
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasía
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101 Chs

A Spark?

Callista was so pissed that her jaw was clenching from anger her shoes echoed in the peaceful hallway "Callista.." her footsteps came to a halt when she heard that voice. She didn't know whether to look back or not "I didn't expect to see you here" he said as she took a deep breathe.

"Shouldn't you at least show me your face?" Callista didn't know why. She had a choice and it was either she walks away and ignore him or face him head on. It was like her body had its own life as it looked back "What do you want?" she sighed tiredly.

"Its only been four years and yet you had changed so much" he said as he stared at her while her expression became colder "What are you really trying to achieve by talking to me, Caen?" she asked with his name rolling off her tongue that left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Seeing her reluctant in talking to him he sighed "Don't you have any plans on coming back?" he finally breathed out making Callista raise a brow "That thought never crossed my mind, actually. But more importantly, what gave you the idea that I want to go back?" she fakedly smiled.

"You know that he didn't have any intentions in kicking you out. He was only influenced by his emotions" he tried explaining "Oh, really? If that really was the case then we shouldn't be here, right?" she answered

"But-" Caen tried answering when she suddenly scoffed "I know that you know, you can't pursuade me in any bullshit you spout, right?" she said and cocked her head making him silent.

She was right.

He already knew this fact and yet here he was. Maybe because even after what happened he still had hope? "If that's all you want to say then I'll be going" she said and turned her back on him.

Caen stared at her as if carefully assessing everything that his eyes set upon, she changed so much that he didn't know wether he was talking to the same person anymore.

"You know that I won't give up so easily, Callista" he said making her stop "And so? I'm not the one who's going to get tired" she said without looking at him and started walking away. While Caen was frozen in spot as he stared at her retreating back.

While Anastasia who had followed Callista after she walked out earlier glanced at her retreating back and Caen's frozen form as she hid behind a wall. Hearing their conversation many questions arised.

Most importantly, how did Callista know Caen?


Callista was still so pissed yesterday that she left the dorm with a frown when she suddenly found Emily at the end of the stairs of the Dormitory.

She was about to call out to her when she noticed the person she was talking to and raised a brow when she saw who it was. Her gaze stayed at the both of them as she went down the stairs. Her expression even wrinkled when she saw his bashful expression as the both of them talked.

"Oh, yes. Thank you again for helping me on the essay" Emily smiled sweetly.

"Its alright. It's not like you forced me" in reply, Ivan bashfully looked away.

Callista looked back and forth at the both of them, she was already beside them but it was like they were in their own world. "What the hell?" they both jumped in surprise when she suddenly spoke.

"Callista? Since when were you there?" Emily asked with furrowed brows that she ignored and turned to Ivan with a raised brow "And what made you passed by here? As I remember your dormitory is five buildings away" she said.

"He said he was about to go to the cafeteria" Emily said "Oh, is that so? But I thought it was on the other way?" she said and smiled at Ivan who nervously cleared his throat "What are you saying, Callista? Didn't we say yesterday that we would meet here?" he said and playfully punched her shoulder as if they were best of friends.

Callista gave him an are-you-crazy look with a mix of disgust as Ivan forced himself to smile friendly at her. "It seems that the both of you are really close" Emily smiled at them "Yeah, sooo close" she sarcastically replied as Ivan elbowed her so she elbowed him back, this time, much harder making him groan.

"Then I won't disturb the both of you" she said "Yes, thank you" Ivan said as they looked at her walk away. Once Emily's back wasn't seen anymore Callista smacked Ivan in the arm. "What was that for huh?" she glared "What!?" Ivan feigned innocence.

"Don't 'what' me! Why the hell do you look like you're about to shit yourself when the both of you were talking? And I swear I saw hearts in your eyes!" she exclaimed as she squinted her eyes suspiciously at him.

"I did not!" he answered and turned his head away "Then why don't you look at me?" she said and tried connecting their eyes together but Ivan kept on avoiding "You're being annoying!" he complained and started walking away "I'm being annoying?" she sarcastically said and rolled her eyes before quickly catching up to him.

"Yes you are." Ivan answered when she caught up to him and kept walking. Even so, he couldn't help but smirk when she was around.

Although he pretended to be annoyed, in reality he was amused by her antics. There was a sense of familiarity between them, almost as if they knew each other for a long time. Perhaps more than what was visible.

Callista felt a strange kind of connection with Ivan, something she couldn't quite describe. She couldn't deny the chemistry between them, the way their eyes locked and the way she was drawn to his presence.