
Seducing My Butler Husband

Synopsis Zoe Abigail Quinn woke up with the news slapped on her face that she will be married the next day. She knew this is her fate but she didn't expect that it will come sooner. Zoe has no choice but to obey. It turned out that her groom is the very aloof and frigid city mayor's personal butler, which she has been adoring and enamoured with the day she saw the gentleman. Will she, the wife, get her husband's loyalty and attention that had been committed to his master since a long time? She only thought of one thing, and that is using her charms to seduce her butler husband.

cammae · Ciudad
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38 Chs


Zoe woke up with the delicious aroma of food wafting in her room. Her nose twitched as she slowly opened her eyes.

Hans wasn't on the other side of the bed anymore. After staying in the yacht last night, they decided to drove back to the hotel. Zoe was anxious last night, with Hans sleeping beside to her, but the moment she closed her eyes, she immediately fell asleep because Hans' warmth is comfortable.

She looked at the clock and it was already ten in the morning. It made her hastily  pull on some thick clothes and head to the kitchen of their hotel room, where the smell came from.

Her stomach rumbled.

He was there making breakfast.

The sight alone made her mouth water. His back was facing her, so he didn't hear or see her enter. He seemed to be a little too engrossed in whatever he was cooking to care about her presence just yet.

"Did you sleep well?"

Zoe jumped a little when Hans spoke, without turning back at her. She was wrong to think that Hans didn't notice her presence.

His voice was soft and deep, but he had a distinct lilt to it, which always caused her to smile even if he was being gruff with her.

"Yeah, like usual."

He continued cooking, not responding to what Zoe said. She watched his movements for awhile, then a naughty thought came in her mind.

It was stupid and silly, but maybe, just maybe, he would let her do this once.

She took two steps closer to him and lightly placed her hands around his waist from behind, hugging him. Hans froze and turned to look over his shoulder, his eyes narrowed a little.

"What are you doing?" his voice was threatening.

Her grin grew bigger as she pressed herself against his back more. Her hands slid down his torso to rest on his hips.

"I just want to hug you, hubby~ good morning~"

He let out an annoyed huff, but he didn't seem to protest or object.

"Just don't move too much if you don't want to hurt yourself," he said as he went back to cooking, his voice still stern.

"Or I'm sending you back to bed."

That made her giggle and nuzzle her face into his back before she leaned forward and pressed a long kiss to his cheek. She felt his body tense, but he kept his composure well.

"Hubby, do you know that it's the first time you cooked for me? I want to eat all the dishes you made."

"You're not getting anything unless you take off those hands first."

'Why isn't she allowed to hold him while he's being all too clingy with her?'

She pouted, then pulled back and took a chair by the counter.

She watched him carefully as he prepared breakfast. The way he moved his arms around the ingredients, how he measured everything, he was graceful like that. And his shoulders were broad, his back strong and lean.

Aroma filled the kitchen, the delicious scent tempting her appetite.

She waited a few minutes until he was done. When he placed a tray of different seafood dishes, she smiled from ear to ear. Her happiness was immeasurable.

There were some fish pieces, buttered shrimp, a few oysters and a creamy lobster stew. The sweet aroma coming from the table also smelled heavenly. She had a big appetite today, so she dug right in with gusto.

"Hubby? Are you a chef?" Zoe asked after swallowing a huge bite of crab meat.

"No. But I studied them for my job," he answered while putting more fish pieces on his plate.

"Oh? Butlers were really skillful in anything. They knew everything there is to know," Zoe grinned.

Hans nodded and pushed the bowl of lobster stew in front of her, "You don't like this?" he questioned.

"Of course I do! It looks tasty!" she said, reaching for a spoon to taste it herself.

"Finish it while it's still hot,"  Hans suggested and Zoe complied.

As soon as she finished eating half of the dish, she began sneezing.

She tried to hide her sneeze by covering her mouth with her hand, but her hand quickly slipped away from her mouth. She was coughing quite aggressively now, her cheeks flushed red.

"Zoe? Fuck!"

Hans quickly stood up and went to her side, rubbing her back, "Are you allergic in any of these?!"

"I... the l-lobster..." Zoe coughed again, her mouth and throat were itchy.

She felt like she couldn't breathe at all, and her whole throat ached. She was scared of throwing up, as she couldn't stop coughing and tears started streaming down her face, stinging her eyes.

"Wait a second, stay here."

Hans immediately went inside their room to grabbed his keys and take some antihistamine in the medicine kit he had brought.

He went back to Zoe and put his arm around her to bring her closer, wiping her tears, "You're okay. Just keep breathing, baby. Everything will be alright. Stay with me, yeah?"

Zoe nodded weakly, her breath coming out in short gasps. Her chest burned with every breath.

"Here." He gave her the medicine and a glass of water which she swallowed carefully.

Then he picked Zoe up and carried her out of their hotel room. He rushed to the elevator and pressed the button to the parking lot. Once they got inside, he placed Zoe onto the seat of the car.

Hans drove to the nearest hospital. As soon as they reached the emergency entrance, he carried Zoe inside who was immediately attended by a physician. She was given treatment to reduce the symptoms of her allergies.

Hans sat down next to her on the chair, holding her hands.

They waited for twenty minutes before the doctor came out of the treatment room and told them what happened. Zoe was admitted with mild asthma and allergies that are usually treated with medication and rest.

"Mr., your wife is already allowed to go home. Just make sure to put her to rest and give her the medications," after giving some antibiotics and ointment, the doctor left them.

Hans immediately hugged Zoe tightly and kissed her temple.

