
The Battle of control part 2

Dammit! Is there no end to these hooded freaks" Issei moaned as he made quick work of a group of Magicians that were trying to attack Sirzechs, Grayfia, Serafall and those that had been frozen in time.

"Come on Issei, we have to protect the others for now until Gohan and the President return… hopefully with a now under control Gasper" Kiba said as he too took down a fair few Magicians with his swords.

Sirzechs silently agreed with Issei, as long as the giant gateway above them was open, these Magicians would continue their assault until everyone was worn out. "Grayfia, any luck with closing the gateway?" The Devil King turned to see his Wife still struggling to find a way to shut it.

"I'm sorry but this is a lot more complex than I had first thought..." Grayfia sighed as she was beginning to get angry that she couldn't do it.

Meanwhile, Xenovia and Irina were working in perfect unison to dispatch of multiple enemies. It was like the pair had never gone their separate ways after being a team for so long. Kiba and Issei watched in awe at the pairs teamwork.

As Xenovia tried to take a few seconds breather while Irina continued her attacks, the blue haired girl seem to drop her concentration for a second. One Magician who had seemed to be cut down by the pair of sword wielders had seen Xenovia drop her guard and with a hidden knife began running at the girl hoping to kill the one who had injured him.

As Irina turned to look at her friend her face become that of complete fear for her friend as she noticed the bloodthirsty Magician behind her with a knife in hand, "XENOVIA BEHIND YOU!"

As if in slow motion, Xenovia turned and noticed the man ready to stab her straight in the chest, I won't block him in time...Is this it for me… Xenovia shut her eyes in anticipation of being stabbed.

A few seconds passed and still no pain had arrived… Xenovia slowly opened her eyes scared of what she might see...until…

"Big mistake..." A familiar voice caused the blue haired girl to open her eyes fully and was shocked to see the familiar golden aura belonging to a certain spiky haired boy in front of her and was currently holding the blade of the attacker with just his fingers. Gohan then smirked and snapped the blade with ease and punched the Magician which sent the man flying backwards into a large group of Magicians.

"Gohan...you saved me again.." Xenovia muttered quietly although Gohan heard thanks to his improved senses while in Super Saiyan state, "I will always protect my friends and those I care about Xenovia" Gohan looked at her and gave her his usual goofy grin. What happened next shocked Gohan completely that it caused him to drop out of Super Saiyan because of it while onlookers too were shocked. Xenovia smashed her lips against his and wrapped her hands around his neck quickly stopping him from trying to escape.

"XENOVIA!" Irina cried out in complete surprise while Issei and Kiba had to pick their mouths of the ground while both thinking the same thought… DID SHE JUST KISS THE SUPER SAIYAN OUT OF HIM...AND DAMMIT ANOTHER ONE GOHAN!..

Eventually Xenovia ended the passionate kiss with Gohan as she released him from her death like grip around his neck. "Thank you Gohan..." Xenovia blushed heavily as she saw the silly look on his face and noticing that he was back in his base form.

Gohan was just in a state of shock as he looked at the girl in front of him, Well...that was...nice. He was soon brought back to his senses by a someone shouting.

"GOHAN!" A rather angry Rias approached him quickly with Gasper and Koneko in tow.

"Mind telling me what that was all about..."

"I...I can explain...honest" Gohan stuttered as he began to worry for his safety, Please no frying pan of doom…

"Xenovia… it's about time!" Rias had suddenly done an 180 and was now smiling at the blue haired girl who in turn smiled back. Gohan was now completely confused, am I or am I not in trouble… oh I don't know anymore…

Seemingly forgetting what was going on around them, Gohan, Rias and Xenovia were suddenly attacked by a large number of Magicians. Gohan sensing the incoming attack quickly sent all the incoming attacks away with nothing but his energy.

"Rias lets do this later… right now you should take Gasper over to your brother!" Gohan quickly accreted control of the situation as Rias noticed the tone shift in her boyfriends voice she nodded and with Xenovia, Koneko and Gasper in tow they quickly made their way over to Sirzechs and the others.

"Issei! Kiba! How about we take the fight to these guys!" Gohan shouted as both boys landed next to him.

"Let's do it!" replied an eager Issei.

"I'm in!" Kiba calmly agreed.

"Let's go!"

As Rias spoke to her brother, Gasper looked out at his friends...seeing them fighting so hard for him and for everyone seem to hit a nerve within him, I want to help them...I don't want to be a burden to everyone anymore...I WANT TO HELP!…

"BIG BROTHER GOHAN!" the small boy shouted at the top of his lungs causing Gohan to look towards him in worry, as did Rias and those that weren't fighting.

