
Reincarnated in Marvel Cinematic Universe

MC reincarnated in MC with wishes Please english is bot my first language the writing quality is going to be bad Also I write for fun so read it to pass time.

Anonymous2000 · Movies
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16 Chs

Chapter 5

[A/N:I write this for fun and please just read it to pass time also this would be taken down if you feel this is stupid also I wrote this pretty fast so do forgive me.]

Ethan POV

After the whole getting into avengers I found all the Vibranium Ultron had amassed and all his other bodies in a base he created in Sokvia after that catching Karpov who hid in Cleveland, Ohio was easy since he is the one who ordered the hit on The Starks I wanted Tony's anger to be directed at the right person although he will be.

I was really now decided to contact the Ancient One I went to their New York sanctum and knocked on their door as Daniel Drumm the master of this sanctum opened the door and questioned, "Yes what can do for you."

I smiled said "Hello I am here to meet the Ancient one."Master Drumm raised an eyebrow hearing that as he replied "Please come inside."After that he went to call the Ancient one."

I waited for a while soon the Ancient One came as smiled and said "I have been expecting you Mr.Hunt."I was not really surprised at her knowing my name with the time stone she could have easily seen a vision of the future.

I smiled and replied, "Nice to meet you I need your help."Ancient one who nodded and asked "Is this about young Wanda maximoff."I replied "Yes she is unknowingly drawing energy from other realms it is mostly tied to her emotions I am afraid without training her powers may cause huge problem."

By the time Master drum had brought tea as Ancient one questioned "Can you bring young wanda here we may be able to help her control her powers."I smiled replied, "Yeah but I will have to talk with the Captain about which will be hard but I will try to bring her here."Ancient one gave no and asked, "You are an anomaly the futures I have seen have all begun to change and they have one thing in common you."

I didn't reply as I was returning home my mind was literally on one thing "I really need to create Teleportation ability."

I found out from Steve's thought he has one-track mind when it comes to Bucky Barnes he wanted Wanda and peitro in the avengers because 1. he wanted her to cure bucky he mostly thought her powers will help heal bucky's trigger,2. If the public can accept and willing hydra agents it is easy to accept a non-willing brainwashed one 3. He really did feel she and her brother both needed a chance. But the last one was secondary compared to the first two.

[A/N:I had many of my friends (Iron man fans ) pointed out this to me about Steve using Wanda as a way to make sure Bucky ex brainwashed hydra assassin is easily accepted into the avengers and by the public.]

I asked "Mr stark can I have a word with you in private if you will please call Ms.Potts and Rodney since this is something very important."Tony who looked at me seeing I was serious nodded and told "I will call them."

I waited in the lounging area on the top of Avengers tower it didn't take long as Tony, Pepper Potts,Rodney, and Jarvis entered the room as Tony question "So superman what is that you wanted to talk about so urgently."

I raised an eyebrow hearing that name but ignored it and said "Well during the time in Barton's safe house I accidentally came upon you and cap debating about people having darksides and stuff so I was curious about if cap is referring himself about him not having a darkside so I used telepathy to read his mind."Tony who cut in "You can read minds."

I nodded and replied, "Yes it is not something I do often but you know I was curious well I found out cap is keeping secrets from you, Tony."All of them were now looking seriously at me while Tony questioned "What secrets."

I decided to be blunt "Well during the fall of Shield Cap and Natasha cap upon some info about your parents Tony."Tony who was slightly voice was wavering questioned"Like what."

I replied "Well your parents were not killed in a car crash they were killed by hydra using the winter soldier."Tony was stunned as he didn't know what to say his friends kept lying to him as he whispered "So where is this winter soldier why is Cap to protecting him so much."

I sighed and said "The winter soldier is a brainwashed friend of Cap James Barchuban Barnes he didn't have control over his actions Cap knew it was the winter soldier or at least connected the dots since he was a hitman for hydra."I mostly found that out by what Arnim Zola showed cap there were hints or more like Zola was rubbing it in cap's face his friend is an assassin for Hydra.

Tony laughed "That hypocrite told me about keeping secrets as he himself is keeping secrets."Because of pepper,Jarvis, and Rodney being there to help tony he is taking it better than I thought.

I had the recording of Barnes killing Tony's parents but I didn't have the heart to show it. Both Pepper, Jarvis and Rodney were consoling Tony as he muttered "Did Natasha know."I sighed said, "Yes she knew but steve had told her since it was about bucky it was best for him to tell you she agreed with it because both of you didn't have a nice history also you were not present during some of the unofficial searches for bucky/destroying Hydra missions so she guessed you were coming in terms with finding of their murder."

Tony's eyes were tearing up as I continued "I also found the guy who ordered the hit on your parents."

Tony who heard this whispered is coldly "Where is that bastard."I was surprised hearing his tone as I replied "He is trapped in his own mind and now tied up in my apartment."

Tony whose suit sated assembling Rodney held him and said "Do you really plan to kill him I know he ordered the hit."Tony simply replied, "He killed my mother."

Karpov was officially dead even the police who found the body found out him being hydra closed the case and ruled it as suicide. Karpov before being killed taunted tony about his parent's death and about the video which led to me having show it to him but to thanks to pepper, Jarvis, and Rodney. They were able to control his anger but after that, he wanted nothing to do with Barnes nor with rogers as he now called him.

