
Reincarnated as a cheat: The life of a slime goblin.(Hiatus)

It's the story of a man who lives an unhappy life. He has no friends or family and a job he hates the only thing he loves are the animes,mangas and novels. He always loved isekai the most and always wanted to get summoned or reincarnated in another world. One day he was crossing the road and a truck(truck-kun) came and made his wish true. Now the MC is reincarnated as a goblin but not just a normal goblin he's a special goblin that can only be described as a cheat. Now our MC will start his new life as a cheat goblin in a new world.

Kiony_Fey · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Chapter-1: The dishonorable one

Well, another day of work in my boring life just ended.

Once again I'm going home alone, with the only thing to make me feel something being the cold breeze of the night, feeling the wind in my face and hair as I try not to think about my depressive lifestyle.

My parents have long gone to the other side and I never had any siblings so, I was left alone, an orphan. Unfortunately, I was never adopted and just grew up in the poor environment of a third-rate orphanage, and had to study in the local public school luckily getting a pretty good education and that gave me hope that maybe things would eventually get better, and they actually did for a while I had 'friends' and people that seemed to care, but as time passed I slowly realized that unlike them I was not a talented person and we slowly grew worlds apart. I don't have any family or friends, it's just me. What's the point in life if I have nobody?

It's a question most would ask themselves in my situation, but I am fine that way, even tho I do feel lonely from time to time. I don't really need people with me all the time or at least I tell myself so all the time.

But reality is humans can't live all by themselves, even if I'm resistant to loneliness, I can't stay alone forever that's reality. I wish I had realized that before I was all alone, tried to make connections with more people even if it's not that real it's still better than nothing, right?

Well, now the only things I have besides my hateful job is my otaku life, watching anime, reading manga and novels, it's my only escape from u my sad life.

I especially love isekais, they are my favorite genre of story, the ones about worlds of sword and magic are my thing. I don't even know how many I've read or seen, but they are quite the amount. It's just the best way I have of making it feels less real, the pain I feel every day. That feeling that no matter how hard you try, others will never even look at you because you're just not worth it..... Oh sorry, I'm getting all depressive again.

If I could ever get reincarnated or summoned to a world of swords and magic, I would just live my life how I felt like, even if it was a hard world to live in, I would do it. Maybe then just for once I would feel accomplished, successful... I would finally matter.

It would be nice to build a harem of my own, maybe a country/Kingdom, became the strongest or highest rank adventurer, master all magic or skills, just go around exploring a new world, having a hard new life full of people against u or something like that. Anything feels better than my current emptiness, I guess.

All these and much more sound like interesting experiences. Things that would truly only happen in fantasy or dreams, things that I deeply wish were my reality all I want us just one thing, one field where I can expel and for once have others acknowledge my existence.

"hahaha, to have such delusions at my age, seriously am I that lonely? That desperate? Well, wouldn't it be nice if fantasy like things such as those would actually happen in real life?"(Protagonist)

I was saying such things while crossing the road, I would soon reach my small apartment and read some of my fantasy stories to drift away from my pessimism, and just as sudden as my negative thoughts, a bright light came at a high speed in my direction. I couldn't even see what it was, I could only stay still and do nothing. I've heard that once you know you'll die the memories of your life flash through your brain like if telling: "So much has already happened, there were good and bad times but we made up here, is this really the end?".

For the first time, I felt this kind of stimulus, and the memories that embraced me right before my life ends, they were small details and things that if only I had paid attention to, I could have lived a better life. In the end, I questioned myself for the first time. "Was I really the one who put myself in that situation?", I had mostly blamed it on others for rejecting me, but maybe I never wanted to be accepted in the first place...

Those last thoughts just like me disappeared as fast as they appeared and my mind fell into a darkness that I had yet to experience.

Not much is needed to guess in what kind of situation I am in, I'm either in a coma or I'm...Dead. I'm most probably dead, considering what I just experienced, but funny enough, I don't remember what happened before I died, I still have that feeling of the end for me has come, yet I can't remember what happened... Maybe it's better this way... so, this is the feeling of death huh? Such coldness and disgust, it's otherworldly... I can't describe it only feel it. If I had to compare it to anything, I would say it's like sleep paralysis but many dimensions worse than it.