"I want to be strong like you and Big brother Issei… I want to be able to help you all!" Gasper began walking towards the outside of the barrier. Rias seeing this became quickly worried and tried to run to her Bishop, however, she was suddenly held back by her brother Sirzechs.

"Brother! What are you doing!?"

"Rias… watch" Sirzechs said calmly as if knowing what the young Vampire was about to do.

Once Gasper was outside of the barrier Sirzechs and Michael had erected, he grabbed the band that was currently keeping his powers in check, the boy then broke it off as his power erupted causing a bright light to blind everyone including the Magicians, Azazel and Katarea who were still fighting high above them all.

Slowly the light diminished and almost immediately Gohan using his speed managed to catch the falling Gasper who was now unconscious after using all his energy that suddenly. Sirzechs and everyone then noticed that the Magicians Gate had been closed. Not just that but Akeno, Asia, Sona and Tsubaki had finally been unfrozen albeit very confused by what had just happened.

"Well done Gasper… you did good" Gohan smiled as he picked up the very light boy and carried him over to Grayfia. "Please, look after him..."

"Of course Gohan, now go and end this trivial fight..." Grayfia smiled at the young boy as he walked away.

"What...the heck… just happened..." a very bewildered Akeno spoke as she tried to understand just what on earth had just happened. Asia, Sona and Tsubaki were also feeling the same as their friend. Soon enough though the girls all noticed that they were not where they were just moments ago. As they looked around it soon hit them that they were under attack from some strange hooded people. Sona quickly saw her Sister, Serafall protecting her and the others along with Sirzechs and even Michael.

"YOU'RE BACK TO NORMAL! SONA!" Serafall shouted after seeing her beloved sister and her friends back to normal, Serafall quickly hugged her Sister tightly much to the annoyance and embarrassment of Sona.

"What happened!?" Akeno asked as she soon saw all her friends fighting.

"No time to explain I'm afraid.. Akeno, go join up with Rias… she will give you the details. Asia I want you to stay with us and if anyone should become injured we will have them brought inside this barrier so you can heal their injuries" Sirzechs ordered.

Both girls immediately nodded in understanding hearing the seriousness in the Devil Kings voice. Rias had noticed Akeno and company's sudden release from their frozen state and knew this was now the perfect time.

"THOSE OF YOU OF HOUSE GREMORY… TIME TO COUNTER ATTACK!" The crimson haired girl commanded her peerage. Each member hearing their Kings command all looked in her direction, each of them then realising why Rias had ordered for a counter attack as they saw Akeno and the others all free and safe.

"Bout time… now we can really kick some ass… ASCALON!" Issei smirked as He brought out the special sword that he had received recently.

Kiba grouped up with Xenovia and Irina after hearing Rias, "Shall we ladies?"

Both Xenovia and Irina nodded while smiling to each other, ready to take the fight to the Magicians. Koneko smirked slightly too as she pulled out her special gloves and put them on quickly, "This is for what you did to Gaspy!" she shouted as ran towards an enemy.

Akeno quickly made her way to Rias, "Nice to have you back...Akeno" Rias uttered with a smile towards her longtime friend.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be of help sooner"

"Don't be silly, it wasn't your fault… now you can take out your frustration on these moronic characters who caused Gasper to freeze you and the others"

"Yes… time to have some...fun" As Akeno spoke that sentence a sudden shiver went down Rias's spine and also a certain spiky haired Saiyan… Why do I all of a sudden feel sorry for these Magicians...strange

Akeno quickly changed into her usual battle outfit (Miko Attire) and with her sadistic side emerging she got to work on the fools that had caused her and her friends so much trouble.

As Gohan made quick work of a group of Magicians, he looked towards his girls and friends. Gohan smiled as he watched each other them backing each other up perfectly and each helping to protect one another. Although he now knew why he had that sudden feeling earlier as he saw Akeno seemingly torture some enemies with her sadistic smile, Note to self… never piss off Akeno...again. Gohan then felt a sudden spike in energy coming from above, as he looked up he saw that Azazel was still in a heated conflict with the woman Rias had told him about...Katarea.

Azazel had become very bored, very quickly much to his dismay. The Fallen Angel leader had noticed that those on the ground had begun their counterattack, the Magicians gate was now shut and most of Katarea's forces were gone now courtesy of Rias Gremory and her Peerage, hmm they are not too bad actually… Azazel was suddenly brought out of his inner thoughts as Katarea sent multiple attacks his way which he very easily dodged.

