
Seducing My Butler Husband

Synopsis Zoe Abigail Quinn woke up with the news slapped on her face that she will be married the next day. She knew this is her fate but she didn't expect that it will come sooner. Zoe has no choice but to obey. It turned out that her groom is the very aloof and frigid city mayor's personal butler, which she has been adoring and enamoured with the day she saw the gentleman. Will she, the wife, get her husband's loyalty and attention that had been committed to his master since a long time? She only thought of one thing, and that is using her charms to seduce her butler husband.

cammae · Urban
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


THE SUN IN Iceland rises late in the morning during this month, so when Hans and Zoe drove to the city, the sky was still dark.

Surprisingly, there were already several persons who were getting ready for the day.

Hans drove to a boutique so they could buy clothes that they will use for the following days. As soon as they got out of the car, Hans grabbed Zoe's hand and interlocked their fingers.

It has an effect on Zoe but she decided to go with it.

They walked inside the store hand in hand, making other people stare at their way, jealous of how they perfectly match each other.

A handsome man with domineering aura holding the hand of his charming and stunning woman.

Envy eyes followed them as they walked to a rack where jackets were displayed.

Zoe got embarrassed as she felt stares behind her back but it seems that it doesn't affect Hans who casually picked a brown thick windproof parka.

"This suits you," Hans said as he placed the parka in front of Zoe's figure, "let's buy this."

His tone leaves no room for refusal that Zoe could only nod obediently.

Then a sales lady approached them with a seductive smile, probably for Hans, "Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?"

"We're good." Hans coldly said and pulled Zoe to the other shelf, leaving the staff in embarrassed state.

Zoe couldn't help but suppress a smile inwardly. Her husband continued to pick clothes for her which she happily agreed to buy them.

Turtlenecks, sweaters, and waterproof outer layers were some of the clothes Hans had picked for her. She also put two pairs of gloves and socks, each for herself and Hans in their push cart.

Then he took care of choosing his own clothes as well. She noticed that he picked only one color for himself, which is black.

Zoe just followed him around since he always held her hand. He only let go of it when he examine a clothing and took it again after he put his chosen clothes in their cart.

From the corner of her eyes, Zoe could feel the admiring and envious gazes of some female staffs and customers as they look at Hans. So she decided to stay close to him, letting them know that Hans belongs to her.

When they passed the underwear section, Zoe's attention was caught by a red two piece bikini. The color looked so fierce and she liked it.

Hans looked at the direction of her gaze and frowned, "You wouldn't wear that in a cold place like this."

Zoe looked at him with her charming eyes, "There are geothermal lagoons here, hubby... and we should go on one of them!"

"Fine. Take that one."

Zoe grinned and wasted no time as she immediately put the swimsuit in their cart.

Soon enough, they arrived at the counter to pay for their clothes. She took her card but Hans insisted on paying, they left and went to another shop to buy the rest of their necessities.

"Hubby, I'll buy our breakfast," Zoe said as soon as they took their seat inside a local restaurant.

A waiter approached them to take their order. She chose to have some burger and hot soup with a mocha latte while Hans ordered a brisket sandwich and hot black coffee.

"Leave the expenses to me," Hans said as soon as the waiter left.

"No fair. You paid for my clothes so I'll take the breakfast's bill."

"You're so stubborn. Just follow what I say," Hans calmly spoke.

"No! Let me pay for our breakfast, or else..."

"Or else what?" Hans asked, looking at her with amusement.

Zoe was speechless. She doesn't have anything to bargain with Hans.

"Or else...", she averted her eyes, thinking on what to say.

"Yes? Let me hear it."

"Or else, you'll sleep on the couch later!"

Shock registered on Hans' face at first but his lips turned into a smirk. Zoe covered her mouth when she realized what she just said.

"Ahh that's not what I mean-"

Zoe's breath hitched when Hans leaned closer to her, his lips touching her ear. Since they are seated side by side, it was easy for him to make that move.

Then, he whispered, "Alright. Breakfast is on you."

Zoe shivered but nodded her head calmly, "Good."

"Ma'am, sir, here's your order," the waiter appeared with a tray in his hand.

As soon as their food was serve, Zoe immediately dig in. Food has really a special spot in her heart. She could forget her surrounding when the food is tasty, and Iceland's cuisine is one of them.

Before she knew it, she already finished her breakfast and felt very satisfied. When she turned to see Hans if he's already done, their eyes met.

His gray eyes showed a hint of emotion but it instantly disappeared.

He looked at her with complicated emotion in his eyes.

'What is he thinking?'

"How was it?" Hans asked as he took a sip of his coffee.

Zoe smiled at him and answered, thinking he asked about the food, "It's so delicious!"

After taking some time in the restaurant, they decided to drove away, taking the route of the Golden Circle.

In the car, Zoe watched the landscapes, with thin snow blanketed over them in every possible way. A soft breeze blew through their hair, and she could still feel the coldness on her cheeks as well as her nose.

They would constantly stop and get down the car to appreciate the views and took some pictures. Most of the time, it was Zoe who will tell Hans excitedly to pull over whenever she sees a magnificent view or if she felt like going somewhere further. He always quietly agreed with her and did just that.

Zoe was not used to such sceneries. The place looks ethereal, almost mystical, especially when you're seeing it for the first time.

In addition to that, there are snow and ice around the place. And it looked so breathtaking from up close! She could hear the snow crunch beneath her feet every time she stepped in.

