
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
76 Chs


After briefly speaking with Rucule and Ramela regarding their negotiations, Bann was pleased by their attitudes. His teammate's attitude to be more precise.

It seemed that most Saiyans weren't pieces of shit when they wanted. Aside from the cockiness that both Ramela and Rucule boasted, and how they flexed their strength against the nobles. They did a good job of not only gaining the temporary loyalty of the nobles but also skillfully elucidating the advantages of the regime change.

"Well, since we've already finished with the first step, tomorrow I'll be heading to Redentia to finish the details with them, and in the following days, I'll be doing the same with the other cities. Your job now would be gathering their scholars and bringing them here so they can start learning. Someone would've had to keep an eye on them though." Bann told them while he rested over the seat.

Ramela perked up her head with interest as she asked him "What's in for the person that stays looking over the weaklings?" Her tail uncoiled from her waist as it swayed behind her.

Bann grinned at her while answering with amusement "If it's anyone else, nothing. But if it's you then you will receive head pats." He made a thoughtful face as if saying something worthy.

Yet Ramela was exactly expecting such a thing as her face lit up as she clasped her hands "Yes! Then I'll be looking over them!"

Seeing her puppy eyes Bann smiled fondly at her while answering "Then it's settled. You'll be getting daily head pats until they learn everything they need." As he said that he opened both arms and Ramela launched herself while hugging him.

She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the warmth that her other big brother often gave her.

Eyeing his sister with a frown at her display, Rucule tried to change the conversation as he asked "So what's the reason to bring them? There's no need for hostages in our situation. "

In Rucule's opinion, with Faradras at their mercy, there wasn't any threat of letting the Inquisitor and his cadre be freed to hold them as spoils of War.

Eyeing the corner where they sit and lay, Bann answered Rucule in low gothic "The woman has useful abilities that I wish to know more about, The Inquisitor is someone with great standing in the Imperium and his death would be troublesome for us in the meantime." He then looked over the female guardsmen and a fire stirred on his loins at the memory of her smell.

Ramela who was laying almost asleep in Bann's embrace was suddenly aware of the hard and big thing poking her lower back. Opening her eyes wide she eyed Bann's face from her position with a flushed expression.

Yet none paid attention to her.

"And that woman would be one of my concubines, there's something with her that I found intriguing," Bann said with a hoarse tone. Ramela who never bothered learning low gothic remained ignorant of his words.

While Rucule nodded his head at Bann's words, seemingly aware of what he was saying. Though Augusta looked deeply perturbed at the fate of the guardsmen and couldn't help but feel pity for her. But also anger towards Bann.

"She has a fine smell. Nice pick." Said Rucule as he crossed both arms on his chest. He then pointed to himself with his thumb as he boasted "I have already laid my eyes on two humans with a decent amount of ki, they would make fine mothers to bear strong children."

"Knowing your taste they have to be fine women, I don't expect any less from you, heh," Bann said with a half smile while he kept caressing Ramela's head.

"I'm curious to see whether is true or not that hybrids are stronger than us, the files in the computers didn't explain too much in that regard." Rucule caressed his chin while seemed thoughtful.

"Watch your mouth," Bann warned him in their mother language as he eyed Augusta and the Inquisitor.

Although he was confident in his strength and the knowledge he had from Dragon Ball. That didn't mean he wanted the Imperium or other forces to get their hands on sensitive information like this. After all the various races in Warhammer possessed the technology to not only clone them, but mass produce hybrids in industrial outputs.

As such, Bann was extremely cautious in giving information to others that weren't from their circle.

Rucule seemed to realize his mistake and excused himself "Sorry I forgot for a moment." Ramela opened her eyes and while trying not to look so flushed asked "What happened?"

Yet she only received a caress on her cheek as Bann answered her "Nothing important, just a mishap from your brother."

Ramela closed her eyes as she pressed her head at Bann's hand while sighing in enjoyment.

Meanwhile, Bann shouted, "Seleri come out." He has already felt Seleri's presence eavesdropping on them.

They all heard a 'tch' and saw the lavender-haired girl walking out from the corridor that led to their rooms. She eyed both Ramela and Bann with clear dissatisfaction.

Seeing her attitude, Rucule couldn't help but exclaim "What's making you so snappy? You look like a rabid dog." Only to receive dagger eyes from the girl.

"Is none of your business." She snarled at him while looking back again at Bann "And what do you want?"

The latter never stopped caressing Ramela who was now humming in enjoyment as he said "You haven't reported yet how it went your negotiations. "

The girl stared at him for a couple of seconds, she then let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes while saying "It went okay, I had to kill one woman who didn't want to comply, she made a good example so I didn't need to showcase anything. They all had agreed but raised their concerns regarding the Planet Governor's retaliation."

Hearing her words, Bann nodded his head while he decided to tell them his actions "I have already taken care of that, I've killed the governor and now his throne is taken by us. This leads me to what I wanted to tell you all." He patted Ramela's cheek with carefulness as he motioned her to get up.

He then raised to his feet and told them "There are three ships up in the space station, I've killed some of the officers but I'm thorn in whether to destroy those ships or not." He gestured with his hands to let them finish him.