"This has become such a bore..." he muttered with a sigh.

"How dare you!" Katarea seethed.

"May as well end this now seeing as your Magicians seem to be nearly all gone" As Azazel reached into his coat in search of something. Katarea looked around her quickly. She soon realised that the annoying Fallen Angel Leader was right, Damn… I will at least take this bastard down!…

"Ah here it is..." Azazel had soon found what he was looking for as he pulled out a small golden spear that had a small purple jewel on the top.

Before Katarea could say anything, a bright light engulfed Azazel and what she saw next made her now fear for her life. Azazel was now wearing an armour that was similar to that of the two Heavenly Dragons once they had gone into Balance Breaker.

"This is a Sacred Gear of my own creation...Downfall Dragon Spear and this is it's Balance Breaker mode" Azazel informed the woman who he could tell was now worried for her life.

Soon enough Katarea had regained her composure and decided to use all of her power in order to take out Azazel, "TIME TO DIE YOU BASTARD!" She screamed as she made a beeline for the man. All her power was now being released as the Fallen Angel leader just stood still waiting for her to come to him.

In one quick clash the fight between the pair was over, "DAAAMMMMNNN YOUUUU AAHHHHHHH!" A blood curdling scream could be heard which belonged to Katarea as she suddenly disintegrated courtesy of a special light spear that Azazel had used thanks to his Sacred Gear...however, Well… looks like it still wasn't completely ready it seems… Azazel looked down and saw that his left arm had been severed and destroyed by Katarea's attack. The armour soon dissipated and he quickly stopped the bleeding using some magic.

Back on the ground, Gohan had seen what had happened between Azazel and the now deceased Katarea. That was...strange to say the least… The young hybrid thought. Gohan then looked towards his friends again and noticed that a few of them were now panting heavily. Koneko, Xenovia, Irina and Kiba were all beginning to feel the effects, especially Koneko who was still not 100% after what had happened before.

Better help them out and have Asia heal them up a bit…As Gohan was about to make his way over to Koneko and the others, another sudden energy spike made him stop as this particular source was becoming stronger and stronger by the second. Gohan looked up knowing straight away who it was coming from, however he was shocked to see what was about to happen, Dammit! I knew he couldn't be trusted!…

"That should do for now… at least until I can get back to my workshop, then I will just have to create an artificial arm..." mused the Fallen Angel Leader. Azazel feels a sudden warning to turn around quickly as all the hairs on his back stand up. As the man turns around quickly he tries to shield himself from the attack, Damn it!…

A sudden flash of golden aura appears before him as the attack is suddenly smacked away by someone.

"You okay there?"

Azazel then realises just who had saved him from being hit by that sneak attack, "Gohan!" Azazel's eyes widen at the sudden save by the dimension traveller.

"I guess I owe you a thanks..." he laughed.

"Don't worry about it..." Gohan while in his Super Saiyan form smiled at the man. He then turned to the culprit of the cowardly attack, "Should have known you would do something like this...Vali"

Rias and everyone had seen what had transpired moments ago, with Gohan saving the Fallen Angel Leader Azazel in the knick of time. They had all managed to dispatch of the hooded freaks as the remainder all seemed to be running for it after seeing what had become of their leader Katarea. Now everyone's focus was on what was happening between Azazel, Gohan and Vali.

"Looks like you were lucky Azazel… I almost had you that time" a cocky voice echoed as he spoke from high above. Everyone heard what the White Dragon Emperor had said and were surprised that he was really aiming for Azazel.

"So this was your plan all along then Vali? Play along until Katarea either succeeded or I dropped my guard..." Azazel chuckled as he shook his head.

"I guess it must also be true what my Vice-Commander told me… Have you joined up with The Khaos Brigade then Vali?" Azazel announced, causing Sirzechs and Michael to gasp in surprise as they had heard about a new group that was on the rise.

"Yes… I am with the Khaos Brigade, beats being teamed up with the decreasing Fallen Angels" Vali shrugged his shoulders as he looked down at everyone below him.

"Brother… what is the Khaos Brigade?" Rias asked Sirzechs, however upon seeing the look on his face along with Michael she was now scared to find out.

"The Khaos Brigade… from what I have been told, it is a group that has many powerful members from all the factions and the leader is said to be...Orphis, the Auraborus Dragon who is said to be more powerful than the Red and White Heavenly Dragons..."

