
Royal Series: Demonic Prince

"Am I really going to die?" He still couldn't believe it. So what if he's someone even the Gods are afraid of, even immortals are helpless against the Demonic Resentment! While he await his death, he suddenly felt weird. "Is this? Why am I suddenly weak?" Xie Tian's eyes widened again. He felt his yang essence drained! This was his first time! He's a virgin! "Why do I feel like the Demonic Resentment molested me?" The man had his eyes furrowed. This was the first time he felt very exhausted that he can't even move any of his limbs. "That's my… yang essence? Wait…even my some of my memories were copied!"Xie Tian suddenly stood up in shock! Where did he even borrow his energy? Along with the Demonic Resentment, there was a vibrant blue wisp. Just a glance and he could tell that it's his 'stolen' yang essence! Watching it join the ball of Demonic Resentment, he was filled with doubt and confusion. "Is it creating an existence with me as a basis?" "Don't tell me…" Bang! A loud noice engulfed Xie Tian before he clutched his ears in pain! The Demonic Resentment that formed into a ball exploded releasing a powerful blast! Xie Tian looked towards the area where the ball was formerly located and was surprised. There was a young man standing while naked. His hair is silky white while his eyes are pitch black. This person's skin is extremely pale, even paler than white. Xie Tian couldn't help but adore it's devilishness. Even he doesn't stand a chance against his handsomeness! The young man looked like a pretty boy who knew nothing but to be handsome. He's the perfect unification of holiness and seductiveness, ethereal yet devilish. The playful smirk on his thin lips made him appear devilish. But what's important is that they resemble each other! "Daddy…"

Devil_Xein_Tazuna · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

5: Thugs

Xie Yan observed the view under him with full focus. Thankfully, Wang Yan isn't flying fast.

He never expected the situation to be this worst.

There are beggars everywhere, serving as the byproduct of poverty and illiteracy. Poverty, hunger and weakness could be seen on their faces, body and tattered clothes.

No wonder they are the common target of bullying.

They can't even fight for themselves. In front of cultivators, can they even resist?

In addition, the place is very secluded. Dirt is everywhere, there isn't a good sanitation and the whole place isn't even equipped with electricity!

Xie Yan could see beautiful lights on the forest with their great height but upon a closer look, he can't help but sigh. He actually called a scene of homeless people, trying to keep themselves warm around a simple fire despite the risk of being salvaged by beasts in the night beautiful.

This place is a great place for abduction and bullying. The thick trees and bushes, dark streets and weak people, as long as one posess a little bit of strength and intelligent, he could be a criminal.

What about the women? They are born weaker than men. In a place like this, aren't they considered as tasty fruits surrounded by hungry beasts?

As someone who grew up in luxury, Xie Yan's horizons had been broadened. He always asked about his big brothers about the outside world and yes, he knew about poor people. But not this unimaginable state.

He never lacked anything and never worried about money. Even before liking anything, his brothers bmand mostly his father had bought every possible thing that he might like.

Sometimes, he would struggle hard to think of reasons just to skip meals and training. But there are actually people here, who's struggling even harder to stay alive. Even a single meal is hard to come.

The young man compared himself to these people.

Maybe, that's why his father always told him that he's different, that he's realms apart from every other people. Also, it might be the reason why his father is very strict when it comes to socializing.

He was taught specially by his father in socializing. Xie Yan must not have special connections towards people with a different background, in other words, a lowly background. At the same time, he's prohibited in showing kindness to unworthy people. People who know only how to receive, weak-willed to go against their fates and cowards that they easily accept their future.

Xie Yan might be seen taking to anyone in a friendly way, but it's the other way. He never build connections to anyone. Or else, his father might get angry.

What can he do? That's the unspoken rule of the society. The rich will make themselves richer, and make the poor poorer.

The strong will bully the weak and the weak will be the prey to the strong.

Moreover, they don't have Martial Spirits because they can't afford the awakening fee.

Since he left his home, it's only Wang Yan who he treated different, like one of his big brothers. Xie Yan's father watches him always. Everything that he do, feel and think, he knows it all.

