please put down your information too."

"Oh, okay, I will sign," the man said, signing on the paper and writing down his information.

"That's it. Now you can take her."

"Bye, Eve, be a good girl. I will come to visit you soon." And then I bid farewell to Eve until they went inside the carriage.

[Let's go, Jen.]

[Yeah, let's go, brother and sister.]

"Sir Knight, thank you for your help."

"Oh, it's fine, you don't have to thank me!"

"Then let us bid farewell too."


And after that, we went to search for an inn.

(inside the carriage)

"Hmm, you think you can visit her? What a foolish kid you are, boy. You're never going to see her again." The man's thoughts

"Cause she is going to be sold in a slave market. Hehe. Hahaha."

To be continued...