Rias and her friends were shocked to hear this and did hold some fear after hearing that particular bit of information, suddenly though each member who was watching the conversation between Vali and Azazel all looked at the last person that was high above them...Gohan, Rias and the others all had the same thought… Could Gohan beat Orphis?…

"So what is your objective exactly Vali?" Sirzechs asked as he and Michael brought down the shield they had been maintaining.

Vali looked down at the group on the floor and smirked, May as well have some fun…

"We have only one simple goal and no before you begin to think it's world domination, we are not so narrow minded… our goal is simply just to be able to use our powers however we see fit..." Vali announced to all those listening.

"So it doesn't have anything to do with your heritage then?" Azazel replied, getting some rather confused looks from everyone.

"What do you mean by that Azazel!?" Michael shouted as he suddenly had a very bad feeling in his stomach.

"Well, Vali here…"

"My real name is Vali Lucifer… I am a true descendant to the true Devil King" Vali interrupts Azazel and reveals the truth himself.

Utter disbelief was now plastered on the faces of everyone...except two people.

"That can't...be" Sirzechs muttered under his breath.

Soon enough though Vali showed them all his wings as they could now be seen along with his Scale Mail Armour wings, "My father was the grandson to the true Devil King Lucifer" Vali tells them, he notices all the looks of shock from each person who had been listening, however he was soon filled with surprise as he looked at both Gohan and surprisingly enough Issei.

"Issei Hyoudou… you come from no nobility, you have no ancestors that were apart of any of the 3 factions… you were only introduced into this world due to the fact you had the boosted gear and even now you are still weak compared to all those here...especially me" Vali began cackling as he saw Issei's face become overshadowed by his hair, pathetic…

"I'm afraid Vali could well and truly be the most powerful White Dragon Emperor past, present and future..." Azazel mindlessly said to nobody.

"Maybe..." Gohan said causing the Fallen Angel leader to look at him, "But… Issei will become stronger"

Issei… you may not be powerful enough right now but if you keep training as hard as you have been with me and everyone then you will no doubt in my mind surpass Vali… Gohan looked towards his friend believing that Vali's words must have damaged his confidence…

"Maybe I should kill your parents so they don't have to worry about such a pitiful existence such as yourself… or maybe your little girlfriend over there"

Gohan was now angry at what the man had said to his friend, however just as he was about to say something to Vali, Gohan felt a massive spike in power… Oh Vali… you just made a big mistake…

"Gohan! You are the one I want to defeat and I will do that right now!" Vali yelled at the young Saiyan hybrid.

Everyone who had been listening was soon confused as Gohan had begun to laugh after hearing Vali's statement of intent, "Vali… there is someone else who will fight you before you get to fight me..."

Upon hearing Gohan's words, Issei smirked, Thank you Gohan…

You ready partner… The familiar voice of Ddraig rang through Issei's mind.

Let's show this upstart prick just how "weak" we really are Ddraig!… Those that were stood close to Issei were soon sent flying backwards thanks to the shock waves that he was creating as the power of his anger for Vali had caused a huge boost in power.

"Issei! Show Vali that you not as weak as he thinks!" Gohan shouted to his friend.

"What the..." Was all Vali could say before suddenly being smashed in the face by a lightning quick Issei.

"Azazel, I think we should leave them to it" Gohan motioned to the man who had a look of amazement as he looked at the young Devil Pawn.

As Gohan and Azazel landed back on the ground alongside everyone, he dropped back to his base form, he could see the looks of happiness upon the faces of Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Kiba, Xenovia and Gasper who had finally woken up as they all watched Issei continue his onslaught on Vali. Each of them happy to see that all of Issei's hard work of training with Gohan was beginning to pay off.

Meanwhile with Sirzechs, Grayfia, Serafall, Sona, Tsubaki, Michael and Irina, they all were in shock and awe at how powerful Issei really was. Some of them had seen a glimpse of his power during the rating game with Riser and in the fight against Kokabiel, however, Issei now seemed to have grown even further than before and so quickly too. Gohan looked back towards Issei with a tinge of pride in his eyes, Go Issei, you may not be someone with powerful ancestors or strong before you got your sacred gear...but you have the will to protect those you care for and an amazing drive to improve, that itself is what makes you strong!…

"What's wrong Vali? Can't keep up? Not going as easy as you thought?" Issei cockily asked as he levitated high above after smashing Vali into the earth creating a huge crater.

Vali picked himself up of the ground now very angry by the cockiness of the brat.

Vali… Beware of this boy, he is not as weak as you believe him to be… Vali quickly recognising the voice belonging to Albion.

"Guess we will have to show him the difference in our powers then..." Vali quickly set off heading straight for Issei.