"So, what happens now? Will, I simply rest here doing nothing for the rest of eternity? Or is the so-called other life real? Maybe I'll just get to start my life over but remember all my experiences..... That would be pretty interesting, hahaha!"(Protagonist)

I thought to myself questioning and trying not to fell into the realization of my situation, I rather never have to think than to reflect for the rest of continuity.

As I was questioning what would happen next and avoiding depressing myself, time went by and I have no grasp of how long I've been in this situation, but it's probably been hours of pure nothing except myself. Having to get around not falling into to the negative side of my situation is something I've always found hard, cause most of the time what's viewed as negative is the sync with reality and that's just how it is.

While I was starting to think, that this might be the end of the line for me. I started feeling things around myself again change.

That aura of nothingness that had formed around me was slowly fading away as my once lost senses were re-surfacing and taking me over, I can't say it's pleasant neither can I deny my relief. I could once again after an unknown period, feel again.

I try opening my eyes out of reflex without even noticing, and I could feel a slight gush of wind flow against me as my eyes slowly widen to once again, appreciate the raw beauty of the world around me.

"Arrrrgh! Too much light!"(Protagonist)

As once I open them, I can feel my eyes burning in genuine pain and I immediately close them.

I give myself a bit of time and then I try again, this time opening them much slower than before and properly giving my eyes time to adjust.

"Wow! The blue sky sure looks beautiful, scenes like this just have great contrast between the leaves of the trees with rays of light giving it the last touch."(Protagonist)

I look around and finally realize I'm in the middle of a forest. How? Is it maybe? Reincarnation?..... No.... This, this can't be..... Can it?

As I question myself, I observe my surroundings, and not too far away from me, there are a body and a puddle of water with a lot of blood surrounding them. Just, what happened here? I couldn't help but ask myself.

Since I got curious, I start to get up and as I'm getting up, I look at my hands and th-the-they are... green! Yes, green! They are green with black ugly nails, and the same goes for my foot being green with black nails.

Also, I seem to have shrunken, I'm now about 50 to 60 cm(1.9 feet) high. Did I reincarnate into a goblin?!

"WHY A GOBLIN?!?!?! Aaaarrrrghhgh!"(Protagonist)

I yelled in frustration as I realized that my so waited and wanted experience might not be, what I hoped for.

"Hahaha! I am such a letdown.... I said I would take regardless and am already complaining about the first inconvenience.... Instead of complaining I could try and figure out my situation."(Protagonist)

Out of all the monsters I got one of the weakest and most hated ones, goblins are known for having a hideous appearance, I'm even afraid to look at myself in a mirror. With such thought in mind, I start touching my face and.....

It's not as bad as I thought, even though my face doesn't seem to look good, it's not as ugly as I thought, or at least that's what I hope.

While I was hoping to not be too ugly, I once again focused on the corpse that is just some meters away from me.

Even though just looking at this should have Been enough to make me feel unwell or disgusted, right now looking at this goblin corpse, the only thing in my mind is "FOOD! It's edible!". Since I woke up a while ago, I have been feeling unusually hungry, at first, I thought I could control it, but I can't.

So, I lost to my instincts and devoured the goblin corpse and even the puddle of water, that wasn't water, it was jelly-like and I believe it was a slime, just another weak monster that is considered a beginner-level monster just like goblins.

Only bones are left huh? I will try to not think too much about what I just did. At least now I'm full and can think better yeah, let's be positive.

I'm now in a new life, in a new world. I doubt I'm just asleep or in coma in a hospital, and even if I am, It won't change anything! So, let's just try to live in this knew world, not like I can do anything about this, like try to go back to my world and even if I could, I wouldn't.

I don't have friends or family there, I don't have any attachment there and I have always wanted to live in another world. So, it's perfect! Well, I still have to confirm there's magic in this world and some other things that as an isekai fan have to see and try for myself. Let's start this new life as a goblin in a new world!

The first thing I need to test out is.



It didn't work huh? Then, What about this one?

<status screen open>

[This system function is not available yet, the screen menu must first be activated.]

What? Not available yet?

Wait maybe. Let's try that out.

