

Axel, a man. a thing. a... well, he doesn't know what he is. wakes up inside an egg with a system window in his face asking him to select a pokemon. Not even knowing where to start he is caught off guard when the window changes, and a big red random button appears. thankful, he smashes it like your sister. and ends up as a Gible. Luckily for him he's out of the woods and meet his trainer after hatching. Disclaimer: This is a little side project of of mine and update are irregular! I don't own anything but the oc. cover pic is not mine either so you if you are the creator and wish me to remove it, let me know. thanks.

McTripp · Cómic
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: Professor Oaks lab. ( Part 1)

"Look Alduin! It's so beautiful!" Cynthia called out happily as she pointed to the window.

"GibGible." ' Yeah I can see, but can you stop saying that?' I replied while standing on Cyn's lap, she had been saying everything was beautiful since the plane had taken off and it was really starting to get annoying.

As we looked through the window of the airplane at the scene below as it came in to land.

It truly was a beautiful sight, the bustling expanse of Viridian city was surrounded on all sides by the lush green canopy of the forests that wrapped it.

It was a marvellous display of mankind's ingenuity in an otherwise primeval world.

Whether it was the skyscrapers that reached for the heavens or the high rise hotels and apartment complexes down to normal houses, shops and restaurants that stretched out in gridded patterns all the way to the towering walls that hugged the city protectively. It was beautiful, massive and serene.

There was even a spot on the western side of the city where I could see some of the kanto regions more historical architecture, showing just how far humanity had come over the years.

Sitting back down I snuggled up with Cynthia while she subconsciously wrapped her arms around me in a hug, still mesmerised while watching the the scenery outside the plane.

The airplane trip had been relatively long, taking the better part on day in transit, just over eighteen hours of mind numbing boredom.

Axel now named Alduin by Cynthia had refused to enter his pokeball and regretted it twenty minutes into the flight but being as stubborn as he was decided to stay out even in his boredom and made up the time by sleeping on Cynthia's lap as she scratched that good spot between his eyes, much to his delight.

*Ding dong ding*

"Ladies and gentlemen we have now landed in Viridian city, please remain seated until the engines have been switched off.

The current time in Viridian city is 9:13am. on behalf of alliance airlines we would like to thank you for flying with us, we will be exiting through the front door today and please remember to collect your personal items before departing the aircraft.

For those passengers returning from their travels, we welcome you home. and for those who are visiting, welcome to Viridian city. We hope you enjoy your stay here.

Thank you."

Finally the intercom rang out as the plane touched down and Carolina who had been seated in the aisle seat next to us turned and spoke. "So Cynthia, are you ready to make some friends?"

Cynthia looked away from the window and hummed. "Maybe, if they are worthy. But Grandma will there really be anyone talented enough? besides we are here to learn from the professor Oak and other instructors."

"You will see soon enough child." Caroline finished with a mirthful smile. Cynthia sure was overconfident with her Gible, it would be good if one of the other young talents could knock her down a peg.

Soon the aircraft came to a complete stop and they were allowed to exit from it. as Caroline, Cynthia and Alduin made their way out of the airplane and into the lobby area Caroline spotted a young man wearing a lab coat, he was holding a sign that had three names on it.




Cynthia also spotted the lab assistant and they made their way over to him as the lab assistant waved at them and introduced himself. "Hello there Professor Caroline, I am Professor Oaks assistant Jerry Lintfield. Welcome to Viridian city and Kanto region by extension."

"Greetings young man." Carolina offered back kindly.

"Ahh, you are the one who wrote the letter! hi Jerry I'm Cynthia nice to meet you." Cyn Waved at him.

Jerry chuckled. "Ahh yes, that would be me letter writer extraordinaire, I apologise for the delay while you are already and would surely like to get moving but the flight from Hoenn has just landed as well so it won't be long until our other guest arrives."

"That's alright, it's nice to stretch the legs after an eighteen hour flight, Jerry." Caroline replied.

Cynthia just shrugged and knelt down to play with Alduin who was busy watching all the other pokemon walking around with thier trainers, so of them looked strong while others were cute like the eevee that had just walked past them with its trainer, it's brown fur was well maintained and combed there was even a blue ribbon tied around its neck where hung a small silver bell that let out soothing chimes with each of the eevees steps.

They didn't have to wait long as Cynthia spotted a Boy around her age walking towards them with a excited smile on his face, He had blue hair and eyes, though his clothing style was abit weird as he wore a orange shirt with black and white outlines and some baggy blue trunks. alongside him walked a chubby yellow thing that Cynthia had never seen before. it had squintty eyes and two red rings on its cheeks, it's head had a knot-like structure on it... possibly its ears? and it's hands and chest were gray like it was wearing a bib and had boxing gloves on.

Over all it was one of the more ugly pokemon that Cynthia had seen.

"Hello there everyone, names Brawly and this is my best bud Makuhita." Brawly introduced himself and his pokemon.

"Hi there Brawly, I'm Jerry Lintfield professor Oak assistant, this is professor Caroline and her granddaughter Cynthia. Well if you all are ready to go the cars parked outside." Jerry said as he motioned them towards the exit.


Greetings and salutations my good readers, Here's another chapter, I was going to write a bit more but I've been tasked with the mission of finding a school for my son so I don't have much time today. thanks for reading and be safe out there. see you next time. I'm out.

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