

Autor: McTripp
Anime & Comics
En Curso · 94.9K Visitas
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Lee la novela REINCARNATED AS A POKEMON, SO NOW WHAT? escrita por el autor McTripp publicada en WebNovel. Axel, a man. a thing. a... well, he doesn't know what he is. wakes up inside an egg with a system window in his face asking him to select a pokemon. Not even knowing where to start he is caught off gu...


Axel, a man. a thing. a... well, he doesn't know what he is. wakes up inside an egg with a system window in his face asking him to select a pokemon. Not even knowing where to start he is caught off guard when the window changes, and a big red random button appears. thankful, he smashes it like your sister. and ends up as a Gible. Luckily for him he's out of the woods and meet his trainer after hatching. Disclaimer: This is a little side project of of mine and update are irregular! I don't own anything but the oc. cover pic is not mine either so you if you are the creator and wish me to remove it, let me know. thanks.

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"Not all people can be trusted... Not all intentions are good... And not all decisions are made for the benefit of all... They were all lies... It was all but a LIE." - Blue During the spread of a deadly virus, a search for a cure was badly needed; Desperately needed, since we are talking about a disease so rare, it turns people into zombies. FREAKs as they are so-called here... So, with desperate times come desperate measures: An organization was established, a search party was created, and one SUBJECT became a crucial focus for finding a cure. Major Jay Cruz and his crew find this a mission worthy to die for, knowing it could save lives. But with their good intentions comes a bloody secret: THEY were all just BAIT to lure out the 'cure', which was later named the BLUE CURE. This cure, like the deadly virus, was so unusual it had to be a wild fantasy to develop into reality. Right? Well, that's what Major Cruz thought - until that one explosive incident happened. ..... As for Maxine Rose, she learned how to put up with the current new world; she aimed to thrive and survive. However, rather than being afraid of the undead, she found herself being more terrified of the unknown fear she had been feeling since her awakening. So instead of staying 'HOME', she decided to run and hide - unfortunately, that 'bastard' came. ..... As destiny was trying to connect two different lives in bringing the CURE that would save hundreds of millions of people from the undead, would this mean hope in ending Z-day for eternity? Or was it just a sick game of delusion that needed to end?

HavenNasia · Fantasía
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Project Anima: A Virtual Reality / Reincarnated Tale

Game is life-but what if your life turns into a game? Raiden believes he's a real person, but everyone sees him as an NPC. As such, he finds himself trapped in the popular Hyper-Virtual Reality game named "Defiant Sins Online," an expansive, artificial world filled with grand quests, harsh dungeons, unjust laws, and deplorable players. Haunted with an existential glitch, Raiden's only lead are fuzzy memories that suggest he's the world renowned esports player named Tristan Park. But there's only so much he could find out. The frustration drives him to form his own clan and strike a deal with several player companions-in exchange for investigating his existential crisis, he'll help them progress throughout the game. However, it would be a brutally hard journey, both virtual and reality alike. With secretive corporates abound and unforgiving dungeons in the way, it will take Raiden's clan everything to gain the truth and glory they seek. Even punished with an unfair penalty and chained to Lvl 1, Raiden's odds are ever stacked against him. How could he win if he couldn't level at all? He would have to rely on nothing but his innate intellect and prodigious reflexes to lead his clan to victory. Not only that, but underneath his soul lies a dark, anomalous force, threatening to invade his consciousness. Raiden must find his identity soon, or risk losing it entirely. Despite all the confusion, one thing's for sure-Raiden would do whatever it takes to find the truth, even it means achieving the impossible. Good for fans of Final Fantasy, DND, SAO, King's Avatar, Monster Hunter, Rising of the Shield Hero, 7 Deadly Sins, and Westworld. Book cover edit done by me. Credits to the original artist for the raw photo. Copyright 2021 TM Phantom. All right reserved.

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Tempat Jual Obat Aborsi Cod Bekasi 0822-9762-1770 Obat Cytotec Bekasi