Very quickly the fight between the two Dragon Emperors became very heated, with each blow shock waves could be felt and heard by all as parts of the school buildings began to crumble under the pressure from the power that was being thrown about. Everyone was silent as they watched the intense battle between the pair. Issei had managed to deal some damage to Vali and was taking command of the fight, almost every time Vali was going to punch or kick Issei, Issei would counter the move and then deal severe damage to Vali's armour as cracks could be seen along with several broken and exposed parts of Vali's body were beginning to show. Unfortunately for Issei though, he had noticed with each hit he was getting in some of his power was being sucked away by Vali's dividing powers.

Ddraig, I want you to transfer power into Ascalon but not bring the sword out… contain the power into my fist… Issei knew that his power boost wouldn't last long, especially seeing as how Vali had been sucking it away.

Nice thinking partner… it's done, now smash that bastard into oblivion! Hearing this, Issei gained a huge smirk on his face as he knew exactly where he was going to punch Vali.

"TAKE...THIS! ASCALON FIST!" Issei shouted as he punched Vali's Sacred Gear Orb which caused said orb to crack under the pressure and ultimately cause Vali's Balance Breaker to fade away from his being.

Vali was sent flying into the main school building and thanks to how much power Issei had put into that hit, the entire building collapsed, seemingly on top of the White Dragon Emperor. Issei was now panting heavily silently hoping that he had beaten Vali. The orb that Issei had cracked was now in front of him on the floor, as he looked at it a very dangerous and deadly thought popped into his head which Ddraig quickly picked up on.

Issei… wait before you even try something as dangerous as what you just thought...I don't think your friends and everyone would be to pleased if you died on them because of you doing something so stupid…The Heavenly Dragon was slightly worried for his partner if he did decide to do what he was thinking.

"Issei… he's incredible" Rias muttered.

"Of course he is, after all you chose him to be your pawn" Gohan chuckled causing Rias to smile.

"I can't believe how strong he has become since his fight against Riser's peerage...Remarkable" Sirzechs blurted out in surprise.

"I can't believe he's just beat Vali..." Irina said out loud, however, Gohan along with Sirzechs, Grayfia, Azazel, Michael and Serafall all knew that it wasn't over yet.

It's not over yet I'm afraid Irina… Looks like Vali is still too powerful for Issei… Gohan thought as he could feel Vali's energy begin to rise rapidly again. Vali soon erupted from the broken building that was on top of him.

"Looks like I did underestimate you Issei… but you are all worn out and seem to have lost your extra power and thanks to my dividing powers, I was able to steal a lot of your power..." Vali smirked as he began to glow. His Scale Mail Armour quickly came back as Vali was once again wearing it without any damage to it what so ever.

"Figures..." Issei still panting slightly then looked at the orb again, Ddraig...is it possible?…

If you have enough will to believe it can happen then...yes it is possible, however it could shorten your lifespan by a few decades even if you are a Devil… plus the pain will be excruciating beyond belief…Ddraig replied, If anyone can do what you are thinking then…I believe you can without a doubt Partner…

Issei smiled hearing his partners praise. Issei then picked up the blue orb and looked back towards Gohan.

Gohan along with everyone else including Vali noticed what he was now holding, "What do you plan on doing with that!?" Vali shouted feeling suddenly nervous all of a sudden, so far Issei had been incredibly unpredictable since the beginning of their fight so nobody knew what he was going to do next.

"Vali… yes you may be stronger than I am right now… but let's see what happens when I do this!" Issei then slammed the blue orb onto his right arm shocking everyone including Gohan.

"You idiot! You think that will make you stronger!? The only thing that will do is kill you!" Vali shouted.

"Ddraig your host is a fool, he will only end up killing you both!" Albion chimed in suddenly.

All anyone could hear was blood curdling screams coming from Issei as he fought against the pain in order for his crazy idea to work he just had to endure and use his determination and will in order to make it work.

"ISSEIII!" Asia screamed as she ran towards her boyfriend, she was quickly held back by Koneko and Rias as everyone looked on to see if Issei's crazy and stupid idea would work.

"Albion, if I have learnt anything from this boy it is that he is the most stubborn fool when it comes to his training but most of all… I have learned that he can make the impossible… possible!" Ddraig made clear to his rival.

Suddenly, Issei's body began to glow as his screams began to die down. Vali and even Albion were overcome with a sudden dread as they saw what appeared on Issei's right arm… A White Gauntlet identical to Vali's own one.

