
Rotted Ravenclaw

Psychopath wakes up as Harry Potter, what's the worst outcome? Utter Chaos. Psychopath SI/OC as Harry Potter.

Relanious · Movies
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6 Chs

Diagon Alley - Chapter 3

I do not know why webnovel decided to repost the same chapter even when I never even tried to post/edit something , sorry about that


It took me a whole month to learn apparition and the levitation charm and also learning occlumency while dodging Dudley, doing chores, sneaking food, and just plain surviving, it would have been great if not for me having to hide it, I just won't be able to handle it if I got the wrong kind of attention.

The levitation charm has been progressing well, currently, I can lift upto 3.1kg(7.5 lb) which is about the weight a newborn baby, the progress is slow because I am also trying to increase the speed at which I can move the object which puts a strain on my magical core as the magic used depends on the weight of the object I levitate and I can barely get any time alone.

Occlumency progress is where I think I best excel at as I have almost organised all my memories and I am in the process of building walls to better protect my mind from legilimens. I have separated my memories from the original Harry and kept them in a different room so our personalities don't mix, I really don't want to go rushing into danger. It would be disastrous for me and everyone involved.

While we're on that note, I'm also in the process of learning a very important spell which will help me with a lot of things if I am able to do it wandlessly, Deprimo - A spell that causes downward pressure depending on the amount of magic put into the spell, it will help me train my body under heavy pressure and won't even affect my height as it puts pressure on the whole body instead on specific parts like weights.

I basically have my own gravity chamber, second, it will help me learn multitasking, I'll be practising magic while also casting the deprimo spell, so I'll be able to do multiple spells at once while also increasing my reserves and the amount of magic I can flow to my limbs in a limited amount of time by the constant stream of magic flowing through my body.

I regularly empty my reserves and let them refill back up so as to increase the amount of magic my core can store. Turns out, magic is a lot like chakra from Naruto, except for the chakra points as magic can exit from anywhere, and if you use it and let it replenish, it will grow in size, and the speed it replenishes is also increased as it learns to work under constant pressure. And if channeled to limbs, can increase their effectiveness, as proven by the fact that Dudley and his friends cannot catch me anymore.

After learning apparition, I categorised magic into four main categories with their own subcategories, internal magic, external magic, hereditary magic and artifact magic.

Internal magic would be counted as magic that has no need to exit the body, such as occlumency, apparition, and just enhancing the body with magic.

External magic would be wand magic, wandless magic, etc.

Hereditary magic would be parseltongue($ hiss hiss bitch $), Metamorphmagic(which can also be categorised as internal magic) and other such magick.

And the last, artifact magic, like cursed or enchanted objects, for example, Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem which boosts the user's thought process and intelligence while worn and time turners.

And while these categorisations are very unstable, they're something. And the subcategories mostly contain the level of mastery at which the wizard or witch has mastered that specific spell/skill. They will be divided into 4 as well:

1. Beginner

2. Intermediate

3. Adept

4. Master

I can label my mastery of the levitation charm as Intermediate. Again, crude but it works, which is all that matters to me.

After half a month, The Dursleys were all going out for a meeting with a client Vernon had while they told(read ordered) me to go out of the house as they don't trust me and I should at least treat their 'kindness' by listening to them.

I grabbed some money(which I stole from the Dursleys), and speed walked my way out to find a cab, this was my chance to finally be able to visit Diagon Alley. There was no trouble finding a cab but the problem came with the taxi driver believing me that I was doing this under permission of my guardian which I was able to work around by saying that my 'mommy told me to go there if I ever got separated and wait for her or if that's not possible, then go to a police station'. I could tell he didn't believe me but he couldn't be bothered enough to give a shit about it. I could of course just apparate there but I wanted to master apparition first as it would make my arrival anywhere silent.

I want to learn everything there is about magic, but I don't want to be a jack of all trades, I want to be The Master of all trades. A wizard or witch can do so much with just a simple levitation charm!

As soon as we reached Charing Cross Road, I went about to try and find a decrepit black coloured building with a cauldron on top, it wasn't hard finding it, I just asked for directions for the Quinto bookshop, and sitting there quite innocently, the leaky cauldron stared me right in the face. I hid my scar with the fringe of my hair before entering. It was like going through the wardrobe from Narnia, entered from one dimension and exited out into another.

I was of course wearing oversized clothes with a belt barely holding up my pants as that was what all 'my' clothes were like but it did help me hide from the public view, I quickly made my way to the entrance of the Alley and pressed the bricks in the sequence I remember seeing from the movie. It was… magical(Pun intended), but that amazement quickly faded away as soon as I saw how cramped it really was, I mean really?! They have space extending charms! Although what do I know, there could be some complications.

I quickly made my way to Gringotts, two armoured goblins standing guard treated me to an unhealthy amount of contempt after seeing my clothes, I ignored them and make my way through the gates and saw the infamous warning:

Enter stranger, but take heed

Of what, awaits the sin of greed.

For those who take but do not earn

Must pay most dearly for their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours.

Thief, you have been warned;


Of finding more than

treasure there.

I'm… just gonna ignore that for now. Anyways, I enter through another gate and reach the lobby where all the tellers are, I approach the teller with a sign that says account management and wait for him to notice me cause' I don't believe he will appreciate me interrupting his work.

As soon as he is done with his work he turns to face me with a pleased gleam in his eyes which fades away as soon as he looks at my clothing and is replaced by heavily veiled disgust.

"Excuse me, sir, I would like to withdraw money from my parent's vault." I said innocently.

"Family name?" the goblin said, the contempt barely peeking through his voice

'Good, at least he can control himself' "Uh, Potter, sir" I spoke, perfectly pulling off the shy, mistreated kid act.

The goblin's eyes widened for barely a fraction of a second in surprise but he recomposed himself just as quickly, the previous contempt all but forgotten. "And do you, Mr. Potter, have your key?" "No sir, you see, I never received any key for my vault, is there any other way for me to access it?"

"You've never received your key?" The goblin looked displeased now, I can use this... I flinched for effect at the raised voice. "N-No sir, in fact I never even knew my parents had a vault in Gringotts." I look at him, hiding my amusement at the various emotions crossing his face and instead flinch again, making myself appear as small as I could.

"I apologise for losing my temper, but we will have to confirm your identity to make sure that you are indeed Harry Potter." The teller then calls over another goblin which must be an errand boy for goblins, trying to get a promotion. "Gornuk, lead Mr. Potter here, to see his account manager." The goblin's head snapped in my direction as soon as he heard my name. 'sigh, I gotta get used to that' "Please, follow me Mr. Potter."

After a while of confusing corners and turns which were most probably used to confuse people, we reach the Potter account manager's office. Gornuk then knocks on the door and it swings open, the goblin, Burdock as I get from his nameplate, doesn't look surprised at all, maybe he was informed of my arrival by the teller. "Ah, Mr. Potter, I've been expecting you."

(1521 words)

I don’t know why people do it but I’ve read it in almost all the fanfics So here we are, I don’t own anything except my OC as the Harry Potter franchise is owned by J.K Rowling

I upload weekly or bi-weekly

I probably sound like a broken record but I really do appreciate the constructive criticism as it helps me improve upon my writing skills.

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