
Gohan warning

"You ready Gasper?"

"Yes! Let's start please" Gasper shouted in reply to the question from Issei.

Issei and Gohan had decided they needed to start Gasper's special training in their special training room at their home. Issei had decided to stick with the idea of throwing dodge balls at Gasper while Gohan would be firing small ki blasts at the young Vampire. The boys had told Gasper before hand that he was to try and use his sacred gear on the volleyballs by stopping time around a certain object while Gohan was forcing him to dodge or even use his powers to also stop the ki blasts that were coming at him.

Issei begins throwing the balls at Gasper who becomes startled and dodges the first few in order to gauge the speed in which Issei was throwing the ball. Gohan watches at first but soon decides to start shooting ki blasts at Gasper. Unfortunately for Gasper, he forgets about Gohan as he was too busy concentrating on Issei and gets it by a blast. Surprisingly to both Gohan and Issei, Gasper shakes it off quickly telling them it doesn't hurt and wishes to carry on. After several more tries, Gasper manages to stop a few of the volleyballs and hold them in place as he dodges Gohan's attacks.

Meanwhile inside the safe area of the training room, Rias, Akeno and Xenovia are chatting together as they watch the boys train.

"Sometimes Gohan can be pretty sadistic when training… I asked him about it before and he just told me that's how he was trained by his mentor" Rias mentions as she watches her boyfriend seem to smirk as he fired his ki blasts at the young Vampire.

"Makes me wish he was sadistic in bed..." Both Rias and Xenovia look at their friend Akeno who had just caused them to blush heavily.

"AKENO!" Rias shouts as Akeno just chuckles.

"Anyway, do you think the boys will be able to help Gasper control his power?" Xenovia then asks, trying to change the subject.

"I believe it will take time, however, Gasper seems to have taken a major liking to both Gohan and Issei. I think he just wants to be as confident and as strong as they both are" Rias smiles as she watches them train.

"Speaking of which… Xenovia… when are you going to talk to Gohan about your feelings and so on?" Akeno being her usual forward self on the matters of relationships asks the blue haired girl. Rias meanwhile seem to change expression at Akeno's question for her new Knight.

"I will talk to him soon, I don't think he will be with me though..."

"Xenovia, you need to tell him soon or I will do it for you, you can't be so slack about this… if you truly feel something for our boyfriend then tell him already! We have given you our blessing if he so decides to return your feelings, but if you don't do something soon… then I will change my mind!" Rias made clear to her Knight.

"Yes, President!" Xenovia was worried that she had upset her King, however, she knew that what Rias had said was indeed true. She had always been indecisive about things in her past which bugged her to no end, unfortunately.

The room seems to go quiet for what felt like years for the three girls. Soon enough though Rias left without a word.

"I'm sorry Rias blurted out like that at you Xenovia. She is right though, you can't stall on these types of things as you never know what is around the corner. Rias is just stressed out from these meetings about the summit..." Akeno then got up and said goodbye as she left the room as well in chase of Rias.

Xenovia was now deep in thought about said Saiyan, she continued to watch him specifically for the next hour until tiredness seemed to catch up with her as she fell asleep on the sofa in the safe area.


Gohan was now laid in bed after his training session with Issei and Gasper. Once they made it back into the safe area, they all saw a sleeping form belonging to Xenovia who just did not want to wake up, especially after feeling Gohan's warmth as he picked her up and took her to her room. After he gently put her down on her bed, Gohan went to leave but was suddenly pulled back by a dreaming Xenovia. As Gohan looked at her sleeping form he couldn't help but think she was cute and just as beautiful as Rias and Akeno. Before he left, he heard Xenovia mention his name while dreaming.

"Gohan...don't leave...me"

Gohan stroked her head slightly which seemed to relax her grip on his arm and he decided that it was time to sleep himself as he left Xenovia's room and headed to his own.