Apotik Jual Obat Aborsi Cytotec Cod Bekasi Wa 0822-9762-1770 Agen Obat Aborsi Bekasi, Penjual Obat Penggugur Kandungan Cytotec Di Bekasi, Tempat Jual Obat Cytotec Cod Bekasi, Alamat Jual Cytotec Obat Aborsi Di Bekasi, Pusat Obat Gynaecosid Asli Bekasi, Toko Penjual Obat Gastrul Ampuh Di Bekasi, Klinik Menggugurkan Janin Di Bekasi, Konsultasi Mengenai Penggugur Kehamilan Bekasi, Kontak Penjual Obat Peluntur Kandungan Area Bekasi, Grosir Obat Cytotec Terbesar Daerah Bekasi, Layanan Menggugurkan Kandungan Terpercaya Kota Bekasi, Dokter Spesialis Aborsi Wilayah Bekasi Jawa Barat, Apotik 24Jam Jual Obat Aborsi Pfizer Cod Bekasi, Jual Obat Aborsi Cytotec Usia 1 Bulan Di Bekasi, Obat Aborsi Cytotec Usia 2 Bulan Di Bekasi, Obat Cytotec Usia 3 Bulan Di Bekasi, Obat Gastrul Usia 4 Bulan Di Bekasi, Obat Aborsi Cytotec Usia 5 Bulan Di Bekasi, Obat Aborsi Cytotec Usia 6 Bulan Di Bekasi, Obat Aborsi Cytotec Usia 7 Bulan Di Bekasi, Membantu Menggugurkan Kehamilan Tuntas, Info Aborsi Paling Akurat Di Bekasi, Cara Aborsi Kandungan Kuat Dengan Aman, Efek Samping Obat Cytotec 200mg, Panduan Cara Pemakaian Obat Aborsi Cytotec Khusus Di Bekasi. Kami Jual Obat Aborsi Cytotec Cod Bekasi, Layanan Agen Cytotec Penjual Obat Penggugur Kandungan Paling Asli, Ampuh Dan Aman Di Bekasi. Untuk Anda Yang Ingin Melakukan Aborsi Secara Cepat Meski Kandungan Kuat Pasti 100% Tuntas. Kami Menyediakan Paket Obat Aborsi Cytotec 200mg, Obat Gastrul, Dan Obat Gynaecosid Yang Bisa Menjadi Pilihan Untuk Menggugurkan Janin Usia 1 Bulan Sampai 7 Bulan. Mengenai Aborsi, Apakah Aman Melakukan Aborsi Sendiri? “Abortion” Adalah dengan membendung hormon yang di perlukan untuk mempertahankan kehamilan yaitu hormon progesterone, karena hormon ini di bendung, maka jalur kehamilan mulai membuka dan leher rahim menjadi melunak, sehingga mulai mengeluarkan darah yang merupakan tanda bahwa obat telah bekerja (maksimal 1 jam sejak obat diminum) darah inilah yang kemudian menjadi pertanda bahwa pasien telah mengalami menstruasinya, sehingga secara otomatis kandungan di dalamnya telah hilang dengan sendirinya 100% berhasil. HIMBAUAN : Bagi anda yang ingin menggugurkan kandungan sekarang ini banyak sekali pasien yang datang dan mengeluh dengan beredarnya obat aborsi palsu yang di jual online. Kami menyarankan kepada anda jangan tergiur dengan harga obat aborsi murah. Pastikan membeli di web https://hallobunda.store Karna kami terbaik dari yang lain. INGAT : Obat yang asli tidak ada warna lain selain warna putih & bentuknya cuma segi enam bukan yang lain dan isi paket sama yang beda dosis obatnya saja, dalam isi paket ada 4 jenis obat yaitu: Cytotec misoprostol 200mcg, Antibiotik, Pendorong, Dan Pembersih. Jika Anda Berminat Dengan Produk Obat Aborsi Cytotec Bekasi Kami Bisa Langsung Konsultasi Via Kontak Dibawah Ini. WhatsApp : 0822-9762-1770 Telpon Dan Sms : 0822-9762-1770 AWAS: OBAT PALSU PASTI BERKEMASAN PLASTIK BIASA, KARNA OBAT YANG ASLI MASIH BERKEMASAN TABLET UTUH, BENTUKNYA TABLET PUTIH SEGI ENAM ( |46| SEARLI ) BUKAN BULAT POLOS…! Pengiriman obat aborsi cytotec Bekasi dilakukan melalui JNE, POS, Dan JNT. Untuk Pengiriman 1-2Hari Sampai. Untuk Luar Negeri POS EMS 3-4 Hari. DIJAMIN 100% SAMPAI DITEMPAT TUJUAN ALAMAT RUMAH ANDA, TERIMAKASIH SUDAH BERKENAN MENYEMPATKAN WAKTU UNTUK MEMBACA IKLAN KAMI, DAN SUDAH MEMPERCAYAI PRODUK OBAT ABORSI CYTOTEC KAMI, KEPUASAN PELANGGAN MENJADI PRIORITAS UTAMA KAMI.

Rambut_Qribo · Fantasía
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1 Chs


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Not bad so far, its a good read just wish it had more.


Great start for the story can’t wait to see more of the shiny gible duh I wish you could of gotten flamethrower for an egg move would be handy against ice type Pokémon that gible would be battle since dragon types are weak against ice types.


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