
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Spoils of war.

Hey there, just trow a power stone to the novel, a Christmas gift for me. God bless if you did, and may santa gift you coal if you didn't.


For more than one hour Cielo sat inside the Saiyan Base while she looked over the three unconscious figures lying on the metallic floor.

With eyes closed she tried to meditate and pray to He who sits on Terra for insight into her next steps. Cielo wasn't one to lie or to deceit. She saw such things as demeaning of a person's integrity.

Although she hid her dreams from her sisters, she felt that such a thing was more of a connection with the Emperor than anything else. Thus she was now feeling troubled by what she needed to do once everyone woke up.

And much to her chagrin the first signs of some of them waking up started to appear. The cadre that accompanied the Inquisitor was the first one to start stirring up from her slumber, she seemed sluggish for a moment until she jolted awake and looked around in search of danger.

The surrounding area around the cadre was illuminated with bright flashes of lightning, she cautiously surveyed her surroundings. Her eyes darted around, scanning for any signs of danger. Her attention was drawn to a figure sitting while looking over her, and as she approached, she furrowed her brow and asked, "Who are you, and where are we?" Her voice was laced with both confusion and concern, as she tried to piece together the events that had brought her to this unfamiliar place.

Directly looking into the witch's eyes, Cielo let out a deep sigh and answered her "We'd been captured by the Saiyans, they are holding up hostages in their base."

Cielo motioned with her hands to their surrounding space. The cadre, however, seemed stunned for a moment until she opened her eyes wide open. She then searched around in a frenzy until she spotted the figure of Inquisitor Gannicus lying on the floor.

She stumbled towards the figure as she tried to asses whether he was wounded or not. Seeing her desperation Cielo told her "He did nothing to him aside from kidnapping and throwing him to the floor." Yet her words seemed to not reach the psyker ears.

The woman meticulously searched every inch of the Inquisitor's body, her eyes scanning every crevice and fold of his armor. She seemed determined to find something, and her search went on for several minutes until she finally let out a deep sigh of relief. She slowly brought both arms towards the chest of the Inquisitor and bowed her head, resting it on her hands. Her lips curled into a mocking smile as she let out a laugh that echoed through the room, filled with a sense of both mocking and contempt.

"... I'm useless, I couldn't even stop a xenos from attacking us... he would be so disappointed..." The woman murmured while her whole body started to shake.

With chillness in her gaze, Cielo looked over the woman until she deemed more worthy to pay more attention to the future woman of Bann. Warding over the female guardsmen.

As Cielo observed the woman's body closely, her eyes fixed on the various scars that marred the skin of her arms, neck, and hands. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she traced her fingers over the scars on her own hands, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the woman before her. The scars on her skin told a story of battles fought and won, a testament to her strength and resilience. Cielo felt a deep sense of admiration for the woman, whose scars spoke volumes about the struggles she had overcome in her life.

It showcased that she was a worthy daughter of the Emperor and that not only did she survive to tell the tale, but proved to be enlightened as she was now lying in front of her. Waiting to be taken as the woman of a figure that holds power beyond Cielo's imagination.

'It was His will for you to be here, and I shall see His will be done.' Cielo said to herself in her mind while eyeing carefully at the guardsmen.

As the room grew quiet, the stern voice of the cadre cut through the stillness, demanding an answer. "I need to know who you are," she said, her tone leaving no room for ambiguity. Her amber eyes locked onto Cielo's back, her posture rigid and unyielding, as if daring the battle sister to withhold the information. The air in the room grew tense, and Cielo could feel the weight of her scrutiny bearing down on her.

Not looking in the direction of the cadre, Cielo remained still in her position as she answered "I am Sister Superior Cielo Sterna, from the Order of The Redeemed Flame. And who you might be, witch?"

Cielo didn't see it, but the mention of the word 'Witch' made the cadre tremble a little bit. Nonetheless, the woman answered, "I am the Inquisitor Gannicus Acolyte, my name is Augusta and I'm a sanctioned psyker, not a witch."