"Ha! I knew… I...could..." Issei midway through his sentence suddenly began to tip backwards as his Scale Mail Armour dissipated along with both Gauntlets. Gohan disappeared and then reappeared behind Issei as he caught the falling boy.

"You idiot… guess I will have to up your training once this is over, won't I?" Gohan slowly laid his friend on the ground.

"Told you… I could do...it" Issei grinned at Gohan.

"Yeah by nearly killing yourself you moron!… You did good Issei, better than I expected you to do but now I think it's time I give him the fight he so desperately wants so rest for now..." Issei by that point had already drifted into unconsciousness.

Gohan picked Issei up and took him over to Asia who was still in tears because of Issei screams of pain from earlier. "Don't worry, he's fine just fatigued more than anything..."

"Thank you Gohan..." Asia mumbled while checking Issei over.

"Sirzechs, Michael, Azazel if I was you I would put a very powerful barrier around yourselves and everyone here..." Gohan almost commanded.

Without a word, Sirzechs quickly put a barrier up, Michael seeing how quick the Devil King had agreed to Gohan's suggestion also added his own magic to the barrier which strengthened it considerably. Azazel didn't say a word as he looked towards the boy and also added his magic to the barrier too. Everyone was now safe inside possibly the strongest barrier that could be made, question was, could it withstand what was about to come?

"So you finally ready to fight me then?" Vali seeing Gohan now ready to fight had become cocky again.

"You sure you want this Vali… if you walk away now, then all of this can just be over with..."

"HA! No, I have been wanting this ever since I saw your fight against Kokabiel… I will beat you and prove that I am the strongest!"

"Well then..." Gohan was now stood several feet in front of the barrier. The sky had begun to grow increasingly dark especially above Gohan.

"He's doing that straight away… I think Vali has pissed off Gohan..." Rias declared as everyone inside the barrier had a feeling they knew what was about to happen.

As the rocks surrounding Gohan began to float around him and the storm clouds above him became more vicious, Gohan's hair suddenly changed as the usual black hair became blond once again and the sparks of lightning snapped along the ground around him causing cracks all around him. Gohan's hair then began to pulsate a brighter gold as it began to grow longer until eventually it was just behind his knees.

"ARRRGGHHHH!" Gohan had blown away all debris and created a massive crater around him as he had transformed into Super Saiyan 3.

"Vali...you know we can't divide his power don't you? We may not come out of this alive..." Albion made clear to his host in hopes that he may change his mind about fighting someone whose power was dwarfing theirs.

"I want this Albion! I will beat him!" Vali at this point sounded like he was trying to reassure himself more than his partner.

"Hmm..." The White Dragon knew that this fight would be very different compared to the fight with Ddraig and his host who surprised even him with how strong he actually was, especially with what he had just managed to do.

"You wanted me Vali, now you get me" Gohan scowled at the silver haired man. Gohan then motioned to his opponent, "bring it". Vali straight away began to use his top speed as he dashed straight towards Gohan with his fist cocked back hoping to make the first hit.

Gohan reading the attack with ease dodged at the last second causing Vali to skid right past him. Vali turned quickly and began throwing punches and kicks at Gohan, however Gohan just continued to dodge with ease not wasting any energy in his actions. Vali began to get angry quickly seeing as how nothing see to be working and he still couldn't get a hit on Gohan.

"Dammit! FIGHT BACK!" Vali shouted as yet again he missed with his fist.

"I told you Vali… you are nowhere near my strength or speed so why should I… this is pointless" Gohan made clear to the White Dragon Emperor who just seemed to ignore the comment completely.

Vali then looked towards the group watching and could see the happy faces of Gohan's friends which seemed to piss him off even more, "LAUGH AT ME WILL YOU!" Vali materialised multiple light spears quickly and sent them flying at Rias and everyone who was currently being protected behind the barrier.

Gohan seeing this used his lightning speed and appeared before the shield, "HAAAAAAAA!" the spears that had been thrown had very quickly and very easily taken care of as Gohan used his overwhelming energy to make the objects disappear, Gohan looked back out the corner of his eye towards Rias and Akeno in particular and just smiled slightly causing them to breathe a sigh of relief and smile happily back to him.

SMACK… A huge shockwave had been made courtesy of the punch that Vali had managed to hit on an unsuspecting Gohan. The White Dragon Emperor could now be seen with a huge smirk on his face as if he had just won the fight with that one punch. Gohan hadn't moved whatsoever, instead he just turned his head back towards Vali and smirked back at him as he saw Vali's face drop after realising that his attack had literally done nothing.

