
Royal Series: Demonic Prince

"Am I really going to die?" He still couldn't believe it. So what if he's someone even the Gods are afraid of, even immortals are helpless against the Demonic Resentment! While he await his death, he suddenly felt weird. "Is this? Why am I suddenly weak?" Xie Tian's eyes widened again. He felt his yang essence drained! This was his first time! He's a virgin! "Why do I feel like the Demonic Resentment molested me?" The man had his eyes furrowed. This was the first time he felt very exhausted that he can't even move any of his limbs. "That's my… yang essence? Wait…even my some of my memories were copied!"Xie Tian suddenly stood up in shock! Where did he even borrow his energy? Along with the Demonic Resentment, there was a vibrant blue wisp. Just a glance and he could tell that it's his 'stolen' yang essence! Watching it join the ball of Demonic Resentment, he was filled with doubt and confusion. "Is it creating an existence with me as a basis?" "Don't tell me…" Bang! A loud noice engulfed Xie Tian before he clutched his ears in pain! The Demonic Resentment that formed into a ball exploded releasing a powerful blast! Xie Tian looked towards the area where the ball was formerly located and was surprised. There was a young man standing while naked. His hair is silky white while his eyes are pitch black. This person's skin is extremely pale, even paler than white. Xie Tian couldn't help but adore it's devilishness. Even he doesn't stand a chance against his handsomeness! The young man looked like a pretty boy who knew nothing but to be handsome. He's the perfect unification of holiness and seductiveness, ethereal yet devilish. The playful smirk on his thin lips made him appear devilish. But what's important is that they resemble each other! "Daddy…"

Devil_Xein_Tazuna · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs

4: Monkey and Mermaid

"Xie Yan, what food do you eat at your house?" Huang Tao inquired.

They arrvied five hours ago with lots of food from their hometown. Huang Tao came from a wealthy family in Silver City, a neighboring city of Jin City that is also under Duo Kingdom.

He brought some of their specialty dishes there like roasted fishes and fermented wine. Sadly, Xie Yan can't eat fish but as for the wine, he already consumed two bottles.

Xie Yan never worried about getting drunk because of his body's special case. He can taste the wine but it will never intoxicate and harm his body. Moreover, since young, his father had been letting him drink wine nearly every day.

Meanwhile, Su Mo came with their signature noodles. He might cook it later for them to taste. Wang Yan told him that Su Mo came from the Su Clan of Star Kingdom, a kingdom next to Duo Kingdom.

Though they were very talkative, both knows their places and limitations that made them easier to get along with.

At the same time, they treat him well like a younger brother. Like Huang Tao that even let him drink his wine freely.

Wang Yan's attitude towards them is different. He doesn't speak that much and remained on his bed. In addition, he only speaks to them when necessary. Maybe, he's just a cold person.

Nonetheless, he bears no bad intentions towards them.

"What do you mean Brother Tao?" Xie Yan was puzzled.

Su Mo scoffed. " Monkey Tao, do you think you'll reach his level if you eat the same food?"

" Why do you always go against me? Mermaid Mo, speak! Can't you let me happy for a day? Or two hours atleast? Maybe just an hour?"

Mermaid Mo, Monkey Tao, Xie Yan felt helpless watching them bicker time after time. Their nickname for each other is quite funny. Mermaid for Su Mo since his Martial Spirit can let him control water. Xie Yan thinks that Huang Tao is a little bit bullied. His Martial Spirit is an ape, but he's referred to as Monkey Tao.

"Dream on!" Su Mo spat back and crossed his hands over his chest. "Our faces is decided by the heavens. Given ten lifetimes, you might stand a percent chance against Xie Yan's appearance."

" Isn't it the same for you?"

" Huang Tao!" Angered, the young man jumped from his bed and landed on the floor with a thud. Xie Yan gave an awkward expression and glanced at Wang Yan.

Seeing him, the latter knew what he meant.

"Stop! Both of you, restrain yourselves!" Wang Yan boomed with his cold voice that nearly froze the bottled water in his hands.

