
Reincarnated in Marvel Cinematic Universe

MC reincarnated in MC with wishes Please english is bot my first language the writing quality is going to be bad Also I write for fun so read it to pass time.

Anonymous2000 · Película
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16 Chs

Chapter 4

[A/N:I write this for fun so just read it to pass time.This is a rough draft.]

Ethan POV

Well, clint really did take us to his home since I have no doubt Ultron probably would have known any other location the avengers may go to but this one was kept of record so this the best place.

When reached the farm I was still in cuff's and as we walked inside Clint who was slowly taking Natasha inside yelled, "Honey I am home."Laura who came saw everyone and smiled at clint while clint continued "I brought company sorry I didn't call you ahead."

Barton came and unlocked it saying "You could have easily broken through but still kept it so I am putting my trust in you."I smiled and replied, "Don't worry I won't say a word."Clint smiled hearing that.

While Tony was babbling about Laura being an agent and Clint's kids being smaller agents Clint explained "Fury set this when I join kept it off SHIELDS files.I figured this was a best place to lay low."

It was awkward Steve's thoughts were mostly about secrets being kept while Tony was longing for a life like this away from everything. Thor who mostly affected by the visions from Wanda wanted answers as he went outside with steve following.

Laura who saw me questioned, "I have never heard about Clint mentioning you."Barton quickly pitched in"He is our newest recruit."As laura smiled and said, "Hi nice to meet you I am Laura Barton."I gave a nod and replied, "I am Ethan Hunt."

Everyone went to freshen up as I went outside to get some fresh air as I returned to the I saw the debate between Ironman and Captain America while Tony commented "I don't trust someone without a dark side"I had to agree that everyone has a dark side since it is true almost all people have darkside so saying you do not have one is kinda foolish.

I knew what the debate was on about so I tuned it out as I entered Barton's house I saw Fury was studying me as questioned, "With all your powers I find it possible to believe you are from earth."I shrugged and replied, "Born and raised on earth I am human at least I was."Fury raised an eyebrow since he couldn't find any deceit.

As Fury narrowed his eyes at me and said "My mind is telling me you are a threat but my instincts are telling you are not."I smiled questioned, "So what do you think."

Fury didn't say anything as he went to the kitchen I heard him muttering "I am getting too old for this shit."The poor guy was doubtful of captain Marvel being able to defeat me if I go rogue.

In the Kitchen everyone was assembled I didn't take part in the discussion since I am not technically an Avenger as Banner who saw I was quite asked, "What do you think Ethan."

I replied, "He is always basing his robot bodies on humans but biologically speaking we are not efficient nor are we perfect." Natasha who heard this replied, "But stark and Bruce had programmed to protect the human race but you failed."

Hearing what I said Banner muttered, "They don't need to be protected they need to evolve, Ultron wants to Evolve."Fury who heard questioned, "How."

Tony who caught on said, "He is going to go after Helen Cho we have to move now."

Everyone who heard this immediately went to get their gear as we soon made our way to Seoul with to U-GIN Research Group building as I was with Steve as we saw Helen and few other staff members bleeding.

I immediately created an ability advanced healing and started to heal all of them as Cho looked at me with Gratitude while Steve who looked at me asked: "How many abilities do you have."I replied, "I will explain later now let's move."

Steve and confirmation from Hawkeye on where the Cradle and went after it while I flew to get Cradle with steve in tow who I dropped on top of the Truck with Ultron started to fight Steve while I took the Cradle and flew since Ultron was pretty busy with Steve as I dropped the Cradle in the jet.

I saw two mini Ultron coming towards the jet as I yelled " Clint take the cradle away from I will take care of everything."Clint although wanted to stay but knew he had to go as quickly gave a nod and went.

I flew straight towards both of Ultron puppet's with their energy blast doing no damage I ripped both of their heads off. Then tried to finding Cap who somehow gotten Ultron to fight on fucking train I saw Wanda, Pietro, and Steve all fighting Ultron seeing me knew he was outmatched quickly shot a blast towards train driving compartment and escaped as I used telekinesis to stop the train since I knew the Train will crash if I don't.

Everyone started get out as I told Steve "Look after both Hydra's I am going after Ultron."I used technopathy to get fix on his location flew full speed catching up to him and Tackling him also making use of technopathy to cut off his connection to other bodies so that he cannot escape also I started taking all his important memories and security tape he saw of wanda using her powers on Tony as I pierced right through his chest while looked at me and said "What are you" I didn't reply as I ripped his heart off.

I sighed "Now I have to see what is happening in Stark tower and quickly flew there only to find Stark and Banner busy with trying to get vision ready I used Telepathy to make them ignore and went to Jarvis matrix and started to repair it with Technopathy.

I thought while doing it "JARVIS is a thousand times better than Vision."

But soon it was absolute mayhem as steve entered the scene and said "I am going say this once shut it down."Tony replied, "No not gonna happen."

