
The Battle for control

BOOOOOM… A sudden explosion shakes the entire old school building as a massive hole had been made leading into the Occult Research Clubroom. Instinctively, Gasper hid inside his box while Koneko shielded herself and Gasper's box behind the desk.

"Hand over the half Vampire and we won't kill you little girl" a feminine voice made itself known to Koneko.

"Who are you, people?" Koneko asked as she tried to think of a plan to get out with Gasper.

"We are Magicians, now do as your told and hand over the Vampire boy!"

As Koneko stood up to see just who these magicians were, she picked up a piece of rubble and crushed it into smaller pieces. Without saying anything Koneko threw what she had in her hand at the hooded freaks, while they were distracted by the sudden debris flying at them, Koneko used her speed and agility to get close the intruders and before they knew what hit them Koneko sent them flying back through the hole in the wall they had just made.

"Gaspy, we have to go to big brother and the others now!" Koneko grabbed Gasper from his box and made a run for it out the door.

"Koneko… why do these people want me? I don't know them…?" Koneko could hear the fear that was in Gasper's voice, I will protect you, Gasper, just like Gohan and Rias!…

As the pair continued to make their way towards the exit of the building, more Magicians had entered the building and were now attacking Koneko and Gasper. Koneko deflected most of their attacks, however, there was just too many for her.

"Quick Gaspy, in your old room" Gasper opened the door as Koneko continued to fight off the seemingly never ending Magicians. Thankfully Koneko managed to get in the room and shut the door, the Magicians kept attacking the door but to no avail as the Gremory seal that had been placed to seal Gasper in before was now shielding the two Devils within the room.

"We should be safe in here until the other comes" Koneko breathed a sigh of relief, she turned to see Gasper was inside his old box that was in the room.

"I always cause so much trouble for others..." Gasper mumbled as he looked down feeling that this was all his fault.

Remembering what her "big brother" had done in order to calm down Gasper before when he was feeling down about himself, Koneko put her hand on the small boys head and rubbed gently, "Everyone will be here soon… don't worry Gasper" Koneko gave him a reassuring smile.

Gasper looked up at her only to see one of the Magicians coming through the roof behind her, "Koneko look out!" He shouted.

It was too late however, the intruder had managed to attack Koneko from behind and knocked her out leaving a poor defenceless Gasper...alone.

Utter silence… not a word had been said from anyone after Gohan had pretty much threatened the entire room. Rias and all of her peerage were in a state of shock of Gohan's sudden change in personality. The once kind, caring, funny and loving boy was now projecting himself as a conqueror of sorts as he threatened the room. Rias and Akeno both saw a very quick glance between Gohan and Sirzechs beforehand, Wait… was all this…

Just as Gohan's friends were shocked, none more so than Michael, Azazel and Vali. Michael couldn't keep his eyes off of Gohan after seeing such a transformation. He could feel the power radiating from Gohan and after hearing what the boy had just said to them all he was now worried. If anyone here ever made this boy there enemy… we would all be doomed, I must have our factions make peace.

Azazel like Michael, could not believe what he was witnessing in front of him. The Fallen Angel had only been shown a glimpse of the boy's power and now that it was right in front of him, he too was scared but also very excited. The reason being that he was a man with a very high interest in the sacred gears, however this boy in front of him was like a gold mine for endless possibilities on how he could make a special sacred gear.

Meanwhile, with the brooding White Dragon Emperor, his hands were shaking as he had his hands balled up in a tight fist. Vali could feel the power surging off of Gohan, which caused the shaking as he was excited off the prospect of fighting the Saiyan hybrid.

Eventually, after what seemed to be a millennium pass them by when it had only been a minute at most, Azazel surprisingly was the first to talk.

"I believe we need to do what we all came here to do… make peace" As soon as Azazel had said them words, the tension clouding the room seem to dissipate as Gohan released his SS3 form and made his way back next to Rias.

"Want to tell me what that was all about..." A very pissed off crimson haired Demon angrily said into Gohan's ear.

