
Seducing My Butler Husband

Synopsis Zoe Abigail Quinn woke up with the news slapped on her face that she will be married the next day. She knew this is her fate but she didn't expect that it will come sooner. Zoe has no choice but to obey. It turned out that her groom is the very aloof and frigid city mayor's personal butler, which she has been adoring and enamoured with the day she saw the gentleman. Will she, the wife, get her husband's loyalty and attention that had been committed to his master since a long time? She only thought of one thing, and that is using her charms to seduce her butler husband.

cammae · Urban
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38 Chs


The warm feeling in Zoe's heart could absolutely beat the freezing cold in the city of Reykjavik.

It was already the last day of their honeymoon here at Iceland and tomorrow, they will go back to Texas.

After Hans made sure she was no longer sick, he agreed to continue the things he planned for their honeymoon. They were a little delayed but everything was taken care of his efficient husband.

For two days, they explored different tourist spots in Iceland. They stopped to eat and try the local dishes of the place. And for some reason, Hans was very cautious in buying food for her.

They also didn't forget to try some snow activities such as tobogganing or skiing. She really had to admit that skiing sounded very fun and exciting.

What Zoe did really enjoy was Hans staying beside her. He was extra clingy when they are together and it seemed like, he wanted to have all his attention on her.

He would always hold her hand and make sure she was near him everytime they walk in public. When they are alone, Hans always initiates a kiss. It is so hot and passionate that it makes her feel tingly inside. His lips were soft and slightly chapped but still felt so good against hers. She loves how he caressed her hair gently and how his hands always found a way to her hips or back.

But what disappoints her is that whenever their kiss turned heated and heavy, Hans would always pull away from her just before their tongues started to dance together.

He was like leaving her with an empty stomach, which she couldn't understand why he would do this to her.

What was wrong? What was holding him back?

She didn't want to ask him because she was afraid to be hurt by the truth. That he doesn't love her. He never loved her.

She was determined to ignore her feelings. For now.

"Boo, I think Hans was the one who's seducing me," Zoe said.

She was talking with Fern on the phone since Hans got out to buy some afternoon snacks.

Fern giggled, "Are you serious?"

Zoe nodded, "Yes. Why else would he stop kissing me every time we are making out?"

Fern chuckled again, "Don't lose with him, if that's what he's playing."

"I know... I know... but I can't think well whenever I'm in his arms. It looks like the table was turned. I don't know what to do."

Fern sighed into the other end of the line, "Well, there must be something that will make him fall in love with you. You're so sweet and pretty. No wonder he can't resist kissing you."

"Maybe..." she muttered.

"You need to keep trying to seduce him," Fern continued after a while. "I know that it seems impossible but you have to believe that if you tried hard enough, you'll succeed."

"How?" Zoe asked.

"By not giving up!" Fern replied in a matter of fact tone. "Soon, Hans will give in and have sex with you, for real."

"Oh my god..." Zoe blushed at her friend's words.

Fern laughed, "And don't tell me you weren't planning to do the same thing! You were practically drooling over him!"

"Yeah... I was."

She was never good at flirting. She knew it wouldn't be easy. Of course, she wasn't going to give up and seduce Hans. But how could she do it?

"Thanks, boo." Zoe uttered, "ahhh, I miss you already."

"Haha, your work misses you too. Make sure to come back with a sperm inside you, okay?"

Her face turned redder, "Ew, gross! Why would you say something like that?!"

"Sorry..." Fern giggled and hung up.

Zoe placed the phone down on the table beside her and decided to think about something else.

Like what? Her plan to seduce her husband?

She grabbed her phone again and opened multiple files; the things she and Fern had wrote on how to seduce Hans, the document about Hans which Fern had sent her that came from Frail and the last document from the Mr. Mayor containing Hans' personality, likes and dislikes.

Zoe felt grateful having the support from Hans' friends and funny that she's gone up to this far just to know Hans more.

She read through the documents again and tried to find some clue on what to do. After reading over it once more, her mind seemed to be blank.

Zoe put her phone down again, frustrated that she couldn't think of anything.

"Are you tired?" Hans spoke behind her.

Zoe's eyes widened as she looked at him.

Hans sat beside her, placing an arm around her waist.

'Here he goes again. But I'm not complaining.' Zoe thought when Hans pulled her closer.

"No, not really."

His touch made her shiver slightly. The feeling of his warm palm against her bare skin gave her goosebumps.

Hans whispered into her ear, "Can we go somewhere?"

"Where?" Zoe questioned softly.

"Anywhere," he murmured, nibbling lightly on her ear.

She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch, "Okay..."

"How about we head to our last destination?" Hans asked in a whisper.

Zoe nodded and answered softly, "Mhm... let's go."


"So this is it?" Zoe exclaimed as she stared wide eyed at the view in front of her.

"It's a must go-to place," Hans spoke beside her, also admiring the place.

"Hubby, thank you for bringing me here. Blue Lagoon in my bucket list!"

Zoe exclaimed happily, jumping up and down excitedly.