Gohan had managed to sleep for a couple of hours before he woke up and found himself unable to get back to sleep. Gohan sighed as he sat up slowly and felt someone clinging onto his arm as usual. Said person who was clinging to his right arm was Akeno. Her long black hair was covering her naked body causing Gohan to become flustered as he looked at her, You really are beautiful Akeno… Gohan kissed her gently on her forehead as she seems to smile a little while asleep as if knowing what Gohan had just done.

Gohan then realised that a certain crimson haired beauty was missing from the bed. He looked towards the en-suite to see if she was in there but, no light was on, Where has she gone off to… Gohan pondered. Can't sleep anyway so may as well go and find her… Gohan then managed to slip out of Akeno clutches and put his pillow near her so that she would think it was him and put on his vest. Gohan looked back at the sleeping form of Akeno, he smiled and then left the room in search of Rias.


Hmm… she must be in here… Gohan couldn't sense her in the house or nearby, which left only one place she could be. Gohan walked into the training room and soon enough he saw her hard at work.

"Wow… even Vegeta would be impressed with her" Gohan was amazed by his girlfriend as he noticed what she was doing.

The gravity controls were on at x10 normal gravity while Rias was also wearing her weighted clothing that Gohan asked Grayfia to make before their rating game with Riser. Rias had also set up a clone to fight against which Gohan was not at all surprised by who the clone was...Kokabiel. Gohan sat down and continued to watch Rias throw her destruction magic around at the Kokabiel clone, she was trying her best and from what Gohan could see, Rias had managed to damage the clone quite a lot.

Her footwork is wrong especially when she goes to throw punches… her stance needs improving too, it's similar to that of a child's unfortunately… I'm guessing she has never really had proper training and always just used her destruction magic… Gohan continued to watch for another 10 minutes, however, he could see that the gravity and the weighted clothing were beginning to take it's toll on her as she became sloppy with her attacks and was getting beaten by the clone easy enough.

Better stop this before she hurts herself… Gohan then proceeded out of the safe area and into the main area. The increase in gravity had no effect what so ever on him as he made his way to the main console in the middle of the room. Gohan looked over at Rias who had not noticed his presence yet, she was panting heavily and sat on the floor unable to stand. The Kokabiel clone then made it's way towards her as she waited for the sudden impact, only to feel herself become lighter all of a sudden and see the clone dissipate into nothing.

"You seem to be training hard..." a familiar caring voice made itself known to Rias as she looked up to see her boyfriend in his vest and shorts.

"What...are you...do..ing...in here..." Rias asked while panting and holding her sides.

"Well, I had a chill on my left side in bed and found you nowhere to be found" Gohan smiled.

"Sorry… I just...can't sleep"

"Want to talk about it?" Gohan asked as he sat down next to her on the floor.

"I...I feel inadequate" Rias muttered as she looked down at the ground.

Gohan looked at Rias and was surprised by her reveal, he could see that she wasn't happy about something, "What do you mean? Why do you feel inadequate?"

"It's just… I am meant to be the King of my peerage and yet I am not strong enough to be called King. If it wasn't for you Gohan, I would be married to that roasted chicken Riser, Issei and Asia would more than likely both be dead right now, Kokabiel may well have destroyed the town and probably had re-started the war between the three factions..."

"Maybe that is what could have happened, but it didn't did it?" Rias with tears in her eyes looked at her boyfriend curiously, "Look Rias, yes a King is meant to be strong… but that doesn't always mean they need to be strong in fights, just look at Asia for example, she doesn't fight at all and yet she stands beside us all ready for anyone that is injured and in need of healing. She has her job and she knows what that is" Gohan puts his arm around the upset girl. "Just because you are King doesn't mean everything that needs to be done, has to be done by you. That is why you have people that serve you and love you for who you are because you are a smart person and we all believe in your judgement!"

"I just don't want to have to rely on you all the time to save us when having our backs against the wall" Rias mumbles as she leans into Gohan's chest.

"Rias, I love you… I will always be there to save you...no matter the circumstances, both you and Akeno will always have me and I will always protect you both along with everyone else so just believe in me and most importantly believe in yourself Rias" Gohan smiles as she looks into his onyx coloured eyes, Gohan… thank you…

"I love you Gohan..."