Oh, crap…. I'm so getting hit with a damn frying pan… "I will explain later..." Gohan simply said, hoping to not get to beat up by Rias and Akeno.

"I believe that is a good idea Azazel" Michael agreed as he finally managed to catch his breathe and talk after what had happened in front of him.

"There is one thing I would like to know first and that is the opinions of the Red and White Dragon Emperors..." Azazel smirked.

"That is a good idea, let's hear from the White Dragon first…" Sirzechs then motioned for Vali to tell his opinion.

"I don't really care as long as I get to fight strong opponents… especially a certain someone" Vali hissed as he looked at Gohan.

"And what of you Issei Hyoudou..." Sirzechs turned to look at the nervous boy.

"Well… all I want is to become stronger in order to protect my friends and loved ones when needed" Issei then looks at Vali, and to kick the crap out of a particular stuck up prick...better not say that out loud right now… Issei smirked to himself after his last thought.

"That reminds me… I believe you wanted to ask me something, did you not Issei Hyoudou?" Michael suddenly remembered their last meeting after giving him Ascalon.

"Yes… there was, I'm surprised you remembered" Issei was taken back by Michaels question thinking that he had probably forgotten.

"Why was Heaven so hard and unfair on Asia?" Rias suddenly worried that he may have asked a question he shouldn't go to move towards her pawn, but was stopped by Gohan's hand. Rias looked at him wanting to know why he had stopped her but in reply, he just shook his head as if to say, They need to know…

Asia, who was standing next to Issei was also surprised by his question to Chief Michael. Asia grabbed Issei's arm and held it tight as she was scared for her boyfriend.

"After God had been destroyed in the last war, all that remained was the system. All Angels had left was the power to administer divine protection mercy and miracles… one of the reasons as to why I agreed to this meeting was due to the fact that even with me at the centre of Heaven we are still barely functioning properly. Thanks to the last war, we are all still healing our wounds and because of it, we lost many key figures on all sides. So I am hoping we can stop the senseless killing..." Michael explained, he didn't like to show how weak Heaven was at the moment, but if there was a chance to stop the extinction of his people that it needed to be done.

"Unfortunately for Asia, the system saw her as a threat because of the fact that she could not only heal Angels but also Fallen Angels and Devils too..."

Before Michael could continue, Xenovia walked forward after realising why she too had been pushed out of heaven, "So because I found out about God being killed, I was viewed as a threat by the system which is why I was pushed out too..." Xenovia sighed as the pieces of the puzzle finally fit.

Michael simply nodded in agreement as Irina who stood next to the Chief of Angels was shocked to hear that her friend had not been a traitor and deserted the Church for the Devils, instead she was kicked out because of a botched system. Irina looked at Xenovia and was filled with regret for the way she had treated her friend without knowing the truth, I'm sorry Xenovia…

"I am truly sorry to you both, but would you change who and what you are if you could?" Michael asks.

"No..." Almost immediately, both girls said in unison, "I am happy with the way things have turned out for me, I have everyone here who are my friends and I have Issei too… I will always believe in God and pray, but I am happy with my life as a Devil..." Asia spoke proudly, she looked at Issei and smiled as he returned the gesture and kissed her on the top of her head as everyone smiled at the couple.

"What of you Xenovia?" Michael directs his attention to the blue haired swords woman, "I'm with Asia… I will always thank the church for what you did for me, however ever since becoming a Devil and being apart of Rias Gremory's peerage, I have found something that I truly longed for in a sense… a family" Rias and co all smiled upon hearing her words, "not to mention… finding someone special..." Xenovia whispered to herself, unknown to the newly turned Devil her certain "special someone" had heard her and began blushing after she looked at him when saying it.

She can't seriously… no surely not… but what if?… Poor Gohan was now trying to work his head around what he felt he wasn't meant to hear come from Xenovia.

"Ahh now I remember who you are, you're the girl that Raynare kidnapped..." Azazel realised as he looked at Asia and pointed. A sudden wave of killer intent was felt by Azazel as he noticed Issei was pissed at him for bringing that up.

