
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Thorned Deathbed

Callista was walking across the hall when she spotted Emily's back and was about to call her out until she saw someone blocked her way. She subconsciously hid behind a wall when she noticed the girl's mocking grin and so, she listened to their conversation.

"Emily, I saw you talking with Ivan Haven in front of your dormitory yesterday morning" the girl crossed her arms as she raised an eyebrow at Emily.

"A-About that... I wanted to thank him for helping me" Emily tried to ease the situation as she forced out a smile.

It was obvious in Emily's face that she was uncomfortable as the girl looked at her "Oh, really?" her answer came out sarcastically "Listen, I don't know what you're trying to do but don't expect for Ivan to be seduced or whatsoever because no one would like a barbarian like you" her words spit like venom as she glared down at Emily.

"But I wasn't doing anything, Halie" Emily said "No shit. I don't want you going near him again, got it?" Halie said and even rudely poked Emily's forehead before she turned her back on her. Callista stared at Emily as she looked down on her feet, surely because of embarrassment at how the girl, Halie, openly bullied her in the middle of the hallway.

Callista stared as Emily started walking away "Senior Callista?" she turned around and flashed a smile at the male junior "What can I help you with?" Callista sweetly asked "Lord Haven is looking for you" she was surprised at his words.

"For what? So suddenly?" she asked in confusion as he nodded "Something occured at the garden that is needed the attention of the Student Council and the Lord personally requested for you" he explained

"I see" she nodded and started thinking as to why she was called suddenly "May I know your name?" she asked "Yes, my name is Adam Hanson and I'm the Student Council Secretary" he smiled.

Adam Hanson. She knew this guy.

He was a first year student in the Academy and would often be seen with Anastasia in campus. Adam has light brown hair and big round glasses that covered the beauty of his lilac eyes. He looks like your typical smart nerd and responsible student.

Callista quietly followed Adam to the garden that was, suspiciously, without any students in sight so she curiously glanced at Adam. "Why are there no students in the garden?" she asked and Adam looked hesitant "Like I said earlier, 'something' happened" he said and seeing Callista's baffled expressio, he bit his lip.

"The President can explain more properly" he answered so she stopped asking questions. They entered the butterfly garden and the first thing she saw was Ignis, Anastasia, Ivan and other two unfamiliar people's side profile. "President, she's here" Adam announced as they all turned to them.

"Why did you call me all of a sudden?" she asked with furrowed brows "I apologize if I interrupted something but this is important" Ivan said as Callista automatically followed him when she noticed the unsettling look on his face. She was so confused why they all had bothered expressions but her eyes widen when she saw what it was.

In the flower bed, a man stood as thorny veins hugged him so tight to the point his bones broke, his body disfigured as though a snake had suffocated him. His eyeballs bulged as blood dripped like tears in the side of his eyes.


Callista was speechless that she couldn't think of words to express about what she's witnessing. "This is.." her mouth was afar as she stared at the corpse "I know, brutal. A student reported that a body was found here so some of the officers accompanied us to take a look" Anastasia explained as her head quickly turned to her.

"Then why call me? Shouldn't you be calling a herbalist? This is out of my specialization" Callista said and shook her head "We called you here to make sure that an enemy wasn't the one who did this" Ivan explained so she glanced back at the body.

"I assure you that black magic wasn't involved. This is purely holy magic" Callista said after seconds of observation "But something this cruel..?" Anastasia looked at her in disbelief "Just because its called holy magic doesn't mean its all butterflies and rainbows" Callista shook her head.

"But who would do something like this?" a girl she didn't know commented "By the way, meet Raven and Lean" Anastasia introduced the other two but then her gaze passed to Ignis who looked back at her suddenly so she quickly turned. "Its nice to meet the two of you" she politely smiled.

"Goodness! I really like your work, Senior! You're also the first student that Professor Wilford is fond of" Lean said "Thank you for recognizing my work" she replied "I'm also a great fan" Raven said "Thank you" she smiled before turning to Anastasia

"Why is Ivan here to begin with?" Callista asked and tilted her head towards Ivan "I got called by the Student Council from the Magic Committee to help with the investigation" Ivan said

"The Headmaster said that this issue would only be known in the Student Council and if we think that we can still solve this then we won't need to call The Association, it would cause them a lot of trouble from Father." Anastasia explained.

"Ana, we should find out what kind of plant is that first" Ignis reminded so Anastasia looked back at the body "Should we call a herbalist to check it?" she asked making him nod "Raven, please call a student from the Herbalist Department" she ordered as Raven quickly nodded and left the garden.

