
Royal Series: Demonic Prince

"Am I really going to die?" He still couldn't believe it. So what if he's someone even the Gods are afraid of, even immortals are helpless against the Demonic Resentment! While he await his death, he suddenly felt weird. "Is this? Why am I suddenly weak?" Xie Tian's eyes widened again. He felt his yang essence drained! This was his first time! He's a virgin! "Why do I feel like the Demonic Resentment molested me?" The man had his eyes furrowed. This was the first time he felt very exhausted that he can't even move any of his limbs. "That's my… yang essence? Wait…even my some of my memories were copied!"Xie Tian suddenly stood up in shock! Where did he even borrow his energy? Along with the Demonic Resentment, there was a vibrant blue wisp. Just a glance and he could tell that it's his 'stolen' yang essence! Watching it join the ball of Demonic Resentment, he was filled with doubt and confusion. "Is it creating an existence with me as a basis?" "Don't tell me…" Bang! A loud noice engulfed Xie Tian before he clutched his ears in pain! The Demonic Resentment that formed into a ball exploded releasing a powerful blast! Xie Tian looked towards the area where the ball was formerly located and was surprised. There was a young man standing while naked. His hair is silky white while his eyes are pitch black. This person's skin is extremely pale, even paler than white. Xie Tian couldn't help but adore it's devilishness. Even he doesn't stand a chance against his handsomeness! The young man looked like a pretty boy who knew nothing but to be handsome. He's the perfect unification of holiness and seductiveness, ethereal yet devilish. The playful smirk on his thin lips made him appear devilish. But what's important is that they resemble each other! "Daddy…"

Devil_Xein_Tazuna · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

3: Instant Noodles

Spatial rings are not expensive, but rather, astronomically expensive!

These kinds of rings have their own limited and separate space inside it. No matter how heavey the things inside are, it won't affect the original weight of the ring.

Though convinient, even the Duo Kingdom's King might not even know spatial rings. What more, own one.

Wang Yan also have his own, considering his background. The space inside is comparable to a regular house. Even if, he's still careful on what to store inside it like life-saving Spirit Vittles, Spirit Weapons and some clothes.

But the fact that Xie Yan filled his storage ring with chocolates and gummies, it gives him a headache. Well, those gummies are Spirit Viands for him but to the young man, it isn't.

The young man chose not to poke his nose. It's Xie Yan's storage ring afterall.

Finally, when he started taking out clothes, Wang Yan was relieved.

'This kid likes watches and shoes, I presume. Ugh..

also hot pants and arrow shorts. Those look kinda simple but high quality.'

After Xie Yan finished fixing his closet, he pulled his books and filled the bookshelves. In this era where cultivation and technology is pretty much advanced, people doesn't like reading on books that much anymore.

Xie Yan couldn't blame them. There are many platforms where people could find books already. In addition, the educational system had long been altered.

Instead of reading lessons, students are most likely to be cultivating.

Unless, you're not a cultivator.

He still prefers reading books because it reminds him of the past generations where students go to the library to read their books, review lessons, do some activities. And still ends up hating mathematics.

The sharpness of the paper, thick covers of the book and it's scent, it soothes his mind. Including those neatly printed characters.

Sometimes, he wonders about life in the past, specially in the 21th century. What would he like be if he was born at that time? Where intelligence could still earn you respect, reputation and dignity. Where jobs still uses intelligence, expertise and attitude as basis of recruitment instead of power and background of this generation.

But most specially, he wanted to know how it feels like to live in an era where qi is still undiscovered and bloody battles isn't common.

Xie Yan momentarily got reminded of the past generations and sighed. Everything had changed, even the world map.

He once saw a documentary of the 'ancient times'. Xie Yan was stunned of how special the places are.

When he was done with everything, Xie Yan showered and changed into a white shirt and black straight pants, highlighting his long and slim legs.

Simple yet noble-like.

"Have you eaten yet?" Wang Yan asked him.

"Huh?" The young man was stunned. ' Don't tell me he's a glutton... ' He thought. Nonetheless, as soon as his sight fell upon the clock, Xie Yan flattened his lips.

He lost track of time and it's already lunch time.

Martial Beginners could stay alive without eating for three days just by relying on their qi. However, if this goes on, their bodies and organs would weaken since they aren't still at the level where they could live without eating.

Hence, after three days at most, Martial Beginners would feel hunger strike.

If the person is a glutton, it's a different case.

"Not yet Yan-gē.I don't know anything about this place. I'm not a native." He started. " I might get lost.", Xie Yan reasoned.

"You might get lost?" Wang Yan founds it ridiculous. "A person at your age?"

Xie Yan pouted. "Yeah, with my age, I'm unlikely to be lost." He then continued. " But it's dangerous nowadays, specially to a handsome person like me. People might deliberately confuse me on the way. Then I'll end up on their beds. "

"Yan-gē, I heard that people here have weird interest. Some of those married men who grew tired of their wives got interested in fellow men! Specially to a pretty boy like us!"

" Well you know, I don't hold any grudge towards LGBTQ+ community since they are also human. But it's still weird for me."

" I don't want to be a catamite!"

"Yan-gē, don't tell me… you've experienced it already? That's why you're not even worried?"


Upon hearing him, Wang Yan choked while eating the gummies! His eyes couldn't even stop itself from blinking!

The conversation was just about getting lost. But it escalated quickly to abduction!

His adventurous mind frightens him.

"Indeed, you're adventurous mind is fascinating Yan'er." Wang Yan commented. " It's not as what you think."