Steve replied with full confidence "You don't know what you are doing."Banner irritated asked "And you do ? She's no in your head?"Wanda apologized "I know you're angry."

Well, I decided to watch the mayhem also their dumbfounded faced when they know Ultron is dead the fight soon broke out as I saw Steve try to hit tony when he is not even in his suit it is pure luck tony summoned his armor otherwise I know for sure a full power punch from a super soldier will cause some serious damage.

I saw the fight end with Thor summoning lightning and awakening Jarvis, not vision Jarvis who fully exploded from the cradle looked confused as Tony asked with hope "Jarvis is that you."

Jarvis now looked at Tony said, "Yes sir it is me who else can it be."Hearing it is Jarvis Steve who was confused questioned "So you are not a child of Ultron."Jarvis looked offended "No I am not."

Wanda pitched in "But I saw the destruction when I read your mind."Jarvis looked at Wanda and replied "Then try it now."

Thor then started to explained the infinity stones and the gem being the mind stone whose destructive capabilities are unparalleled and steve questioned "Then why would you bring it."Thor cut him off saying "No because Stark is right we need that to defeat Ultron."

I had enough and as I said "Ultron is dead or finished."Hearing this everyone turned to me while Tony questioned "Did I hear you right you defeated Ultron."I nodded as Banner asked "How."

I shrugged and replied, "I have many abilities one of them is technopathy I cut of Ultron's abilities to jump to another body then destroyed him since he had no other body to jump he is finished."

Everyone looked at me like deer caught staring in headlights including Natasha who asked "So he is gone."I just gave nod and replied, "Yes he is gone but I want to know why dear old cap decided to take the word of Hydra and attack his own teammates."

Steve who miffed but seeing everyone's eyes were on him as he said "Wanda told me tony will do anything to fix this and about Ultron not knowing whether he is saving or destroying earth from Tony."

Everyone was staring at Steve like he is an idiot Natasha looked at steve and said " And you just took her word for that I know Tony has an ego and is arrogant but what she said is absolute bullshit."I had created another ability Nullification which basically now took away both Wanda and Pietro's powers and both didn't notice it.

Steve looked put out when I questioned "Wanda do you want to tell everyone hears the truth about Ultron's Creation."hearing this everyone looked at me curiously as Tony asked "What do you mean."Wanda was slightly afraid.

I smirked and said, "Tony did you have a vision in struckers base right."Tony nodded he connected the dots although even fury told him it was the witch he ignored it but now he narrowed eyes at the witch.

Seeing everyone was looking at Wanda for answers Pietro tried to grab wanda and sped off only for him to find out he cannot as I grinned and replied noticed you don't have your abilities do you now Pietro."

Both Wanda and Pietro looked at me with anger and fear as steve came to their defense "They are kids they didn't know what they were doing."I looked at Steve and said "Is that so"

I placed one hand in the computer panel then used technopathy to bring out the memories of Ultron meeting the Twins and security clips from hydra base."Everyone who saw this was now glaring at the twins.

Banner asked, "You were trying to kill tony because of a missile that killed your parents you do know how stupid that sounds."Wanda who was angry hearing this yelled,"Yes it was stark's missile that killed them he is at fault."

I simply replied, "So you are telling me if you get into a car accident instead of blaming the driver of the car you will blame the car company's owner."This made Pietro and Wanda felt like they have been slapped I continued "Instead of going after the one who ordered or launched the missile you came after the owner of the company."Both the twins felt like they were slapped once again.

Natasha now pitched in "Stark's weapons only had a small percentage of malfunctioning so what hit your house must be fake also the all stark missiles are marked Stark industries, not Stark."The twins really got a huge reality check their thoughts screamed about their hatred for Stark was misplaced.

Steve who had enough "I get that the twins were wrong but they need a second chance they helped me in the Train."Everyone looked at each other while Tony sighed "So you are telling me to add them to the Avengers."Steve nodded as everyone discussed as the casualties were low and captain America's word carried weight atleast for now but after I am finished with him everyone will see him as normal person.

Banner glaring at the twins said, "I can't be next to those two after what they did so no."

Thor nodded and said, "I agree with Banner it is no for me too".Natasha who heard everything sighed "I got a second to do good so I will give both of them a chance." Steve smiled hearing that but soon the smile was gone "But they will be on probation for 1 year after what they did it is hard to trust them fully." Clint simply replied, "I was mind-fucked by Loki so I understand what Stark is feeling also like Natasha said she got a second chance so they should too but I am abstaining my vote."All of them were feeling guilty about blaming tony for the Ultron.

The twins felt their second chance at redemption was not going happen as they saw the deciding vote was stark feeling he will decline after what the did to him they but to there surprise Tony said: "I will give them a chance because it is because of my negligence that Stane sold under the table."

The Twins felt happy to at least get a chance to redeem themselves as everyone looked to me while I questioned "What."Barton smiled and said, "You are after all our new recruit after all."I raised an eyebrow hearing that as I saw all of them expect steve to nod at that.