<menu screen open>

As I thought of those words a floating screen window like in video games appeared in front of me.

[menu screen]









The options in front of me were:


5-Equipment,6-Map,7-Party and


Well, this is a very awesome system as it reminds me of a game I used to play called Niftirium Online also know as N.O, it was the most popular VRMMORPG in the world before it got shut down because of excessive use of players who would give up on their life to play. Maybe this world has something to do with it, but if that's the case I might know a lot more about this new world than I thought.

Ok then, let's start by looking at the party menu.




Well, it looks just like N.O and it seems the other options will only appear after someone joins my party. I'll have to test that later.

Next, the map menu.



[Do u wish to turn the auto-mapping on?


I immediately choose y, because if it's just like in N.O if you active auto-mapping, just as it sounds a mental map will be formed in your head and it will map all the areas you pass by automatically. If you chose n, you will have to do the mapping yourself, it was an option added to troll players who aren't paying attention or just skipping all the explanation and for players that like that kind of thing. Last time, when I was playing, I accidentally choose n and it was a total pain, but since the game had a crazy function where there's a low chance your character will be a prodigy and have high stats and my character was one of those with very good stats, so I couldn't just delete it to start a new one and had to play like that, luckily I won't have to go through it again.



Upper body-none

Right hand-none

Left hand-none

Lower body-none



The equipment menu is also just like N.O's. Next inventory.


Space available- infinite

Maximum size allowed- infinite

Maximum weight allowed- infinite

Maximum stack number- infinite

Restrictions for storing- Conscious living beings can only be stored with their authorization, while unconscious living beings can be stored normally if the individuals do not exceed a certain level. Any non-living can be stored without restrictions.

This one surprised me as in the game you had so many restrictions and could never store living-beings in the inventory, and as for weight, only 5000kg could be stored at max and stacks only reached 99 at max, about size I don't know the exact max size, but nothing too big could be stored in the inventory, so this is a total cheat. Thanks for giving me cheats!!

Next, magic.


Attribute- All/Any

Magic that can be learned and used- All/any

Restrictions to magic- None



This is another total cheat. In the game you could at most learn 3 different elements and that only if you were dedicated to being a magician, would be impossible to learn multiple elements if you had more than one job(class). Also, you could never learn opposing elements like fire and water or ice. The worst part was you could never learn the strongest spells in an element if you only train that element, so only a full-fledged fire mage can use the strongest fire magics, but here I don't have any restrictions, so I will learn all magic for just fun and because I can do it. There are even some magic spells that can only be learned by specific races, but I can learn and use them all.

Next, skills.


Skills can be learned and used-All/any

Restrictions to skills-none


Godly Demonic purple eyes


All magic

All skills

Hyper thinking -lv-1

Ultra detection -lv-1

Ultimate regeneration-lv-1

Resistance to all abnormalities

No boredom


Universal language

How do I have all these skills? I was born today, so there's no way I could meet the conditions to get these skills and I've never seen any of them in N.O. They are probably a bonus of the system, that's probably good, but I wish I could know the effects of these skills.

As I thought that to myself some smaller windows screens started opening one after the other.

[<Godly demonic purple eyes>: It's an appraisal type skill that gives knowledge about everything to the user. The amount of information obtained depends on user's blessings.

The potential of the skill: This skill depends on the user's blessings. The higher the grades and the more blessings the user has the stronger the skill will be.

A skill bestowed to user by the Ancient Goddess of growth and evolution (Ancient god grade).

Skill used through the eyes.]

[<auto-mapping>: A skill given to the user by the system. It allows the user to have a perfect mental map of the world, it's areas will only be mapped after the user has been there once.]

[<All magic>: A skill given to the user by the system. This skills gives the user the benefit to learn and use All/any magic.]

[<All skills>: A skill given to the user by the system. This skills gives the user the benefit to learn and use All/any skill.]

[<Hyper thinking -lv-1>: It allows the user to think 2x faster than normal also gives +10 of wisdom and intelligence.

The benefits and bonuses given by the skill improve as the skill levels up.

A skill bestowed to user by the Ancient Goddess of growth and evolution (Ancient god grade).]