Hans, on the other hand, would just follow and watched how fascinated she is by everything they saw.

The place looked really beautiful during winter. It must look very much different than it usually does on summer.

"Don't play with the snow too much," Hans commented.

Zoe turned to face him, "Why? I think it's cool."

"It's dirty, Zoe," he said, taking her hand and pulling her back inside the car, "let's head to our last stop now."

She nodded eagerly and followed after him, watching the landscape again while they were driving once more.

Zoe enjoyed so much that she didn't notice how time flew so fast. It was already afternoon and the sun was about to set again.

The sky was  painted in shades of red, orange and pink as it sank behind the mountains of Iceland. Zoe loved watching the sunset. It was like watching a beautiful painting fall from above.

Hans parked the car in front of the city's harbor.  The water was still sparkling with the reflection of the evening light. Hans stepped out of the car. The breeze blew through his hair and he turned to open the door for Zoe.

It took her several seconds before she realized where they were. She stared at him, unsure of what to do until he gestured towards the pier. She climbed into the yacht without saying anything more.

Hans followed her and closed the cabin door. As they stood at the bow, staring into the sunset together, Zoe felt his arm around her waist.

"Are we alone here?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah." Hans answered quietly.

Zoe was surprised how Hans could plan everything in advance and made their honeymoon go smooth without any inconveniences.

Nevertheless, they watched the sun disappeared slowly. The sky went dark quickly after that and stars started appearing in the heavens.

Hans went to maneuver the yacht further and stopped in the middle of the sea.

She never thought she'd find this kind of peace while on a boat.

A gentle kiss on the shoulder brought her attention back to Hans. Her heart raced when their eyes met and saw the piercing  look in his greenish gray orbs.

"Come here. Let's eat dinner."

He said and held his hand out for her. Zoe couldn't help but smile and place her palm on top of his. Hans guided her down the small deck towards the galley.

Hans pulled a seat for her and he also sat next to her. Zoe noticed that Hans would take a seat beside instead of across her. She wondered why but let it go.

There were already dishes prepared for them and Hans started to place food on her plate.

The dinner was quiet . Both of them seemed lost in their thoughts.

At last, Zoe broke the silence when they finished eating.

"Hey, hubby... let's have a drink" She pointed the bottle of champagne sitting on their table.

Hans only gave her a glass of juice and it would be a waste if they will just let the drink there. She was not a good drinker but she has nothing to worry since she's with her husband.

"You sure you won't get drunk with this?" Hans raised an eyebrow.

"Nope!" She smiled brightly at him.

He nodded and poured her a glass of champagne anyway.

Zoe leaned closer towards Hans who looked at her as he opened the bottle. She took the glass from him and took a big sip.

After the first few sips, she started feeling giddy and tipsy.

She wasn't really a drinker. Not a lot of people liked drinking wine and she did enjoy it once or twice.

"Let's go, it's about time," Hans grabbed her hand and pulled her up the deck.

"What's happening?" Zoe mumbled as she follow her husband.

When they reached the deck, cold wind blew making her shivered. Hans lead her near the railings and Zoe's instinct is to lean against it but only to be pulled back.

"Stay here, you're tipsy and you're clumsy. You don't want to fall on that freezing sea water," Hans said calmly.

Zoe looked at her husband. He was so handsome standing under that night sky while looking calm. His lips were slightly upturned and he had those eyes that always drew her into some kind of trance.

She was still a bit confused why Hans brought her here but she doesn't care.

Without thinking, she encircled her arms around his neck and pulled herself closer to him. He didn't say anything but wrapped his own arms around her body.

Her next move, made her husband stop for a moment.

She tiptoed and kissed Hans on the lips. She doesn't know why but something was telling her to make the first move.

Maybe the few sips of champagne she had?

When he didn't kiss her back, she frowned and tried to pull away from him but he didn't permit it. Instead, he deepened the kiss.

His hands wandered from the side of her face to her waist. He pressed her body even harder to him, as he deepened the kiss. His grip on her waist tightened and she found herself being pushed back on the railing.

She could feel the cold air of the sea hitting her body and goosebumps rose up. She felt dizzy and hot but not because of the alcohol. She wanted to stay longer, but Hans broke the kiss.

"Look above." Hans whispered and kissed her earlobe.

Zoe looked up at the sky and gasped at what she saw.

"A-aurora!" She exclaimed like a child.

She couldn't contain her excitement upon seeing the dancing northern lights above their head. It wasn't her first time seeing them but it felt different when she's with Hans who held her close to him.

They both gazed mesmerized at the beautiful sight, enjoying the dancing greenish-blue waves of light while the yacht rock gently along the waves.

Hans stayed behind her with his arms wrapped tightly around her waist while placing soft kisses on her neck and shoulder.

They stayed like that until the aurora faded and left behind only darkness.

"That was amazing." Zoe breathed.

"I think I want to spend more nights with you..." Hans whispered huskily against her ear.

It must be the chilly wind that made her body shook despite wearing her thickest coat, but Zoe felt her knees getting weak with what Hans said, making her lean back on her chest.

"Let's head back inside. It's getting colder now."

Hans slid one arm under her knees and picked her up bridal style. Zoe was shocked for a second but decided and held onto Hans neck and closed her eyes as he carried her inside.

Zoe couldn't believe how lucky she is to have been with the man of her dreams. He was perfect. Just like the northern lights she just witnessed earlier.