Cielo shook her head and closed her eyes in response to the woman's words. "Call it what you will, but in the eyes of Him, you are merely a witch. One who is unlucky enough to have not been offered to His throne in Terra as a sacrifice."

Augusta was struggling to keep her temper under control after hearing such words, her jaw tightly clenched as she fought the urge to lash out. She knew that if she didn't rein in her emotions, she would do something she would later regret. She bit her tongue, trying to keep herself from speaking impulsively, and let out a deep breath of frustration. Finally, she looked at Cielo and said "We do not have the luxury of arguing such things, we should be planning on how to escape from this place and reach out for communication."

Hearing her words not only made Cielo let out a chuckle at the notion but also made her remember the parting words of Bann.

Shaking her head and turning to look at Augusta she told her "You're welcome to try, though it would be futile since they would get us back without any effort whatsoever. " Seeing the Acolyte about to lash out at her she added "You have seen what they're capable of, am I right? Then you should know that there are more of them."

Augusta looked over the sister of battle with strangeness after hearing her words, it was the first time she witnessed one of them sounding so... defeated, as if she had already accepted her fate. A stark contrast with the fierce and unyielding image she had of the Battle Sisters.

In Augusta's opinion, it was unfit for Cielo to accept it.

"And you expect me to sit here while we wait for them? Just what in the name of the Emperor is wrong with you?" Augusta couldn't help but ask with clear indignation.

As Cielo listened to her words, she remained impassive and kept staring at Augusta "I did not perish in battle and I was brought here, I'll stand and wait for His will before doing anything rash."

Hearing the words that bordered heresy, made Augusta look at her with frustration. On one side, she was aware of the zealously that the Sisters of Battle were commonly known for. So not even for once she'd believed that Cielo was colluding with Bann nor that he even tasked the sister of battle to look after them.

Augusta was acutely aware of the formidable power of the Saiyans. She had no illusions about the danger they posed and understood that even if they managed to break free from their current predicament, it was highly likely they would be tracked down and captured once again.

Feeling helpless and unable to devise a viable escape plan, Augusta settled back down next to the Inquisitor and attempted to calm her racing thoughts. She knew that her mind was clouded with fear and anxiety and that any rash decision could prove disastrous. She took a deep breath and tried to focus on the present moment, hoping that a solution would eventually reveal itself.

Thus, the Saiyan base was once again in silence as both females waited for someone else to wake or the Saiyans to return.

Neither did the Inquisitor or the female guardsmen wake up before both Cielo and Augusta heard something approaching.



The metallic sound of footsteps reached their place as they both looked over the origin of it. Walking down the corridor both tensed their bodies as they eyed the figure of the lavender-haired girl in Saiyan armor.

Seleri stopped in her tracks once she saw the various figures alongside Cielo. Raising her right eyebrow she asked "And who are these three? Who captured them?" Her questions were directed to Cielo who looked at the Saiyan girl with clear animosity on her part.

Yet she answered, "Bann brought them." Hearing her calling him for his name, made Seleri furrow her brows in annoyance and seem to forget about the new prisoners.

"When did you get so familiar with him? Hmm? Tell me." The little girl appeared in front of Cielo who was surprised by the sudden action and fell to her back.

Eyeing the eyes of the demon girl, Cielo quickly recomposed herself and looked with rage at Seleri as she answered "I don't need to answer such a thing, you wretched fiend!"

Seleri narrowed her eyes at her response and attitude. Grabbing Cielo by her neck she lowered her childish voice to an ice tone "Don't get funny ideas in your head you bug. None of you humans will be enough for him." She hissed as she threw her down.

Seleri summoned her inner energy and focused it on the tip of her finger. With a steady hand, she pointed directly at Cielo, who gazed back at her without flinching or showing any signs of fear or discomfort.

"I should kill you now since you are no longer of purpose, we have already defeated the human armies and now we control this world." Letting out the energy, Seleri watched as the ki impacted the battle-sister chest and fell.

She then moved her eyes towards the three other humans and after seeing the hateful glare that Augusta was giving her, let out a 'hmph' of annoyance and moved inside the base. Looking for a seat to wait until everyone came back.