Gohan looked straight at the now petrified man as he gave him a very quick and powerful uppercut, sending him flying high in the sky. A loud crash soon ringed throughout the campus as the barrier that had been covering the campus was now shattered thanks to Gohan sending Vali through it. Gohan then reappeared above the still rising Vali as he kneed the man in the stomach sending him back down to earth.

Rias and co saw the White Dragon Emperor coming down towards them as he soon crashed straight into the school's main building which ultimately caused the entire building to collapse on the man as Gohan made his way back down to earth and landed in front of the now devastation of his school building.

"His power is….incredible...I don't think anyone in the three great factions could defeat this boy" Azazel was in complete shock at how Vali was being beaten so easily.

"Sirzechs… should you ever go to war with any of us, I believe we would lose completely..." Michael was genuinely worried now, If this boy is loyal to Sirzechs or even decided to destroy us all… we would be doomed…

"Michael… The reason for this meeting between myself, you and Azazel was to stop the mindless killing of our people. Just because Gohan is apart of Rias's peerage doesn't mean I would use him like that...besides that boy is too kind and caring to want to do what you are thinking… and I don't want a war on my hands either" Sirzechs smiled to the Angel which reassured the man as they all looked on watching Gohan.

Gohan… you have saved my sister from her marriage crisis, you've managed to strengthen all of Rias's peerage members, each of them look to you for guidance and help… and now you are protecting them and even us leaders from those who wish to disturb peace… All I can say is thank you, you may not be from this dimension but you will forever be my brother and apart of the Gremory family… Sirzechs inwardly beamed as he felt grateful to ever have met the enigma known as Gohan.

Vali at this point managed to push of some debris that was covering him as he finally laid his eyes on Gohan in front of him. As he looked up at Gohan he noticed something beyond him high in the sky that was rapidly coming closer, he smirked as Vali recognised just what or who it was…

"Do you get it now Vali, you will never be able to defeat me… however you have a rival in Issei and believe me when I say this, he will defeat you just like this the next time you two fight" Gohan noticed the slight change in Vali's eyes as he seemed to be looking beyond him, "After all that you believe you can beat me still..."

Gohan's aura that had been surrounding his body since his transformation into Super Saiyan 3 was suddenly gone as he felt the incoming threat, Gohan twisted his body and lifted one hand up towards the newcomer that was incoming. As the man was few inches away, Gohan caught the staff the man was trying to hit him with completely shocking the new enemy. With a powerful roundhouse kick, Gohan sent the newcomer flying back and hitting the dirt with a loud crash.

"Who is that and how the hell did Gohan know he was there! I only saw him once Gohan had grabbed his staff….that was amazing!" Irina bellowed out surprising Xenovia who was next to her.

"He is incredible" Xenovia soft voice spoke as she watched the person she had fallen in love with.

Once Azazel saw the owner of the staff after Gohan had caught it he quickly looked back to Sirzechs and Michael who both recognised the attacker. The Angel leader and Devil leader simply nodded as Azazel left the barrier and made his way over to Gohan.

"Well damn... that...hurt" The man managed to pick himself up as he then quickly went over to the very bloody and bruised Vali, "Damn man, this guy did a number on you..." he sarcasticly said.

"Shut it... he seemed to wound you with only one kick..." Vali seethed in annoyance by his "comrades" comment.

"Who are you?" Gohan made himself known to the pair but before they could reply...

"That is Bikou... I didn't realsise that even you had joined the Khaos Brigade Bikou..." Azazel appeared beside Gohan.

"Well I had to admit that it sounded like fun..."

"Gohan... this is the Monkey King and is also the descendant of Sun Wukong..." Azazel revealed to Gohan.

"Sun Wukong... wait, why does that sound similar to Dad...Son Goku" However before Gohan could ask any questions, Bikou surprised the boy completely.

"Why can you smell like a monkey?" He asked

"I have heritage that involves monkeys and did have a tail before..." Bikou then looked in horror as something clicked in his head, "What kind of monkey does your heritage involve!?" Bikou now looked rather nervous which Azazel and Vali noticed quickly, What's wrong with him...

"Oozaru..." was all Gohan said.

"Vali... you are an idiot to believe you could beat this person... we need to leave now!"

"Wait! What do you know of Oozaru!?" Gohan surprised by this person reaction.

Bikou froze in place as he looked towards Gohan, "They were the strongest of our race... but they suddenly became extinct, my father was half Oozaru and I am a quarter but they were terrifing and could grow to as tall as humans buildings..." Bikou grabbed his golden staff and managed to pick up Vali.