Surprised by his outburst, the two stopped bickering like cats and dogs, no, like a mermaid and a monkey.

"Hmph!" They scoffed in unison.

'Haha!' Xie Yan chuckled at their reaction.

"I drink milk before I sleep Brother Tao. Maybe that's the reason."

Nodding, Huang Tao thought for a moment. " Mermaid Mo, accompany me to buy milk later!"

"Accompany your a*s!"

" You dare refuse?"

" Shut up both of you!" Again, it was Wang Yan who stopped them from fighting verbally.

"It's time for dinner already. Why don't we head to the market and fill our stomachs?" Su Mo suggested.

Delighted, Xie Yan celebrated inwardly. As usual, he gives people who suggests about eating a satisfactory impression.

But then, he got reminded of his shoes.

'Oh no!'

He still haven't forgotten the pain!

Xie Yan frowned and moved towards Wang Yan's bed with just a few steps.

This action caught the attention of the two who was busy cursing each other again. It was as if there was a sudden revelation that froze them.

'This kid, don't he know that Wang Yan's a clean freak?'

'Oh no! I pray to every god out there to bless Wang Yan with a little bit of mercy. Even if it's just a bit!'

But then, Wang Yan's move shocked them to the core!

The young man actually bent his legs to allow Xie Yan to approach him easily!

"Monkey Tao ( Mermaid Mo ) am I seeing things?"

Wang Yan eyed Xie Yan then asked, " Why?"

"Yan-gē…" The young man dragged his voice sweetly. "… you know that I like my shoes very much right?"

' Yan-gē? So intimate?' The two thought.

"So what?"

"It's uncemented outside the school." He hinted.

With an eyebrow raised, Wang Yan flattened his lips before telling him, " I can fly, don't worry about your shoes. Atmost, it'll only get a bit dirty."

'Does this kid have a habit of skipping meals?'

" The soil in Azure Market is hard and only dusty."

'Ah? Our Arctic Prince, the clean freak of the room actually decided to come?' Huang Tao felt a bit dizzy. As for Su Mo, he's checking if his ears were clean. 'Did I hear it wrong?'

Xie Yan's expression became wider. "Thank you Yan-gē. Wait for me!"

He exclaimed and went down of Wang Yan's bed. The young man quickly took something from his backpack which is actually a card!

"Uhm..." Su Mo scratched his head. "Azure Area is the poorest part of the city. There are no card scanners here. You can't be thinking of using your card right?"

"Eh?" Xie Yan halted. This place is really that poor?

" Yan'er, just wear your jacket, it's cold outside. I'll take care of it." Wang Yan casually informed him.

Hearing that, Huang Tao and Su Mo looked at each other. "Yan'er? He never called anyone so intimate! He's actually concerned? Our ears might be deceiving us! " They whispered in unison.

Without minding them, Xie Yan returned the card in his backpack and opened his closet. From within his clothes, he took two guns with a beautiful silver design.

Wang Yan's eyes squinted seeing those two.

"Woah!" Huang Tao was surprised and approached Xie Yan. "That looks like a Mid Tier White Mecha! You can't be starting a bloodbath right?"

Mechas are machines, weapons or any thing tjat's made of metals or steels that uses the qi of the user to work. Like cultivation resources, mechas are graded using colors.

There are different kinds of mecha with each having their own purposes. However, most of mechas are used for battles.

These kind of weapon are very useful since they could aid a cultivator in optimizing and increasing their battle prowess.

As a matter of fact, there are people who could absorb qi but doesn't have any Martial Spirit. These mechas can make up with this disadvantage.

Xie Yan shook his head. "My guns are called Twin Penetration altogether." He introduced. " My Martial Spirit is an Auxiliary Class one, with these, I could atleast fight back when necessary. But I'm not good at aiming."

"Ah! Okay!"

People with Auxiliary Class Martial Spirit are born with frail bodies. In addition, their Martial Skills are all for supporting. This is their biggest disadvantage despite the exceptional aid in team fights.

"How does it work?" Su Mo was curious.

"Like every mecha, you just need to infuse qi then use your Spiritual Sense to fire. It's like a machine gun of the olden times, you can continuously fire by using your Spiritual Sense."