[<ultra detection-lv-1>: A skill that gives the user the ability to detect all living and non-living creatures in a radius of 10 meters.

The benefits and bonuses given by the skill improve as the skill levels up.

A skill bestowed to user by the Ancient Goddess of growth and evolution (Ancient god grade).]

[<Ultimate regeneration-lv-1>: The user's natural ability to heal himself/herself is increased at the cost of stamina and mana.

The benefits and bonuses given by the skill improve as the skill levels up.

A skill bestowed to user by the Ancient Goddess of growth and evolution (Ancient god grade).]

[<Resistance to all abnormalities>: It gives the user resistance to all abnormalities from 5th tier below.

A skill bestowed to user by the Ancient Goddess of growth and evolution (Ancient god grade).]

[<No boredom>: This skills allows the user to never get bored, stopping all stress from building up and it also greatly reduces the fatigue almost no fatigue is accumulated duo to this skill. This skill also greatly increases the mental abilities of the user. It gives the user +1000000000000 of stamina.

A skill bestowed to user by the Ancient Goddess of growth and evolution (Ancient god grade).]

[<Understanding>: It allows the user to have good understanding of those around him and also gives a bonus of +20 of wisdom and intelligence.

A skill bestowed to user by the Ancient Goddess of growth and evolution (Ancient god grade).]

[<Universal language>: Allows the user to speak All/any language.

A skill bestowed to user by the Ancient Goddess of growth and evolution (Ancient god grade).]

No way! I just got here and I'm already this much of a cheat?! Well, it's not like I'm complaining, give me as much as you can!

Well, now let's see what kind of stats I have.



Age:0 years old


Race:Slime Goblin(50%goblin and 50%slime)(Evolution goblin)




Father's name :none(100%goblin)

Mother's name:none(100%slime)














Blessing of the Ancient Goddess of growth and evolution (Ancient god grade).

Titles:Otherworlder, Reincarnator, The evolution goblin(slime goblin), the descendent of N and D, the one loved by the ancient goddess of growth and evolution, the one loved by spirits, kin eater,The dishonorable one, the apostle of the ancient goddess of growth and evolution.

Now I'm curious about what the stats attributes mean. I'll check it and I'll also check the blessing and the titles while I'm at it.

Hp: Is the numerical value of your life force and if it reaches 0 you die.

Mp: Is the numerical value of your magical pool and if it reaches 0, you will no longer be able to use magic. Also, you will faint and it might leave permanent damage, or even in worst cases, you die.

Sta: Is the numerical value of your stamina and if it reaches 0, you faint of exhaustion and it might leave muscular sequels if forced to the limit, or in worst cases, you'll most likely end up crippled.

Str: Is the numerical value of your physical strength.

Dex: Is the numerical value of your accuracy and hand movements.

Vit: Is the numerical value of your vitality. It enforces your health points(HP) and also your endurance.

Int: Is the numerical value of your intelligence. It represents casting ability and your magical power.

Wis: Is the numerical value of your wisdom. it represents your thought process speed and your spell casting speed and accuracy.

Char: Is the numerical value of your charm and charisma. It represents how attractive and charismatic you are to others. It also attracts people's attention to you.

Luc: Is the numerical value of your luck. It represents how lucky you are and it's the only fixed value in your status it never changes no matter how much you evolve or level up. Exceptions are possible under special conditions.

Agi: Is the numerical value of your speed and agility.

The blessing of the Goddess of growth and evolution: Is a special gift given to the user by the Goddess of growth and evolution. This blessing creates a lot of new evolutionary routes for the user and it also makes it a lot easier to evolve into rare or special races. This blessing greatly reduces the conditions to get skills and greatly improves the growth of the user making leveling up a lot easier.

The change of rare or special evolution increases by 700%.

The rate of growth improves by 320%.

Otherworlder: The title given to the ones that came from another world. It improves one's survival instincts considerably.

Reincarnator: A title given to those who reincarnated from another world. It reduces the difficulty to acquire skills, magic, and titles quite a lot.

The evolution goblin(slime goblin): The title given to the one born as a new and unique race. As long as your the only evolution goblin(slime goblin) in the world this title will greatly improves the stats of your future evolutions.

