
Rotted Ravenclaw

Psychopath wakes up as Harry Potter, what's the worst outcome? Utter Chaos. Psychopath SI/OC as Harry Potter.

Relanious · Película
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6 Chs

Trial and Error - Chapter 2

Please read the authors' note at the end.


Rotted Ravenclaw: Chapter 2

I have never, in both my lives, wanted to kill someone so bad, okay that's a lie, I have wanted to kill so many people but the rules of the society forbid me in my previous world, but I have Magic now! I can get away with murder!!

Back to the topic at hand, even though I'm a psychopath, it doesn't mean I enjoy murder, okay another lie but I don't kill someone who I have no bad blood towards except when I gain benefits from it, which happens a lot.

You see most people don't know what a psychopath even is. A normal person has a conscience which tells them right from wrong, what to do and what not to do, psychopaths… don't have that, they don't have guilt, a girl is raped? doesn't involve me. A guy is shanked? Must have pissed off the wrong people.

Wow, I keep getting sidetracked, the Dursleys, we have bad blood alright, but I can't do shit to them right now, I can't manifest my magic outside my body yet and I'm to weak and malnourished to overpower even a dog, oh that reminds me to be careful of Marge's dog.

And the original tried contacting the police before, they arrived to investigate and even found evidence for the abuse too, but nothing became of it, like it never happened, probably Dumbledore's doing, I don't care if he's good or bad, I'm killing him just cause' he's making me go through this shit.

Well, anyways, the Dursleys, the first thing I had to do was cook them a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs, while all I got was a buttered toast, that's right, singular, even though I snuck some bacon and pieces of bread out, it was the first time I realised how hungry this body of mine really was. It can't go on like this. I'm gonna have to fix that real soon. Any child would have died with the amount of, or rather, lack of nutrition this body got, probably just the magic keeping me alive.

And honestly! People have reality bending powers in the palm of their hand and they just waste it. Like all you need to do is use your pointy stick and go "Clickety clock, I want a bigger cock, and there you have it…. A bigger cock". Like Jesus, and they give it to kids and only watch them till they're 17! While that's good for me, it just goes to show the incompetence of the Ministry of Magic(MoM).

Turns out, muggle school ended a few days ago, so I have a bit of time, and about 2 years left till I get my Hogwarts letter. I really need to get stronger faster, and I really need to learn Occlumency even faster as I risk getting my mind read by Dumbles or Voldy and, depending on the situation, either getting my knowledge stolen and getting obliviated, or getting my knowledge stolen and getting an Avada Kedavra(AK) to the face.

To Meditation! Tonight…

After breakfast, I had to do all the chores around the house such as pulling out the weeds, watering the plants, mopping the floor and dusting the house while Dudley lazed around watching the television, after I was done with the labour, I got to go out of the house and familiarize myself with the area, as I found out from the originals memories, most of the neighbourhood thinks of me as a ruffian, always getting in trouble and spouting lies left, right and center.

The weather was alright, pretty cold compared to India but this body was used to it, I headed for the park to practice my magic, as soon as I reached the park I headed for an isolated area and started trying to bring out my magic, starting by making it flow to my hand and trying to get a Almighty Push kind of effect, Oh god it would be cool to be able to destroy cities like Pain.

I practiced with a blade of grass, trying to levitate it, like the Wingardium Leviosa spell, just wordless and wandless, for the first 2 hours, I didn't even manage to make it shake and just as I was beginning to get frustrated, It shot up in the air, maybe my frustration at my incompetency to do a first year spell caused me to do accidental magic, and because of this I got an idea of what it feels like to bring magic out of my body, hopefully it will enable me to access my magic easier than before.

I didn't get to celebrate my admittedly small accomplishment for long though, as right at that moment Dudley and his cronies found me, trying to play Harry Hunting. I honestly pity him( Figuratively of course ) for having these bad excuses for parents, but that's for later because I really gotta dip. After running for a while, I managed to get away by making one of Dudley's friend trip by using the levitation charm on his leg and they all came tumbling down, and in the panic I slinked into an alleyway quite a distance away.

It made me realise that the first thing I need to learn was apparition, while Harry has done it before, and I believe it will be easier than if I were to start on my own without the original having accomplished it before, it was still a feat of accidental magic and was done subconsciously.

Well another thing that's added to my to-do list, I do hope it will be easy though.

Now, while Harry has eidetic memory, I don’t, please inform me if I miss something crucial.

I don’t particularly have an upload schedule but I will try to update weekly or bi-weekly depending on my mood cause I keep writing chapters and upload them the following week, sorry if there are any grammatical errors. English is my second language.

Well, that’s another chapter, please send me constructive criticism and don’t flame me as this is my first ever writing project.

Really sorry for the short chapter, I’ll try to post more words from now.

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