"YOU BASTARD! It's all your fault in the first place because that bitch wanted to be just like you!" A seething Red Dragon Emperor shouted as he was suddenly restrained by Rias.

Wow Issei, even that killer intent made me have goosebumps… Gohan thought as he saw the hairs standing on his arms.

Gohan then suddenly felt a spike of power from outside the building, What the…

The entire room was suddenly engulfed in a wave of magic energy as everything in the room was suddenly frozen in time. Gohan looked around only to see that Akeno, Asia, Sona and Tsubaki had all been frozen and weren't moving.

"What is this power…?" Michael asks confused by what had just happened.

"It must be the Vampire boys doing" Azazel then looked to see who had not been affected, "It would seem everyone with either a higher power or those with especially sacred gears were unaffected… I would say that Rias wasn't affected thanks touching Issei at the time" Azazel deduced rather quickly.

"Thank you Issei" Rias quickly thanked.

"What could have caused…." As Issei was about to ask his question to everyone an explosion could be heard outside as the building was now suddenly under attack.

Issei quickly went over to the window to see what all the commotion was about, "Who are all these hooded freaks?"

"They are Magicians… but why are they here!?" Serafall straight away knew who they were upon seeing the symbol on their hoods.

"Wait, if Gasper is the one causing this freeze in time then he and Koneko must have been under attack from these Magicians too" Issei looked towards his President and Gohan.

Both Rias and Gohan became worried for the young pair, "We need to get to them quick!"

"This is a problem..." Sirzechs chimes in as everyone looks at him, "If they have Gasper and have somehow managed to make him go into a type of uncontrolled balance breaker then he could quite easily become too powerful for even us to stop..."

"I can't sense Gasper or Koneko at all for some reason..." Gohan muttered this surprised Rias, her peerage, Sirzechs and even Grayfia. They could always count on Gohan's unique ability to sense powers.

"I have an idea… why don't you let me go and deal with the Vampire" Vali spoke up. Now, this was not the best move on the White Dragon Emperors part as he soon realised. Gohan had disappeared from everyone's sight and was now holding Vali by his throat up against the wall. The killer intent that was being released by the boy was suffocating to everyone else. It made Issei's killer intent earlier pale in comparison to Gohan's.

"So much as try and hurt anyone and I swear to you Vali, the last person you will ever see is me..." Gohan then released Vali as he dropped to the floor gasping for air, as did everyone else once Gohan had stopped his killer intent towards the man.

"Vali… you want someone to fight… go fight the Magicians and cool off" Azazel blurted out in annoyance.

"Fine..." Vali replies reluctantly. Gohan lets him go before making his way back to Rias's side. Once Vali managed to catch his breath, he quickly disappeared outside the room and began attacking the magicians out of anger from what had just happened to him.

"I never thought Gasper could become so powerful..." Issei randomly spoke up which seemed to help break the tension in the room.

"Yes… because of Gasper not being able to control his powers and Rias not being able to control him, I thought it would be best to seal him away…" Sirzechs looked sad when telling everyone. Sirzechs wasn't happy about having to seal a person away as he felt no better than the morons that started the great war.

"Gasper is also a mutation piece..." Kiba tells Issei, "What's a mutation piece?" Issei asks after hearing this for the first time.

This time Rias steps up, "A mutation piece is very rare and strange pieces Issei when I first turned Gasper into a Devil it should have cost me a number of pieces, however, it only cost one mutation piece. This means that those with the mutation piece have endless potential in their power..." Issei was shocked to hear that little shy and scared Gasper could quite easily become one of the most powerful beings in the world.

"Gohan is also a mutation piece, a very strange one I might add… when he arrived and myself, Grayfia and Ajuka Beelzebub found him, Ajuka new pieces that he created suddenly glowed a bright yellow similar to that of Gohan's transformations and with a will of their own entered Gohan's body. What we found strange was the fact that every single piece seems to clash and create the mutation piece before entering his body"

After hearing Sirzechs tell off Gohan's first moments in Hell, Rias along with the rest of the room except Grayfia all looked at Gohan with near enough the same thought… Just how powerful is he!.