Hans chuckled softly but Zoe didn't notice it. He grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers, "What do you want to do first?"

"Icelandic food," she said as she pointed a restaurant.


As she followed him, her cheeks started hurting from smiling so much. The weather was perfect today. Snow everywhere but it felt really pleasant to be outside and feel the wind blowing in her face.

After they filled their stomach, they decided to prepare getting in the water.

Hans waited outside their cabin while she changed into the red swimsuit which she didn't know Hans had brought.

She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She liked the look. She hoped that Hans will also like it.

When she stepped out of their cabin, Hans' eyes darkened at the sight of her wearing the bathing suit. It was indeed provocative and sexy.

Zoe was always confident with her body but when standing in front of Hans, she was self-conscious about the fact that she barely covered any part of her skin with the small piece of fabric.

"Do you like it?" Zoe asked with hope in her voice, "I mean, color red is-"

He cut her off immediately.

"I don't like it."

Zoe felt disappointed and mad. She couldn't help but frown a little.

Without saying a word, she walked out and left Hans. She just wanted to look beautiful in front of him but he ruined it completely with his simple words.

Zoe kept on walking and when she reached the lagoon, she didn't hesitate and got in the hot water. The relaxing warm temperature immediately relaxed her sore muscles. She walked to the deeper part so that her whole body could soak.

The water felt like heaven. It was heavenly for her tired body but she didn't even realize that Hans went in right behind her until a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her back.

Before Zoe could say something, she felt his wet breath on her neck and her heart started to beat faster.

"Hubby?" She breathed out.

"Mmm..." Hans hummed in response, "don't go there."


Hans didn't answered but pulled her to the other side of the lagoon with some rock formations. There were no tourists around the area at the moment.

Hans pressed her against the rock and began kissing her passionately, devouring her mouth as he pulled her closer. His hand travelled down her ass slowly, massaging it before gripping it tightly. His rough fingertips stroked circles over her flesh.

This made Zoe gasped as she gripped on his shoulder. This was new to her. Never before did someone touch her at that part so roughly.

Hans suddenly stopped kissing her lips and looked down at her, his eyes were lusting, his lips swollen, and his hair was messy like he hadn't brushed it yet. He was topless and the water reaches in the middle of this torso.

He didn't say anything, instead he bit her lower lip before tugging it gently.

"Hans," she moaned quietly.

"You look sexy in that red bikini..." Hans mumbled against her lips.

"B-but you said you don't like it,"  Zoe protested weakly.

Hans spoke through gritted teeth, his grip on her hips tightening, "I don't like it because other men will stare at your body."

Zoe was dumbfounded by his words. She didn't think he was this possessive.

But it was true; he was angry about her wearing that red swimsuit, so much that he was ready to kill anyone who looked at her.

Hans' jaw was clenched as he continued,

"But I know that you have to wear it so that you'll enjoy the lagoon. So I won't stop you."

His grip on her waist tightened again as he moved away from her lips. He kissed her chin then her neck, leaving wet kisses there. Zoe tilted her head forward and let his lips continue roaming across her skin.

After a couple of minutes passed, Hans backed off of her, breathing heavily. His pupils were dilated.

"Hubby..." she whispered.

"Do you want to soak more?"

"Yeah, I want to stay a little longer here."

It's not always that she got to soak in a geothermal hot spring like this one. If she could stay in the water longer, she would have done so without hesitation.

"Alright." Hans muttered.

They stayed there a few more minutes enjoying themselves. They didn't get to leave the warm waters so soon. Zoe played around the water while Hans just watched her.

Every time she swam towards him to ask him what he was doing, he'd smile slightly at her and say 'nothing'. Sometimes when she came closer, he'd pull her in for another kiss which Zoe would always gladly respond.

"Hubby, why aren't you swimming with me anymore?"

"Because you're busy playing with the water."

"And you'?"

"Am watching you play."

"Aww, hubby," Zoe blushed. She loved teasing him sometimes but he wasn't giving in.

After a while, they finally got bored and decided to walk around the lagoon.

Hans immediately wrapped a towel around Zoe's body, "It's cold and bastards are gawking at you."

"Oh..." she muttered and wrapped Hans' towel around herself.

"You should probably change clothes," Hans suggested after seeing the way people were staring.

"Um, yeah, you're right," Zoe agreed.

"Let's go back to our cabin now, shall we?"

They would stay here for the night and just go back tomorrow in their hotel in Reykjavik to take their luggage and head to the airport.

When they reached their cabin, Zoe immediately rinsed and changed into thicker clothes.

After she finished, she went out of the bathroom and Hans was not inside the cabin. She searched outside and saw him standing meters away, his back facing her. He seemed to be talking in his phone.

Zoe stood still for a minute or two, unsure whether or not to approach him.

Finally, curiosity got the best of her. She quietly walked towards him until she overheard the conversation that broke her heart.

"When did you came back?... Alright. I'll see you tomorrow when I get back... Yes, I miss you also, Loraine."

Zoe ran away before she could hear more.