Wang Yan managed to stay alive even though he accepted Xie Yan's offer and became close to him. It means that his father approves his descision. Otherwise, Wang Yan might have been reduced to nothing.

When he remembered what they are here for, Xie Yan had the urge to close his eyes and not mind the headache.

Wang Yan is a clean freak like him, he really made him go here?

Where could they even eat here?

Surely, this place is both their nightmares.

Xie Yan saw Huang Tao and Su Mo land so he informed Wang Yan. In no time, they landed on the ground.

The ground is hard and unlikely to dirty his shoe that much. Studying the surroundings, he found out that this is the most populated part of Azure Area.

House only in this area all have electrical connections. At the same time, they look better and happier.

Their houses doesn't have that much holes, enough to secure themselves at night. Outside the houses, groups of men that are happily drinking could be found. Even if they doesn't have high quality liquor and side dishes, it's the fun that matters. As usual, the housewives are also discussing with each other while occasionally looking over their kids, who are playing under the moonlight.

He saw the group of teenagers dressed plainly and was taking joyfully with their friends. They look simple and contended with life.

But when the three arrived, their laughters stopped and everyone stared at them cautiously with fright and admiration.

There are those kids who even gasps in astonishment seeing them land. But mostly, they were surprised by their appearances.

Xie Yan blurted out, "We are really like city kids."

"Yeah." Wang Yan softly replied. It was so soft that only he could hear. The young man was walking behind him, he could see the disgust hidden deeply in Wang Yan's eyes.

His obsession in sanitation is certainty higher than Xie Yan's.

Wang Yan isn't the one to blame. He presume that among his three roommates, Wang Yan is the most noble. He might be a real prince of some kingdom or a young master of a powerful clan.

What's important is he could understand Wang Yan.

His line of sight fell upon Wang Yan's hand and he was reminded of the fact that they flew slowly for five minutes. During that time, he held Xie Yan with his hands.

As a good eater, he knows how heavy he is.

'His arms must be sore, right?'

He moved next to the young man and told him, "Yan-gē, let me hold your arm!"

"Ah?" Wang Yan was in disbelief. Could it be that Xie Yan is also a scaredy-cat?

Since he's hesitating, Xie Yan just pulled his arm and started massaging it with both of his arms. "I'm heavy so I know that your arms are sore. Let me massage it for you."

'What do you mean by heavy? You're like thirty fives kilos only! Your height and muscles might be for display only!' His thoughts are in defiance to Xie Yan's but he didn't retract his arm and relaxed it instead.

"Do you massage your brothers also?"

"My brothers rarely get muscle strains or soreness." He then continued." That's because they are sleepyheads like me. If they do house chores, then it's a miracle."

" But when they want to relax, talk to me or just spend some time with me, they ask me to massage them! Of course it's not for free. They cook my favorite foods in return."

Wang Yan sighed. " You don't know how to cook?"

" Oh come on Yan-gē, look at me, do I look like a productive person?"

" You know how to massage though." Wang Yan rebuted.

Xie Yan rolled his eyes. " That's because of my Daddy! I learned mainly because of him. Every night, I would unravel his muscles."

"Oh!" Wang Yan didn't ask any further. The later's love for his father isn't something that he could fathom.

After a while, Su Mo informed them, "We're here!"

Following their line of sight, Xie Yan found a small market. There are stalls and some stands that sells different kind of stuff.

He frowned seeing the small market. No wonder Wang Yan doesn't like it here.

The place isn't up to his standards. Even if, Xie Yan didn't degrade the state of the market. This is Azure Area afterall and the people here can't afford expensive goods. Hence, the qualities of their products are rather below acceptable. Whats important is that this market could provide their necessities.

Nonetheless, he's still puzzled. Nowadays, fish are cheaper than meat. It's no surprise that most of the stalls here cooks and sells fish.

Where would they eat? He's allergic to fishes! Xie Yan can't even find a meat shop.

"Let's go to that stall!" Huang Tao exclaimed.

He was about to look at that direction when Wang Yan spoke. "Yan'er is allergic to seafood."

'So it's a stall selling fishes.'

"Ah~" They responded in acknowledgement.

Su Mo then offered, "Let's go to that one."