The descendant of N and D: Unknown

The one loved by the ancient goddess of growth and evolution: A title given to the one that attracted the love and attention of ancient goddess of growth and evolution. It makes you a son/daughter of ancient goddess of growth and evolution as well as her believer. It makes you a unique race that has an unprecedented growth.

The one loved by spirits: It's a title given to ones loved by spirits. It greatly improves the affinity and power of spirit magic and spiritual contracts.

Kin eater: A title given to the one that eats their own race/kin. It increases the taste when eating your kin.

The dishonorable one: A title given to the one that has betrayed their own family or kin without any remorse or guilt whatsoever. It greatly improves mental resistance through pure evil.

The apostle of the ancient goddess of growth and evolution: The title given to the one that is recognized by ancient goddess of growth and evolution. It makes you a master of growth and evolution. It also protects from external interference at the ancient god grade or lower.

Once again there is a lot of cheating here. It looks like being an otherworlder has its benefits huh? Also, that title the descendant of N and D says unknown, just what kind of title is it that even the power level of an ancient goddess won't see through. I'll have to worry about that later.

What do you mean betrayed their family or kin? Idon't understand it at all. And this ancient goddess sure likes me, to give me all this. Just what do you want from me? Nobody would give this much without wanting something in return, also, I don't remember agreeing to any of this, but it's not like I can do anything about it, anyway I will uncover this and also will not do whatever she wants me to do, because I never agreed to anything, so you just gave me all this for free in your own accord.

Loved by spirits huh? That sounds useful.

Now that I think about it, I'm curious about my race, I never heard of it, and also the title said I'm the only one in the world! What do u mean genderless?

Slime goblin (evolution goblin): A recently born new race that has the blessing of ancient goddess of growth and evolution as well as the mastery of growth and evolution.

Even though they have weak stats at first, once they evolve they become powerful beings. Since it should be impossible for other races to procreate with slime this race shouldn't exist and is the result of external interfering of a higher power. There will never be another one, and not even its descendants will be able to inherit the slime traits. They will only inherit the goblin side.

This race is new so its aging remains a mystery, but considering everything they should stop aging and live forever like vampires and fairies. Also, this race has the characteristic fast aging of goblins.

Genderless: It's a Genderless being that has the ability to change and into male, female and genderless form. To change forms just interact with the menu functions.

Notice: Currently the gebderbend functions are inaccessible due to being bound by the rules of this world. Users will be notified once they are available.

This is just too much just how much of I cheat am I like I'm eternally youth and can change my own gender, but that's very sadly unavailable!

Ok, I see so that's what each stat attribute represents, that's very useful information also my stats are really low except Luck. And even that I don't know if it's high for this world, if I use N.O as bases my luck is too great to be true, but it's still risky to think like that because even if the system has N.O as a base that's all, because, in essence, it's different from N.O.

I guess it's finally time to check Guidance. I saw it there and thought it would be my only cheat, so I left it for last but to my surprise, I'm full of cheats. Well, let's see what guidance can do.


[Do u wish to turn on the Guidance system? Y/N]

Once again I chose Y.

[The Guidance system was activated, now please name your guidance assistant]

So, I have to name my guidance assistant huh?

I will name you Sophia.

[Are you sure you want to name the Guidance system-Sophia?y/n

Warning: It will not be possible to change it later]

Yes, I'm.

[Name- Sophia has been registered]

It's kinda sad that the guidance system has a name and I don't.

"User, how may I address you?"(Sophia)

"Well, I still don't have a name so, just keep calling me user until I get one."(Protagonist)

"Understood. Is there anything the user needs from me?"(Sophia)

"You have information about this world right?"(Protagonist)

"That is indeed correct."(Sophia)

"Then, tell me all about this world."(Protagonist)

"There is some information the user still does not have access to, should I proceed the same?"(Sophia)

"Yh just tell me all I can know."(Protagonist)

Just like that my first day as goblin ended with me getting thought all about this world.

As I learn a lot about this world a question that hasn't left my mind since the beginning question repeating it self.

Why do I have the title The dishonorable one?!

Here's the new version of the first chapter!

Hope your enjoying it.

And thanks for reading!

Kiony_Feycreators' thoughts