
Reborn in the DC/Marvel

dont be to hard on me I am not a pro

Omni404_Sans · Película
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5 Chs

Is it really a wacation?

*Agh* my head hurts the last thing I remember was when that monster slammed into my house...so I am alone now all alone the last family I had was taken from me the only 2 people that did not treat me as a monster are gone what is the point of living anymore, and I can't turn into my human form any more I really did become a monster.

Raven: Astral you are awake!! I thought *sob* that*sob* you won't wake up again.

I said in a motionless voice "It would be better if I didn't wake up there is no one to wait for me at home any longer" she hugged me.

Ravan: How can you say such a thing I will be there for you now come you were sleeping for a month now you must be starving.

I followed behind her now that I look closer she is as tall as my chest actually better sed she was short, I entered a hall where Justice league where right now than Butman (I didn't misspell) came to us and sed.

Batman: I arranged a fly for New York for you two to cool down a little this trip ay help you a bit also welcome to Tin Titans.

I don't care what he really was saying right now all I want is silence I hope that trip will be quiet he also mentioned that we will be in New York for a couple of months and we will be residing in Charles school for metahumans that way we will get little more comfortable after I ate the goblin came.

Beast: so how are you sleeping beauty also didn't I tell you to keep your dis...

I cut him in talking by slamming him into the flor putting him to sleep and continued walking.

Batman: His recovery will be harder than I thought.

W.Womman: agreed.

After we entered the plane and took of Raven keep hugging me this isn't like her at all also she fell asleep on my chest because she is short I left her to sleep but I got a couple of looks that I ignored.

After we arrived we were greeted by a man in the wheelchair and some guys in yellow spandex es.

Charles: welcome Astral and Rachel I hope we can get along I am professor Charles people behind me are just for the safety measures that come inside.

As we entered there were a lot of kids one passed through the wall Rachel and I got a lot of looks that I returned and scared them just because I want my peace.

Carles: here are your uniforms schedule and also I was told to keep the two of you near so your rooms are near each other for now you don't need to go to classes but from tomorrow also feel free to explore.

As we exited the office I cough a blue looking demon man that teleported inside he also looked at me and sed.

Kurt: ha we look kinda similar nice to meet you my name is Kurt.

After the introduction, we left to the nearby park as we entered the park my flames activated burning the disc that flew my way the ones that trowed it gave me the look that sed tfk I continued to walk whit Rachel by my side than some people approached us

Logan: hello ther...

I walked past him totally ignoring him

Rachel: sorry about that he is kinda in bad mood you know lost his family and stuff.

We arrived in some type of field it was sunny I sat down and created a couple of fireballs floating around me but Rachel passed through them because I allowed her to she sat beside me and we looked at the sun than she spoke.

Rachel: I know that it is hard for you right now but you can oulvaivs rely on me I will be here for you.

I made a small smile knowing that at least I have someone than alarm set of for F sake can I have a little peace and quiet we ran back and X man was preparing.

Someone named Ra or something is trying to destroy this city I looked at Rachel she replied

Rachel: no I won't let you go.

X man was kinda confused about what she was saying I smirked and turned into a blue flame-like dragon whit halo on my head I roared slightly everyone in the mansion looked at me some of them whit fear some whit admiration and X man whit awe

"Where is that enemy I want my peace and quiet if you don't tell me I will just fly around the city till I found him" some type of blue fury pointed whit his finger and I flew in that way also they kidnaped Charles not that I care but apparently if he isn't here school will be closed.

As I fly I saw some type of what is even that it looked like a corpse that is walking in some type of armor and a couple of people whit him I landed and he started to speak.

Ra: creature why are you here?

I transformed back into my demon appearance I will call it normal since I can't turn to my human self any longer than I sed to him in an angry voice " because of you right now my peace and quiet is interrupted I came here to turn you into shish kebab" than he begins to speak.

Ra: I can give you peace if you join me and return this place back to the beginning to reform this planet as it was once before.

I turned into my dragon form and roared signaling where we are I also can manipulate my size I grew up to 20 meters high and looked at him " time for a shish kebab" I gathered mana into my mouth and fired at him he placed some type of field around him but it shattered like it was made of glass and evaporated him the other 4 ran away I left them and looked at Charles.

"So professor you feel little RAsted" he rolled his eyes I put him on my back and rared I flew through the city back to the school on the way passing X man jat that turned back.

(Charles POV)

Charles: so today I got a call from Gotham it was Batman he called me to ask if 2 of tin Titans can come to my school appeared in the latest attack one of them lost his family and it really got to him I mean to who wouldn't get getting his whole family killed also I was told that boy is apparently the most dangerous one he can turn himself into a dragon.

After they came there was a girl named Rachel and a boy Astral he seemed like he lost his will to live but when kids glared at Rachel he gave them a scary look it gave me goosebumps after we gave them schedules and all I asked logan to show them their rooms also I was told to keep them close to each other because the girl can calm him down if a boy goes wild.

After a couple of hours while I was in Cerebro Erik came and kidnaped me whit some people and was traped, apparently, this old dude Is 3000 years old mutant also known as Ra and he wants to steal my body for himself so he can control the whole world, then A blue flamed dragon landed in front of him I hope that it is not his than he asked why it came and it turned into Astral what is the kid doing here?

He sed that he disturbed his peace add quiet and that he will turn him into shish kebab and turned into his dragon form which was at the same time beautiful and terrifying his spikes and horns glowed blue and beam hit Ra evaporating him in one go then he told me that I am RAsted he probably tried to say rusted but make a pun(I am Sans after all) and placed me on his back which where calmly hot not too cold nor too hot which was strang he is made of fire or I think also I should make better heating in the mansion, we flew faster than a jet but I didn't feel any wind at all we passed the jet and headed back to the mansion

(POV end)

This will be a SANSation

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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