"Lord Sirzechs, I think it would be a wise idea to use the castling move..." Grayfia announces to the group.

"Yes! I still have a Rook piece in the clubroom, if we did the castling move I could get inside the building to save Gasper and Koneko!" Rias excitedly said, hoping to be able to get to her precious members quick.

"Yes, however, I want Gohan to go with you Rias so I will help send you both using my energy too" Sirzechs smiled at his sister.

"I wish I could go save Gasper..." Issei mumbled, he wanted the chance to prove himself to the President and his King.

"Issei, I need you to do something for me. I want you to stay and protect Asia, Akeno, Sona, Tsubaki and everyone else… This is just as important so don't feel down because I'm going to give you an early gift" Gohan smirked as everyone but Issei was confused by what he meant.

"Wait! You mean… you're going to take them off!" Issei beamed with joy.

"Yes… It's time to show everyone just how far you have come, Issei… I give you permission to remove your weighted clothing"

Everyone but Rias was confused by this, until…

Multiple thumps could be heard as they all looked at The Red Dragon Emperor only to see him pulling off his weighted clothing that he had been wearing.

"OH MY GOD THAT FEELS…AWESOME!" Issei cheered as he began stretching his muscles of all aches.

"Right, Rias, Gohan it's time for you to go!" Sirzechs alerted the pair.

"Before you do, I have something for you both" Azazel walked up to Gohan and Rias, "Take these bands with you… They will get the Vampire's energy back to normal and stop this phenomenon"

"Thanks..." Gohan muttered.

Soon enough, Sirzechs helped Rias and Gohan make the jump as a Rook chess piece replaced the pair as Sirzechs picked it up, Gohan...please keep my sister safe…

"Well hello there, pathetic lords..." A cocky and sarcastic feminine voice made itself known to those left in the room.

"Wait… this magic..." Sirzechs and everyone turned to see a woman manifesting inside the room.

A tall bespectacled woman with a very voluptuous figure appeared in the room. She wore an extremely low cut dress which had a slit revealing her rather large breasts, causing Issei to not give in to his old tendencies.

"Katarea Leviathan at your service" the well-developed woman announced to the room as she bowed slightly.

"Why are you here!" Serafall grimaced.

"Oh, my dear Serafall… only one reason of course..." Katarea viciously smirked as she lifter her staff above her quickly pouring magic energy into it.

BOOOOOM… The entire room had suddenly been engulfed in a bright light as the intruder Katarea blew up the entire room and everyone in it.

"HAHAHAHA! Well, that was easy enough..." or so Katarea thought as she then saw a large light reveal everyone unharmed thanks to a barrier formed by the three faction leaders as Issei, Serafall, Kiba, Xenovia and Irina protected their frozen friends from any attack.

"Well, isn't that sickening… The Lucifer of Hell aiding the Chief Angel and the leader of The Fallen Angels.." Katarea pretended to reach as if she was going to be sick from the sight.

Sirzechs, Azazel and Michael lowered their barrier and landed everyone safely on the ground. Upon landing and releasing the barrier, Azazel began laughing uncontrollably which seemed to really piss Katarea off as the others looked at the man in confusion from his sudden outburst.

"What's so funny you pathetic Fallen worm…?" Katarea seethed.

"You… you are such a...fool" Azazel stopped laughing as he smirked looking at the woman in front of him.

"Do you mind if I teach this traitor a lessen Sirzechs? " Azazel asks as he walks forward.

"As you wish Azazel" Sirzechs replies as he and Michael erect the barrier once more, "Grayfia, see what you can do about that gate that is allowing all these magicians in..."

"Yes my Lord..." Grayfia quickly began trying to decrypt the massive gate above them.

"Serafall I want you to protect the frozen ones while the rest of you try to keep these magicians off us and reduce their numbers!" Sirzechs ordered.

"Ye, sir!"…

Meanwhile, with Rias and Gohan, "Can you sense them Gohan?" a worried Rias asks.