"I love you too my King..."

After their long chat, Gohan and Rias decided to continue to train seeing as neither of them could sleep. Gohan had told Rias of what he saw wrong when she fought the Kokabiel clone, she became embarrassed by how many mistakes Gohan had listed off, however, Gohan told her that he would train her and help her become stronger and have her try not to rely so much on her destruction magic in fights.


As Gohan trains Rias into the night, the Fallen Angel leader Azazel sits high above overlooking the quite town of Kuoh waiting for someone to arrive.

"Nice of you to join me Vali..."

"Well, I didn't have much of a choice did I… I take it you want me at that meeting tomorrow then?" a very bored and uninterested Vali asks.

"Yes. I need someone with me at least seeing as the Gremory peerage will be there including the Red Dragon Emperor and Gohan..." Azazel teased, knowing that just the mention of Gohan would make Vali want to come.

"The only person I want to fight is Gohan, Issei Hyoudou doesn't interest me..."

"Well, you may want to start being wary of the Red Dragon Emperor, Vali. I went to visit the group and the power that Gohan has is something to behold. Just from showing me a little of his power made me retreat quickly before anything could happen." Azazel turned and looked at Vali who just seems to be brooding, "I warn you Vali… beware of Issei Hyoudou, he may not be as powerful as you now...however, with Gohan training him he already seems to be well on his way to catching you"

Vali stares at the man he had come to respect, "If you say so… I will see you tomorrow then" Vali flew off leaving Azazel to his thoughts, Well, it sure as hell won't be boring at this meeting at least…


The next day was soon upon Gohan and co, unfortunately for Gohan and Rias, they had only managed to get a few hours sleep on the sofa in the safe area of the training room. Akeno wasn't very happy to wake up to no Gohan next to her and made that very clear when she found Gohan and Rias in each other's arms. Akeno had come in and banged the hell out of frying pan scaring the pair to death and in typical fashion banged Gohan on the head with the frying pan of doom as he cursed the Saiyan's biggest weaknesses...Women with Frying Pan's.

Luckily though, both Gohan and Rias managed to get some sleep in while in classes as they knew they would need all the rest they could get ready for the big meeting that was about to happen.

Rias and her peerage all got ready in the club room. Everyone but Gohan was still wearing their school uniforms, Gohan had gotten changed straight into his favoured Gi as soon as he got into the club room at the end of the school day.

"Now Gasper, are you going to be good for Koneko?"

"Yes. I promise I will be good Rias..." Gasper smiled at his master as well as Gohan and Issei.

"Here Gasper you can play with this to your heart's content while we are at this boring meeting" Issei handed the young Vampire his portable console and a few games to go with it.

"Make sure you're good Gasper, Koneko I have something for you!" Gohan walked over to the small cat like girl and handed her a big box full of her favourite sweets and treats.

Koneko realising what was in it seem to beam at the sight of all her favourites as she turned to Gohan and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you" She simply muttered.

"You're welcome Koneko..." Gohan hugged her back and laughed.

"Spoiling his little sister..." Both Rias and Akeno said in unison as everyone chuckled at them showing some jealousy.

"Right, let's go!" Rias then lead everyone out of the building.

Gohan being the last one out of the building was suddenly shocked to his core at a power he suddenly felt out of nowhere, What the hell! This power…Gohan looked up to try and find the sauce but almost immediately sensing it and looking for it, it just seemed to disappear.

"Gohan, come on man!" Issei shouts as the group see him standing just looking up at the sky.

That was...strange… Gohan then carried on walking to catch up with the group.

So he can sense where we are… Gohan, we shall meet soon… A particular Gothic Lolita clothed girl watched on from within the dimensional gap unaware to Gohan and the group.