Spiritual Sense is the sixth sense of cultivators that could be used for more exact information. It could even see through some things to see their secrets as long as your a Spiritual Sense is powerful.

" It can fire in two ways: ray mode and burst mode. "

The three nodded and didn't pursue it any longer. Though it doesn't have a long firing intervals, it's depletes qi so fast. Moreover, it won't do that much damage.

But, how would they know that Xie Yan doesn't run out of qi!

He placed in his behind by tucking it under his belt. Xie Yan had done this a million times. As a result, he did it swiftly. It was as if the guns were part of his body.

After that, Wang Yan and Xie Yan followed Huang Tao and Su Mo as they travel towards the market. Both of them are wealthy, that's why they could afford a flying mecha.

On the other hand, Wang Yan fies using his wings that's a partof his Martial Spirit. Those wings looks domineering with it's fiery red color, like burning and flowing magma that glows beautifully.

It even illuminated the place down below!

Although he's very near, he doesn't feel comfortable with Wang Yan's wings. It's not even hot.

"Are you afraid of heights?" Wang Yan asked as he fly higher. Earlier, they were just at a tree's level. But now, they are even higger than five trees placed atop of each other!

Xie Yan shook his head in response. "No. My big brothers often takes me to fly! Specially my father. The higher it gets, the better it'll be! Can't you fly higher Yan-gē?"

" So your big brothers and father have a winged Martial Spirit?"

"No, not every one of them. As for my father, he can fly up in the air with his wings."

" So they have flying type mechas? As expected of your wealthy family!" Wang Yan sighed. The difference between their families is really huge.

He never experienced being stunned by someone's wealth. Xie Yan and his family's wealth made him feel inferiority.

"No!" Xie Yan furrowed his eyebrows. "We have flying mechas but my big brothers doesn't like riding those. Much more, my father."

Instantly, Wang Yan nearly lost his balance and glide downwards. Luckily, he regained his mind and didn't let Xie Yan notice.

However, his eyes are still widened in fear!

There's only one reason if a person can fly without using his Martial Spirit and flying mecha, a Martial King expert!

It's the level where a cultivator can already step on air, fly along with the wind and travel on air!

It's not easy to reach this level! Only thirty percent of all cultivators can reach this threshold! Moreover, the are countless cultivators who are stuck on the ninety-ninth rank! Incapable of understanding the Scriptures of Mortality, hence, they can't reach the hundredth rank and be called a Martial King!

In his family, only a managed to reach this rank!

"What are the ages of your brothers Yan'er?"

"Ah…" Xie Yan pondered for a moment. As a matter of fact, he's an only-child. But, he got a lot of handsome, sexy and talented brothers from other branches that's ready to do anything to make him happy!

What they want is to shower him with love, pampering and kill everyone who dares to threaten Xie Yan's life!

After a while, he finally answered. "Well I have a lot of big brothers and all of them can fly. There's about a hundred of them. The youngest of my big brothers is nineteen years old."

'Heavens!' Wang Yan felt that normal logic doesn't exist any longer! What kind of frightening monsters are his brothers? Only nineteen but already a Martial King cultivator!

What would happen if they grew older, maintaining that speed?

'How could this be? It's impossible! Even if they started cultivating in their mother's womb! How? It's too unrealistic!'

Wang Yan nearly fell crazy! No matter what, Xie Yan doesn't sound like lying, he's very casual!

However, he's more frightened about Xie Yan's real background. A family that could easily nurture these kinds of freaks, and there are about a hundred of them!

This means that they aren't only wealthy but powerful! Everyone knows that you can't reach these level without talent and a good teacher!

How frightening!

Does that mean that, Xie Yan's father is even stronger?

A nineteen year old Martial King, it will surely bring chaos! Every powerful sects and clans in the world will fight in order to close ties with this person!

In their Wang Family, not even eighty are Martial King experts. Moreover, they are all old geezers with the youngest being seventy-three years old!

If Xie Yan have the same talent as his big brothers, then he could also reach that height!