I was with Rodney, Pepper and Jarvis Tony said "Rodney tell rogers I am stepping down from the team okay I can't be around him nor Barnes if you find him I need time to process all this."Rodney nodded as he turned to me and said "Ethan you are going to come with me we are going to see what the great Captain America has to say about this."I just gave a nod hearing that.

I nodded as we both went to the compound Tony had but for the avengers also today was the day he was going to give them a tour of the compound.We reached the compound as everyone was present Rodney was the one giving the tour as Steve questioned "Rodney shouldn't Tony be here."

Rodney kept a stoic face even though I can feel anger rolling off him in waves as he replied "Tony has some personal problems to deal with."Natasha noticed Rodney's behavior but kept her mouth shut as Roger nodded as I told Jarvis "Jarvis can you please show Wanda and Pietro the compound while we have something to discuss."Jarvis nodded as he led the Twins a tour of the compound.

I clapped to get everybody's attention as I spoke "You Cap or Mr.Rogers I must say you are a hypocrite."

Sam who did not like my tone "Don't talk to him like.."But was shut up by Natasha who cut "Ethan what do you mean."I looked at everyone said, "Back in Clint's safe house I came upon certain info the great Captain America hid from Tony."Hearing this Steve was slightly he knew what I am talking about so did Natasha who now was glaring at steve as she questioned "You didn't tell Tony about his parents."

Steve didn't look at Natasha as he held his head down as Barton said "Hold on what secret did Cap keep from Tony."I looked at Steve and said, "Our dear captain here found out Tony's parents were murdered by hydra during the fall of SHIELD but he didn't tony about this because the killer was his best friend Bucky Barnes."Steve instantly shouted, "It was not Buckly he was brainwashed by Hydra."

Rodney coldly replied, "We know Thanks to Ethan we were able to find out who ordered the hit."Sam and Barton now was looking at steve like he didn't even know him as Sam asked "Steve you knew about this for two years."Steve once again didn't meet Sam or anyone's eyes I said to everyone "During our time in Barton's safe house you accused Tony and slightly Barton about keeping secrets from the Team but if it is the great Captain America then there is no problem."Barton was annoyed he had the right to keep that a secret after all it is his family.

Steve glared at me but couldn't come up with anything in defense as I continued "Don't worry Rogers Tony will not go after Barnes since he is stepping down from the Avengers since he said he can't stand being anywhere near you."Steve felt relief when he heard the first part, but felt like being stabbed when he heard the last part.

I simply walked towards steve and said "You know it is interesting how you judge Tony for being a former weapons producer but fully avoiding the fact Howard stark was one too. You know everyone thinks the great captain America can't do no wrong but they simply fail to recognize underneath it he is a man too I also know for a fact you would have kept this secret from Tony for the rest of his life if you can."Steve couldn't deny it.

I looked at Sam and said, "Sam I know you are a good guy but during the fall of SHIELD instead of calling you a man who Rogers just met during jogging he could have asked Tony who was his teammate also a person great with Tech instead of you."Sam could see the logic in it as he had just met steve as I continued "Another thing he didn't involve Rodney and Tony in any Hydra hunting or search Bucky missions because he was afraid Tony might find out more about Bucky."It won't be hard for Tony like Zemo could have easily collected all the info and connected the dots and found about his parent's murder.

[A/N: Since English is not my first language this is how I interpreted Steve rogers apology letter]

Another thing was was the fucking apology letter he sent tony after the civil war.

'Tony, I'm glad you're back at the compound. I don't like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours. Maybe more so than mine.' I think he forgot about Pepper, Happy, and Rodney also the last part of out the 6 current avengers only 2 were on Tony's side when the fight finished.This is the interesting part after the fight in the airport steve didn't take anyone but Bucky with him which is kinda idiotic if the threat was real Zemo could have triggered Bucky to fight Steve along with other winter soldiers obviously Steve has shown he will not hurt him.

'I've been on my own since I was 18. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army.' Another thing I was told Roger and Barnes were childhood friends so this didn't make sense to me.

'My faith's in people, I guess. Individuals. And I'm happy to say that, for the most part, they haven't let me down. Which is why I can't let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't. I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself, and I'm sorry.'If the letter ended here I will be like he admitted it was wrong for him to keep Tony's parent's murder a secret but the next part ruined it for me.

'Hopefully one day you can understand. I wish we agreed on the Accords, I really do. I know you're doing what you believe in, and that's all any of us can do. That's all any of us should. So no matter what, I promise you, if you need us... if you need me... I'll be there.' The first part basically ruined the apology before and made it seem like Tony's is the one at fault here and about the Accords, I believe both of them were right and wrong at the same time I can understand steve's worry about being used by the government but also when you think about in Tony's angle normal civilians waking up and have avengers fight in your neighborhood leaving death and destruction anyone with a right mind would be scared of the Avengers and Steve called UN a government which means he has no idea it is an organization but I know his worries about Ross and others like him.

After this no more steve bashing at least I think

Anonymous2000creators' thoughts