"Those ships held enough firepower to lay waste this hold world, we don't know if the Imperial Guard would retreat without firing at this world. So I don't know what should we do." He raised his arms to cross his chest as he stared at his teammates.

Seleri looked unable to understand his reasoning and told him "We'll destroy those ships and kill the Imperial guard, isn't that easy?" She eyed Rucule and Ramela and saw that both agreed with her assessment.

Yet Bann shook his head as he eyed Cielo and told them "I cannot do such a thing, I promised Cielo - the woman you brought Seleri - that I will not kill her battle sister and let them escape from this system. They would need a certain amount of troops and those ships for doing such a thing."

Rucule showcased a tired look while he let out a sigh of frustration. Yet he understood the reasoning of Bann.

However, Seleri snorted at his response and told him "Hmph, luckily I have already disposed of that trash. She's now dead so you don't need to hold your words." There was a slight grin on the girl's face.

Yet Bann looked at her dumbfounded and pointed at Cielo "But she's praying right there? What are you talking about?" Making Seleri snap around and look with open eyes at the sight.

The pious image of the battle-sister on her knees with her rosary in her hands. With both eyes closed while her blond hair fell over her back.

Flabbergasted Seleri stuttered "That's impossible... I killed her..." Yet she tried to gather ki at her finger to kill the woman once again.

Only to see her hand being taken by Bann's tight grip. Turning her head to look at him, she saw a pissed look on Bann's face as he asked her "What do you think you are doing?" She then felt Bann's ki entering her body and dispersing the energy on her finger.

With her neck raised to look at him, she babbled for a moment until she said with resolution "I'll kill her! She's going to be a nuance."

Bann narrowed his eyes as he looked at her while he said slowly "That woman will survive. She's going to be useful and I'm not one to break his words." With those words, he freed Seleri's arms and walked forward towards Cielo.

The battle-sister feeling someone approaching only gave a side glance, until she realized it was Bann the one doing so. Making her stop with her praying and getting on her feet.

Standing tall at 6 feet and 1 inch in height, she raised her chin while she eyed with pious eyes at Bann. Who stopped after getting at one arm's length from her "I apologise on behalf of my team, you're a guest now and she shouldn't have attacked you. Are you okay?"

Bann didn't bow but looked at Cielo with such sincere eyes that made the woman let out a subtle smile while she shook her head "You don't need to apologise on behalf of others, I should, however, thank your teammate, as thanks to her I was bathed into the blazing fire of the Emperor and given a purpose."

Bann who was unable to understand her meaning looked at her at loss and asked " What do you mean by that?"

As Cielo heard his question, a wide smile formed on her face while she brought both hands toward the place where she was shot and explained "The Emperor's light retrieved me back from the hands of death and healed my wounds. It is his will to see me standing in front of you."

Augusta who was looking at the scene with caution couldn't help but furrow her brows and narrow her eyes. Some things in her head started to click.

Meanwhile, Bann was surprised by her words and couldn't help but approach Cielo out of reflex and ask her "That's a big thing, right?"

Seeing his lost expression made Cielo let out a smile while nodding "Indeed, only those of exceptional faith and incredible feats are given the honor of being bathed in the baptizing fire of He who sits on Terra."

Bann who didn't know what to say just nodded his head and said a simple "Congratulations." As he then looked over Augusta.

As they both stared at each other, silence permeated the room until Bann opened his mouth "Do you know where I can find a helmet or something that works in the space?"

Augusta was taken aback by the sudden answer. Clearly not expecting such a question. Shaking her head sideways she answered negatively.

Yet Bann who wanted to bring the Acolyte to the space station was hoping the woman could pull out something. She was the key to explaining the warp fuckery to the Saiyans.

Eyeing the Inquisitor he pushed further "The Inquisitor would be safe and sound whilst you cooperate with us. I need you somewhere and to reach that place we need to fly through the space."

Augusta instinctively tried to cover Gannicus from Bann's gaze, yet when she heard Bann blackmailing her she eyed him with furious while gritting her teeth.

Gulping down the bitter taste of her anger, she tried to remember something that could be useful. Until a memory of their travel towards this planet came to her mind and made her exclaim "The Imperial Navy Officers should have one or two suits that can work in the void."

Hearing her answer Bann nodded his head as he turned around and said to his teammates "Then that is, you'll be staying here looking after her while I return to get this suit or whatever."

After getting nods of agreement he looked over Cielo and said to her "You can settle yourself and her" He pointed towards the guardsmen "In my room since I'm not going to sleep here today."

"As you wish." Cielo answered him while she approached the guardsmen and carried her through the corridor "It's the last one!" Bann shouted at her.

Receiving the cold glares from Seleri and Ramela he smiled and exclaimed "Let's move then! There's work to do and things to talk about."

And with those parting words, he flew away leaving behind a gust of wind.


A.N: 5 chapters in advance (And more to stack up) in my p~atreon

5 chapters in advance in my patreon, alongside the first +18 scene.



Happy Christmas!

I got wasted yesterday! And eat to my fill content too. Hope your Christmas was a nice one.

Now I'm going to keep writing another chap, enjoy today's!

BTW, please keep pouring those power stones, they help greatly to the nove!

I wish you all a good day!

Cya tomorrow.

SrDevoxerocreators' thoughts