"Such a nice garden and yet blood was tainted here" Callista commented "I can't believe someone was able to do this" Ivan sighed "We should always expect the unexpected. We are different people so we also have a different way of thinking" Ignis said and stepped forward as the other stared at him.

"Adam, help me put the body down" he ordered "O-Okay" Adam stammered as he stumbled forward. Callista stared at both men as Adam reached his hand out, the veins started loosening and dropped down the ground.

Psychic. Adam's a Psychic.

Adam lay the dead body into the ground slowly and Callista stared at the body with a blank stare when she suddenly noticed something. A faint scent of lavenders and the slight drop of temperature that not anyone would notice unless they enhance their senses. Her nose scrunched up as her eyebrows furrowed, the scent of lavender was somehow familiar like she had smelt this magic before.

Who did it belong to?

More importantly, where was that cold air coming from? Its wind was like a snow storm. Ivan noticed her bothered expression and elbowed her "What's with that face?" he asked so she scratched her nose "Its weird.." she mumbled "What is?" he asked curiously as she silently stared at the dead body "Its nothing. Maybe I sensed it wrong" she said and shook her head.


Lance eyebrows furrowed when he entered the Holy Church "What is that, Captain?" Cale also asked beside him with a look of bother "I don't know" Lance shook his head "Greetings!" they all turned to the man in front of the altar who walked towards them "What can I help the Captain of the First Platoon with?" he asked with a grin.

This man in front of them was Archbishop Petres, the Head Bishop of the Church. He had been worshipping the Goddess Alkia since he was taken in by the church when he was twelve.

"It's nice to meet you, Archbishop Petres" he greeted with a smile "What made you come here out of the blue?" he asked "Well, my friend here is interested in the activities happening inside the Church" Lance said and motioned to Cale who waved at him.

"I see. I'm happy to see that the influence of the Holy Church is spreading across the Kingdom" he nodded excitedly and glanced at Cale "What do you want to know?" he asked so Cale took out a notebook from his bag and flipped through the pages "So, first of all..." little did Petres know that he would regret answering his questions.


Callista opened the Headmaster's doors as she casually walked in "What can I help you with, Callista?" Regan tiredly looked up at her "Wow. You look like shit." she teased making him roll his eyes "What do you want? I'm busy so whatever you came here for just spit it out" he groaned

"Fine! Sheesh! So much for patience" she sarcastically said and stood in front of him "You know what happened at the butterfly garden, right?" she said "Yes. It was a sudden incident" he calmly said "And yet here you are" she smirked "Casually sitting there flipping through papers as if a student didn't just die in campus grounds" she added.

"What are you really trying to say, Callista? Are you suspecting me of killing a student?" Regan grew upset by her question "I did not say such a thing" she chuckled teasingly as if making him annoyed "I'm just curious as to why you let the Student Council investigate about this matter" she said.

"Because once I handle things in my own hands the other students would panic with the thought that the Headmaster is personally investigating, so it means that its serious. What do you think would they do?" he calmly answered her question "I see. Did you look at the body?" she asked with a smile referring to the dead body found.

"Yes" his eyebrows furrowed more that she quickly changed her question. She would normally pester him more to get the correct answer out of him but today it was like she was just buying time. "What exactly do you want to ask?" in the end he got impatient.

"Oh, my. You are really so smart" she giggled and clapped before resting her chin on her knuckles as she leaned towards his table "Don't you think there is something wrong with how he died?" she finally asked "Certainly" he unhesitantly answered with a nod as she smiled in satisfaction.

She stood straight up before lifting herself up to sit at the desk. "So, what do you think?" she asked as he became baffled "What do you want me to say! You keep on bothering me with your questions!" he complained with a click of his tongue "Don't need to be so impatient, old man" she chuckled as her fingers traced her bottom lip.

"Its just that.." a villainous smile crept into her face "This incident is leaving a sweet taste in my mouth" he stayed silent "Say, have you ever experienced being so excited to the point you want to devour it?" Regan understood her words.

She was interested in whatever that killed the male student.

She wanted to know. She was thirsty for that object that peaked her interest. She was excited to know. And later, devour it.

Just like they said, everything that you don't have any knowledge of would obviously catch your interest.

But as for Callista, she didn't just want to know what it is but to also grip it into her hands so tight that it would suffocate. She thinks that it was a good toy that she could play with for the next couple of days.

Regan knew that. And the fact that he knows it is not making things easier.

Callista was a monster.

That was the only thought he has while staring at her smirking face.