"I'm sorry I worried you," she whispered.

Hans didn't say anything but he just squeezed her tighter. He was glad she wasn't badly affected, but seeing her in pain just broke his heart.

They stayed like that for several minutes until another nurse came by and informed that Zoe has been cleared to leave. She helped them stand up and walked them outside the hospital.

Once they reached their hotel room, Hans helped Zoe in bed. He placed a blanket over her before sitting next to her, holding one hand and brushing her hair gently with the other.

"I'm sorry... I ruined our day," Zoe apologized through her congested throat, her words slightly slurred due to the nasal congestion.

Hans expression became stern at those words.

"Don't think about it. Just rest today and if you're feeling well tomorrow, we could always resume. How does that sound?"

Zoe nodded and snuggled deeper under the blankets.

"Let's have something for you to eat before you take the medicine. What would you like?"


"Zoe." Hans cut her off firmly, "what if I cooked again something you're allergic to, hmm? And why did you even ate that lobster even if you knew it was a bad idea?"

Zoe looked at him sadly with a small smile, "You cooked for me for the first time, so I want to eat everything you made for me."

His jaw clenched a little at her reply. He didn't expect she had that foolish reason in her mind. A lump suddenly formed in his throat.

"But don't do that again," Hans managed to spoke calmly, "are mashed potatoes okay for you?"

"Yes please!" she nodded eagerly.

"Okay. Get some rest while I make it."


Night came, Zoe and Hans just stayed inside their hotel room.

It didn't take long for Zoe to fall asleep after having dinner and taking the medicine.

Hans didn't try to wake her up. He just sat beside her, looking at her peacefully and stroking his thumb over her knuckles slowly.

It was strange that he felt a sense of calmness watching her sleeping peacefully without any worries or pain. Her face seemed to soften as she slept better.

His brows furrowed, feeling a mixture of emotions. It wasn't anger nor frustration, it was something he didn't want to feel, but his gaze never wavered.

The clock ticked away loudly in the silence of the room. Finally, after thirty minutes, when his gaze was fixed on the beautiful woman lying beside him, he couldn't help himself. He leaned down and brushed a tender kiss to her forehead. Her skin was soft and warm beneath his lips.

He closed his eyes momentarily and exhaled deeply.

Then he stood up from the bed and went to take the ointment for Zoe's allergic hives. Gently, he bagan applying it around her mouth up to her neck to ease the itchiness of her rashes.

When the ointment was fully applied, he put gloves on both of her hands, so that she won't hurt herself if ever she'll scratch her face.

He pulled the thick blanket and covered Zoe with them. He hesitated for only a minute before leaning down again and placing one last gentle kiss on her forehead.

After setting the room heater in the right temperature, he left the room without looking back.

The truth is, he's on a secret mission here at Iceland with Yuri. Axel sent the two of them to chase the man from South with a position in NightCrawler, who escaped the Twilight's facility.

Since Frail, sent them the location today, he arranged the two of them to wait until midnight tonight to capture the man together before returning in Texas.

It dangerous to make their move during the day so they need the darkness and the element of surprise.

It might be hard to accomplish the mission but he and Yuri had a very good rapport.

He was planning to use a pistol as his weapon, while Yuri will always have his sniper. With a silencer attached, it should work very well.

The plan itself was simple: He was supposed to go and retrieve some items hidden in the basement, while Yuri will attacked the man from the outside.

"Does your wife knew you have a double undertaking here at Iceland?" Yuri chuckled.

Hans coldly replied, "It's hitting two birds with one stone."

Soon, they commenced their operation without any hitch. The man from South was surprised when he saw them arrive.

Yuri fired first. It shot straight through the center of his chest and hit him in the middle of his body.

Their target fell down dead on the floor instantly.

Hans spoke to Yuri at their intercom ring, "You didn't even let me pull my trigger."

"Yuri's fingers were just fast," he replied smugly.

"Whatever, just get the corpse here. I'll head down the basement."

"Arrggghhh! I don't want to fly alone with a corpse in my helicopter! It's creepy!"

"Shut up and move already so we can finish this as soon as possible."

"Oh! Okay, we should hurry so you could go back to your wife already," Yuri commented in a teasing voice.

Hans ignored him and entered the cellar and looked around. After searching for quite a while, he found the items he was after for.

It was some document disclosing Twilight's information. They couldn't afford to be discovered and the files must not fall into anyone else's hands.

The documents contained the locations of many important members of Twilight; the headquarters, the research labs, and finally, where they kept the most valuable materials.

Quickly, he gathered all of them, not leaving a single piece of sheet, and stuffing them inside his backpack.

When he went out, he already heard the  engine noise of Yuri's helicopter getting louder and louder. Soon, it landed near him and Yuri jumped down from it.

"Everything's fine?" Hans asked as he handed the bag of the documents he just retrieved.

"Yeah. All goods." Yuri secured the bag, "So, do you want me to give you a ride back?"

"With that helicopeter of yours? I have a car so, no thanks."

Yuri groaned, "I am alone with that corpse and its fucking midnight!"

"I am sure you were collecting corpses for the last three years. Anyways, we will use a plane back to Texas."

Yuri's face lighted up and gave him a meaningful look, "Alright, bro.. I know you want to have more time with your wife.."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I'll get going now."

"Enjoy making babies!" Yuri laughed behind him and Hans, again, ignored him.

Hans got inside his car and drove off. He heard Yuri's helicopter already flying towards the opposite direction.

He sighed and stepped on the accelerator, eager to return to the hotel as quickly as possible.

Finally, they finished the mission. He could relax and spend time with his wife in peace.