"Excuse us..." Rias opened the door revealing some very powerful beings to herself and her peerage. As the group all walked in and made their way over to the wall they saw just who was here for the meeting. Sirzechs was sat at the table along with Serafall, Michael and Azazel. Each person having someone accompany them. Sirzechs had his Wife and Queen Grayfia behind him, Serafall had her sister Sona and Sona's queen Tsubaki behind her. Meanwhile with Michael, he had Irina with him much to the surprise of Xenovia and Issei, however, when Xenovia looked towards her former partner, she was completely ignored as Irina looked away from Xenovia's gaze. Last but not least, Azazel with The White Dragon Emperor...Vali.

Almost as soon as Gohan had entered the room, Vali set his eyes on him and was scowling at the young Saiyan hybrid. Once Gohan was stood with the rest of his friends he began to return the gaze at Vali and never broke eye contact. For everyone else in the room, they could feel the tension and dislike the pair had for each other, Gohan began releasing some of his power as his anger began to rise slowly. He could not put his finger on why but for some reason Gohan just really did not like Vali. With Gohan to busy staring daggers at Vali, he hadn't realised his power began to cause the ground to shake.

"Grayfia I leave him to you..." Sirzechs smirked as the silver haired maid nodded in understanding.


"OWWW!" Gohan shouted in sudden pain from his major weakness.

"Behave yourself Gohan" Grayfia had brought out her lethal frying pan and smacked Gohan on the head with it.

"What did I do…?"


"OWWW! Grayfia stop!" unfortunately for the young Saiyan hybrid, he continued to be smacked on the head by Grayfia much to the amusement of everyone but Vali.

"Gohan, what have I told you…" Grayfia sighed as she put the frying pan away.

"Okay...Okay..." Gohan could now be seen with multiple shiny red lumps on his head, "Damn frying pans...damn secret being revealed..." He mumbled.

"What was that Gohan?" A somewhat scary smile appeared on Grayfia's face.

"NOTHING MA'AM!" Gohan shouted. Everyone else just continued to giggle to themselves at the surrogate mother roll Grayfia had taken with Gohan recently.

"Well, now that the ice has been broken so to say… why don't we get down to business, shall we?" Sirzechs announced to the other leaders.

"First off, I would like to hear from you Azazel about your rouge Fallen Angel Kokabiel and why he attacked my sister and her peerage..." Sirzechs looked at the Fallen Angel leader keen to hear what the man would have to say for himself.

"He was a war monger… he has hated me every day for the fact that we stopped the war, I'm sorry that he attacked this town along with your sister and her peerage...however I believe that if he had known I was in this town that I have come to like, he would not have tried to destroy it" Azazel looked at Issei after making the comment about liking Kuoh Town causing the pawn to be annoyed at the man.

"Besides, I sent Vali to apprehend and bring back Kokabiel in order to stop his rampage, however, once he made it there and was about to incapacitate Kokabiel, a certain member of Rias Gremory's peerage decided to get involved and kill Kokabiel..." Azazel then looked at Gohan in slight annoyance, Azazel had wanted to bring Kokabiel back in order to get some information from him before either sealing him away or just killing him on the spot.

"That now brings me to you Gohan… please come forward" Michael asked the young Saiyan hybrid.

Gohan walked forward and was now stood in front of the table as everyone looked at him.

"Can you explain to those of us, how you managed to get to here and just what exactly are you…?"

Gohan sighed as he was somewhat fed up of repeating this story over and over again, however, he did… Gohan explained everything to them starting from the beginning, he told them of his father being sent to Earth and how he was meant to kill off the planet but didn't due to banging his head and losing his memory. He told them of his Uncle Raditz arrival and being kidnapped by him which he was then told that he was half Saiyan thanks to his father. Gohan continued and told them about Vegeta and Nappa and what happened once his father had arrived, including Yajirobe's plea to Vegeta for cutting his tail off which he chuckled at as he remembered, everyone was confused by this but continued to listen. Gohan carried on and told them off his difficult time on another planet called Namek and having to fight with the strongest being that he had come across at that time. After telling them all of his past, he told them off the Androids and his fight with Cell which caused him to arrive in Hell.