The three agreed since they sell noodles there.

" So Xie Yan, what other foods can't you eat so that we'll know next time." Su Mo started a conversation.

" Aside from seafood, I'm allergic to beef, mushrooms and mongo beans." He recalled.

" What a picky stomach." The three giggled.

When they arrived, he sat on the chair and mumbled, "This might break any second."

Huang Tao ordered four bowls of noodle soup that arrived not even three minutes after they ordered. It's not unusual though, there are only about ten people eating in that stall with them included.

Xie Yan didn't hesitate to try the noodle soup. It's not bad to try something new but not to accept what's new.

"It's very hot!" He commented. "Also bland. " Xie Yan added. There are some ingredients but he can't even taste those. Although the temperature is exceptional, the lack of taste destroyed the tender noodles.

Wang Yan threw him a glance. "Yan'er, do you want me to blow it for you?"

"Not necessary Yan-gē. I can manage. "He refused.

" Then try to add these spices according to your preferences." While telling him, Wang Yan passed a small tray with three bottles containing salt, chili powder and vinegar.

He nodded then took the bottle of salt and chili powder. Sprinkling some salt in his bowl, he caught the attention of Wang Yan. Xie Yan then put chili powder until he nearly consumed half of the bottle.

"Can you eat spicy foods?"

"Hmm! The spicier it is, the better it will be! Salt and spicy is the best flavor for me." The young man exclaimed enthusiastically.

Since the three of them digged in, he did the same.

"Well, what a surprise! There are four pretty boys here! Haha! Were in luck!" A voice stopped them from eating.

The four raised their heads and stared at the group of things that seems to be leaded by the bald man in front.

"What do you want?" Huang Tao sneered coldly shooting daggers. It might sound unreal but he hates people who interrupts his meal.

"Nothing!" The bald man shrugged as his group laughed with their sinister voices. "But I really want to take your money!"

Xie Yan frowned as his eyes landed on the bald man's head. It's very shiny even if it's already night time. He subconsciously blurted out, "What a beautiful head! It looks like a shiny egg. Eggs are tasty, I wonder if this person's head is also good to be boiled. Aiya! Should I pay him money?"

" What did you say brat?" The bald man got angered and rushed forward.

"Boss! Beat that kid! He dared to think of killing you!" His comrades cheered.

" Yeah! We could sell him to those perverted ladies!"

"Hey! I know that I'm handsome but you don't need to glare at me!" Xie Yan was also triggered. " I won't be responsible if you fall in love."

" You! Are you nuts?" Angered, the bald man pointed at him. " Do you believe that I'll break your limbs?"

This time, Xie Yan stopped smiling. " Hey, it's rude to point fingers at people. Moreover, your fingers are dirty! I hate it but I won't kill you for that reason. Just don't do that next time."

" You! You! You!" The bald man furiously roared! " You brat! How daring to actually lecture me!"

Following that, he angrily stompped on the ground while roaring and reached Xie Yan in an instant. The three did not expect his sudden outburst!

"Ahh!" Xie Yan was scared by the man's roar!

He impulsively took the bowl of smokingly hot noodle soup and threw it towards the man!


"Ahhhhh!" An agonizing scream followed after.

Xie Yan looked at the victim with pity. He didn't expect that he would do it also. No matter what, the man didn't know who he's offending, it's a person's nature to be arrogant in their territory.

"I'll kill you!"

"Ahh!" Xie Yan was again taken aback. " It's hot right?"

He took the jug of water and splashed it to the man . This act left everyone in the surroundings dumbfounded. 'Kid, you're good at subconsciously angering people!'

"Yan-gē! Save me!" Xie Yan didn't spare any second and rushed towards Wang Yan. He, however held his twin gun, ready to attack if something goes out of hand.

When the thugs saw Wang Yan, they furrowed their eyebrows and exclaimed, "You're Wang Yan!"

Horror filled their faces instantly that confused Xie Yan. Is his handsome brother really that frightening?

"Sorry! We were blind and failed to notice Mt. Tai! Please forgive us!" They bowed and begged.

Meanwhile, Wang Yan checked Xie Yan is he's hurt. "Scram!"