Watching the Saiyan walk inside, Augusta looked over Cielo's body which lay motionless on the floor. Gulping down, Augusta made the Aquila sign and closed her eyes.

Enough blood was spilled today.

Yet a couple of seconds later she felt a golden flash passing through her eyelids, making her open them both in a hurry to witness a miracle.

Cielo was staring back at her with a confused expression. The Sister Superior showcased a consternated look on her face while she touched her chest area.

Upon closer inspection, the chest plate worn by Cielo revealed a tiny circular gap, barely larger than the width of a finger. The gap was situated directly over her chest, where her heart lay beating beneath the protective armor. As the cadre and the battle sister exchanged glances, they were both struck with a sense of disbelief.

As Augusta gazed upon the daunting gap in Cielo's armor, her hand trembled slightly as she summoned the courage to make the Aquila sign. Cielo watched intently, mirroring Augusta's movements as she too closed her eyes and delved into her memories of the experience. It was a moment she would never forget - a moment when Cielo felt as if all the air had been sucked from her lungs, and her strength was rapidly draining away. But then, in a burst of warmth and light, a fierce fire ignited within her chest, renewing her spirit and awakening her to the power within.

If she previously held any doubt, it was all but dispersed 'I shall see this chance you have given me to see your wish and command be done, My Emperor.' Cielo prayed with conviction while feeling tears streaming down her face.

"...The Emperor, he, he healed you..." Augusta could only mutter in disbelief.



Yet before Cielo could utter a word, they both heard the arrival of two more Saiyans. Cielo didn't mind them as she closed her eyes again and decided to keep thanking and praying to the Emperor.

Augusta looked with trepidation towards the corridor until the figure of Ramela made herself visible while an annoyed expression was all over her face.

"That idiot of Aprit! Did you see him touching that woman's body!? He is staying back because of her!" Ramela fumed in anger as she let out her frustration.

"And you too big brother! If I didn't look for you would be doing the same!" She stomped her feet to the ground as she turned around and stared at her brother.

Rucule walked over with confidence on each step as he hastily scanned over the corner where the four hostages were currently as he answered Ramela.

"He's just finishing the touches of the negotiations, and I'm of age to fancy women, little sis. Remember that." He then pointed with his chin towards Augusta, Gannicus, and the guardsmen as he exclaimed "More importantly, there seems to be more guests brought by either Seleri or Bann. "

Walking over them he saw Augusta looking fearful at him while she tried to cover with her body at the Inquisitor. Seeing her antics made a grin appear on Rucule's face as he eyed from head to toe the woman.

The woman's hood was pulled low over her head, casting a shadow over her face. Despite this, her presence was captivating - she seemed to radiate a certain charm that drew people to her. Her features were delicate and feminine, with a small, perfectly proportioned nose and full, lush lips that seemed to beg to be kissed. Her skin was smooth and despite a scar on her cheek, she had a healthy glow.

Even with her face obscured by the hood, there was no mistaking the fact that she was a vision to behold.

As the fabric of her robe draped over her body and her armor encased her form, it struggled to wholly obscure the contours of her figure. The swell of her hips and the arch of her back were still visible, tempting the gaze of any onlooker. Despite the modesty of her attire, her voluptuous curves were strikingly apparent.

It was a fine woman. One that Rucule seemed eager to know.

Crouching he tilted his head sideways as he asked "Who you might be, miss?"

Yet before he could get an answer from Augusta, a deep voice resonated through the base as Cielo, Augusta, and Ramela looked over the figure that walked in.

"She's a spoil of War, mine to be more precise," Bann spoke while he walked over to a seat in the middle of the room. Looking over the direction of the corner she was scurried into, Bann stared back at Augusta who gulped down while eyeing him.

Although she didn't understand a word he said, his fierce glare made her shiver. Her right hand moved to search for something to grasp. Finding only the armor of the Inquisitor who lay still unconscious.


A.N: 5 chapters in advance (And more to stack up) in my p~atreon

More chapters in my patreon.com/Sr_Devoxero



Bless you all!

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