Each and every person in the room was simply speechless, to those that had already heard Gohan's past, even to this day they were still amazed at how much he went through in such a short amount of time. To the others, they were amazed by how cheerful the boy seems to be when telling his past to them, not once did he waver or show weakness when talking to them about it especially when his friends had been killed by his enemies.

"Well… I think all of us here are shocked to hear your story Gohan, however, there is something I did want to ask you today… Are you a threat to us?" Michael eyed the young boy in front of him trying to see if he would tell the truth with his next answer.

Gohan looked to Rias, Akeno and then the rest of the group before looking to Sirzechs and Grayfia, what the people in the room didn't realise was Sirzechs had given a little signal to Gohan in which he knew what he now had to do.


During lunch time earlier in the day Gohan had come across Grayfia who was standing by some trees, she motioned him to follow her to which he did as he checked around to see if any other students were watching him.

"Grayfia… what's going on?" a confused Gohan asks once catching up.

"I need you to listen very carefully Gohan as I have a message from Sirzechs for you" Grayfia lowered the hood as she looked at the boy.

"What is it?"

"Sirzechs believes that because you have become such a well-known person now in Heaven, Hell and with the Fallen Angels due to your dealings with them, he thinks that Michael or Azazel will try and have you either imprisoned for being too powerful for them to deal with as they did with the heavenly Dragons or they will try and have you killed when you are your least vulnerable" Grayfia explained.

"I see… so what does he want me to do then?"

"Sirzechs said when the time is right and you will know just by looking at him while in the meeting, he wants you to be a Devil"

"Wait… what does he mean?" Gohan was now completely confused by this, be a Devil… what can he…Suddenly Gohan figured out what he meant.

"Wait… I understand what he means, it will be hard for me because I've never done this before but I know someone back home that I can imitate if needs be..." a wicked smirk appeared on Gohan's face as Grayfia had a sudden bad feeling at what Sirzechs had done in asking this of Gohan….

Flashback End…

The whole room was suddenly filled with an intense pressure which seemed to be emitting from Gohan, "Let me put it to you in simple terms Chief Michael… the Saiyan race would utterly destroy this pathetic group of leaders, you wouldn't even so much as hurt us… so how do you think your chances would be fighting against me… the strongest of our race!..." The ground began to shake again but with a lot more intensity to it, thunder could be heard from outside the building as all the soldiers from the 3 different factions quickly landed on the ground, in order not to be struck by the thunder and lightening that seemed to come out of nowhere. A bright light soon engulfed the room where the meeting was occurring as everyone shielded their eyes for a moment. "I would easily obliterate you all and destroy Heaven and Hell with ease..." Everyone looked at the usual kind and caring Gohan only to see him now with his hair golden free flowing all the way down his back, his eyes the familiar teal colour that scared Azazel after the first meeting from the other day and what seemed to give everyone goosebumps in the room was the wicked smirk on his face.

"Believe me when I say this… you have no idea just what I am capable of so unless you want to end up just like that bastard Kokabiel… I suggest you stay on my good side"

Sirzechs looked at the other leaders, in particular, Azazel and Michael to see what their reactions would be and he was more than pleased by what he saw, Gohan, you have played your part perfect…

Inwardly Gohan was trying his hardest not to laugh at his terrible Vegeta impression, I hope this works Sirzechs…


Meanwhile, over at the Occult Research Clubroom. Gasper was happily sat in his box playing the games that Issei had given him and Koneko was sat on the sofa enjoying the delicious goody's that Gohan had given her. Both had become scared and surprised by the sudden earthquake that seemed to occur moments ago, Gasper not knowing the cause of it shrugged it off by shutting his little box. Koneko, on the other hand, knew only one person that could cause such a phenomenon… Gohan.

As the two Devils were inside the club room, what they didn't know was that a group of strange hooded figures began surrounding the building as the leader of said group looked at the building with a sadistic smirk… Time for us to take control…

Next chapter