Before Gohan could ask anything else, Bikou hit the ground with his staff and both him and Vali disappeared leaving a very confused Gohan and equally surprised Azazel, So the kid had ties to something similar to the legendary Oozaru...

Time seemed to stand still for Gohan as question seemed to rush through his mind, he didn't even notice his two girlfriends incoming.

"Gohan!" Rias and Akeno shouted in unison as they tackled him to the ground in a bear hug, "You are amazing Gohan!" Akeno said as she nestled into his abdomen while Rias nestled into his neck.

Guess the questions can be for later... Gohan soon returned the hug to his girls much to their enjoyment.

Sirzechs and Michael ended the barrier as everyone else made their way over to Gohan and Azazel.

"I think we best have our people begin the fixing of the school and everywhere that is damaged don't you think..." Sirzechs chuckled as he looked around, "Yes... I believe so..." Michael laughed as he looked around at the mess.

Soon enough, Devils, Angels and Fallen Angels began repairing the damage to the school and surrounding areas. Gohan and everyone else were now just chatitng amongst themselves.

"Michael... there is something I wanted to ask of you..." Issei fidgeted as he spoke to the Angel Leader.

"If it is within my power..."

"Can you make it so Asia and Xenovia can continue to pray even if they are now Devils?"

Both girls were stunned by Issei's sudden request. Gohan had heard Issei's request, "I would also like to ask that of you Michael..." Gohan grinned.

"Is that what you both would like then girls?" Michael looks to the pair.

"Yes sir... even if God is no longer alive, I would still like to be able to pray as it just feels natural to me and I miss it..." Asia's soft voice replied.

"I too would like to be able to pray again without being struck with pain Michael sir... it brings me happiness..." Xenovia pleads.

"Very well, upon my return to Heaven I will make it possible for you both to be able to pray again" Michael smiled upon hearing their reasons.

"Thank you Michael sir" Issei bowed to the man as he waved goodbye and disappeared heading back to Heaven along with the rest of the Angels.

"Is it finally over Koneko?..." Gasper asked as he and Koneko were sat on the hill away from everyone else.

"It is Gaspy... it's my fault that they managed to capture you in the first place" Koneko put her head inbetween her knees as she felt down about not being able to protect her friend.

"No it's not! It's my fault for not being able to control my powers and for being weak!"

"You're both wrong..." A new voice said causing Gasper and Koneko to both look towards the bottom of the slope they were sat on.

"Big brother Gohan..." The pair said in unison as they saw both Rias and Gohan making their way over to them.

"This was neither your faults, the people to blame for all of this mess is Katarea and Vali..." Rias stated trying to reassure the pair.

"Rias is right guys... Koneko you did your best in protecting Gasper, it was only due to the fact they got a sneak attack on you that you were both caught... and Gasper you did brilliant, you managed to shut the gate that they were using to come through and also managed to control your powers!" Rias nodded in agreement of what her boyfriend had said about the pair.

Rias moved forward and hugged Gasper, "I'm so proud of you Gasper..." she muttered into his ear.

Gohan then walked forward to Koneko and stroked her hair which she always loved, Koneko decided she wanted a hug too and latched herself onto her "Big Brother".

Meanwhile, Sirzechs looked on at Rias's group, "It's amazing... to think that Rias and her peerage have grown so much in such a short amount of time..."

"Well, they are a family..." Grayfia smiles as she looks at them all.

"I believe Gohan and Issei are the nucleas to the groups strong will... Gohan has truly become apart of this world now..." The final words of the Devil King.

The next day had been a strange one for Rias, Gohan and their friends. After all the devastation that had occured to the school grounds the night before it was strange to see that everything was back to normal and as if nothing had happened. However nothing had come as more of a surprise once the group had made it to their clubroom...

"So as I said last night, I have grown fond of this town and the people that reside here which yes does include all of you... so Sirzechs has allowed me to stick around, however there was a catch which was that I am to help you with you in maturing your Sacred Gears..."

"Damn that brother of mine..." an angry crimson haired leader said.

Azazel had been waiting for the group at their clubroom and announced that he would be The Occult Research Club's advisor from now on.

"Issei Hyoudou... the boy with the unpredictable boosted gear... Kiba and Xenovia... weilders of holy swords and Kiba with his Sword Birth... and Gasper the Vampire who has the Forbidden Balor View..." Azazel eyed all four of them.

"And last but certainly not least... Gohan... the boy who came from another dimension... this certainly will be alot of fun" Azazel laughed out loud as the group in front of him became nervous on what was to come of them with the Fallen Angel Leader now overseeing their progress...

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