
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

Exchange Students

Callista yawned when Anastasia suddenly elbowed her "Ow! What was that for!?" she complained in a whisper "Will you stop that? We're in front of other students in other Academies" she said and motioned to the party in front of them.

"So what? Its not like I wanted this" she rolled her eyes "Get food or something. Just stop that rude behaviour" Anastasia said as she stood up to greet the exchange students "Fine" Callista muttered as she walked towards the food table.

After their visit from the Magic Library, Callista and Ivan came back tired nearly not making it before curfew. When she woke up, Miss Sapphire suddenly called all the students in the dorm to clean up and dress up before the exchange students comes tonight.

Callista was reluctant to do all this things as she really didn't want to attend if it wasn't for grades they give just by attending this party. "You'll be the only one finishing all the cake" she nearly choked on the shortcake she was currently eating and was about to curse at him when she saw it was Ignis.

"Oh, Ignis! What were you saying?" she innocently grinned as he narrowed his eyes at her "Are you not interested in the party?" he asked and handed a glass of champaigne that Callista accepted whole heartedly.

"What's interesting about a teenager's social life?" she rolled her eyes.

'Why do you say that like some old lady or something?' Ignis thought.

"I don't know" he shrugged "Maybe you know someone here?" he said without really thinking so Callista subconciously started roaming her gaze at the students.

"And who would I know any-..!?" Ignis confusely looked back at her when she didn't finish her sentence when he noticed her expression became cold. He noticed how her grip tightened at the glass of champaigne and already knew there was something wrong.

He followed her line of sight and saw a guy that wasn't a few years older than them and was currently talking to a classmate. Ignis, of course, knew who he was.

He was Caen Azrael and he attends Welholmes Academy for Wizards. According to the information he heard, Caen is the current Student Council President of Welholmes Academy so he was required to attend this event.

"Do you know Caen?" he asked as Callista looked at him in surprise "You know him? How?" she asked, her voice low as if she didn't want anybody else to hear

"Why wouldn't I? He's the President of the Student Council in the Academy for wizards" he said and casually sipped the champaigne he took from a servant.

"Is that so?" Callista was in a trance after that "So? Do you know him?" he asked again so she shook her head "Not really. But I read one of his reports and I really liked his magic theory" she smoothly lied as she nodded "Young Duke!" Callista chose to ignore Denovan who called Ignis.

While Ignis stared at Denovan as he run towards him "What is it?" he asked "She's here. It seemed like she participated in the exchange program" Denovan said "Why?" his eyebrows furrowed "Don't tell me you didn't know? Didn't Sofia sent you a letter or something?" he said.

"I haven't read my letters this week" he shook his head "That explains how you didn't know" he sighed.

While Callista already begun paying attention to their conversation since she heard a girl's name.

"Sofia?" she slowly asked and glanced at Ignis "She's Ignis's fiancee" her eyebrow twitched at Denovan's words while Ignis threw him a why-did-you-say-that look as Denovan pursed his lips when he realized what he did.


All of the champaigne glass broke and almost even shattered the windows if Callista wasn't able to calm herself but she still sent panic to the other guests at the sudden use of magic.

"I- uh-" Denovan at least tried saying words to calm her down but just seeing Callista's angry face is already making his mind blank.

"My Lord!" they all turned to the voice and saw a girl wearing a Witlia Academy for witches as Anastasia and an unfamiliar man followed her. Callista was already angry but a girl suddenly called Ignis with familiarity and it was like adding feul to the fire.

"I greet the Young Duke of Ashia" she greeted so Ignis glanced at Anastasia as they communicated with their eyes.

Ignis: 'Why did you let her come here?'

Anastasia: ' can't possibly control her. I already had a hard time distracting her from looking for you'

Ignis: 'Then are you forgetting Callista was here, huh?'

Anastasia anxiously bit her lip as Ignis scolded her with his eyes. She glanced at Callista and saw that she was about to erupt. Ivan who had also noticed the situation quickly came towards them.

"What the fuck? She's not even as beautiful as I am..!" Denovan quickly covered her mouth and pulled her away with the help of Ivan before she causes trouble in front of many students.

"Let me go!" she struggled to get away "This bitch needs-" she was about to pounce when she felt like she was struck by lightning. Seeing the flicker of electricity, Anastasia looked at Ivan with wide eyes.

"Why did you do that, Ivan?" Denovan exclaimed in surprise as Ivan shook his head "I didn't do anything!" he replied as he was surprised himself "Sofia, you didn't say anything that you'll participate in the program" Anastasia tried distracting Sofia and made a knowing glance to Ignis who nodded and walked away to follow Denovan and the others.

Callista was still struggling when she got pulled out of the ballroom "What the hell is your problem?" she glared "That's what I should be asking you! God, calm down" Ivan answered "Callista, you can't just attack Sofia without thinking" Denovan said "And why not?" she raised a brow.

"Sofia is the Imperial Princess from the North. And I'm sorry if I'm about to offend you but you have no rights to get jealous"

"The fuck I care about that? Even if she's the Imperial Princess or some shit I won't give a fuck. She's only just a fiancee, if you can seduce a husband then why not a fiancee?"

Denovan's lips parted in disbelief. She really has always something to talk back about. "You can't always-" Ivan was about to argue back when Ignis appeared followed by Anastasia "Stop, Ivan" he said so Ivan bit his tongue.

Seeing how Ivan was trying to calm himself, he turned to Callista who was blankly looking at him. "What do you think you're doing? You can't just act rashly in front of other people" he scolded so Callista bit her lip.

"I... Okay! I admit that wasn't a smart move but you can't just put the blame on me!" she argued making him sigh "You are being unreasonable" he said with furrowed brows making Callista clench her hands. "Fine! Its my fault!" she shouted and walked out without looking back.

Juat remembering Sofia's pinkish white colored locks and eyelashes that would flutter everytime she looks around. Those blue eyes that reminded her of diamonds. She had a pale skin that didn't even loosen her beauty but even increased it.

Just remembering her face is already making her blood boil!