"Hu~" The young man was relieved. Just imagining Wang Yan's pitiful wails, his pale skin being bruised by human beasts makes his chest pound. It will be a waste if another handsome man had been taken advantage. "That's good Yan-gē. We must cherish our manliness. We both know that there's already a huge threat to our handsome race. People like us are getting lesser and lesser. If we won't take any action, there'll be a time that our race will eventually disappear. I pity the women population when that happens."

"Okay!" The later nodded.

In fact, he finds Xie Yan very special. The ability of his mind to think of numerous possibilities is dangerous. People like him are most likely to be good at creating large-scale schemes and even flawless plot. A person like him is threatening if theu use their talent to think of every possible outcome. They could adjust to these outcomes that they could predict.

But Xie Yan is akin to a jasmine flower. It's really impossible to see him as a threat. His playful smile might be mistaken by people as an accessory to his charm.

Wang Yan knows that people who are acknowledge as powerless have higher chances at assassinating.

"What's your plan then?"

Shrugging, Xie Yan surmised, "Skip meals I think till the cafeteria opens."

" And that will be tomorrow. You'll be hungry." Wang Yan pointed out.

Stunned by himself, the young man bit his lip. He actually cared for someone? And it's just over a meal?

Before the other party could respond, he took two packs of instant noodles from his cabinet. "Come and eat. Instant noodles is the only food I have right now."

Instantly, he jumped out from his bed and curiously studied the pack of instant noodles. "Instant noodles? How does this taste? How do I eat this? Can I eat it like crackers?" He queried.

Rendered speechless, Wang Yan's mouth hang open. "You don't know instant noodles?" He questioned right after regaining his composure.

"Mmm" Xie Yan shook his head and examined the cover of the instant noodles. As soon as he caught a glimpse of the cover, he was delighted. "Is it real that there'll be shrimps in here?"

'This kid? Where in the world did he came from?'

" This is lobster flavored. The shrimps on the cover is just to make it look better, to for better advertising. You'll only taste the flavor of shrimps, not eat an actual shrimp."

Xie Yan flattened his lips, disappointed.

" Yan'er, you seem to like seafood?"

"Precisely!" He confirmed. " Surprisingly, I'm allergic to seafood except shrimps, crabs, lobsters and crayfishes. Those are still seafood, atleast. "

Following his revelation, Wang Yan looked up at the ingredients of the instant noodles. It's seafood flavored but only from shrimps and lobster. There are clearly no other kinds of seafood used.

He believed the ingredients because the product was validated by the Global Food Administration.

"This is okay for you."

"If you want to learn, watch me." He said.

Xie Yan watched him open the lid and pour hot water inside then closed the lid. He memorized every step wholeheartedly, who knows, he might end up liking intant noodles.

Unluckily, the school doesn't allow students to bring electronic appliances except for a heater and their own gadgets.

When it was good to be eaten, Xie Ya quickly ate without minding the heat. The young man in front of him was left dumbstruck. Is his tounge heat resistant?

"It's acceptable." Xie Yan commented as he nod his head. "It would have been better if it was cooked with real shrimps and crabs."

" It can be cooked with shrimps. As for crabs…" He wondered, "…though I never heard of that recipe, It's worth a try."

His eyes sparkled instantly when he heard Wang Yan. " Really? Will you cook it for me?"

'Really? Food worth that much to you? I am a cultivator, I'm too busy to cook for you!' He thought.

But in contrary to what his mind says, Wang Yan replied all of a sudden. "Sure. But call me Yan-gē again."

' It's useless resisting… aiya! What's wrong with me?' Wang Yan didn't fight what his heart anymore. Nothing is bloodier than a fight between the mind and heart.

Perhaps, he's really starting to grow fond of Xie Yan, who had been affecting his mentality despite only knowing each other for a day, no, not even a day.

Why don't he just let nature takes it course? Things are progressing so fast. Xie Yan might bring him more surprises.

In addition, he finds it pleasing everytime the young man calls him Yan-gē. Although he's older by a year only.

"Yan-gē, Yan-gē, Yan-gē, I'll call you like that everytime you want to. Even if you don't want to, I'll insist." He declared. " Just let me experience your cooking skills. Perhaps, I might learn how to cook."

"…" Again, he was rendered speechless. Why did he even expect Xie Yan to know cooking? His fingers are long, slim and smooth looking. Don't even think of sword, it's unlikely for him to hold a kinfe.

He's more suited to hold a paper fan and drink tea as he plays Go.

"Yan-gē, can you tell me about our two roommates?"

"Okay." He agreed.

" The two are called Huang Tao and Su Mo, both are also good-looking. Huang Tao have a Beast Type Martial Spirit called Swallowing Sky Ape while the other owns a Tool Type Martial Spirit called Tidal Drums."

" Swallowing Sky Ape is an Afflict Class Martial Spirit with high defense and attack power but the disadvantage is it's speed. As long as the opponent have an Assault Class Martial Spirit who's power is near him, he will lose."

" In contrary to Huang Tao's Martial Spirit, Su Mo's Tidal Drums is best at attack power while possessing acceptable speed. As it's name suggests, it could control water element."

"Huang Tao is very talkative while the other isn't."

"Both of them have different personalities. However they could be …"

Wang Yan spent the rest of the day explaining his roommate's attitudes and the rules of the school which he memorized easily.

Finding out more about the school, he felt a little bit excited.

"Ah! From this day, my life will be eventful."

You must be bored right? Don't worry it will turn eventful in the next chapter. Expect something to happen before it reaches the tenth or probably the eight chapter

Devil_Xein_Tazunacreators' thoughts