"Yes, they are in Gasper's old room..." Gohan suddenly stopped as he passed a window and noticed Azazel high in the sky along with some unknown woman.

"Rias, who is that?" Gohan points as Rias looks and quickly recognises the newcomer.

"That is Katarea Leviathan… when the four Devil Kings was formed, the positions for being one was not inherited, it was earned which is why my brother and Sona sister Serafall were made a Devil King with my brother being the leader of the four. The direct descendants were not pleased by this as they felt it should have been them, ultimately it caused a huge fight to break out and eventually my brother along with the others forced the descendants to flee to the very edges of Hell. Katarea was one of those as she is a direct descendant to the very first Leviathan, unlike Serafall..."

No matter the dimension, no matter the world… there is always those that want to control everything… Gohan looked on at the fight between Azazel and Katarea, "She is being played by Azazel..."

A sudden energy burst made itself known to the Saiyan Hybrid in which he recognised to be from Gasper, "Quick Rias! I felt Gasper's energy and I can feel he is in pain" Gohan grabs Rias's arm and begins running towards the source.

"Gohan… too...quick..." A stumbling, heavy breathing Rias exasperated as they came to a stop.

"They are here..." Gohan smashed his way through the wall surprising those that were inside.

"How did you get..." That was all the surprised magician could say as she received a punch to the gut and sent flying through the wall in between two other now petrified magicians.

"DON'T MOVE OR THEY GET IT!" One of the magicians shouted as he and two other now had knifes to the throats of both Koneko who was upside down against the wall and Gasper who was also against the wall.

"You..DA..." Before Gohan could even move, Rias stopped him.

"I'm so sorry President...Gohan… this is all my fault" a down and depressed Gasper said as tears began to form in his eyes, "I would be much better of dead so...please… please just KILL ME!"

"NO GASPER!" Rias shouted in reply.

"This isn't your fault! I don't hate you nobody does! It's time you become what you were meant to be Gasper, time for you to stop the tears and time for you to grow up! You are a Vampire and you are apart of our FAMILY!" Rias then cut the palm of her hand with some broken glass and flung a few drops of blood in hopes of it getting to Gasper.

The drops of blood did indeed land on Gasper's face as he licked the blood and drank the small amount. Gasper's eyes began to glow and then flash all of a sudden.

"Wait, how did I get here..." Koneko who had been strung up against the wall now found herself in front of Rias in her arms.

"How the… What just happened!?" One of the hooded freaks blurted out in confusion.

"Gasper must have control of his balance breaker thanks to your blood Rias" Gohan deduced, surprised by the sudden turn of events.

"AAHHHH" everyone in the room looked to the source of the screaming only to see one of the magicians currently being swarmed by Bats and seemed to be getting their energy and life force sucked away by some strange looking tentacles rising from the ground. Unfortunately for the rest of the magicians as they were too engrossed in what was happening with their fellow magician they didn't realise they were about to be swarmed as well.

Soon enough the magicians that had caused so much trouble for Koneko and Gasper had all disappeared thanks to Gasper as the young Vampire then transformed back into his normal body as Gohan and Rias looked on amazed by what they just watched.

"Gasper… that was… AMAZING!" Gohan suddenly engulfed the small boy in a hug which Gasper quickly accepted and hugged his "older brother" back.

"Gasper, I can't believe how powerful you have become!" It was Rias's turn to hug the boy as tears began to form in her eyes as she was so happy for her Bishop.

"T-Thank you..." Gasper in his usual way blushed and smiled after hearing the compliments.

Resonating sounds of explosions interrupted the group as they all looked out the window to see multiple explosion going off, "We've got to get back and help everyone else!" Rias made clear to the three as they all nodded in agreement.

"Well, guess it's about time I get serious then..." Rias, Gasper and Koneko all look to Gohan and smile as they see him suddenly become engulfed in his usual golden aura as he enters Super Saiyan form.

"Let's go!" Gohan smirks as he leads everyone out and towards Sirzechs, Issei and co...